Example #1
void PlatformCALayer::drawRepaintIndicator(CGContextRef context, PlatformCALayer* platformCALayer, int repaintCount, CGColorRef customBackgroundColor)
    char text[16]; // that's a lot of repaints
    snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%d", repaintCount);
    CGRect indicatorBox = platformCALayer->bounds();


    indicatorBox.size.width = 12 + 10 * strlen(text);
    indicatorBox.size.height = 27;
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.5f);
    CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(context, indicatorBox, 0);
    if (customBackgroundColor)
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, customBackgroundColor);
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0, 0.5f, 0.25f, 1);
    CGContextFillRect(context, indicatorBox);
    if (platformCALayer->acceleratesDrawing())
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 0, 0, 1);
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    platformCALayer->drawTextAtPoint(context, indicatorBox.origin.x + 5, indicatorBox.origin.y + 22, CGSizeMake(1, -1), 22, text, strlen(text));
Example #2
bool MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositor_BeginLayer(void *p_context, const MCRectangle& p_clip, uint32_t p_opacity, uint32_t p_ink)
	MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositorContext *self;
	self = (MCTileCacheCoreGraphicsCompositorContext *)p_context;
	CGContextSaveGState(self -> cgcontext);
	// MW-2012-09-18: [[ Bug 10202 ]] If the ink is no-op then ensure nothing happens.
	if (p_ink == GXnoop)
		CGContextClipToRect(self -> cgcontext, CGRectZero);
		CGContextClipToRect(self -> cgcontext, CGRectMake(p_clip . x, self -> viewport_height - (p_clip . y + p_clip . height), p_clip . width, p_clip . height));
		CGContextSetAlpha(self -> cgcontext, p_opacity / 255.0);
		CGBlendMode t_blend_mode;
			case GXblendMultiply:
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeMultiply;
			case GXblendScreen: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeScreen;
			case GXblendOverlay: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeOverlay;
			case GXblendDarken: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeDarken;
			case GXblendLighten: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeLighten;
			case GXblendDodge: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeColorDodge;
			case GXblendBurn: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeColorBurn;
			case GXblendSoftLight: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeSoftLight;
			case GXblendHardLight: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeHardLight;
			case GXblendDifference: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeDifference;
			case GXblendExclusion: 
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeExclusion;
				t_blend_mode = kCGBlendModeNormal;
		CGContextSetBlendMode(self -> cgcontext, t_blend_mode);
	return true;
void PlatformCALayer::drawRepaintIndicator(CGContextRef context, PlatformCALayer* platformCALayer, int repaintCount, CGColorRef customBackgroundColor)
    char text[16]; // that's a lot of repaints
    snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%d", repaintCount);

    CGRect indicatorBox = platformCALayer->bounds();
    indicatorBox.size.width = 12 + 10 * strlen(text);
    indicatorBox.size.height = 27;

    CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.5f);
    CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(context, indicatorBox, 0);

    if (customBackgroundColor)
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, customBackgroundColor);
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0, 0.5f, 0.25f, 1);

    CGContextFillRect(context, indicatorBox);

    if (platformCALayer->acceleratesDrawing())
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 0, 0, 1);
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 1, 1, 1);

#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
    CGContextSetTextMatrix(context, CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1));
    CGContextSelectFont(context, "Helvetica", 22, kCGEncodingMacRoman);
    CGContextShowTextAtPoint(context, indicatorBox.origin.x + 5, indicatorBox.origin.y + 22, text, strlen(text));
#pragma clang diagnostic pop

Example #4
void ImageBuffer::putByteArray(Multiply multiplied, ByteArray* source, const IntSize& sourceSize, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint)
    if (!m_context->isAcceleratedContext()) {
        m_data.putData(source, sourceSize, sourceRect, destPoint, internalSize(), m_context->isAcceleratedContext(), multiplied == Unmultiplied);

    // Make a copy of the source to ensure the bits don't change before being drawn
    IntSize sourceCopySize(sourceRect.width(), sourceRect.height());
    OwnPtr<ImageBuffer> sourceCopy = ImageBuffer::create(sourceCopySize, 1, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB, Unaccelerated);
    if (!sourceCopy)

    sourceCopy->m_data.putData(source, sourceSize, sourceRect, IntPoint(-sourceRect.x(), -sourceRect.y()), sourceCopy->internalSize(), sourceCopy->context()->isAcceleratedContext(), multiplied == Unmultiplied);

    // Set up context for using drawImage as a direct bit copy
    CGContextRef destContext = context()->platformContext();
    CGContextConcatCTM(destContext, AffineTransform(CGContextGetCTM(destContext)).inverse());
    CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(destContext, kCGInterpolationNone);
    CGContextSetAlpha(destContext, 1.0);
    CGContextSetBlendMode(destContext, kCGBlendModeCopy);
    CGContextSetShadowWithColor(destContext, CGSizeZero, 0, 0);

    // Draw the image in CG coordinate space
    IntPoint destPointInCGCoords(destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x(), internalSize().height() - (destPoint.y()+sourceRect.y()) - sourceRect.height());
    IntRect destRectInCGCoords(destPointInCGCoords, sourceCopySize);
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> sourceCopyImage(AdoptCF, sourceCopy->copyNativeImage());
    CGContextDrawImage(destContext, destRectInCGCoords, sourceCopyImage.get());
Example #5
void CGDrawContext::setGlobalAlpha (float newAlpha)
	if (newAlpha == currentState.globalAlpha)

	CGContextSetAlpha (cgContext, newAlpha);

	CDrawContext::setGlobalAlpha (newAlpha);
Example #6
void CGDrawContext::drawBitmap (CBitmap* bitmap, const CRect& inRect, const CPoint& inOffset, float alpha)
	if (bitmap == 0 || alpha == 0.f)
	CGBitmap* cgBitmap = bitmap->getPlatformBitmap () ? dynamic_cast<CGBitmap*> (bitmap->getPlatformBitmap ()) : 0;
	CGImageRef image = cgBitmap ? cgBitmap->getCGImage () : 0;
	if (image)
		CGContextRef context = beginCGContext (false, true);
		if (context)
			CRect rect (inRect);
			rect.makeIntegral ();
			CPoint offset (inOffset);
			offset.makeIntegral ();

			CGContextSetAlpha (context, (CGFloat)alpha*currentState.globalAlpha);

