Example #1
 * Deliver digest messages
void network_deliver_digest(SpoolControl *sc)
	struct CitContext *CCC = CC;
	long len;
	char buf[SIZ];
	char *pbuf;
	struct CtdlMessage *msg = NULL;
	long msglen;
	recptypes *valid;
	char bounce_to[256];

	if (sc->Users[digestrecp] == NULL)

	msg = malloc(sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
	msg->cm_magic = CTDLMESSAGE_MAGIC;
	msg->cm_format_type = FMT_RFC822;
	msg->cm_anon_type = MES_NORMAL;

	CM_SetFieldLONG(msg, eTimestamp, time(NULL));
	CM_SetField(msg, eAuthor, CCC->room.QRname, strlen(CCC->room.QRname));
	len = snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "[%s]", CCC->room.QRname);
	CM_SetField(msg, eMsgSubject, buf, len);

	CM_SetField(msg, erFc822Addr, SKEY(sc->Users[roommailalias]));
	CM_SetField(msg, eRecipient, SKEY(sc->Users[roommailalias]));

	/* Set the 'List-ID' header */
	CM_SetField(msg, eListID, SKEY(sc->ListID));

	 * Go fetch the contents of the digest
	fseek(sc->digestfp, 0L, SEEK_END);
	msglen = ftell(sc->digestfp);

	pbuf = malloc(msglen + 1);
	fseek(sc->digestfp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
	fread(pbuf, (size_t)msglen, 1, sc->digestfp);
	pbuf[msglen] = '\0';
	CM_SetAsField(msg, eMesageText, &pbuf, msglen);

	/* Now generate the delivery instructions */

	/* Where do we want bounces and other noise to be heard?
	 * Surely not the list members! */
	snprintf(bounce_to, sizeof bounce_to, "room_aide@%s", config.c_fqdn);

	/* Now submit the message */
	valid = validate_recipients(ChrPtr(sc->Users[digestrecp]), NULL, 0);
	if (valid != NULL) {
		valid->bounce_to = strdup(bounce_to);
		valid->envelope_from = strdup(bounce_to);
		CtdlSubmitMsg(msg, valid, NULL, 0);
Example #2
 * Before allowing a wiki page save to execute, we have to perform version control.
 * This involves fetching the old version of the page if it exists.
int wiki_upload_beforesave(struct CtdlMessage *msg, recptypes *recp) {
	struct CitContext *CCC = CC;
	long old_msgnum = (-1L);
	struct CtdlMessage *old_msg = NULL;
	long history_msgnum = (-1L);
	struct CtdlMessage *history_msg = NULL;
	char diff_old_filename[PATH_MAX];
	char diff_new_filename[PATH_MAX];
	char diff_out_filename[PATH_MAX];
	char diff_cmd[PATH_MAX];
	FILE *fp;
	int rv;
	char history_page[1024];
	long history_page_len;
	char boundary[256];
	char prefixed_boundary[258];
	char buf[1024];
	char *diffbuf = NULL;
	size_t diffbuf_len = 0;
	char *ptr = NULL;
	long newmsgid;
	StrBuf *msgidbuf;

	if (!CCC->logged_in) return(0);	/* Only do this if logged in. */

	/* Is this a room with a Wiki in it, don't run this hook. */
	if ((CCC->room.QRdefaultview != VIEW_WIKI) &&
	    (CCC->room.QRdefaultview != VIEW_WIKIMD)) {

	/* If this isn't a MIME message, don't bother. */
	if (msg->cm_format_type != 4) return(0);

	/* If there's no EUID we can't do this.  Reject the post. */
	if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eExclusiveID)) return(1);

	newmsgid = get_new_message_number();
	msgidbuf = NewStrBuf();
	StrBufPrintf(msgidbuf, "%08lX-%08lX@%s/%s",
		     (long unsigned int) time(NULL),
		     (long unsigned int) newmsgid,

