void DNSResolveQueue::resolve(const String& hostname) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); RetainPtr<CFStringRef> hostnameCF(AdoptCF, hostname.createCFString()); RetainPtr<CFHostRef> host(AdoptCF, CFHostCreateWithName(0, hostnameCF.get())); if (!host) { atomicDecrement(&m_requestsInFlight); return; } CFHostClientContext context = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Boolean result = CFHostSetClient(host.get(), clientCallback, &context); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result); #if !PLATFORM(WIN) CFHostScheduleWithRunLoop(host.get(), CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes); #else // On Windows, we run a separate thread with CFRunLoop, which is where clientCallback will be called. CFHostScheduleWithRunLoop(host.get(), loaderRunLoop(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); #endif CFHostStartInfoResolution(host.get(), kCFHostAddresses, 0); host.releaseRef(); // The host will be released from clientCallback(). }
void DNSResolveQueue::platformResolve(const String& hostname) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); RetainPtr<CFHostRef> host = adoptCF(CFHostCreateWithName(0, hostname.createCFString().get())); if (!host) { decrementRequestCount(); return; } CFHostClientContext context = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; CFHostRef leakedHost = host.leakRef(); // The host will be released from clientCallback(). Boolean result = CFHostSetClient(leakedHost, clientCallback, &context); ASSERT_UNUSED(result, result); #if !PLATFORM(WIN) CFHostScheduleWithRunLoop(leakedHost, CFRunLoopGetMain(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes); #else // On Windows, we run a separate thread with CFRunLoop, which is where clientCallback will be called. CFHostScheduleWithRunLoop(leakedHost, loaderRunLoop(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode); #endif CFHostStartInfoResolution(leakedHost, kCFHostAddresses, 0); }