Example #1
qboolean CL_AddVisibleEntity( cl_entity_t *ent, int entityType )
	if( !ent || !ent->model )
		return false;

	if( entityType == ET_TEMPENTITY )
		// copy actual origin and angles back to let StudioModelRenderer
		// get actual value directly from curstate
		VectorCopy( ent->origin, ent->curstate.origin );
		VectorCopy( ent->angles, ent->curstate.angles );

	if( CL_IsInMenu( ) && ( !cl.background || ent->player ))
		// menu entities ignores client filter
		if( !R_AddEntity( ent, entityType ))
			return false;
		// check for adding this entity
		if( !clgame.dllFuncs.pfnAddEntity( entityType, ent, ent->model->name ))
			return false;

		// don't add himself on firstperson
		if( RP_LOCALCLIENT( ent ) && !cl.thirdperson && cls.key_dest != key_menu && cl.refdef.viewentity == ( cl.playernum + 1 ))
			if( gl_allow_mirrors->integer && world.has_mirrors )
				if( !R_AddEntity( ent, entityType ))
					return false;
			// otherwise just pass to player effects like flashlight, particles etc
		else if( entityType == ET_BEAM )
			CL_AddCustomBeam( ent );
			return true;
		else if( !R_AddEntity( ent, entityType ))
			return false;

	// set actual entity type
	ent->curstate.entityType = entityType;

	// apply effects
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD )
		CL_EntityParticles( ent );

	// add in muzzleflash effect
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_MUZZLEFLASH )
		dlight_t	*dl;

		if( ent == &clgame.viewent )
			ent->curstate.effects &= ~EF_MUZZLEFLASH;

		dl = CL_AllocElight( 0 );

		VectorCopy( ent->attachment[0], dl->origin );
		dl->die = cl.time + 0.05f;
		dl->color.r = 255;
		dl->color.g = 180;
		dl->color.b = 64;
		dl->radius = 100;

	// add light effect
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_LIGHT )
		dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
		VectorCopy( ent->origin, dl->origin );
		dl->die = cl.time;	// die at next frame
		dl->color.r = 100;
		dl->color.g = 100;
		dl->color.b = 100;
		dl->radius = 200;
		CL_RocketFlare( ent->origin );

	// add dimlight
	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT )
		if( entityType == ET_PLAYER )
			CL_UpdateFlashlight( ent );
			dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
			VectorCopy( ent->origin, dl->origin );
			dl->die = cl.time;	// die at next frame
			dl->color.r = 255;
			dl->color.g = 255;
			dl->color.b = 255;
			dl->radius = Com_RandomLong( 200, 230 );

	if( ent->curstate.effects & EF_BRIGHTLIGHT )
		dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( 0 );
		VectorSet( dl->origin, ent->origin[0], ent->origin[1], ent->origin[2] + 16.0f );
		dl->die = cl.time + 0.001f; // die at next frame
		dl->color.r = 255;
		dl->color.g = 255;
		dl->color.b = 255;

		if( entityType == ET_PLAYER )
			dl->radius = 430;
		else dl->radius = Com_RandomLong( 400, 430 );

	if( ent->model->type == mod_studio )
		if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROTATE )
			ent->angles[1] = anglemod( 100.0f * cl.time );

		if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GIB )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 2 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ZOMGIB )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 4 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 3 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER2 )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 5 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_ROCKET )
			dlight_t	*dl = CL_AllocDlight( ent->curstate.number );
			VectorCopy( ent->origin, dl->origin );
			dl->color.r = 255;
			dl->color.g = 255;
			dl->color.b = 255;

			// HACKHACK: get radius from head entity
			if( ent->curstate.rendermode != kRenderNormal )
				dl->radius = max( 0, ent->curstate.renderamt - 55 );
			else dl->radius = 200;
			dl->die = cl.time + 0.01f;

