Example #1

cent->nextState is moved to cent->currentState and events are fired
static void CG_TransitionEntity( centity_t *cent ) {
	cent->currentState = cent->nextState;
	cent->currentValid = qtrue;

	// reset if the entity wasn't in the last frame or was teleported
	if ( !cent->interpolate ) {
		CG_ResetEntity( cent );
	} else {	//mme
		int newHeight;
		int maxs = ((cent->currentState.solid >> 16) & 255) - 32;
		if ( maxs > 16 )

		if ( newHeight != cent->pe.viewHeight ) {
			cent->pe.duckTime = cg.snap->serverTime;
			cent->pe.duckChange = newHeight - cent->pe.viewHeight;
			cent->pe.viewHeight = newHeight;

	// clear the next state.  if will be set by the next CG_SetNextSnap
	cent->interpolate = qfalse;

	// check for events
	CG_CheckEvents( cent );
Example #2

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap )
	int           i;
	centity_t     *cent;
	entityState_t *state;

	cg.snap = snap;

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for ( i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++ )
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		memcpy( &cent->currentState, state, sizeof( entityState_t ) );
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );
Example #3
// This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or on tourney restarts.
//	All other times will use CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.
// FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap ) {
	int				i;
	centity_t		*cent;
	entityState_t	*state;

	cg.snap = snap;

	if ( !cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2 && trap->G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models( cgs.clientinfo[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2Model ) ) {
		trap->G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance( cgs.clientinfo[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2Model, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2 );
		CG_CopyG2WeaponInstance( &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum], FIRST_WEAPON, cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2 );

		// check now to see if we have this bone for setting anims and such
		if ( trap->G2API_AddBolt( cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2, 0, "face" ) == -1 )
			cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].noFace = qtrue;
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for ( i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++ ) {
		state = &cg.snap->entities[i];
		cent = &cg_entities[state->number];

		memcpy( &cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t) );
		//	cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );

	// auto record demo
	if ( cg_autoRecordDemo.integer & (1 << cgs.gametype) && cg.warmup <= 0 && !cg.demoPlayback ) {
		time_t rawtime;
		char buf[256] = { 0 }, timeStr[64] = { 0 }, mapName[MAX_QPATH] = { 0 };

		time( &rawtime );
		strftime( timeStr, sizeof(timeStr), "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", localtime( &rawtime ) );
		Q_strncpyz( mapName, cgs.mapname + 5, sizeof(mapName) );
		Q_strstrip( mapName, "/", "-" );
		COM_StripExtension( mapName, mapName, sizeof(mapName) );
		Com_sprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_%s_%s_%s", timeStr, gametypeStringShort[cgs.gametype], mapName, cgs.clientinfo[cg.clientNum].name );
		Q_strstrip( buf, "\n\r;?*<>|\\/\"", NULL );
		Q_strstrip( buf, " ", "_" );
		Q_CleanString( buf, STRIP_COLOUR | STRIP_EXTASCII );
		trap->SendConsoleCommand( va( "stoprecord; record %s\n", buf ) );

Example #4
// cent->nextState is moved to cent->currentState and events are fired
static void CG_TransitionEntity( centity_t *cent ) {
	cent->currentState = cent->nextState;
	cent->currentValid = qtrue;

	// reset if the entity wasn't in the last frame or was teleported
	if ( !cent->interpolate )
		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

	// clear the next state.  if will be set by the next CG_SetNextSnap
	cent->interpolate = qfalse;

	// check for events
	CG_CheckEvents( cent );
Example #5

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use 
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap ) {
	int				i;
	centity_t		*cent;
	entityState_t	*state;
	lua_State		*L = GetClientLuaState();

	cg.snap = snap;

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; i++ ) {
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t));
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );

		if(L != NULL && cent->linked == qfalse && cent->currentState.eType <= ET_LUA && 
			cent->currentState.eType != ET_GENERAL) {
			cent->linked = qtrue;

	if(L != NULL && !playBack) {
Example #6

cent->nextState is moved to cent->currentState and events are fired
static void CG_TransitionEntity( centity_t *cent ) {