			CGRect dest;
			dest.origin.x = rect.left - offset.h;
			dest.origin.y = -(rect.top) - (bitmap->getHeight () - offset.v);
			dest.size.width = cgBitmap->getSize ().x;
			dest.size.height = cgBitmap->getSize ().y;
			CGRect clipRect2;
			clipRect2.origin.x = rect.left;
			clipRect2.origin.y = -(rect.top) - rect.height ();
			clipRect2.size.width = rect.width (); 
			clipRect2.size.height = rect.height ();
			CGContextClipToRect (context, clipRect2);

			CGLayerRef layer = cgBitmap->getCGLayer ();
			if (layer == 0)
				BitmapDrawCountMap::iterator it = bitmapDrawCount.find (cgBitmap);
				if (it == bitmapDrawCount.end ())
					bitmapDrawCount.insert (std::pair<CGBitmap*, int32_t> (cgBitmap, 1));
					CGContextDrawImage (context, dest, image);
					layer = cgBitmap->createCGLayer (context);
			if (layer)
				CGContextDrawLayerInRect (context, dest, layer);

			releaseCGContext (context);
void GraphicsContext::beginTransparencyLayer(float opacity)
    if (paintingDisabled())
    CGContextRef context = platformContext();
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, opacity);
    CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer(context, 0);
Example #8
void GraphicsContext::beginTransparencyLayer(float opacity)
    if (paintingDisabled())
    CGContextRef context = platformContext();
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, opacity);
    CGContextBeginTransparencyLayer(context, 0);
    m_data->m_userToDeviceTransformKnownToBeIdentity = false;
DRAW_TEST_F(CGContext, DrawAnImageWithInterpolationQualityAndAlpha, UIKitMimicTest<>) {
    auto drawingConfig = DrawingTestConfig::Get();
    woc::unique_cf<CFStringRef> testFilename{ _CFStringCreateWithStdString(drawingConfig->GetResourcePath("png1.9.png")) };
    woc::unique_cf<CGImageRef> image{ _CGImageCreateFromPNGFile(testFilename.get()) };
    ASSERT_NE(image, nullptr);

    CGContextRef context = GetDrawingContext();
    CGRect bounds = GetDrawingBounds();

    CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.25);
    CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(context, kCGInterpolationHigh);
    CGContextDrawImage(context, bounds, image.get());
Example #10
void PlatformCALayer::drawRepaintIndicator(CGContextRef context, PlatformCALayer* platformCALayer, int repaintCount, CGColorRef customBackgroundColor)
    char text[16]; // that's a lot of repaints
    snprintf(text, sizeof(text), "%d", repaintCount);
    FloatRect indicatorBox = platformCALayer->bounds();\
    indicatorBox.setLocation( { 1, 1 } );
    indicatorBox.setSize(FloatSize(12 + 10 * strlen(text), 27));

    CGContextStateSaver stateSaver(context);
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.5f);
    CGContextBeginTransparencyLayerWithRect(context, indicatorBox, 0);
    if (customBackgroundColor)
        CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, customBackgroundColor);
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 0, 0.5f, 0.25f, 1);
    if (platformCALayer->isOpaque())
        CGContextFillRect(context, indicatorBox);
    else {
        Path boundsPath;

        const float cornerChunk = 8;
        boundsPath.addLineTo(FloatPoint(indicatorBox.x(), indicatorBox.y() + cornerChunk));
        boundsPath.addLineTo(FloatPoint(indicatorBox.x() + cornerChunk, indicatorBox.y()));

        CGContextAddPath(context, boundsPath.platformPath());

    if (platformCALayer->owner()->isUsingDisplayListDrawing(platformCALayer)) {
        CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(context, 0, 0, 0, 0.65);
        CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2);
        CGContextStrokeRect(context, indicatorBox);

    if (platformCALayer->acceleratesDrawing())
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 0, 0, 1);
        CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    platformCALayer->drawTextAtPoint(context, indicatorBox.x() + 5, indicatorBox.y() + 22, CGSizeMake(1, -1), 22, text, strlen(text));
Example #11
void ImageBuffer::putByteArray(Multiply multiplied, Uint8ClampedArray* source, const IntSize& sourceSize, const IntRect& sourceRect, const IntPoint& destPoint, CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)
    if (!context().isAcceleratedContext()) {
        IntRect scaledSourceRect = sourceRect;
        IntSize scaledSourceSize = sourceSize;
        if (coordinateSystem == LogicalCoordinateSystem) {

        m_data.putData(source, scaledSourceSize, scaledSourceRect, destPoint, internalSize(), false, multiplied == Unmultiplied, 1);

    // Make a copy of the source to ensure the bits don't change before being drawn
    IntSize sourceCopySize(sourceRect.width(), sourceRect.height());
    // FIXME (149431): Should this ImageBuffer be unconditionally unaccelerated? Making it match the context seems to break putData().
    std::unique_ptr<ImageBuffer> sourceCopy = ImageBuffer::create(sourceCopySize, Unaccelerated, 1, ColorSpaceDeviceRGB);
    if (!sourceCopy)

    sourceCopy->m_data.putData(source, sourceSize, sourceRect, IntPoint(-sourceRect.x(), -sourceRect.y()), sourceCopy->internalSize(), sourceCopy->context().isAcceleratedContext(), multiplied == Unmultiplied, 1);

    // Set up context for using drawImage as a direct bit copy
    CGContextRef destContext = context().platformContext();
    if (coordinateSystem == LogicalCoordinateSystem)
        CGContextConcatCTM(destContext, AffineTransform(wkGetUserToBaseCTM(destContext)).inverse());
        CGContextConcatCTM(destContext, AffineTransform(CGContextGetCTM(destContext)).inverse());
    CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(destContext, kCGInterpolationNone);
    CGContextSetAlpha(destContext, 1.0);
    CGContextSetBlendMode(destContext, kCGBlendModeCopy);
    CGContextSetShadowWithColor(destContext, CGSizeZero, 0, 0);

    // Draw the image in CG coordinate space
    FloatSize scaledDestSize = scaleSizeToUserSpace(coordinateSystem == LogicalCoordinateSystem ? logicalSize() : internalSize(), m_data.backingStoreSize, internalSize());
    IntPoint destPointInCGCoords(destPoint.x() + sourceRect.x(), scaledDestSize.height() - (destPoint.y() + sourceRect.y()) - sourceRect.height());
    IntRect destRectInCGCoords(destPointInCGCoords, sourceCopySize);
    CGContextClipToRect(destContext, destRectInCGCoords);