			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 0 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_GRENADE )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 1 );
		else if( ent->model->flags & STUDIO_TRACER3 )
			CL_RocketTrail( ent->prevstate.origin, ent->curstate.origin, 6 );

	return true;
Example #2
void R_Strobe_Tick( void )
	double delta, delta2;
	double currentTime                       = Sys_DoubleTime( );
	static int frameSnapshot                 = 0;
	static double recentTime2                = 0.0;
	static double recentTime                 = 0.0;
	static double deltaArray[DEVIATION_SIZE] = {0.0};

	if ( CL_IsInMenu( ) || ( !vid_fullscreen->integer && CL_IsInConsole( ) ) ) // Disable when not in fullscreen due to viewport problems
		R_Set2DMode( false );

	delta2             = currentTime - recentTime2;
	recentTime2        = currentTime;
	strobe.elapsedTime = currentTime - strobe.initialTime;

	if (deltaArray[0] == -1.0)
		for ( int k = 0; k < ARRAYSIZE( deltaArray ); ++k )
			deltaArray[k] = _currentFPS( );

	if ( strobe.cdTimer >= 0.0 && delta2 > 0.0 )
		strobe.cdTimer += delta2;
	if ( strobe.fCounter - frameSnapshot == 1 )
		deltaArray[strobe.fCounter % ARRAYSIZE( deltaArray )] = _currentFPS( );
		strobe.deviation                                      = _standardDeviation( deltaArray, ARRAYSIZE( deltaArray ) );
	frameSnapshot = strobe.fCounter;

	if ( r_strobe_cooldown->integer > 0 )
		if ( ( strobe.cdTimer > (double)abs( r_strobe_cooldown->integer ) ) && strobe.cdTriggered == true )
			strobe.cdTriggered = false;
			strobe.cdTimer     = -1.0;

		if ( strobe.fCounter > ARRAYSIZE( deltaArray ) )
			if ( strobe.deviation > DEVIATION_LIMIT )
				strobe.cdTriggered = true;
				strobe.cdTimer     = 0.0;
		strobe.cdTriggered = false;

	if ( ( ( strobe.strobeInterval != r_strobe->integer ) && ( strobe.strobeInterval ) ) ||
	     /*((swapInterval != r_strobe_swapinterval->integer) && (swapInterval != 0)) || */
	     strobe.fCounter == INT_MAX )
		_reset( );
		R_Strobe_Tick( );

	strobe.strobeInterval = r_strobe->integer;
	strobe.swapInterval   = r_strobe_swapinterval->integer;

	if ( ( strobe.strobeInterval == 0 ) ||
	     ( ( gl_swapInterval->integer == 0 ) && ( strobe.strobeInterval ) ) ||
	     ( strobe.strobeInterval > 25 || strobe.strobeInterval < -25 ) )
		if ( !gl_swapInterval->integer )
			MsgDev( D_WARN, "Strobing requires V-SYNC enabled! (gl_swapInterval != 0) \n" );

		if ( strobe.strobeInterval )
			Cvar_Set( "r_strobe", "0" );

		R_Set2DMode( false );

	if ( ( strobe.fCounter % 2 ) == 0 )
		strobe.frameState |= PHASE_POSITIVE;
		strobe.frameState &= ~PHASE_POSITIVE;

	if ( strobe.swapInterval < 0 )
		strobe.swapInterval = abs( strobe.swapInterval );

	if ( ( strobe.swapInterval ) && ( strobe.strobeInterval % 2 ) ) // Swapping not enabled for even intervals as it is neither necessary nor works as intended
		delta = currentTime - recentTime;
		if ( ( delta >= (double)( strobe.swapInterval ) ) && ( delta < (double)( 2 * strobe.swapInterval ) ) ) // Basic timer
			strobe.frameState |= PHASE_INVERTED;
		else if ( delta < (double)( strobe.swapInterval ) )
			strobe.frameState &= ~PHASE_INVERTED;
		else //if (delta >= (double)(2 * swapInterval))
			recentTime = currentTime;