	CM_SetAsFieldSB(msg, emessageId, &msgidbuf);

	history_page_len = snprintf(history_page, sizeof history_page,
				    "%s_HISTORY_", msg->cm_fields[eExclusiveID]);

	/* Make sure we're saving a real wiki page rather than a wiki history page.
	 * This is important in order to avoid recursing infinitely into this hook.
	if (	(msg->cm_lengths[eExclusiveID] >= 9)
		&& (!strcasecmp(&msg->cm_fields[eExclusiveID][msg->cm_lengths[eExclusiveID]-9], "_HISTORY_"))
	) {
		syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "History page not being historied\n");

	/* If there's no message text, obviously this is all b0rken and shouldn't happen at all */
	if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eMesageText)) return(0);

	/* Set the message subject identical to the page name */
	CM_CopyField(msg, eMsgSubject, eExclusiveID);

	/* See if we can retrieve the previous version. */
	old_msgnum = CtdlLocateMessageByEuid(msg->cm_fields[eExclusiveID], &CCC->room);
	if (old_msgnum > 0L) {
		old_msg = CtdlFetchMessage(old_msgnum, 1, 1);
	else {
		old_msg = NULL;

	if ((old_msg != NULL) && (CM_IsEmpty(old_msg, eMesageText))) {	/* old version is corrupt? */
		old_msg = NULL;
	/* If no changes were made, don't bother saving it again */
	if ((old_msg != NULL) && (!strcmp(msg->cm_fields[eMesageText], old_msg->cm_fields[eMesageText]))) {

	 * Generate diffs
	CtdlMakeTempFileName(diff_old_filename, sizeof diff_old_filename);
	CtdlMakeTempFileName(diff_new_filename, sizeof diff_new_filename);
	CtdlMakeTempFileName(diff_out_filename, sizeof diff_out_filename);

	if (old_msg != NULL) {
		fp = fopen(diff_old_filename, "w");
		rv = fwrite(old_msg->cm_fields[eMesageText], old_msg->cm_lengths[eMesageText], 1, fp);

	fp = fopen(diff_new_filename, "w");
	rv = fwrite(msg->cm_fields[eMesageText], msg->cm_lengths[eMesageText], 1, fp);

	snprintf(diff_cmd, sizeof diff_cmd,
		DIFF " -u %s %s >%s",
		((old_msg != NULL) ? diff_old_filename : "/dev/null"),
	syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "diff cmd: %s", diff_cmd);
	rv = system(diff_cmd);
	syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "diff cmd returned %d", rv);

	diffbuf_len = 0;
	diffbuf = NULL;
	fp = fopen(diff_out_filename, "r");
	if (fp == NULL) {
		fp = fopen("/dev/null", "r");
	if (fp != NULL) {
		fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
		diffbuf_len = ftell(fp);
		fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
		diffbuf = malloc(diffbuf_len + 1);
		fread(diffbuf, diffbuf_len, 1, fp);
		diffbuf[diffbuf_len] = '\0';

	syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "diff length is "SIZE_T_FMT" bytes", diffbuf_len);


	/* Determine whether this was a bogus (empty) edit */
	if ((diffbuf_len = 0) && (diffbuf != NULL)) {
		diffbuf = NULL;
	if (diffbuf == NULL) {
		return(1);		/* No changes at all?  Abandon the post entirely! */

	/* Now look for the existing edit history */

	history_msgnum = CtdlLocateMessageByEuid(history_page, &CCC->room);
	history_msg = NULL;
	if (history_msgnum > 0L) {
		history_msg = CtdlFetchMessage(history_msgnum, 1, 1);

