Example #1
Document* ClustalWAlnFormat::loadDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& fs, U2OpStatus& os) {
    QList<GObject*> objects;
    load(io, dbiRef, objects, fs, os);
    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);
    assert(objects.size() == 1);
    return new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects, fs);
Example #2
Document* FastqFormat::loadTextDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& _hints, U2OpStatus& os) {
    CHECK_EXT(io != NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);
    QVariantMap hints = _hints;
    QList<GObject*> objects;
    QMap<QString, QString> skippedLines;

    int gapSize = qBound(-1, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergeGap(_hints), 1000*1000);
    int predictedSize = qMax(100*1000, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergedSize(hints, gapSize==-1 ? 0 : io->left()));

    QString lockReason;
    load(io, dbiRef, _hints, objects, os, gapSize, predictedSize, lockReason, skippedLines);
    if (skippedLines.size() > 0){
        QMapIterator<QString, QString> i(skippedLines);
        QStringList errors;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            QString msg = i.key() + ": " + i.value();
            if (objects.length() > 0){
        if (errors.length() > 0){

    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);
    DocumentFormatUtils::updateFormatHints(objects, hints);
    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects, hints, lockReason);

    return doc;
Document* FpkmTrackingFormat::loadDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef&  dbiRef, const QVariantMap& hints, U2OpStatus& os)
    CHECK_EXT(io != NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);
    QList<GObject*> objects;

    load(io, objects, dbiRef, hints, os);
    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);

    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects);
    return doc;
Task* CallVariantsWorker::tick() {
    U2OpStatus2Log os;

    //put variant tracks
    while (!cache.isEmpty()) {

    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, setDone(), NULL);

    //take assemblies from one dataset
    if (assemblyPort->hasMessage() && settings.assemblyUrls.isEmpty()) {
        CHECK_OP_EXT(os, processError(os), NULL);
    } else if (settings.assemblyUrls.isEmpty() && !assemblyUrls.isEmpty()) {
        settings.assemblyUrls = assemblyUrls;

    //take reference sequence
    if (refSeqPort->hasMessage() && settings.refSeqUrl.isEmpty()) {
        CHECK_OP_EXT(os, processError(os), NULL);

    if (cache.isEmpty() && !settings.refSeqUrl.isEmpty() && !settings.assemblyUrls.isEmpty()) {
        settings.variationsUrl = GUrlUtils::rollFileName(getValue<QString>(OUT_URL), "_", QSet<QString>());
        CallVariantsTask* t = new CallVariantsTask(settings, context->getDataStorage());
        connect(t, SIGNAL(si_stateChanged()), SLOT(sl_taskFinished()));


        return t;
    return NULL;
Example #5
Document* FastaFormat::loadTextDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& fs, U2OpStatus& os) {
    CHECK_EXT(io!=NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);

    QList<GObject*> objects;

    int gapSize = qBound(-1, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergeGap(fs), 1000 * 1000);

    QString lockReason;
    load(io, dbiRef, fs, objects, gapSize, lockReason, os);
    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);

    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects, fs, lockReason);
    return doc;
Document* DatabaseConnectionFormat::loadDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef&, const QVariantMap& hints, U2OpStatus& os) {
    DatabaseConnectionAdapter* databaseConnectionAdapter = qobject_cast<DatabaseConnectionAdapter*>(io);
    SAFE_POINT(NULL != databaseConnectionAdapter, QString("Can't use current IOAdapter: %1").arg(io->getAdapterName()), NULL);

    U2Dbi* dbi = databaseConnectionAdapter->getConnection().dbi;
    SAFE_POINT(NULL != dbi, "NULL dbi", NULL);
    QList<GObject*> objects = getObjects(dbi, os);
    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);

    const QString modLockDesc = dbi->getFeatures().contains(U2DbiFeature_GlobalReadOnly)
        ? DocumentFormat::tr("You have no permissions to modify the content of this database")
        : QString();
    Document* resultDocument = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbi->getDbiRef(), objects, hints, modLockDesc);
    return resultDocument;
Example #7
Document* FastqFormat::loadDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dbiRef, const QVariantMap& _hints, U2OpStatus& os) {
    CHECK_EXT(io != NULL && io->isOpen(), os.setError(L10N::badArgument("IO adapter")), NULL);
    QVariantMap hints = _hints;
    QList<GObject*> objects;

    int gapSize = qBound(-1, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergeGap(_hints), 1000*1000);
    int predictedSize = qMax(100*1000, DocumentFormatUtils::getMergedSize(hints, gapSize==-1 ? 0 : io->left()));

    QString lockReason;
    load(io, dbiRef, _hints, io->getURL(), objects, os, gapSize, predictedSize, lockReason);

    CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(objects), NULL);
    DocumentFormatUtils::updateFormatHints(objects, hints);
    Document* doc = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dbiRef, objects, hints, lockReason );

    return doc;
Example #8
Document* DbiDocumentFormat::loadDocument(IOAdapter* io, const U2DbiRef& dstDbiRef, const QVariantMap& fs, U2OpStatus& os){
    //1. open db
    //2. read all objects
    //3. if there is a DEEP_COPY_OBJECT hint, all objects are cloned to the db defined by dstDbiRef
    //3. close db
    QString url = io->getURL().getURLString();
    U2DbiRef srcDbiRef(id, url);
    DbiConnection handle(srcDbiRef, true, os);
    CHECK_OP(os, NULL);

    U2ObjectDbi* odbi = handle.dbi->getObjectDbi();
    QList<U2DataId> objectIds = odbi->getObjects(U2ObjectDbi::ROOT_FOLDER, 0, U2DbiOptions::U2_DBI_NO_LIMIT, os);
    CHECK_OP(os, NULL);

    QList<GObject*> objects;
    U2EntityRef ref;
    ref.dbiRef = srcDbiRef;

    objects << prepareObjects(handle, objectIds);

    if (fs.value(DEEP_COPY_OBJECT, false).toBool()) {
        QList<GObject *> clonedObjects = cloneObjects(objects, dstDbiRef, fs, os);
        CHECK_OP_EXT(os, qDeleteAll(clonedObjects), NULL);
        objects = clonedObjects;
    } else {

    QString lockReason = handle.dbi->isReadOnly() ? "The database is read-only" : "";
    Document* d = new Document(this, io->getFactory(), io->getURL(), dstDbiRef, objects, fs, lockReason);

    return d;