    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> sourceCopyImage = sourceCopy->copyNativeImage();
    FloatRect backingStoreInDestRect = FloatRect(FloatPoint(destPointInCGCoords.x(), destPointInCGCoords.y() + sourceCopySize.height() - (int)CGImageGetHeight(sourceCopyImage.get())), FloatSize(CGImageGetWidth(sourceCopyImage.get()), CGImageGetHeight(sourceCopyImage.get())));
    CGContextDrawImage(destContext, backingStoreInDestRect, sourceCopyImage.get());
bool SVGPaintServerGradient::setup(GraphicsContext*& context, const RenderObject* object, SVGPaintTargetType type, bool isPaintingText) const

    // We need a hook to call this when the gradient gets updated, before drawn.
    if (!m_shadingCache)

    CGContextRef contextRef = context->platformContext(); 
    RenderStyle* style = object->style();

    CGContextSetAlpha(contextRef, style->opacity());

    if ((type & ApplyToFillTargetType) && style->svgStyle()->hasFill()) {

        if (isPaintingText)

    if ((type & ApplyToStrokeTargetType) && style->svgStyle()->hasStroke()) {
        applyStrokeStyleToContext(contextRef, style, object);

        if (isPaintingText) {
            IntRect maskRect = const_cast<RenderObject*>(object)->absoluteBoundingBoxRect();
            maskRect = object->absoluteTransform().inverse().mapRect(maskRect);

            auto_ptr<ImageBuffer> maskImage = ImageBuffer::create(IntSize(maskRect.width(), maskRect.height()), false);
            // FIXME: maskImage could be NULL

            GraphicsContext* maskImageContext = maskImage->context();

            maskImageContext->translate(-maskRect.x(), -maskRect.y());

            const_cast<RenderObject*>(object)->style()->setColor(Color(255, 255, 255));

            m_imageBuffer = maskImage.release();
            m_savedContext = context;
            context = maskImageContext;

    return true;
DRAW_TEST_F(CGContext, DrawAnImageWithOpacity, UIKitMimicTest<>) {
    // Load an Image and draw it into the canvas context
    auto drawingConfig = DrawingTestConfig::Get();

    woc::unique_cf<CFStringRef> testFilename{ _CFStringCreateWithStdString(drawingConfig->GetResourcePath("png1.9.png")) };
    woc::unique_cf<CGImageRef> image{ _CGImageCreateFromPNGFile(testFilename.get()) };
    ASSERT_NE(image, nullptr);

    CGContextRef context = GetDrawingContext();
    CGRect bounds = GetDrawingBounds();

    CGAffineTransform flip = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1);
    CGAffineTransform shift = CGAffineTransformTranslate(flip, 0, bounds.size.height * -1);
    CGContextConcatCTM(context, shift);

    CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.7);
    CGContextDrawImage(context, bounds, image.get());
Example #14
void CGDrawContext::drawCGImageRef (CGContextRef context, CGImageRef image, CGLayerRef layer, double bitmapScaleFactor, const CRect& inRect, const CPoint& inOffset, float alpha, CBitmap* bitmap)
    CRect rect (inRect);
    CPoint offset (inOffset);

    CGContextSetAlpha (context, (CGFloat)alpha*currentState.globalAlpha);

    CGRect dest;
    dest.origin.x = static_cast<CGFloat> (rect.left - offset.x);
    dest.origin.y = static_cast<CGFloat> (-(rect.top) - (bitmap->getHeight () - offset.y));
    dest.size.width = static_cast<CGFloat> (bitmap->getWidth ());
    dest.size.height = static_cast<CGFloat> (bitmap->getHeight ());

    CGRect clipRect;
    clipRect.origin.x = static_cast<CGFloat> (rect.left);
    clipRect.origin.y = static_cast<CGFloat> (-(rect.top) - rect.getHeight ());
    clipRect.size.width = static_cast<CGFloat> (rect.getWidth ());
    clipRect.size.height = static_cast<CGFloat> (rect.getHeight ());

    if (bitmapScaleFactor != 1.)
        CGContextConcatCTM (context, CGAffineTransformMakeScale (static_cast<CGFloat> (1./bitmapScaleFactor), static_cast<CGFloat> (1./bitmapScaleFactor)));
        CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale (static_cast<CGFloat> (bitmapScaleFactor), static_cast<CGFloat> (bitmapScaleFactor));
        clipRect.origin = CGPointApplyAffineTransform (clipRect.origin, transform);
        clipRect.size = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform (clipRect.size, transform);
        dest.origin = CGPointApplyAffineTransform (dest.origin, transform);
        dest.size = CGSizeApplyAffineTransform (dest.size, transform);
    dest = pixelAlligned (dest);
    clipRect = pixelAlligned (clipRect);

    CGContextClipToRect (context, clipRect);

    if (layer)
        CGContextDrawLayerInRect (context, dest, layer);
        CGContextDrawImage (context, dest, image);
void drawWithGlobalAlpha(CGContextRef context)
	int i;
	CGRect rect = CGRectMake(40., 210., 100., 100.);
	float color[4] = { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; // opaque red
	// Set the fill color space to that returned by getTheCalibratedRGBColorSpace.
	CGContextSetFillColorSpace(context, getTheCalibratedRGBColorSpace());
	CGContextSetFillColor(context, color);
	for(i = 0; i < 2 ; i++){
			// Paint the leftmost rect on this row with 100% opaque red.
			CGContextFillRect(context, rect);
			CGContextTranslateCTM(context, rect.size.width + 70., 0.);
			// Set the alpha value of this rgba color to 0.5.
			color[3] = 0.5;
			// Use the new color as the fill color in the graphics state.
			CGContextSetFillColor(context, color);
			// Paint the center rect on this row with 50% opaque red.
			CGContextFillRect(context, rect);

