void doIndexedColorDrawGraphics(CGContextRef context)
	CGColorSpaceRef theBaseRGBSpace = getTheCalibratedRGBColorSpace();
	CGColorSpaceRef theIndexedSpace = NULL;
	unsigned char lookupTable[6];
	float opaqueRed[] = { 0, 1 }; // index, alpha
	float aBlue[] = { 1, 1 };   // index, alpha
	// Set the first 3 values in the lookup table to a red of
	// 169/255 = 0.663, no green, and blue = 8/255 = 0.031. This makes  
	// the first entry in the lookup table a shade of red.
	lookupTable[0] = 169; lookupTable[1] = 0; lookupTable[2] = 8;
	// Set the second 3 values in the lookup table to a red value
	// of 123/255 = 0.482, a green value of 158/255 = 0.62, and
	// a blue value of 222/255 = 0.871. This makes the second entry
	// in the lookup table a shade of blue.
	lookupTable[3] = 123; lookupTable[4] = 158; lookupTable[5] = 222;
	// Create the indexed color space with this color lookup table,
	// using the RGB color space as the base color space and a 2 element
	// color lookup table to characterize the indexed color space.
	theIndexedSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateIndexed(theBaseRGBSpace, 1, lookupTable);
	if(theIndexedSpace != NULL){
	    CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace(context, theIndexedSpace);
	    CGContextSetFillColorSpace(context, theIndexedSpace);
	    // Release the color space this code created since it is no
		// longer needed in this routine.

	    // Set the stroke color to an opaque blue.
	    CGContextSetStrokeColor(context, aBlue);
	    // Set the fill color to an opaque red.
	    CGContextSetFillColor(context, opaqueRed);

	    CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 8.);
	 	// Draw the first rectangle.
	    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(20., 20., 100., 100.));
	    CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke);

	    // Continue to use the stroke colorspace already set
	    // but change the stroke alpha value to a semitransparent value
	    // while leaving the index value unchanged.
	    aBlue[1] = 0.5;
	    CGContextSetStrokeColor(context, aBlue);
	    // Draw another rectangle to the right of the first one.
	    CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(140., 20., 100., 100.));
	    CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke);
	    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't make the indexed color space!\n");
Example #2
static CGContextRef createScratchContext()
    CGDataConsumerCallbacks callbacks = { putBytesNowhere, 0 };
    RetainPtr<CGDataConsumerRef> consumer(AdoptCF, CGDataConsumerCreate(0, &callbacks));
    CGContextRef context = CGPDFContextCreate(consumer.get(), 0, 0);

    CGFloat black[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
    CGContextSetFillColor(context, black);
    CGContextSetStrokeColor(context, black);

    return context;
void doColorSpaceFillAndStroke(CGContextRef context)
	CGColorSpaceRef theColorSpace = getTheCalibratedRGBColorSpace();
	float opaqueRed[] = { 0.663, 0.0, 0.031, 1.0 }; // red,green,blue,alpha
	float aBlue[] = { 0.482, 0.62, 0.871, 1.0 };	// red,green,blue,alpha
	// Set the fill color space to be the generic calibrated RGB color space.
	CGContextSetFillColorSpace(context, theColorSpace);
	// Set the fill color to opaque red. The number of elements in the
	// array passed to this function must be the number of color
	// components in the current fill color space plus 1 for alpha.
	CGContextSetFillColor(context, opaqueRed);
	// Set the stroke color space to be the generic calibrated RGB color space.
	CGContextSetStrokeColorSpace(context, theColorSpace);
	// Set the stroke color to opaque blue. The number of elements
	// in the array passed to this function must be the number of color
	// components in the current stroke color space plus 1 for alpha.
	CGContextSetStrokeColor(context, aBlue);
	CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 8.);
 	// Rectangle 1.
	CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(20., 20., 100., 100.));
	CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke);
	// Continue to use the stroke colorspace already set
	// but change the stroke alpha value to a semitransparent blue.
	aBlue[3] = 0.5;
	CGContextSetStrokeColor(context, aBlue);
 	// Rectangle 2.
	CGContextAddRect(context, CGRectMake(140., 20., 100., 100.));
	CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathFillStroke);
	// Don't release the color space since this routine 
	// didn't create it.
Example #4
CGContextRef scratchContext()
    static CGContextRef scratch = 0;
    if (!scratch) {
        CFMutableDataRef empty = CFDataCreateMutable(NULL, 0);
        CGDataConsumerRef consumer = CGDataConsumerCreateWithCFData(empty);
        scratch = CGPDFContextCreate(consumer, NULL, NULL);

