int curl_fetch_read(CFContext * h, char * buf, int size) { if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return C_ERROR_UNKNOW; } if (!h->cwh_h->cfifo) { CLOGE("CURLWHandle fifo invalid\n"); return C_ERROR_UNKNOW; } int avail = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&h->cwh_h->fifo_mutex); avail = curl_fifo_size(h->cwh_h->cfifo); if (avail) { size = CURLMIN(avail, size); curl_fifo_generic_read(h->cwh_h->cfifo, buf, size, NULL); pthread_cond_signal(&h->cwh_h->pthread_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&h->cwh_h->fifo_mutex); return size; } else if (h->thread_quited) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&h->cwh_h->fifo_mutex); return h->perform_retval; } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&h->cwh_h->fifo_mutex); return C_ERROR_EAGAIN; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&h->cwh_h->fifo_mutex); return C_ERROR_OK; }
CFContext * curl_fetch_init(const char * uri, const char * headers, int flags) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_init enter\n"); if (!uri || strlen(uri) < 1 || strlen(uri) > MAX_CURL_URI_SIZE) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid uri path\n"); return NULL; } CFContext * handle = (CFContext *)c_malloc(sizeof(CFContext)); if (!handle) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return NULL; } handle->cwc_h = curl_wrapper_init(flags); if (!handle->cwc_h) { CLOGE("curl_wrapper_init failed\n"); return NULL; } #if 1 if (c_stristart(uri, "http://", NULL) || c_stristart(uri, "shttp://", NULL)) { handle->prot_type = C_PROT_HTTP; } else if (c_stristart(uri, "https://", NULL) || c_stristart(uri, "shttps://", NULL)) { handle->prot_type = C_PROT_HTTPS; } memset(handle->uri, 0, sizeof(handle->uri)); if (c_stristart(uri, "shttp://", NULL) || c_stristart(uri, "shttps://", NULL)) { c_strlcpy(handle->uri, uri + 1, sizeof(handle->uri)); } else { c_strlcpy(handle->uri, uri, sizeof(handle->uri)); } curl_fetch_url_process(handle); CLOGI("curl_fetch_init, uri:[%s]\n", handle->uri); #endif handle->cwd = (Curl_Data *)c_malloc(sizeof(Curl_Data)); if (!handle->cwd) { CLOGE("Failed to allocate memory for curl_data\n"); return NULL; } handle->cwh_h = curl_wrapper_open(handle->cwc_h, handle->uri, headers, handle->cwd, handle->prot_type); if (!handle->cwh_h) { CLOGE("curl_wrapper_open failed\n"); return NULL; } handle->chunk = NULL; handle->thread_quited = 0; handle->perform_retval = 0; handle->http_code = 0; handle->filesize = -1; handle->seekable = 0; handle->relocation = NULL; handle->headers = NULL; handle->interrupt = NULL; pthread_mutex_init(&handle->quit_mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&handle->quit_cond, NULL); if (headers) { handle->headers = (char *)c_mallocz(strlen(headers) + 1); strcpy(handle->headers, headers); } return handle; }
bool ExynosCameraPipeSCP::m_mainThreadFunc(void) { int ret = 0; #ifdef TEST_WATCHDOG_THREAD testErrorDetect++; if (testErrorDetect == 100) m_threadState = ERROR_POLLING_DETECTED; #endif if (m_flagTryStop == true) return true; if (m_numOfRunningFrame > 0) { #ifndef SKIP_SCHECK_POLLING ret = m_checkPolling(); #endif if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):m_checkPolling fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ // HACK: for panorama shot //return false; } ret = m_getBuffer(); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s):m_getBuffer fail", __FUNCTION__); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return true; } } m_timer.stop(); m_timeInterval = m_timer.durationMsecs(); m_timer.start(); ret = m_putBuffer(); if (ret < 0) { if (ret == TIMED_OUT) return true; CLOGE("ERR(%s):m_putBuffer fail", __FUNCTION__); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return true; } /* update renew count */ if (ret >= 0) m_threadRenew = 0; return true; }