	// Ridah, update the fireDir if it's on fire
	if ( CG_EntOnFire( cent ) ) {
		vec3_t newDir, newPos, oldPos;
		float adjust;
		BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &cent->nextState.pos, cg.snap->serverTime, newPos );
		BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &cent->currentState.pos, cg.snap->serverTime, oldPos );
		// update the fireRiseDir
		VectorSubtract( oldPos, newPos, newDir );
		// fire should go upwards if travelling slow
		newDir[2] += 2;
		if ( VectorNormalize( newDir ) < 1 ) {
			VectorClear( newDir );
			newDir[2] = 1;
		// now move towards the newDir
		adjust = 0.3;
		VectorMA( cent->fireRiseDir, adjust, newDir, cent->fireRiseDir );
		if ( VectorNormalize( cent->fireRiseDir ) <= 0.1 ) {
			VectorCopy( newDir, cent->fireRiseDir );

	//----(SA)	the ent lost or gained some part(s), do any necessary effects
	//TODO: check for ai first
	if ( cent->currentState.dmgFlags != cent->nextState.dmgFlags ) {
		CG_AttachedPartChange( cent );

	cent->currentState = cent->nextState;
	cent->currentValid = qtrue;

	// reset if the entity wasn't in the last frame or was teleported
	if ( !cent->interpolate ) {
		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

	// clear the next state.  if will be set by the next CG_SetNextSnap
	cent->interpolate = qfalse;

	// check for events
	CG_CheckEvents( cent );
Example #7

This will only happen on the very first snapshot.
At all other times, CG_TransitionSnapshot is used instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap )
	int           i;
	centity_t     *cent;
	entityState_t *state;

	cg.snap = snap;

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for ( i = 0; i < cg.snap->numEntities; i++ )
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		memcpy( &cent->currentState, state, sizeof( entityState_t ) );
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );

	// Need this check because the initial weapon for spec isn't always WP_NONE
	if ( snap->ps.persistant[ PERS_TEAM ] == TEAM_NONE )
		trap_Rocket_ShowHud( WP_NONE );
		trap_Rocket_ShowHud( BG_GetPlayerWeapon( &snap->ps ) );
Example #8
void NewFrameParsed( void ) {
  int i;
  entityState_t *es;
  char *serverCommand;
  char *args;

  for( i=ds.currentServerCommandNum+1 ; i<=ds.lastServerCommandNum ; i++ ) {
    serverCommand = ds.serverCommands[i & SERVERCMD_MASK];
    Cmd_TokenizeString( serverCommand );

    if( !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "print" ) || !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "cp" ) ) {
      args = Cmd_Args();
      args[strlen(args)-2] = 0;

      append_result("  - \"%s\"\n", args);
    } else if( !Q_stricmp( Cmd_Argv( 0 ), "cs" ) ) {
      UpdateConfigString( atoi( Cmd_Argv( 1 ) ), Cmd_Argv( 2 ) );

//    Com_Printf( "serverCommand: %i \"%s\"\n", i, Com_TranslateLinefeeds(  ) );
  ds.currentServerCommandNum = ds.lastServerCommandNum;

  if( !ds.snap || !ds.snap->valid ) {

  for( i=0 ; i<MAX_GENTITIES ; i++ ) {
    centities[i].currentValid = qfalse;

  for( i=0 ; i<ds.snap->numEntities ; i++ ) {
    es = &ds.parseEntities[(ds.snap->firstEntity+i) & PARSE_ENTITIES_MASK];
    memcpy( &centities[es->number].currentState, es, sizeof( entityState_t ) );
    centities[es->number].currentValid = qtrue;
    CG_CheckEvents( &centities[es->number] );

  for( i=0 ; i<MAX_GENTITIES ; i++ ) {
    if( !centities[i].currentValid ) {
      centities[i].previousEvent = 0;
Example #9

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use 
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap ) {
	int				i;
	centity_t		*cent;
	entityState_t	*state;

	cg.snap = snap; 

	if ((cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2 == NULL) && trap_G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cgs.clientinfo[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2Model))
		trap_G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(cgs.clientinfo[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2Model, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2);
		CG_CopyG2WeaponInstance(FIRST_WEAPON, cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2);
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; i++ ) {
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t));
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		if ( jk2startversion == VERSION_1_02 )
		{ // MVSDK: Version Magic!
			cent->currentState.torsoAnim = MV_MapAnimation104( cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
			cent->currentState.legsAnim = MV_MapAnimation104( cent->currentState.legsAnim );