	switch ( strobe.frameState & ( PHASE_POSITIVE | PHASE_INVERTED ) )
		if ( ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) % 2 ) == 0 )
			strobe.frameState = ( ( ( strobe.pCounter - 1 ) % ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) + 1 ) ) == ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) / 2 ) ) ? strobe.frameState | FRAME_RENDER : strobe.frameState & ~FRAME_RENDER; //even
			strobe.frameState &= ~FRAME_RENDER;

		if ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) % 2 == 0 )
			strobe.frameState = ( ( ( strobe.pCounter - 1 ) % ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) + 1 ) ) == 0 ) ? strobe.frameState | FRAME_RENDER : strobe.frameState & ~FRAME_RENDER; //even
			if ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) == 1 )
				strobe.frameState |= FRAME_RENDER;
				strobe.frameState = ( ( ( strobe.pCounter - 1 ) % ( ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) + 1 ) / 2 ) ) == 0 ) ? strobe.frameState | FRAME_RENDER : strobe.frameState & ~FRAME_RENDER; //odd

		if ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) % 2 == 0 )
			strobe.frameState = ( ( ( strobe.nCounter - 1 ) % ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) + 1 ) ) == 0 ) ? strobe.frameState | FRAME_RENDER : strobe.frameState & ~FRAME_RENDER; //even
			if ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) == 1 )
				strobe.frameState |= FRAME_RENDER;
				strobe.frameState = ( ( ( strobe.nCounter - 1 ) % ( ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) + 1 ) / 2 ) ) == 0 ) ? strobe.frameState | FRAME_RENDER : strobe.frameState & ~FRAME_RENDER; //odd

	case 0:
		if ( ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) % 2 ) == 0 )
			strobe.frameState = ( ( ( strobe.nCounter - 1 ) % ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) + 1 ) ) == ( abs( strobe.strobeInterval ) / 2 ) ) ? strobe.frameState | FRAME_RENDER : strobe.frameState & ~FRAME_RENDER; //even
			strobe.frameState &= ~FRAME_RENDER;

		strobe.frameState = ( PHASE_POSITIVE | FRAME_RENDER );

	if ( strobe.strobeInterval < 0 )
		strobe.frameState ^= FRAME_RENDER;

	_processFrame( );
Example #3
void Host_Error( const char *error, ... )
	static char	hosterror1[MAX_SYSPATH];
	static char	hosterror2[MAX_SYSPATH];
	static qboolean	recursive = false;
	va_list		argptr;

	if( host.mouse_visible && !CL_IsInMenu( ))
		// hide VGUI mouse
#ifdef XASH_SDL
		SDL_ShowCursor( false );
		host.mouse_visible = false;

	va_start( argptr, error );
	Q_vsprintf( hosterror1, error, argptr );
	va_end( argptr );

	CL_WriteMessageHistory (); // before Q_error call

	if( host.framecount < 3 )
		Sys_Error( "Host_InitError: %s", hosterror1 );
	else if( host.framecount == host.errorframe )
		Sys_Error( "Host_MultiError: %s", hosterror2 );
		if( host.developer > 0 )
			UI_SetActiveMenu( false );
			Key_SetKeyDest( key_console );
			Msg( "^1Host_Error: ^7%s", hosterror1 );
		else MSGBOX2( hosterror1 );

	// host is shutting down. don't invoke infinite loop
	if( host.state == HOST_SHUTDOWN ) return;

	if( recursive )
		Msg( "Host_RecursiveError: %s", hosterror2 );
		Sys_Error( hosterror1 );
		return; // don't multiple executes

	recursive = true;
	Q_strncpy( hosterror2, hosterror1, MAX_SYSPATH );
	host.errorframe = host.framecount; // to avoid multple calls per frame
	Q_sprintf( host.finalmsg, "Server crashed: %s", hosterror1 );

	// clear cmd buffer to prevent execution of any commands

	SV_Shutdown( false );
	CL_Drop(); // drop clients

	// recreate world if required
	CL_ClearEdicts ();

	// release all models
	Mod_ClearAll( false );

	recursive = false;