/* defined for some abnormal uri, like ip port -> :80:80 */ static int curl_fetch_url_process(CFContext * h) { if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return -1; } char t_uri[MAX_CURL_URI_SIZE] = {0}; char ip[256] = {0}; char * fptr = c_stristr(h->uri, "//"); char * bptr = c_stristr(fptr + 2, "/"); if(fptr && bptr) { int len1 = fptr - h->uri + 2; memcpy(t_uri, h->uri, len1); memcpy(ip, h->uri + len1, (bptr - h->uri - len1) > 256 ? 256 : (bptr - h->uri - len1)); char * ip_ptr = c_stristr(ip, ":"); if(ip_ptr) { int len2 = ip_ptr - ip; memcpy(t_uri + len1, ip, len2); len1 += len2; char * ip_rptr = c_strrstr(ip, ":"); if(ip_ptr) { int len3 = strlen(ip) - (ip_rptr - ip); memcpy(t_uri + len1, ip_rptr, len3); len1 += len3; } } else { memcpy(t_uri + len1, ip, strlen(ip)); len1 += strlen(ip); } int len4 = strlen(h->uri) - (bptr - h->uri); memcpy(t_uri + len1, bptr, len4); c_strlcpy(h->uri, t_uri, sizeof(h->uri)); } return 0; }
int curl_fetch_close(CFContext * h) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_close enter\n"); if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return -1; } curl_wrapper_set_to_quit(h->cwc_h, NULL); pthread_join(h->pid, NULL); curl_wrapper_clean_after_perform(h->cwc_h); pthread_mutex_destroy(&h->quit_mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&h->quit_cond); curl_wrapper_close(h->cwc_h); if (h->cwd) { c_free(h->cwd); h->cwd = NULL; } if (h->headers) { c_free(h->headers); h->headers = NULL; } curl_slist_free_all(h->chunk); c_free(h); h = NULL; return 0; }
status_t ExynosCameraPipeSCP::m_getBuffer(void) { ExynosCameraFrame *curFrame = NULL; ExynosCameraBuffer curBuffer; int index = -1; int ret = 0; if (m_numOfRunningFrame <= 0 || m_flagStartPipe == false) { ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]): skip getBuffer, flagStartPipe(%d), numOfRunningFrame = %d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, m_flagStartPipe, m_numOfRunningFrame); return NO_ERROR; } ret = m_mainNode->getBuffer(&curBuffer, &index); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):getBuffer fail", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return ret; } if (index < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):Invalid index(%d) fail", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, index); return INVALID_OPERATION; } m_activityControl->activityAfterExecFunc(getPipeId(), (void *)&curBuffer); /* complete frame */ ret = m_completeFrame(&curFrame, curBuffer); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s):m_comleteFrame fail", __FUNCTION__); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ } if (curFrame == NULL) { CLOGE("ERR(%s):curFrame is fail", __FUNCTION__); } ret = curFrame->setDstBufferState(getPipeId(), ENTITY_BUFFER_STATE_COMPLETE); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s): setDstBuffer state fail", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } m_outputFrameQ->pushProcessQ(&curFrame); return NO_ERROR; }
int curl_fetch_get_info(CFContext * h, curl_info cmd, uint32_t flag, void * info) { if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return -1; } if(!curl_wrapper_get_info(h->cwh_h, cmd, flag, info)) { return 0; } return -1; }
static int curl_fetch_start_local_run(CFContext * h) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_start_local_run enter\n"); int ret = -1; if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return ret; } ret = pthread_create(&h->pid, NULL, curl_fetch_thread_run, h); return ret; }
int curl_fetch_http_set_cookie(CFContext * h, const char * cookie) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_http_set_cookie enter\n"); if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return -1; } int ret = 0; if (h->prot_type == C_PROT_HTTP) { ret = curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, NULL, C_COOKIES, 0, cookie); } return ret; }
status_t ExynosCameraPipeSCP::m_checkPolling(void) { int ret = 0; ret = m_mainNode->polling(); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):polling fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ m_threadState = ERROR_POLLING_DETECTED; return ERROR_POLLING_DETECTED; } return NO_ERROR; }
