Example #1
CFCBindMeth_abstract_method_def(CFCMethod *method, CFCClass *klass) {
    CFCType    *ret_type      = CFCMethod_get_return_type(method);
    const char *ret_type_str  = CFCType_to_c(ret_type);
    CFCType    *type          = CFCMethod_self_type(method);
    const char *class_var     = CFCType_get_class_var(type);
    const char *meth_name     = CFCMethod_get_name(method);
    CFCParamList *param_list  = CFCMethod_get_param_list(method);
    const char *params        = CFCParamList_to_c(param_list);
    CFCVariable **vars        = CFCParamList_get_variables(param_list);
    const char *invocant      = CFCVariable_get_name(vars[0]);

    // All variables other than the invocant are unused, and the return is
    // unreachable.
    char *unused = CFCUtil_strdup("");
    for (int i = 1; vars[i] != NULL; i++) {
        const char *var_name = CFCVariable_get_name(vars[i]);
        size_t size = strlen(unused) + strlen(var_name) + 80;
        unused = (char*)REALLOCATE(unused, size);
        strcat(unused, "\n    CFISH_UNUSED_VAR(");
        strcat(unused, var_name);
        strcat(unused, ");");
    char *unreachable;
    if (!CFCType_is_void(ret_type)) {
        unreachable = CFCUtil_sprintf("    CFISH_UNREACHABLE_RETURN(%s);\n",
    else {
        unreachable = CFCUtil_strdup("");

    char *full_func_sym = CFCMethod_imp_func(method, klass);

    char pattern[] =
        "%s(%s) {\n"
        "    cfish_Err_abstract_method_call((cfish_Obj*)%s, %s, \"%s\");\n"
    char *abstract_def
        = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, ret_type_str, full_func_sym, params,
                          unused, invocant, class_var, meth_name,

    return abstract_def;
Example #2
/* Some of the ParseTuple conversion routines provided by the Python-flavored
 * CFBind module accept a CFBindArg instead of just a pointer to the value
 * itself.  This routine generates the declarations for those CFBindArg
 * variables, as well as handling some default values.
static char*
S_gen_declaration(CFCVariable *var, const char *val) {
    CFCType *type = CFCVariable_get_type(var);
    const char *var_name = CFCVariable_get_name(var);
    const char *type_str = CFCType_to_c(type);
    char *result = NULL;

    if (CFCType_is_object(type)) {
        const char *specifier = CFCType_get_specifier(type);
        if (strcmp(specifier, "cfish_String") == 0) {
            if (val && strcmp(val, "NULL") != 0) {
                const char pattern[] =
                    "    const char arg_%s_DEFAULT[] = %s;\n"
                    "    %s_ARG = CFISH_SSTR_WRAP_UTF8(\n"
                    "        arg_%s_DEFAULT, sizeof(arg_%s_DEFAULT) - 1);\n"
                result = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, var_name, val, var_name,
                                         var_name, var_name);
        else {
            if (val && strcmp(val, "NULL") != 0) {
                CFCUtil_die("Can't assign a default of '%s' to a %s",
                            val, type_str);
            if (strcmp(specifier, "cfish_Hash") != 0
                && strcmp(specifier, "cfish_Vector") != 0
                ) {
                const char *class_var = CFCType_get_class_var(type);
                char pattern[] =
                    "    CFBindArg wrap_arg_%s = {%s, &%s_ARG};\n"
                result = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, var_name, class_var,
    else if (CFCType_is_primitive(type)) {
        if (val) {
            char pattern[] = "    %s_ARG = %s;\n";
            result = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, var_name, val);
    else {
        CFCUtil_die("Unexpected type, can't gen declaration: %s", type_str);

    return result;
Example #3
static char*
S_allot_params_arg(CFCType *type, const char *label, int required) {
    const char *type_c_string = CFCType_to_c(type);
    unsigned label_len = (unsigned)strlen(label);
    const char *req_string = required ? "true" : "false";

    if (CFCType_is_object(type)) {
        const char *struct_sym = CFCType_get_specifier(type);
        const char *class_var  = CFCType_get_class_var(type);

        // Share buffers rather than copy between Perl scalars and Clownfish
        // string types.
        int use_sv_buffer = false;
        if (strcmp(struct_sym, "cfish_String") == 0
            || strcmp(struct_sym, "cfish_Obj") == 0
           ) {
            use_sv_buffer = true;
        const char *allocation = use_sv_buffer
                                 ? "alloca(cfish_SStr_size())"
                                 : "NULL";
        const char pattern[] = "ALLOT_OBJ(&arg_%s, \"%s\", %u, %s, %s, %s)";
        char *arg = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, label, label, label_len,
                                    req_string, class_var, allocation);
        return arg;
    else if (CFCType_is_primitive(type)) {
        for (int i = 0; prim_type_to_allot_macro[i].prim_type != NULL; i++) {
            const char *prim_type = prim_type_to_allot_macro[i].prim_type;
            if (strcmp(prim_type, type_c_string) == 0) {
                const char *allot = prim_type_to_allot_macro[i].allot_macro;
                char pattern[] = "%s(&arg_%s, \"%s\", %u, %s)";
                char *arg = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, allot, label, label,
                                            label_len, req_string);
                return arg;

    CFCUtil_die("Missing typemap for %s", type_c_string);
    return NULL; // unreachable
Example #4
static char*
S_build_pymeth_invocation(CFCMethod *method) {
    CFCType *return_type = CFCMethod_get_return_type(method);
    const char *micro_sym = CFCSymbol_get_name((CFCSymbol*)method);
    char *invocation = NULL;
    const char *ret_type_str = CFCType_to_c(return_type);

    if (CFCType_is_void(return_type)) {
        const char pattern[] =
            "    CALL_PYMETH_VOID((PyObject*)self, \"%s\", cfcb_ARGS);";
        invocation = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, micro_sym);
    else if (CFCType_is_object(return_type)) {
        const char *nullable
            = CFCType_nullable(return_type) ? "true" : "false";
        const char *ret_class = CFCType_get_class_var(return_type);
        const char pattern[] =
            "    %s cfcb_RESULT = (%s)CALL_PYMETH_OBJ((PyObject*)self, \"%s\", cfcb_ARGS, %s, %s);";
        invocation = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, ret_type_str, ret_type_str, micro_sym,
                                     ret_class, nullable);
    else if (CFCType_is_primitive(return_type)) {
        char type_upcase[64];
        if (strlen(ret_type_str) > 63) {
            CFCUtil_die("Unexpectedly long type name: %s", ret_type_str);
        for (int i = 0, max = strlen(ret_type_str) + 1; i < max; i++) {
            type_upcase[i] = toupper(ret_type_str[i]);
        const char pattern[] =
            "    %s cfcb_RESULT = CALL_PYMETH_%s((PyObject*)self, \"%s\", cfcb_ARGS);";
        invocation = CFCUtil_sprintf(pattern, ret_type_str, type_upcase,
    else {
        CFCUtil_die("Unexpected return type: %s", CFCType_to_c(return_type));

    return invocation;