	/* Create a new history message if necessary */
	if (history_msg == NULL) {
		char *buf;
		long len;

		history_msg = malloc(sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
		memset(history_msg, 0, sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
		history_msg->cm_magic = CTDLMESSAGE_MAGIC;
		history_msg->cm_anon_type = MES_NORMAL;
		history_msg->cm_format_type = FMT_RFC822;
		CM_SetField(history_msg, eAuthor, HKEY("Citadel"));
		if (!IsEmptyStr(CCC->room.QRname)){
			CM_SetField(history_msg, eRecipient, CCC->room.QRname, strlen(CCC->room.QRname));
		CM_SetField(history_msg, eExclusiveID, history_page, history_page_len);
		CM_SetField(history_msg, eMsgSubject, history_page, history_page_len);
		CM_SetField(history_msg, eSuppressIdx, HKEY("1")); /* suppress full text indexing */
		snprintf(boundary, sizeof boundary, "Citadel--Multipart--%04x--%08lx", getpid(), time(NULL));
		buf = (char*) malloc(1024);
		len = snprintf(buf, 1024,
			       "Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"%s\"\n\n"
			       "This is a Citadel wiki history encoded as multipart MIME.\n"
			       "Each part is comprised of a diff script representing one change set.\n"
			       boundary, boundary
		CM_SetAsField(history_msg, eMesageText, &buf, len);

	/* Update the history message (regardless of whether it's new or existing) */

	/* Remove the Message-ID from the old version of the history message.  This will cause a brand
	 * new one to be generated, avoiding an uninitentional hit of the loop zapper when we replicate.
	CM_FlushField(history_msg, emessageId);

	/* Figure out the boundary string.  We do this even when we generated the
	 * boundary string in the above code, just to be safe and consistent.
	*boundary = '\0';

	ptr = history_msg->cm_fields[eMesageText];
	do {
		ptr = memreadline(ptr, buf, sizeof buf);
		if (*ptr != 0) {
			if (!IsEmptyStr(buf) && (!strncasecmp(buf, "Content-type:", 13))) {
				if (
					(bmstrcasestr(buf, "multipart") != NULL)
					&& (bmstrcasestr(buf, "boundary=") != NULL)
				) {
					safestrncpy(boundary, bmstrcasestr(buf, "\""), sizeof boundary);
					char *qu;
					qu = strchr(boundary, '\"');
					if (qu) {
						strcpy(boundary, ++qu);
					qu = strchr(boundary, '\"');
					if (qu) {
						*qu = 0;
	} while ( (IsEmptyStr(boundary)) && (*ptr != 0) );

	 * Now look for the first boundary.  That is where we need to insert our fun.
	if (!IsEmptyStr(boundary)) {
		char *MsgText;
		long MsgTextLen;
		time_t Now = time(NULL);

		snprintf(prefixed_boundary, sizeof(prefixed_boundary), "--%s", boundary);
		CM_GetAsField(history_msg, eMesageText, &MsgText, &MsgTextLen);

		ptr = bmstrcasestr(MsgText, prefixed_boundary);
		if (ptr != NULL) {
			StrBuf *NewMsgText;
			char uuid[64];
			char memo[512];
			long memolen;
			char encoded_memo[1024];
			NewMsgText = NewStrBufPlain(NULL, MsgTextLen + diffbuf_len + 1024);

			memolen = snprintf(memo, sizeof(memo), "%s|%ld|%s|%s", 

			memolen = CtdlEncodeBase64(encoded_memo, memo, memolen, 0);

			StrBufAppendBufPlain(NewMsgText, HKEY("--"), 0);
			StrBufAppendBufPlain(NewMsgText, boundary, -1, 0);
				     "Content-type: text/plain\n"
				     "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\""), 0);

			StrBufAppendBufPlain(NewMsgText, encoded_memo, memolen, 0);

				     "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
				     "\n"), 0);

			StrBufAppendBufPlain(NewMsgText, diffbuf, diffbuf_len, 0);
			StrBufAppendBufPlain(NewMsgText, HKEY("\n"), 0);

			StrBufAppendBufPlain(NewMsgText, ptr, MsgTextLen - (ptr - MsgText), 0);
			CM_SetAsFieldSB(history_msg, eMesageText, &NewMsgText); 
			CM_SetAsField(history_msg, eMesageText, &MsgText, MsgTextLen); 