			CGContextTranslateCTM(context, rect.size.width + 70., 0.);
			// Set the alpha value of this rgba color to 0.25.
			color[3] = 0.25;
			// Use the new color as the fill color in the graphics state.
			CGContextSetFillColor(context, color);
			// Paint the rightmost rect on this row with 25% opaque red.
			CGContextFillRect(context, rect);
		// After restoring the graphics state, the fill color is set to
		// that prior to calling CGContextSaveGState, that is, opaque
		// red. The coordinate system is also restored.
		// Now set the context global alpha value to 50% opaque.
		CGContextSetAlpha(context, 0.5);
		// Translate down for a second row of rectangles.
		CGContextTranslateCTM(context, 0., -(rect.size.height + 70.));
		// Reset the alpha value of the color array to fully opaque.
		color[3] = 1.0;
DISABLED_DRAW_TEST_F(CGImageDrawing, TiledImageMultiColorFlowerScaledAlpha2, UIKitMimicTest<>) {
    CGRect rect = { { 0, 0 }, { 256, 256 } };
    CGContextSetAlpha(GetDrawingContext(), 0.24);
    _drawTiledImage(GetDrawingContext(), rect, "tiledImageMultiColorFlower.png");
void GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspellingOrBadGrammar(const IntPoint& point, int width, bool grammar)
    if (paintingDisabled())

    // These are the same for misspelling or bad grammar
    const int patternHeight = 3; // 3 rows
    ASSERT(cMisspellingLineThickness == patternHeight);
    const int patternWidth = 4; // 4 pixels
    ASSERT(patternWidth == cMisspellingLinePatternWidth);

    // Make sure to draw only complete dots.
    // NOTE: Code here used to shift the underline to the left and increase the width
    // to make sure everything gets underlined, but that results in drawing out of
    // bounds (e.g. when at the edge of a view) and could make it appear that the
    // space between adjacent misspelled words was underlined.
    // allow slightly more considering that the pattern ends with a transparent pixel
    int widthMod = width % patternWidth;
    if (patternWidth - widthMod > cMisspellingLinePatternGapWidth)
        width -= widthMod;
    // Draw the underline
    CGContextRef context = platformContext();

    const Color& patternColor = grammar ? grammarPatternColor() : spellingPatternColor();
    setCGStrokeColor(context, patternColor);

    wkSetPatternPhaseInUserSpace(context, point);
    CGContextSetBlendMode(context, kCGBlendModeNormal);
    // 3 rows, each offset by half a pixel for blending purposes
    const CGPoint upperPoints [] = {{point.x(), point.y() + patternHeight - 2.5 }, {point.x() + width, point.y() + patternHeight - 2.5}};
    const CGPoint middlePoints [] = {{point.x(), point.y() + patternHeight - 1.5 }, {point.x() + width, point.y() + patternHeight - 1.5}};
    const CGPoint lowerPoints [] = {{point.x(), point.y() + patternHeight - 0.5 }, {point.x() + width, point.y() + patternHeight - 0.5 }};
    // Dash lengths for the top and bottom of the error underline are the same.
    // These are magic.
    static const float edge_dash_lengths[] = {2.0f, 2.0f};
    static const float middle_dash_lengths[] = {2.76f, 1.24f};
    static const float edge_offset = -(edge_dash_lengths[1] - 1.0f) / 2.0f;
    static const float middle_offset = -(middle_dash_lengths[1] - 1.0f) / 2.0f;

    // Line opacities.  Once again, these are magic.
    const float upperOpacity = 0.33f;
    const float middleOpacity = 0.75f;
    const float lowerOpacity = 0.88f;

    //Top line
    CGContextSetLineDash(context, edge_offset, edge_dash_lengths, 
                         sizeof(edge_dash_lengths) / sizeof(edge_dash_lengths[0]));
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, upperOpacity);
    CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, upperPoints, 2);
    // Middle line
    CGContextSetLineDash(context, middle_offset, middle_dash_lengths, 
                         sizeof(middle_dash_lengths) / sizeof(middle_dash_lengths[0]));
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, middleOpacity);
    CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, middlePoints, 2);
    // Bottom line
    CGContextSetLineDash(context, edge_offset, edge_dash_lengths,
                         sizeof(edge_dash_lengths) / sizeof(edge_dash_lengths[0]));
    CGContextSetAlpha(context, lowerOpacity);
    CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, lowerPoints, 2);