status_t ExynosCameraPipeSCP::setupPipe(camera_pipe_info_t *pipeInfos) { CLOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d])", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); status_t ret = NO_ERROR; /* TODO: check node state stream on? */ /* initialize node */ int maxW = pipeInfos[0].rectInfo.fullW; int maxH = pipeInfos[0].rectInfo.fullH; int colorFormat = pipeInfos[0].rectInfo.colorFormat; enum v4l2_buf_type bufType = (enum v4l2_buf_type)pipeInfos[0].bufInfo.type; enum v4l2_memory memType = (enum v4l2_memory)pipeInfos[0].bufInfo.memory; m_numBuffers = pipeInfos[0].bufInfo.count; m_mainNode->setSize(maxW, maxH); m_mainNode->setColorFormat(colorFormat, 4); m_mainNode->setBufferType(m_numBuffers, bufType, memType); m_mainNode->setFormat(); m_mainNode->reqBuffers(); /* setfile setting */ #ifdef SET_SETFILE_BY_SHOT /* nop */ #else #if SET_SETFILE_BY_SET_CTRL_SCP int setfile = 0; int yuvRange = 0; m_parameters->getSetfileYuvRange(m_reprocessing, &setfile, &yuvRange); ret = m_mainNode->setControl(V4L2_CID_IS_COLOR_RANGE, yuvRange); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):setControl(%d) fail(ret = %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, setfile, ret); return ret; } #endif #endif for (uint32_t i = 0; i < m_numBuffers; i++) { m_runningFrameList[i] = NULL; } m_numOfRunningFrame = 0; m_prepareBufferCount = m_exynosconfig->current->pipeInfo.prepare[getPipeId()]; ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]):setupPipe() is succeed (%d) setupPipe (%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, getPipeId(), m_prepareBufferCount); return NO_ERROR; }
/* * headers must composed of fields split with "\r\n". * This is just temporary, need to modify later */ int curl_fetch_http_set_headers(CFContext * h, const char * headers) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_http_set_headers enter\n"); if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return -1; } char fields[2048]; char * end_ptr = headers; char * beg_ptr = headers; while (*beg_ptr != '\0') { if (!(end_ptr = strstr(beg_ptr, "\r\n"))) { break; } if (beg_ptr == end_ptr) { beg_ptr += 2; continue; } memset(fields, 0x00, sizeof(fields)); int tmp = CURLMIN(end_ptr - beg_ptr + 1, sizeof(fields) - 1); c_strlcpy(fields, beg_ptr, tmp); fields[tmp] = '\0'; /* char * tmp_ptr = c_strrstr(fields, "\r\n"); // must remove CRLF if(tmp_ptr) { *tmp_ptr = '\0'; } beg_ptr = end_ptr + 5; */ beg_ptr = end_ptr + 2; #if 0 if (c_stristart(fields, "Connection:", NULL) || c_stristart(fields, "X-Playback-Session-Id:", NULL)) { h->chunk = curl_slist_append(h->chunk, fields); CLOGI("curl_fetch_http_set_headers fields=[%s]", fields); } #else h->chunk = curl_slist_append(h->chunk, fields); CLOGI("curl_fetch_http_set_headers fields=[%s]", fields); #endif } int ret = 0; if (h->prot_type == C_PROT_HTTP) { ret = curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, (void *)h->chunk, C_HTTPHEADER, 0, NULL); } return ret; }
status_t ExynosCameraPipeSCP::destroy(void) { CLOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d])", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if (m_mainNode != NULL) { if (m_mainNode->close() != NO_ERROR) { CLOGE("ERR(%s):close fail", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } delete m_mainNode; m_mainNode = NULL; ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Node(%d) closed", __FUNCTION__, FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SCP_NUM); } if (m_inputFrameQ != NULL) { m_inputFrameQ->release(); delete m_inputFrameQ; m_inputFrameQ = NULL; } ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]):destroy() is succeed (%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, getPipeId()); return NO_ERROR; }