		CM_SetFieldLONG(history_msg, eTimestamp, Now);
		CtdlSubmitMsg(history_msg, NULL, "", 0);
	else {
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Empty boundary string in history message.  No history!\n");

Example #3
 * Fetch a specific revision of a wiki page.  The "operation" string may be set to "fetch" in order
 * to simply fetch the desired revision and store it in a temporary location for viewing, or "revert"
 * to revert the currently active page to that revision.
void wiki_rev(char *pagename, char *rev, char *operation)
	struct CitContext *CCC = CC;
	int r;
	char history_page_name[270];
	long msgnum;
	char temp[PATH_MAX];
	struct CtdlMessage *msg;
	FILE *fp;
	struct HistoryEraserCallBackData hecbd;
	long len = 0L;
	int rv;

	r = CtdlDoIHavePermissionToReadMessagesInThisRoom();
	if (r != om_ok) {
		if (r == om_not_logged_in) {
			cprintf("%d Not logged in.\n", ERROR + NOT_LOGGED_IN);
		else {
			cprintf("%d An unknown error has occurred.\n", ERROR);

	if (!strcasecmp(operation, "revert")) {
		r = CtdlDoIHavePermissionToPostInThisRoom(temp, sizeof temp, NULL, POST_LOGGED_IN, 0);
		if (r != 0) {
			cprintf("%d %s\n", r, temp);

	/* Begin by fetching the current version of the page.  We're going to patch
	 * backwards through the diffs until we get the one we want.
	msgnum = CtdlLocateMessageByEuid(pagename, &CCC->room);
	if (msgnum > 0L) {
		msg = CtdlFetchMessage(msgnum, 1, 1);
	else {
		msg = NULL;

	if ((msg != NULL) && CM_IsEmpty(msg, eMesageText)) {
		msg = NULL;

	if (msg == NULL) {
		cprintf("%d Page '%s' was not found.\n", ERROR+MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, pagename);

	/* Output it to a temporary file */

	CtdlMakeTempFileName(temp, sizeof temp);
	fp = fopen(temp, "w");
	if (fp != NULL) {
		r = fwrite(msg->cm_fields[eMesageText], msg->cm_lengths[eMesageText], 1, fp);
	else {
		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Cannot open %s: %s\n", temp, strerror(errno));

	/* Get the revision history */

	snprintf(history_page_name, sizeof history_page_name, "%s_HISTORY_", pagename);
	msgnum = CtdlLocateMessageByEuid(history_page_name, &CCC->room);
	if (msgnum > 0L) {
		msg = CtdlFetchMessage(msgnum, 1, 1);
	else {
		msg = NULL;

	if ((msg != NULL) && CM_IsEmpty(msg, eMesageText)) {
		msg = NULL;

	if (msg == NULL) {
		cprintf("%d Revision history for '%s' was not found.\n", ERROR+MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, pagename);

	/* Start patching backwards (newest to oldest) through the revision history until we
	 * hit the revision uuid requested by the user.  (The callback will perform each one.)

	memset(&hecbd, 0, sizeof(struct HistoryEraserCallBackData));
	hecbd.tempfilename = temp;
	hecbd.stop_when = rev;

	mime_parser(CM_RANGE(msg, eMesageText), *wiki_rev_callback, NULL, NULL, (void *)&hecbd, 0);

	/* Were we successful? */
	if (hecbd.done == 0) {
		cprintf("%d Revision '%s' of page '%s' was not found.\n",
			ERROR + MESSAGE_NOT_FOUND, rev, pagename