Example #18
static void _GraphicsScreen_cellArrayOrImage (GraphicsScreen me, double **z_float, double_rgbt **z_rgbt, unsigned char **z_byte,
	long ix1, long ix2, long x1DC, long x2DC,
	long iy1, long iy2, long y1DC, long y2DC,
	double minimum, double maximum,
	long clipx1, long clipx2, long clipy1, long clipy2, int interpolate)
	/*long t=clock();*/
	long nx = ix2 - ix1 + 1;   /* The number of cells along the horizontal axis. */
	long ny = iy2 - iy1 + 1;   /* The number of cells along the vertical axis. */
	double dx = (double) (x2DC - x1DC) / (double) nx;   /* Horizontal pixels per cell. Positive. */
	double dy = (double) (y2DC - y1DC) / (double) ny;   /* Vertical pixels per cell. Negative. */
	double scale = 255.0 / (maximum - minimum), offset = 255.0 + minimum * scale;
	if (x2DC <= x1DC || y1DC <= y2DC) return;
	trace ("scale %f", scale);
	/* Clip by the intersection of the world window and the outline of the cells. */
	//Melder_casual ("clipy1 %ld clipy2 %ld", clipy1, clipy2);
	if (clipx1 < x1DC) clipx1 = x1DC;
	if (clipx2 > x2DC) clipx2 = x2DC;
	if (clipy1 > y1DC) clipy1 = y1DC;
	if (clipy2 < y2DC) clipy2 = y2DC;
	 * The first decision is whether we are going to use the standard rectangle drawing
	 * (cellArray only), or whether we are going to write into a bitmap.
	 * The standard drawing is best for small numbers of cells,
	 * provided that some cells are larger than a pixel.
	if (! interpolate && nx * ny < 3000 && (dx > 1.0 || dy < -1.0)) {
		try {
			/*unsigned int cellWidth = (unsigned int) dx + 1;*/
			unsigned int cellHeight = (unsigned int) (- (int) dy) + 1;
			long ix, iy;
			#if cairo
				cairo_pattern_t *grey [256];
				for (int igrey = 0; igrey < sizeof (grey) / sizeof (*grey); igrey ++) {
					double v = igrey / ((double) (sizeof (grey) / sizeof (*grey)) - 1.0);
					grey [igrey] = cairo_pattern_create_rgb (v, v, v);
			#elif win
				static HBRUSH greyBrush [256];
				RECT rect;
				if (! greyBrush [0])
					for (int igrey = 0; igrey <= 255; igrey ++)
						greyBrush [igrey] = CreateSolidBrush (RGB (igrey, igrey, igrey));   // once
			#elif mac
				GraphicsQuartz_initDraw (me);
				CGContextSetAlpha (my d_macGraphicsContext, 1.0);
				CGContextSetBlendMode (my d_macGraphicsContext, kCGBlendModeNormal);
			autoNUMvector <long> lefts (ix1, ix2 + 1);
			for (ix = ix1; ix <= ix2 + 1; ix ++)
				lefts [ix] = x1DC + (long) ((ix - ix1) * dx);
			for (iy = iy1; iy <= iy2; iy ++) {
				long bottom = y1DC + (long) ((iy - iy1) * dy), top = bottom - cellHeight;
				if (top > clipy1 || bottom < clipy2) continue;
				if (top < clipy2) top = clipy2;
				if (bottom > clipy1) bottom = clipy1;
				#if win
					rect. bottom = bottom; rect. top = top;
				for (ix = ix1; ix <= ix2; ix ++) {
					long left = lefts [ix], right = lefts [ix + 1];
					if (right < clipx1 || left > clipx2) continue;
					if (left < clipx1) left = clipx1;
					if (right > clipx2) right = clipx2;
					if (z_rgbt) {
						#if cairo
							// NYI
						#elif win
							// NYI
						#elif mac
							double red          = z_rgbt [iy] [ix]. red;
							double green        = z_rgbt [iy] [ix]. green;
							double blue         = z_rgbt [iy] [ix]. blue;
							double transparency = z_rgbt [iy] [ix]. transparency;
							red =   ( red   <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : red   >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : red   );
							green = ( green <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : green >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : green );
							blue =  ( blue  <= 0.0 ? 0.0 : blue  >= 1.0 ? 1.0 : blue  );
							CGContextSetRGBFillColor (my d_macGraphicsContext, red, green, blue, 1.0 - transparency);
							CGContextFillRect (my d_macGraphicsContext, CGRectMake (left, top, right - left, bottom - top));
					} else {
						#if cairo
							long value = offset - scale * ( z_float ? z_float [iy] [ix] : z_byte [iy] [ix] );
							cairo_set_source (my d_cairoGraphicsContext, grey [value <= 0 ? 0 : value >= sizeof (grey) / sizeof (*grey) ? sizeof (grey) / sizeof (*grey) : value]);
							cairo_rectangle (my d_cairoGraphicsContext, left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
							cairo_fill (my d_cairoGraphicsContext);
						#elif win
							long value = offset - scale * ( z_float ? z_float [iy] [ix] : z_byte [iy] [ix] );
							rect. left = left; rect. right = right;
							FillRect (my d_gdiGraphicsContext, & rect, greyBrush [value <= 0 ? 0 : value >= 255 ? 255 : value]);
						#elif mac
							double value = offset - scale * ( z_float ? z_float [iy] [ix] : z_byte [iy] [ix] );
							double igrey = ( value <= 0 ? 0 : value >= 255 ? 255 : value ) / 255.0;
							CGContextSetRGBFillColor (my d_macGraphicsContext, igrey, igrey, igrey, 1.0);
							CGContextFillRect (my d_macGraphicsContext, CGRectMake (left, top, right - left, bottom - top));
			#if cairo
				for (int igrey = 0; igrey < sizeof (grey) / sizeof (*grey); igrey ++)
					cairo_pattern_destroy (grey [igrey]);
			#elif mac
				CGContextSetRGBFillColor (my d_macGraphicsContext, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
				GraphicsQuartz_exitDraw (me);
		} catch (MelderError) { }
	} else {
		long xDC, yDC;
		long undersampling = 1;
		 * Prepare for off-screen bitmap drawing.
		#if cairo
			long arrayWidth = clipx2 - clipx1;
			long arrayHeight = clipy1 - clipy2;
			trace ("arrayWidth %f, arrayHeight %f", (double) arrayWidth, (double) arrayHeight);
			cairo_surface_t *sfc = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, arrayWidth, arrayHeight);
			unsigned char *bits = cairo_image_surface_get_data (sfc);
			int scanLineLength = cairo_image_surface_get_stride (sfc);
			unsigned char grey [256];
			trace ("image surface address %p, bits address %p, scanLineLength %d, numberOfGreys %d", sfc, bits, scanLineLength, sizeof(grey)/sizeof(*grey));
			for (int igrey = 0; igrey < sizeof (grey) / sizeof (*grey); igrey++)
				grey [igrey] = 255 - (unsigned char) (igrey * 255.0 / (sizeof (grey) / sizeof (*grey) - 1));
		#elif win
			long bitmapWidth = clipx2 - clipx1, bitmapHeight = clipy1 - clipy2;
			int igrey;
			 * Create a device-independent bitmap, 32 bits deep.
			struct { BITMAPINFOHEADER header; } bitmapInfo;