int64_t curl_fetch_seek(CFContext * h, int64_t off, int whence) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_seek enter\n"); if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return -1; } CLOGI("curl_fetch_seek: chunk_size=%lld, off=%lld, whence=%d\n", h->cwh_h->chunk_size, off, whence); if (SEEK_CUR != whence && SEEK_SET != whence && SEEK_END != whence) { CLOGE("curl_fetch_seek whence not support\n"); return -1; } if (h->cwh_h->chunk_size == -1 && whence == SEEK_END) { return -1; } if (whence == SEEK_CUR && off == 0) { return h->cwd->size; //just a approximate value, not exactly } if (whence == SEEK_CUR) { off += h->cwd->size; } else if (whence == SEEK_END) { off += h->cwh_h->chunk_size; } if (off >= h->cwh_h->chunk_size && h->cwh_h->chunk_size > 0) { CLOGE("curl_fetch_seek exceed chunk_size\n"); return -2; } int ret = -1; //h->is_seeking = 1; curl_wrapper_set_to_quit(h->cwc_h, NULL); if (curl_fetch_waitthreadquit(h, 5000 * 1000)) { return -1; } curl_wrapper_clean_after_perform(h->cwc_h); h->thread_quited = 0; h->perform_retval = 0; if (h->cwh_h->cfifo) { curl_fifo_reset(h->cwh_h->cfifo); } ret = curl_wrapper_seek(h->cwc_h, h->cwh_h, off, h->cwd, h->prot_type); if (ret) { CLOGE("curl_wrapper_seek failed\n"); return -1; } if (h->headers) { curl_fetch_http_set_headers(h, h->headers); } #if 1 if (h->prot_type == C_PROT_HTTP) { curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, NULL, C_MAX_REDIRECTS, 10, NULL); curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, NULL, C_USER_AGENT, 0, IPAD_IDENT); curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, (void *)h->cwd, C_HEADERS, 0, NULL); } #endif ret = curl_fetch_start_local_run(h); if (ret) { CLOGE("curl_fetch_start_local_run failed\n"); return -1; } return off; }
int curl_fetch_http_keepalive_open(CFContext * h, const char * uri) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_http_keepalive_open enter\n"); int ret = -1; if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return ret; } curl_wrapper_set_to_quit(h->cwc_h, NULL); if (curl_fetch_waitthreadquit(h, 5000 * 1000)) { return ret; } curl_wrapper_clean_after_perform(h->cwc_h); if (h->cwh_h->cfifo) { curl_fifo_reset(h->cwh_h->cfifo); } if (uri) { if (c_stristart(uri, "http://", NULL) || c_stristart(uri, "shttp://", NULL)) { h->prot_type = C_PROT_HTTP; } if (h->prot_type != C_PROT_HTTP) { return ret; } memset(h->uri, 0, sizeof(h->uri)); if (c_stristart(uri, "shttp://", NULL)) { c_strlcpy(h->uri, uri + 1, sizeof(h->uri)); } else { c_strlcpy(h->uri, uri, sizeof(h->uri)); } curl_fetch_url_process(h); CLOGI("curl_fetch_http_keepalive_open, uri:[%s]\n", h->uri); ret = curl_wrapper_http_keepalive_open(h->cwc_h, h->cwh_h, h->uri); } else { ret = curl_wrapper_http_keepalive_open(h->cwc_h, h->cwh_h, uri); } if (-1 == ret) { CLOGE("curl_wrapper_http_keepalive_open failed\n"); return ret; } h->thread_quited = 0; h->perform_retval = 0; h->http_code = 0; h->filesize = -1; h->seekable = 0; //h->is_seeking = 0; h->cwd->size = 0; curl_fetch_start_local_run(h); #if 0 struct timeval now; struct timespec timeout; int retcode = 0; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (15000000 + now.tv_usec) / 1000000; timeout.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000; if(h->open_quited) { return -1; } pthread_mutex_lock(&h->cwh_h->info_mutex); retcode = pthread_cond_timedwait(&h->cwh_h->info_cond, &h->cwh_h->info_mutex, &timeout); if (retcode != ETIMEDOUT) { if (h->cwh_h->chunk_size > 0) { h->filesize = h->cwh_h->chunk_size; } if (h->cwh_h->relocation) { h->relocation = h->cwh_h->relocation; } h->http_code = h->cwh_h->http_code; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&h->cwh_h->info_mutex); #endif int timeout = 0; while(!h->cwh_h->open_quited && timeout < CONNECT_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD) { if(h->interrupt) { if((*(h->interrupt))()) { CLOGE("***** CURL INTERRUPTED *****"); return -1; // consider for seek interrupt } } usleep(SLEEP_TIME_UNIT); timeout += SLEEP_TIME_UNIT; } if(h->cwh_h->perform_error_code < C_ERROR_EAGAIN) { return -1; } if(h->cwh_h->open_quited) { if (h->cwh_h->chunk_size > 0) { h->filesize = h->cwh_h->chunk_size; } if (h->cwh_h->relocation) { h->relocation = h->cwh_h->relocation; } h->http_code = h->cwh_h->http_code; } else { h->http_code = ETIMEDOUT; return -1; } if (h->http_code >= 400 && h->http_code < 600 && h->http_code != 401) { return -1; } if (h->filesize > 0 || h->cwh_h->seekable) { h->seekable = 1; } return 0; }