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use 
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap ) {
	int				i;
	centity_t		*cent;
	entityState_t	*state;

	cg.snap = snap; 

	if ((cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2 == NULL) && trap->G2_HaveWeGhoul2Models(cgs.clientinfo[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2Model))
		trap->G2API_DuplicateGhoul2Instance(cgs.clientinfo[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2Model, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2);
		CG_CopyG2WeaponInstance(&cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum], FIRST_WEAPON, 0, cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2);
		if (trap->G2API_AddBolt(cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].ghoul2, 0, "face") == -1)
		{ //check now to see if we have this bone for setting anims and such
			cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].noFace = qtrue;
	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; i++ ) {
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t));
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );
Example #11
void firstReplayFrame() {
	int				i;
	snapshot_t		*snap;
	centity_t		*cent;
	entityState_t	*state;
	lua_State		*L = GetClientLuaState();

	snap = &replaySnaps[0];
	cg.snap = snap;
	cg.snap->serverTime += cg.time;

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof(cg_entities) / sizeof(cg_entities[0]); i++ ) {

	for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; i++ ) {
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		if(state->time != 0) state->time += cg.time;
		if(state->time2 != 0) state->time2 += cg.time;
		state->pos.trTime += cg.time;
		state->apos.trTime += cg.time;

		memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t));
		cent->interpolate = qtrue;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;
		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		CG_CheckEvents( cent );

		cent->previousEvent = 0;

	//cg.time = snap->serverTime;
Example #12

cent->nextState is moved to cent->currentState and events are fired
static void CG_TransitionEntity( centity_t *cent ) {
	cent->currentState = cent->nextState;
	cent->currentValid = qtrue;

	if ( jk2startversion == VERSION_1_02 )
	{ // MVSDK: Version Magic!
		cent->currentState.torsoAnim = MV_MapAnimation104( cent->currentState.torsoAnim );
		cent->currentState.legsAnim = MV_MapAnimation104( cent->currentState.legsAnim );

	// reset if the entity wasn't in the last frame or was teleported
	if ( !cent->interpolate ) {
		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

	// clear the next state.  if will be set by the next CG_SetNextSnap
	cent->interpolate = qfalse;

	// check for events
	CG_CheckEvents( cent );
Example #13

cent->nextState is moved to cent->currentState and events are fired
static void CG_TransitionEntity( centity_t *cent ) {
	lua_State		*L = GetClientLuaState();
	cent->currentState = cent->nextState;
	cent->currentValid = qtrue;

	// reset if the entity wasn't in the last frame or was teleported
	if ( !cent->interpolate ) {
		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		if(L != NULL && cent->linked == qfalse && cent->currentState.eType <= ET_LUA && 
			cent->currentState.eType != ET_GENERAL) {
			cent->linked = qtrue;

	// clear the next state.  if will be set by the next CG_SetNextSnap
	cent->interpolate = qfalse;

	// check for events
	CG_CheckEvents( cent );
Example #14

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use 
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap ) {
	int				i;
	centity_t		*cent;
	entityState_t	*state;
	char			buff[16];

	cg.snap = snap;

//	trap_S_ClearSounds( qtrue );

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is
	CG_Respawn( qfalse );

	for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; i++ ) {
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t));
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );

	cg_fxflags = 0;

	trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "r_oldMode", buff, sizeof(buff) );
	if( atoi(buff) ) {
		// Arnout: confirmation screen
		trap_UI_Popup( UIMENU_INGAME );
	} else if(cg.demoPlayback) {
		ccInitial = qtrue;
	} else {
		static char prevmap[64] = { 0 };
		char curmap[64];

		trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "mapname", curmap, 64 );

		if ( Q_stricmp( curmap, prevmap ) ) {
			strcpy( prevmap, curmap );
			if(cgs.campaignInfoLoaded) {
				if( !cg.showGameView ) {
/*			} else {
				ccInitial = qtrue;

				// Start the Initial Camera if specified
				CG_StartInitialCamera(); */

	// OSP - remove motd window
	if(cg.motdWindow != NULL) {
		cg.motdWindow = NULL;

	// Activate alternate input handler during demo playback
	if(cg.demoPlayback) {
		if(demo_infoWindow.integer > 0) {
	// OSP

#if __MACOS__
	// LBO 12/13/04. Add support for GameRanger team voice IDs

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot(snapshot_t *snap)
	int           i;
	centity_t     *cent;
	entityState_t *state;
	char          buff[16];

	cg.snap = snap;

	//  trap_S_ClearSounds( qtrue );

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&snap->ps, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].currentState, cg.time, qfalse);

	// sort out solid entities


	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for (i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; i++)
		state = &cg.snap->entities[i];
		cent  = &cg_entities[state->number];

		memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof(entityState_t));
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate  = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;