			long scanLineLength = bitmapWidth * 4;   // for 24 bits: (bitmapWidth * 3 + 3) & ~3L;
			HBITMAP bitmap;
			unsigned char *bits;   // a pointer to memory allocated by VirtualAlloc or by CreateDIBSection ()
			bitmapInfo. header.biSize = sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER);
			bitmapInfo. header.biWidth = bitmapWidth;   // scanLineLength;
			bitmapInfo. header.biHeight = bitmapHeight;
			bitmapInfo. header.biPlanes = 1;
			bitmapInfo. header.biBitCount = 32;
			bitmapInfo. header.biCompression = 0;
			bitmapInfo. header.biSizeImage = 0;
			bitmapInfo. header.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
			bitmapInfo. header.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
			bitmapInfo. header.biClrUsed = 0;
			bitmapInfo. header.biClrImportant = 0;
			bitmap = CreateDIBSection (my d_gdiGraphicsContext /* ignored */, (CONST BITMAPINFO *) & bitmapInfo,
				DIB_RGB_COLORS, (VOID **) & bits, NULL, 0);
		#elif mac
			long bytesPerRow = (clipx2 - clipx1) * 4;
			Melder_assert (bytesPerRow > 0);
			long numberOfRows = clipy1 - clipy2;
			Melder_assert (numberOfRows > 0);
			unsigned char *imageData = Melder_malloc_f (unsigned char, bytesPerRow * numberOfRows);
		 * Draw into the bitmap.
		#if cairo
			#define ROW_START_ADDRESS  (bits + (clipy1 - 1 - yDC) * scanLineLength)
			#define PUT_PIXEL \
				if (1) { \
					unsigned char kar = value <= 0 ? 0 : value >= 255 ? 255 : (int) value; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
		#elif win
			#define ROW_START_ADDRESS  (bits + (clipy1 - 1 - yDC) * scanLineLength)
			#define PUT_PIXEL \
				if (1) { \
					unsigned char kar = value <= 0 ? 0 : value >= 255 ? 255 : (int) value; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
		#elif mac
			#define ROW_START_ADDRESS  (imageData + (clipy1 - 1 - yDC) * bytesPerRow)
			#define PUT_PIXEL \
				if (my colourScale == kGraphics_colourScale_GREY) { \
					unsigned char kar = value <= 0 ? 0 : value >= 255 ? 255 : (int) value; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = kar; \
					*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
				} else if (my colourScale == kGraphics_colourScale_BLUE_TO_RED) { \
					if (value < 0.0) { \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 63; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
					} else if (value < 64.0) { \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = (int) (value * 3 + 63.999); \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
					} else if (value < 128.0) { \
						*pixelAddress ++ = (int) (value * 4 - 256.0); \
						*pixelAddress ++ = (int) (value * 4 - 256.0); \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 255; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
					} else if (value < 192.0) { \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 255; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = (int) ((256.0 - value) * 4 - 256.0); \
						*pixelAddress ++ = (int) ((256.0 - value) * 4 - 256.0); \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
					} else if (value < 256.0) { \
						*pixelAddress ++ = (int) ((256.0 - value) * 3 + 63.999); \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
					} else { \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 63; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
						*pixelAddress ++ = 0; \
					} \
			#define PUT_PIXEL
		if (interpolate) {
			try {
				autoNUMvector <long> ileft (clipx1, clipx2);
				autoNUMvector <long> iright (clipx1, clipx2);
				autoNUMvector <double> rightWeight (clipx1, clipx2);
				autoNUMvector <double> leftWeight (clipx1, clipx2);
				for (xDC = clipx1; xDC < clipx2; xDC += undersampling) {
					double ix_real = ix1 - 0.5 + ((double) nx * (xDC - x1DC)) / (x2DC - x1DC);
					ileft [xDC] = floor (ix_real), iright [xDC] = ileft [xDC] + 1;
					rightWeight [xDC] = ix_real - ileft [xDC], leftWeight [xDC] = 1.0 - rightWeight [xDC];
					if (ileft [xDC] < ix1) ileft [xDC] = ix1;
					if (iright [xDC] > ix2) iright [xDC] = ix2;
				for (yDC = clipy2; yDC < clipy1; yDC += undersampling) {
					double iy_real = iy2 + 0.5 - ((double) ny * (yDC - y2DC)) / (y1DC - y2DC);
					long itop = ceil (iy_real), ibottom = itop - 1;
					double bottomWeight = itop - iy_real, topWeight = 1.0 - bottomWeight;
					unsigned char *pixelAddress = ROW_START_ADDRESS;
					if (itop > iy2) itop = iy2;
					if (ibottom < iy1) ibottom = iy1;
					if (z_float) {
						double *ztop = z_float [itop], *zbottom = z_float [ibottom];
						for (xDC = clipx1; xDC < clipx2; xDC += undersampling) {
							double interpol =
								rightWeight [xDC] *
									(topWeight * ztop [iright [xDC]] + bottomWeight * zbottom [iright [xDC]]) +
								leftWeight [xDC] *
									(topWeight * ztop [ileft [xDC]] + bottomWeight * zbottom [ileft [xDC]]);
							double value = offset - scale * interpol;
					} else if (z_rgbt) {
						double_rgbt *ztop = z_rgbt [itop], *zbottom = z_rgbt [ibottom];
						for (xDC = clipx1; xDC < clipx2; xDC += undersampling) {
							double red =
								rightWeight [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [iright [xDC]]. red + bottomWeight * zbottom [iright [xDC]]. red) +
								leftWeight  [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [ileft  [xDC]]. red + bottomWeight * zbottom [ileft  [xDC]]. red);
							double green =
								rightWeight [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [iright [xDC]]. green + bottomWeight * zbottom [iright [xDC]]. green) +
								leftWeight  [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [ileft  [xDC]]. green + bottomWeight * zbottom [ileft  [xDC]]. green);
							double blue =
								rightWeight [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [iright [xDC]]. blue + bottomWeight * zbottom [iright [xDC]]. blue) +
								leftWeight  [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [ileft  [xDC]]. blue + bottomWeight * zbottom [ileft  [xDC]]. blue);
							double transparency =
								rightWeight [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [iright [xDC]]. transparency + bottomWeight * zbottom [iright [xDC]]. transparency) +
								leftWeight  [xDC] * (topWeight * ztop [ileft  [xDC]]. transparency + bottomWeight * zbottom [ileft  [xDC]]. transparency);