status_t ExynosCameraPipeJpeg::m_run(void) { ExynosCameraAutoTimer autoTimer(__FUNCTION__); status_t ret = 0; ExynosCameraFrame *newFrame = NULL; ExynosCameraBuffer yuvBuf; ExynosCameraBuffer jpegBuf; ExynosRect pictureRect; int jpegQuality = m_parameters->getJpegQuality(); ExynosRect thumbnailRect; int thumbnailQuality = m_parameters->getThumbnailQuality(); exif_attribute_t exifInfo; m_parameters->getFixedExifInfo(&exifInfo); struct camera2_shot_ext shot_ext; memset(&shot_ext, 0x00, sizeof(struct camera2_shot_ext)); pictureRect.colorFormat = m_parameters->getPictureFormat(); m_parameters->getPictureSize(&pictureRect.w, &pictureRect.h); m_parameters->getThumbnailSize(&thumbnailRect.w, &thumbnailRect.h); ALOGI("DEBUG(%s[%d]): -IN-", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]):picture size(%dx%d), thumbnail size(%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, pictureRect.w, pictureRect.h, thumbnailRect.w, thumbnailRect.h); ret = m_inputFrameQ->waitAndPopProcessQ(&newFrame); if (ret < 0) { /* TODO: We need to make timeout duration depends on FPS */ if (ret == TIMED_OUT) { ALOGW("WARN(%s):wait timeout", __FUNCTION__); } else { ALOGE("ERR(%s):wait and pop fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ } return ret; } if (newFrame == NULL) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):new frame is NULL", __FUNCTION__); return NO_ERROR; } ret = newFrame->getSrcBuffer(getPipeId(), &yuvBuf); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):frame get src buffer fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return OK; } ret = newFrame->getDstBuffer(getPipeId(), &jpegBuf); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):frame get dst buffer fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return OK; } if (m_jpegEnc.create()) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.create() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (m_jpegEnc.setQuality(jpegQuality)) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setQuality() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (m_jpegEnc.setSize(pictureRect.w, pictureRect.h)) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setSize() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (m_jpegEnc.setColorFormat(pictureRect.colorFormat)) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setColorFormat() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (m_jpegEnc.setJpegFormat(V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG_422)) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setJpegFormat() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (thumbnailRect.w != 0 && thumbnailRect.h != 0) { exifInfo.enableThumb = true; if (pictureRect.w < 320 || pictureRect.h < 240) { thumbnailRect.w = 160; thumbnailRect.h = 120; } if (m_jpegEnc.setThumbnailSize(thumbnailRect.w, thumbnailRect.h)) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setThumbnailSize(%d, %d) fail", __FUNCTION__, thumbnailRect.w, thumbnailRect.h); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (0 < thumbnailQuality && thumbnailQuality <= 100) { if (m_jpegEnc.setThumbnailQuality(thumbnailQuality)) { ret = INVALID_OPERATION; ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setThumbnailQuality(%d) fail", __FUNCTION__, thumbnailQuality); } } } else { exifInfo.enableThumb = false; } /* wait for medata update */ if(newFrame->getMetaDataEnable() == false) { CLOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]): Waiting for update jpeg metadata failed (%d) ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); } /* get dynamic meters for make exif info */ newFrame->getDynamicMeta(&shot_ext); newFrame->getUserDynamicMeta(&shot_ext); m_parameters->setExifChangedAttribute(&exifInfo, &pictureRect, &thumbnailRect,&, &shot_ext.shot.udm); if (m_jpegEnc.setInBuf((int *)&(yuvBuf.fd), (int *)yuvBuf.size)) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setInBuf() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (m_jpegEnc.setOutBuf(jpegBuf.fd[0], jpegBuf.size[0] + jpegBuf.size[1] + jpegBuf.size[2])) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.setOutBuf() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (m_jpegEnc.updateConfig()) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.updateConfig() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } if (m_jpegEnc.encode((int *)&jpegBuf.size, &exifInfo, m_parameters->getDebugAttribute())) { ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_jpegEnc.encode() fail", __FUNCTION__); ret = INVALID_OPERATION; goto jpeg_encode_done; } newFrame->setJpegSize(jpegBuf.size[0]); ret = newFrame->setEntityState(getPipeId(), ENTITY_STATE_FRAME_DONE); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):set entity state fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return OK; } m_outputFrameQ->pushProcessQ(&newFrame); jpeg_encode_done: if (ret != NO_ERROR) { ALOGD("[jpegBuf.fd[0] %d][jpegBuf.size[0] + jpegBuf.size[1] + jpegBuf.size[2] %d]", jpegBuf.fd[0], jpegBuf.size[0] + jpegBuf.size[1] + jpegBuf.size[2]); ALOGD("[pictureW %d][pictureH %d][pictureFormat %d]", pictureRect.w, pictureRect.h, pictureRect.colorFormat); } if (m_jpegEnc.flagCreate() == true) m_jpegEnc.destroy(); ALOGI("DEBUG(%s[%d]): -OUT-", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return ret; }
int curl_fetch_open(CFContext * h) { CLOGI("curl_fetch_open enter\n"); if (!h) { CLOGE("CFContext invalid\n"); return -1; } #if 1 if (h->prot_type == C_PROT_HTTP) { curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, NULL, C_MAX_REDIRECTS, 10, NULL); curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, NULL, C_USER_AGENT, 0, IPAD_IDENT); curl_wrapper_set_para(h->cwh_h, (void *)h->cwd, C_HEADERS, 0, NULL); } #endif if (h->headers) { curl_fetch_http_set_headers(h, h->headers); } #if 0 int64_t tmp_size; if(!curl_wrapper_get_info_easy(h->cwh_h, C_INFO_CONTENT_LENGTH_DOWNLOAD, 0, &tmp_size, NULL)) { h->cwh_h->chunk_size = tmp_size; } else { h->cwh_h->chunk_size = -1; } h->filesize = h->cwh_h->chunk_size; #endif //h->thread_first_run = 1; curl_fetch_start_local_run(h); #if 0 struct timeval now; struct timespec timeout; int retcode = 0; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + (15000000 + now.tv_usec) / 1000000; timeout.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000; if(h->open_quited) { return -1; } pthread_mutex_lock(&h->cwh_h->info_mutex); retcode = pthread_cond_timedwait(&h->cwh_h->info_cond, &h->cwh_h->info_mutex, &timeout); if (retcode != ETIMEDOUT) { if (h->cwh_h->chunk_size > 0) { h->filesize = h->cwh_h->chunk_size; } if (h->cwh_h->relocation) { h->relocation = h->cwh_h->relocation; } h->http_code = h->cwh_h->http_code; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&h->cwh_h->info_mutex); #endif int timeout = 0; while(!h->cwh_h->open_quited && timeout < CONNECT_TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD) { if(h->interrupt) { if((*(h->interrupt))()) { CLOGE("***** CURL INTERRUPTED *****"); return -1; // consider for seek interrupt } } usleep(SLEEP_TIME_UNIT); timeout += SLEEP_TIME_UNIT; } if(h->cwh_h->perform_error_code < C_ERROR_EAGAIN) { return -1; } if(h->cwh_h->open_quited) { if (h->cwh_h->chunk_size > 0) { h->filesize = h->cwh_h->chunk_size; } if (h->cwh_h->relocation) { h->relocation = h->cwh_h->relocation; } h->http_code = h->cwh_h->http_code; } else { h->http_code = ETIMEDOUT; return -1; } if (h->http_code >= 400 && h->http_code < 600 && h->http_code != 401) { return -1; } if (h->filesize > 0 || h->cwh_h->seekable) { h->seekable = 1; } return 0; }