	/* We have the desired revision on disk.  Now do something with it. */

	else if ( (!strcasecmp(operation, "fetch")) || (!strcasecmp(operation, "revert")) ) {
		msg = malloc(sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
		memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
		msg->cm_magic = CTDLMESSAGE_MAGIC;
		msg->cm_anon_type = MES_NORMAL;
		msg->cm_format_type = FMT_RFC822;
		fp = fopen(temp, "r");
		if (fp) {
			char *msgbuf;
			fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END);
			len = ftell(fp);
			fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET);
			msgbuf = malloc(len + 1);
			rv = fread(msgbuf, len, 1, fp);
			syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "did %d blocks of %ld bytes\n", rv, len);
			msgbuf[len] = '\0';
			CM_SetAsField(msg, eMesageText, &msgbuf, len);
		if (len <= 0) {
			msgnum = (-1L);
		else if (!strcasecmp(operation, "fetch")) {
			CM_SetField(msg, eAuthor, HKEY("Citadel"));
			CtdlCreateRoom(wwm, 5, "", 0, 1, 1, VIEW_BBS);	/* Not an error if already exists */
			msgnum = CtdlSubmitMsg(msg, NULL, wwm, 0);	/* Store the revision here */

			 * This will avoid the 'message xxx is not in this room' security error,
			 * but only if the client fetches the message we just generated immediately
			 * without first trying to perform other fetch operations.
			if (CCC->cached_msglist != NULL) {
				CCC->cached_msglist = NULL;
				CCC->cached_num_msgs = 0;
			CCC->cached_msglist = malloc(sizeof(long));
			if (CCC->cached_msglist != NULL) {
				CCC->cached_num_msgs = 1;
				CCC->cached_msglist[0] = msgnum;

		else if (!strcasecmp(operation, "revert")) {
			CM_SetFieldLONG(msg, eTimestamp, time(NULL));
			if (!IsEmptyStr(CCC->user.fullname)) {
				CM_SetField(msg, eAuthor, CCC->user.fullname, strlen(CCC->user.fullname));

			if (!IsEmptyStr(CCC->cs_inet_email)) {
				CM_SetField(msg, erFc822Addr, CCC->cs_inet_email, strlen(CCC->cs_inet_email));

			if (!IsEmptyStr(CCC->room.QRname)) {
				CM_SetField(msg, eOriginalRoom, CCC->room.QRname, strlen(CCC->room.QRname));

			CM_SetField(msg, eNodeName, CtdlGetConfigStr("c_nodename"), strlen(CtdlGetConfigStr("c_nodename")));
			if (!IsEmptyStr(pagename)) {
				CM_SetField(msg, eExclusiveID, pagename, strlen(pagename));
			msgnum = CtdlSubmitMsg(msg, NULL, "", 0);	/* Replace the current revision */
		else {
			/* Theoretically it is impossible to get here, but throw an error anyway */
			msgnum = (-1L);
		if (msgnum >= 0L) {
			cprintf("%d %ld\n", CIT_OK, msgnum);		/* Give the client a msgnum */
		else {
			cprintf("%d Error %ld has occurred.\n", ERROR+INTERNAL_ERROR, msgnum);

	/* We did all this work for nothing.  Express anguish to the caller. */
	else {
		cprintf("%d An unknown operation was requested.\n", ERROR+CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED);

Example #4
struct CtdlMessage *convert_internet_message_buf(StrBuf **rfc822)
	struct CtdlMessage *msg;
	const char *pos, *beg, *end, *totalend;
	int done, alldone = 0;
	int converted;
	StrBuf *OtherHeaders;

	msg = malloc(sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
	if (msg == NULL) return msg;

	memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct CtdlMessage));
	msg->cm_magic = CTDLMESSAGE_MAGIC;	/* self check */
	msg->cm_anon_type = 0;			/* never anonymous */
	msg->cm_format_type = FMT_RFC822;	/* internet message */

	pos = ChrPtr(*rfc822);
	totalend = pos + StrLength(*rfc822);
	done = 0;
	OtherHeaders = NewStrBufPlain(NULL, StrLength(*rfc822));

	while (!alldone) {

		/* Locate beginning and end of field, keeping in mind that
		 * some fields might be multiline
		end = beg = pos;

		while ((end < totalend) && 
		       (end == beg) && 
		       (done == 0) ) 

			if ( (*pos=='\n') && ((*(pos+1))!=0x20) && ((*(pos+1))!=0x09) )
				end = pos;