							if (red          < 0.0) red          = 0.0; else if (red          > 1.0) red          = 1.0;
							if (green        < 0.0) green        = 0.0; else if (green        > 1.0) green        = 1.0;
							if (blue         < 0.0) blue         = 0.0; else if (blue         > 1.0) blue         = 1.0;
							if (transparency < 0.0) transparency = 0.0; else if (transparency > 1.0) transparency = 1.0;
							#if win
								*pixelAddress ++ = blue         * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = green        * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = red          * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = 0;
							#elif mac
								*pixelAddress ++ = red          * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = green        * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = blue         * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = transparency * 255.0;
							#elif cairo
								*pixelAddress ++ = blue         * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = green        * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = red          * 255.0;
								*pixelAddress ++ = transparency * 255.0;
					} else {
						unsigned char *ztop = z_byte [itop], *zbottom = z_byte [ibottom];
						for (xDC = clipx1; xDC < clipx2; xDC += undersampling) {
							double interpol =
								rightWeight [xDC] *
									(topWeight * ztop [iright [xDC]] + bottomWeight * zbottom [iright [xDC]]) +
								leftWeight [xDC] *
									(topWeight * ztop [ileft [xDC]] + bottomWeight * zbottom [ileft [xDC]]);
							double value = offset - scale * interpol;
			} catch (MelderError) { Melder_clearError (); }
		} else {
			try {
				autoNUMvector <long> ix (clipx1, clipx2);
				for (xDC = clipx1; xDC < clipx2; xDC += undersampling)
					ix [xDC] = floor (ix1 + (nx * (xDC - x1DC)) / (x2DC - x1DC));
				for (yDC = clipy2; yDC < clipy1; yDC += undersampling) {
					long iy = ceil (iy2 - (ny * (yDC - y2DC)) / (y1DC - y2DC));
					unsigned char *pixelAddress = ROW_START_ADDRESS;
					Melder_assert (iy >= iy1 && iy <= iy2);
					if (z_float) {
						double *ziy = z_float [iy];
						for (xDC = clipx1; xDC < clipx2; xDC += undersampling) {
							double value = offset - scale * ziy [ix [xDC]];
					} else {
						unsigned char *ziy = z_byte [iy];
						for (xDC = clipx1; xDC < clipx2; xDC += undersampling) {
							double value = offset - scale * ziy [ix [xDC]];
			} catch (MelderError) { Melder_clearError (); }
		 * Copy the bitmap to the screen.
		#if cairo
			cairo_matrix_t clip_trans;
			cairo_matrix_init_identity (& clip_trans);
			cairo_matrix_scale (& clip_trans, 1, -1);		// we painted in the reverse y-direction
			cairo_matrix_translate (& clip_trans, - clipx1, - clipy1);
			cairo_pattern_t *bitmap_pattern = cairo_pattern_create_for_surface (sfc);
			trace ("bitmap pattern %p", bitmap_pattern);
			if (cairo_status_t status = cairo_pattern_status (bitmap_pattern)) {
				Melder_casual ("bitmap pattern status: %s", cairo_status_to_string (status));
			} else {
				cairo_pattern_set_matrix (bitmap_pattern, & clip_trans);
				cairo_save (my d_cairoGraphicsContext);
				cairo_set_source (my d_cairoGraphicsContext, bitmap_pattern);
				cairo_paint (my d_cairoGraphicsContext);
				cairo_restore (my d_cairoGraphicsContext);
			cairo_pattern_destroy (bitmap_pattern);
		#elif win
			SetDIBitsToDevice (my d_gdiGraphicsContext, clipx1, clipy2, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, 0, 0, 0, bitmapHeight,
				bits, (CONST BITMAPINFO *) & bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS);
			//StretchDIBits (my d_gdiGraphicsContext, clipx1, clipy2, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight, 0, 0, 0, bitmapHeight,
			//	bits, (CONST BITMAPINFO *) & bitmapInfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY);
		#elif mac
			CGImageRef image;
			static CGColorSpaceRef colourSpace = NULL;
			if (colourSpace == NULL) {
				colourSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateWithName (kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);   // used to be kCGColorSpaceUserRGB
				Melder_assert (colourSpace != NULL);
			if (1) {
				CGDataProviderRef dataProvider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (NULL,
					bytesPerRow * numberOfRows,
					_mac_releaseDataCallback   // we need this because we cannot release the image data immediately after drawing,
						// because in PDF files the imageData has to stay available through EndPage
				Melder_assert (dataProvider != NULL);
				image = CGImageCreate (clipx2 - clipx1, numberOfRows,
					8, 32, bytesPerRow, colourSpace, kCGImageAlphaNone, dataProvider, NULL, false, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
				CGDataProviderRelease (dataProvider);
			} else if (0) {
				Melder_assert (CGBitmapContextCreate != NULL);
				CGContextRef bitmaptest = CGBitmapContextCreate (imageData, 100, 100,
					8, 800, colourSpace, 0);
				Melder_assert (bitmaptest != NULL);
				CGContextRef bitmap = CGBitmapContextCreate (NULL/*imageData*/, clipx2 - clipx1, numberOfRows,
					8, bytesPerRow, colourSpace, kCGImageAlphaLast);
				Melder_assert (bitmap != NULL);
				image = CGBitmapContextCreateImage (bitmap);
				// release bitmap?
			Melder_assert (image != NULL);
			GraphicsQuartz_initDraw (me);
			CGContextDrawImage (my d_macGraphicsContext, CGRectMake (clipx1, clipy2, clipx2 - clipx1, clipy1 - clipy2), image);
			GraphicsQuartz_exitDraw (me);
			//CGColorSpaceRelease (colourSpace);
			CGImageRelease (image);
		 * Clean up.
		#if cairo
			cairo_surface_destroy (sfc);
		#elif win
			DeleteBitmap (bitmap);
Example #19
static void quartzPrepareFill (GraphicsScreen me) {
    CGContextSetAlpha (my d_macGraphicsContext, 1.0);
    CGContextSetBlendMode (my d_macGraphicsContext, kCGBlendModeNormal);
    CGContextSetRGBFillColor (my d_macGraphicsContext, my d_macColour.red / 65536.0, my d_macColour.green / 65536.0, my d_macColour.blue / 65536.0, 1.0);
static cairo_int_status_t
_cairo_quartz_init_glyph_surface (cairo_quartz_scaled_font_t *font,
				  cairo_scaled_glyph_t *scaled_glyph)
    cairo_int_status_t status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;