        CGFloat black[4] = {0, 0, 0, 1};
        CGContextSetFillColor(scratch, black);
        CGContextSetStrokeColor(scratch, black);
    return scratch;
void RSTileRendererDrawTile(
                 CGContextRef c,
                 CGRect bounds,
                 uint8_t *data,
                 uint32_t dataSize,
                 uint32_t zoom,
                 RSTileRendererGraphicsSpace graphicsSpace)
    CGFloat width = (CGFloat)bounds.size.width;
    CGFloat height = (CGFloat)bounds.size.height;
    const CGFloat backgroundColor[4] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1};
    const CGFloat fillColors[8][4] = {
        {0, 0, 0, 0},
        {(210 / 255.0), (173 / 255.0), (104 / 255.0), 1}, // Building = 1,
        {(66 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayMotorway = 2,
        {(255 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayPrimary = 3,
        {(255 / 255.0), (155 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwaySecondary = 4,
        {(255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), (66 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayTertiary = 5,
        {(255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayResidential = 6,
        {(255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), (255 / 255.0), 1} // HighwayService = 7,
    const CGFloat strokeColors[8][4] = {
        {0, 0, 0, 0},
        {(140 / 255.0), (93 / 255.0), (33 / 255.0), 1}, // Building = 1,
        {(44 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayMotorway = 2,
        {(200 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayPrimary = 3,
        {(200 / 255.0), (100 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwaySecondary = 4,
        {(200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), (44 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayTertiary = 5,
        {(200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), 1}, // HighwayResidential = 6,
        {(200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), (200 / 255.0), 1} // HighwayService = 7,
    CGContextSetFillColor(c, backgroundColor);
    CGContextFillRect(c, bounds);
    uint32_t pos = 0;
    uint32_t resolutionBits = 8;
    double intToFloat = width / (1 << resolutionBits);
    int32_t ix, iy;
    double x, y, firstX, firstY;
    while (pos < dataSize) {
        ix = 0;
        iy = 0;
        RSTiledataThingType thingType = (RSTiledataThingType)RSVarintRead(data, &pos);
        uint32_t numNodes = RSVarintRead(data, &pos);
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
            ix += RSVarintSignedRead(data, &pos);
            iy += RSVarintSignedRead(data, &pos);
            x = intToFloat * ix;
            y = intToFloat * iy;
            if (graphicsSpace == RSTileRendererGraphicsSpaceQuadrantOne) {
                y = height - y;
            if (i == 0) {
                firstX = x;
                firstY = y;
                CGContextMoveToPoint(c, x, y);
            } else {
                CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, x, y);
        CGContextSetFillColor(c, fillColors[thingType]);
        CGContextSetStrokeColor(c, strokeColors[thingType]);
        switch (thingType) {
            case RSTiledataBuilding:
                CGContextSetLineWidth(c, 4);
            case RSTiledataHighwayMotorway:
            case RSTiledataHighwayPrimary:
            case RSTiledataHighwaySecondary:
            case RSTiledataHighwayTertiary:
            case RSTiledataHighwayResidential:
            case RSTiledataHighwayService:
                CGContextSetLineWidth(c, 12);
        if (RSTiledataThingTypeIsClosedWay(thingType)) {
            CGContextAddLineToPoint(c, firstX, firstY);
            CGContextDrawPath(c, kCGPathFillStroke);
        } else {
Example #6
void CGContextSetStrokeColor_wrap(CGContext *con, float c1, float c2, float c3, float alpha) {
  float color[4] = {c1, c2, c3, alpha};
  CGContextSetStrokeColor(con, color);