status_t ExynosCameraPipeSCP::m_putBuffer(void) { ExynosCameraFrame *newFrame = NULL; ExynosCameraBuffer newBuffer; int ret = 0; retry: ret = m_inputFrameQ->waitAndPopProcessQ(&newFrame); if (ret < 0) { /* TODO: We need to make timeout duration depends on FPS */ if (ret == TIMED_OUT) { CLOGW("WARN(%s):wait timeout", __FUNCTION__); m_mainNode->dumpState(); } else { CLOGE("ERR(%s):wait and pop fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ } return ret; } if (newFrame == NULL) { CLOGE("ERR(%s):newFrame is NULL", __FUNCTION__); return INVALID_OPERATION; } ret = newFrame->getDstBuffer(getPipeId(), &newBuffer); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):frame get buffer fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return OK; } /* check buffer index */ if (newBuffer.index < 0) { CLOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]): no buffer to QBUF (%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, newFrame->getFrameCount()); ret = newFrame->setDstBufferState(getPipeId(), ENTITY_BUFFER_STATE_REQUESTED); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s): setDstBuffer state fail", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } ret = newFrame->setEntityState(getPipeId(), ENTITY_STATE_FRAME_DONE); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):set entity state fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret); /* TODO: doing exception handling */ return OK; } CLOGV("DEBUG(%s):entity pipeId(%d), frameCount(%d), numOfRunningFrame(%d), requestCount(%d)", __FUNCTION__, getPipeId(), newFrame->getFrameCount(), m_numOfRunningFrame, m_requestCount); usleep(33000); m_outputFrameQ->pushProcessQ(&newFrame); goto retry; } else { if (m_runningFrameList[newBuffer.index] != NULL) { CLOGE("ERR(%s):new buffer is invalid, we already get buffer index(%d), newFrame->frameCount(%d)", __FUNCTION__, newBuffer.index, newFrame->getFrameCount()); m_dumpRunningFrameList(); return BAD_VALUE; } camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext = (struct camera2_shot_ext *)(newBuffer.addr[1]); if (shot_ext != NULL) { newFrame->getMetaData(shot_ext); m_parameters->duplicateCtrlMetadata((void *)shot_ext); m_activityControl->activityBeforeExecFunc(getPipeId(), (void *)&newBuffer); if (m_perframeMainNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType == PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_LEADER) { camera2_node_group node_group_info; memset(&shot_ext->node_group, 0x0, sizeof(camera2_node_group)); newFrame->getNodeGroupInfo(&node_group_info, m_perframeMainNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perframeInfoIndex); /* Per - Leader */ if (node_group_info.leader.request == 1) { setMetaNodeLeaderInputSize(shot_ext, node_group_info.leader.input.cropRegion[0], node_group_info.leader.input.cropRegion[1], node_group_info.leader.input.cropRegion[2], node_group_info.leader.input.cropRegion[3]); setMetaNodeLeaderOutputSize(shot_ext, node_group_info.leader.output.cropRegion[0], node_group_info.leader.output.cropRegion[1], node_group_info.leader.output.cropRegion[2], node_group_info.leader.output.cropRegion[3]); setMetaNodeLeaderRequest(shot_ext, node_group_info.leader.request); setMetaNodeLeaderVideoID(shot_ext, m_perframeMainNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameVideoID); } /* Per - Captures */ for (int i = 0; i < m_perframeMainNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum - 1; i ++) { if (node_group_info.capture[i].request == 1) { setMetaNodeCaptureInputSize(shot_ext, i, node_group_info.capture[i].input.cropRegion[0], node_group_info.capture[i].input.cropRegion[1], node_group_info.capture[i].input.cropRegion[2], node_group_info.capture[i].input.cropRegion[3]); setMetaNodeCaptureOutputSize(shot_ext, i, node_group_info.capture[i].output.cropRegion[0], node_group_info.capture[i].output.cropRegion[1], node_group_info.capture[i].output.cropRegion[2], node_group_info.capture[i].output.cropRegion[3]); setMetaNodeCaptureRequest(shot_ext, i, node_group_info.capture[i].request); setMetaNodeCaptureVideoID(shot_ext, i, m_perframeMainNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[i].perFrameVideoID); } } } } ret = m_mainNode->putBuffer(&newBuffer); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s):putBuffer fail", __FUNCTION__); return ret; /* TODO: doing exception handling */ } ret = newFrame->setDstBufferState(getPipeId(), ENTITY_BUFFER_STATE_PROCESSING); if (ret < 0) { CLOGE("ERR(%s): setDstBuffer state fail", __FUNCTION__); return ret; } m_runningFrameList[newBuffer.index] = newFrame; m_numOfRunningFrame++; } return NO_ERROR; }