    cairo_quartz_font_face_t *font_face = _cairo_quartz_scaled_to_face(font);

    cairo_image_surface_t *surface = NULL;

    CGGlyph glyph = _cairo_quartz_scaled_glyph_index (scaled_glyph);

    int advance;
    CGRect bbox;
    double width, height;
    double emscale = CGFontGetUnitsPerEmPtr (font_face->cgFont);

    CGContextRef cgContext = NULL;
    CGAffineTransform textMatrix;
    CGRect glyphRect, glyphRectInt;
    CGPoint glyphOrigin;

    //fprintf (stderr, "scaled_glyph: %p surface: %p\n", scaled_glyph, scaled_glyph->surface);

    /* Create blank 2x2 image if we don't have this character.
     * Maybe we should draw a better missing-glyph slug or something,
     * but this is ok for now.
    if (glyph == INVALID_GLYPH) {
	surface = (cairo_image_surface_t*) cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_A8, 2, 2);
	status = cairo_surface_status ((cairo_surface_t *) surface);
	if (status)
	    return status;

	_cairo_scaled_glyph_set_surface (scaled_glyph,

    if (!CGFontGetGlyphAdvancesPtr (font_face->cgFont, &glyph, 1, &advance) ||
	!CGFontGetGlyphBBoxesPtr (font_face->cgFont, &glyph, 1, &bbox))

    /* scale(1,-1) * font->base.scale * scale(1,-1) */
    textMatrix = CGAffineTransformMake (font->base.scale.xx,
					0, -0);
    glyphRect = CGRectMake (bbox.origin.x / emscale,
			    bbox.origin.y / emscale,
			    bbox.size.width / emscale,
			    bbox.size.height / emscale);

    glyphRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform (glyphRect, textMatrix);

    /* Round the rectangle outwards, so that we don't have to deal
     * with non-integer-pixel origins or dimensions.
    glyphRectInt = CGRectIntegral (glyphRect);

#if 0
    fprintf (stderr, "glyphRect[o]: %f %f %f %f\n",
	     glyphRect.origin.x, glyphRect.origin.y, glyphRect.size.width, glyphRect.size.height);
    fprintf (stderr, "glyphRectInt: %f %f %f %f\n",
	     glyphRectInt.origin.x, glyphRectInt.origin.y, glyphRectInt.size.width, glyphRectInt.size.height);

    glyphOrigin = glyphRectInt.origin;

    //textMatrix = CGAffineTransformConcat (textMatrix, CGAffineTransformInvert (ctm));

    width = glyphRectInt.size.width;
    height = glyphRectInt.size.height;

    //fprintf (stderr, "glyphRect[n]: %f %f %f %f\n", glyphRect.origin.x, glyphRect.origin.y, glyphRect.size.width, glyphRect.size.height);

    surface = (cairo_image_surface_t*) cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_A8, width, height);
    if (surface->base.status)
	return surface->base.status;

    if (surface->width != 0 && surface->height != 0) {
	cgContext = CGBitmapContextCreate (surface->data,

	if (cgContext == NULL) {
	    cairo_surface_destroy (&surface->base);
	    return _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY);

	CGContextSetFont (cgContext, font_face->cgFont);
	CGContextSetFontSize (cgContext, 1.0);
	CGContextSetTextMatrix (cgContext, textMatrix);

	switch (font->base.options.antialias) {
	    CGContextSetShouldAntialias (cgContext, TRUE);
	    CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts (cgContext, TRUE);
	    if (CGContextSetAllowsFontSmoothingPtr &&
		!CGContextGetAllowsFontSmoothingPtr (cgContext))
		CGContextSetAllowsFontSmoothingPtr (cgContext, TRUE);
	    CGContextSetShouldAntialias (cgContext, FALSE);
	    CGContextSetShouldAntialias (cgContext, TRUE);
	    CGContextSetShouldSmoothFonts (cgContext, FALSE);
	    /* Don't do anything */

	CGContextSetAlpha (cgContext, 1.0);
	CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint (cgContext, - glyphOrigin.x, - glyphOrigin.y, &glyph, 1);

	CGContextRelease (cgContext);

    cairo_surface_set_device_offset (&surface->base,
				     - glyphOrigin.x,
				     height + glyphOrigin.y);

    _cairo_scaled_glyph_set_surface (scaled_glyph, &font->base, surface);

    return status;
DISABLED_DRAW_TEST_F(CGImageDrawing, TiledImageCustomScaledAlpha, UIKitMimicTest<>) {
    CGRect rect = { { 0, 0 }, { 128, 128 } };
    CGContextSetAlpha(GetDrawingContext(), 0.88);
    _drawTiledImage(GetDrawingContext(), rect, "tiledImageCircleMe.png");
Example #22
void GraphicsContext::setAlpha(float alpha)
    if (paintingDisabled())
    CGContextSetAlpha(platformContext(), alpha);
bool SVGPaintServerPattern::setup(GraphicsContext*& context, const RenderObject* object, SVGPaintTargetType type, bool isPaintingText) const
    CGContextRef contextRef = context->platformContext();

    // Build pattern tile, passing destination object bounding box
    FloatRect targetRect;
    if (isPaintingText) {
        IntRect textBoundary = const_cast<RenderObject*>(object)->absoluteBoundingBoxRect();
        targetRect = object->absoluteTransform().inverse().mapRect(textBoundary);
    } else
        targetRect = CGContextGetPathBoundingBox(contextRef);


    if (!tile())
        return false;

    CGSize cellSize = CGSize(tile()->size());
    CGFloat alpha = 1; // canvasStyle->opacity(); //which?


    // Repesct local pattern transformations
    CGContextConcatCTM(contextRef, patternTransform());

    // Pattern space seems to start in the lower-left, so we flip the Y here. 
    CGSize phase = CGSizeMake(patternBoundaries().x(), -patternBoundaries().y());
    CGContextSetPatternPhase(contextRef, phase);

    RenderStyle* style = object->style();
    CGContextSetAlpha(contextRef, style->opacity()); // or do I set the alpha above?

    CGPatternCallbacks callbacks = {0, patternCallback, NULL};
    m_pattern = CGPatternCreate(tile(),
                                CGRectMake(0, 0, cellSize.width, cellSize.height),
                                kCGPatternTilingConstantSpacing, // FIXME: should ask CG guys.
                                true, // has color

    if (!m_patternSpace)
        m_patternSpace = CGColorSpaceCreatePattern(0);

    if ((type & ApplyToFillTargetType) && style->svgStyle()->hasFill()) {
        CGContextSetFillColorSpace(contextRef, m_patternSpace);
        CGContextSetFillPattern(contextRef, m_pattern, &alpha);
        if (isPaintingText) 

    if ((type & ApplyToStrokeTargetType) && style->svgStyle()->hasStroke()) {
        CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace(contextRef, m_patternSpace);
        CGContextSetStrokePattern(contextRef, m_pattern, &alpha);
        applyStrokeStyleToContext(contextRef, style, object);

        if (isPaintingText) 

    return true;
DISABLED_DRAW_TEST_F(CGImageDrawing, TiledImageFlowerScaledAlpha3, UIKitMimicTest<>) {
    CGRect rect = { { 0, 0 }, { 300, 513 } };
    CGContextSetAlpha(GetDrawingContext(), 0.66);
    _drawTiledImage(GetDrawingContext(), rect, "tiledImageFlower.png");