		// check for events

	trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("r_oldMode", buff, sizeof(buff));
	if (atoi(buff))
		// confirmation screen
	else if (cg.demoPlayback)
		ccInitial = qtrue;
		static char prevmap[64] = { 0 };
		char        curmap[64];

		trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("mapname", curmap, 64);

		if (Q_stricmp(curmap, prevmap))
			strcpy(prevmap, curmap);
			if (cgs.campaignInfoLoaded)
				if (!cg.showGameView)
				/*          } else {
				                ccInitial = qtrue;

				                // Start the Initial Camera if specified
				                CG_StartInitialCamera(); */

	// remove motd window
	if (cg.motdWindow != NULL)
		cg.motdWindow = NULL;

	// Activate alternate input handler during demo playback
	if (cg.demoPlayback)
		if (demo_infoWindow.integer > 0)

	// update client XP for spectator frames
	if (cg.snap->ps.clientNum == cg.clientNum)    // sanity check
		int cXP = (32768 * cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_XP_OVERFLOW]) + cg.snap->ps.stats[STAT_XP];

		if (cg.xp < cXP)
			cg.xpChangeTime = cg.time;
		cg.xp = cXP;
Example #16

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot(snapshot_t *snap) {
	int       i;
	centity_t *cent;
	char      buff[16];

	cg.snap = snap;

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState(&snap->ps, &cg_entities[snap->ps.clientNum].currentState, qfalse);

	// sort out solid entities


	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for (i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; ++i) {
		entityState_t *state = &cg.snap->entities[i];
		cent = &cg_entities[state->number];

		memcpy(&cent->currentState, state, sizeof (entityState_t));
		cent->interpolate  = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;


		// check for events

	cg_fxflags = 0;

	trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("r_oldMode", buff, sizeof (buff));
	if (atoi(buff)) {
		// Arnout: confirmation screen
	} else if (!cg.demoPlayback) {
		static char prevmap[64] = { 0 };
		char        curmap[64];

		trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer("mapname", curmap, 64);

		if (Q_stricmp(curmap, prevmap)) {
			strcpy(prevmap, curmap);
			if (cgs.campaignInfoLoaded) {
				if (!cg.showGameView) {

	// OSP - remove motd window
	if (cg.motdWindow != NULL) {
		cg.motdWindow = NULL;

	// Activate alternate input handler during demo playback
	if (cg.demoPlayback) {
		if (demo_infoWindow.integer > 0) {
Example #17

This will only happen on the very first snapshot, or
on tourney restarts.  All other times will use
CG_TransitionSnapshot instead.

FIXME: Also called by map_restart?
void CG_SetInitialSnapshot( snapshot_t *snap ) {
	char buf[64];
	int i;
	centity_t       *cent;
	entityState_t   *state;

	cg.snap = snap;

	BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &snap->ps, &cg_entities[ snap->ps.clientNum ].currentState, qfalse );

	// sort out solid entities

	CG_ExecuteNewServerCommands( snap->serverCommandSequence );

	trap_SendClientCommand( "fogswitch 0" );   // clear it out so the set below will take

	trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "r_savegameFogColor", buf, sizeof( buf ) );
	trap_Cvar_Set( "r_savegameFogColor", "0" );
	if ( strlen( buf ) > 1 ) {
		if ( !Q_stricmp( buf, "none" ) ) {
			trap_SendClientCommand( "fogswitch 0" );   // 'off'
		} else {
			trap_SendClientCommand( va( "fogswitch %s", buf ) );
	} else {
		trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "r_mapFogColor", buf, sizeof( buf ) );
		trap_SendClientCommand( va( "fogswitch %s", buf ) );

	// set our local weapon selection pointer to
	// what the server has indicated the current weapon is

	for ( i = 0 ; i < cg.snap->numEntities ; i++ ) {
		state = &cg.snap->entities[ i ];
		cent = &cg_entities[ state->number ];

		memcpy( &cent->currentState, state, sizeof( entityState_t ) );
		//cent->currentState = *state;
		cent->interpolate = qfalse;
		cent->currentValid = qtrue;

		CG_ResetEntity( cent );

		// check for events
		CG_CheckEvents( cent );

	// DHM - Nerve :: Set cg.clientNum so that it may be used elsewhere
	cg.clientNum = snap->ps.clientNum;

		static char prevmap[64] = { 0 };
		char curmap[64];

		trap_Cvar_VariableStringBuffer( "mapname", curmap, 64 );

		if ( cgs.gametype == GT_WOLF && Q_stricmp( curmap, prevmap ) ) {
			strcpy( prevmap, curmap );
			trap_SendConsoleCommand( "openLimboMenu\n" );
	// -NERVE - SMF