			/* done with headers? */
			if ((*pos=='\n') &&
			    ( (*(pos+1)=='\n') ||
			      (*(pos+1)=='\r')) ) 
				alldone = 1;

			if (pos >= (totalend - 1) )
				end = pos;
				done = 1;



		/* At this point we have a field.  Are we interested in it? */
		converted = convert_field(msg, beg, end);

		/* Strip the field out of the RFC822 header if we used it */
		if (!converted) {
			StrBufAppendBufPlain(OtherHeaders, beg, end - beg, 0);
			StrBufAppendBufPlain(OtherHeaders, HKEY("\n"), 0);

		/* If we've hit the end of the message, bail out */
		if (pos >= totalend)
			alldone = 1;
	StrBufAppendBufPlain(OtherHeaders, HKEY("\n"), 0);
	if (pos < totalend)
		StrBufAppendBufPlain(OtherHeaders, pos, totalend - pos, 0);
	CM_SetAsFieldSB(msg, eMesageText, &OtherHeaders);

	/* Follow-up sanity checks... */

	/* If there's no timestamp on this message, set it to now. */
	if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eTimestamp)) {
		CM_SetFieldLONG(msg, eTimestamp, time(NULL));

	/* If a W (references, or rather, Wefewences) field is present, we
	 * have to convert it from RFC822 format to Citadel format.
	if (!CM_IsEmpty(msg, eWeferences)) {
		/// todo: API!

	return msg;
Example #5
 * convert_field() is a helper function for convert_internet_message().
 * Given start/end positions for an rfc822 field, it converts it to a Citadel
 * field if it wants to, and unfolds it if necessary.
 * Returns 1 if the field was converted and inserted into the Citadel message
 * structure, implying that the source field should be removed from the
 * message text.
int convert_field(struct CtdlMessage *msg, const char *beg, const char *end) {
	char *key, *value, *valueend;
	long len;
	const char *pos;
	int i;
	const char *colonpos = NULL;
	int processed = 0;
	char user[1024];
	char node[1024];
	char name[1024];
	char addr[1024];
	time_t parsed_date;
	long valuelen;

	for (pos = end; pos >= beg; pos--) {
		if (*pos == ':') colonpos = pos;

	if (colonpos == NULL) return(0);	/* no colon? not a valid header line */

	len = end - beg;
	key = malloc(len + 2);
	memcpy(key, beg, len + 1);
	key[len] = '\0';
	valueend = key + len;
	* ( key + (colonpos - beg) ) = '\0';
	value = &key[(colonpos - beg) + 1];
/*	printf("Header: [%s]\nValue: [%s]\n", key, value); */
	unfold_rfc822_field(&value, &valueend);
	valuelen = valueend - value + 1;
/*	printf("UnfoldedValue: [%s]\n", value); */

	 * Here's the big rfc822-to-citadel loop.

	/* Date/time is converted into a unix timestamp.  If the conversion
	 * fails, we replace it with the time the message arrived locally.
	if (!strcasecmp(key, "Date")) {
		parsed_date = parsedate(value);
		if (parsed_date < 0L) parsed_date = time(NULL);

		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eTimestamp))
			CM_SetFieldLONG(msg, eTimestamp, parsed_date);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "From")) {
		process_rfc822_addr(value, user, node, name);
		syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Converted to <%s@%s> (%s)\n", user, node, name);
		snprintf(addr, sizeof(addr), "%s@%s", user, node);
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eAuthor) && !IsEmptyStr(name))
			CM_SetField(msg, eAuthor, name, strlen(name));
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, erFc822Addr) && !IsEmptyStr(addr))
			CM_SetField(msg, erFc822Addr, addr, strlen(addr));
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Subject")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eMsgSubject))
			CM_SetField(msg, eMsgSubject, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "List-ID")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eListID))
			CM_SetField(msg, eListID, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "To")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eRecipient))
			CM_SetField(msg, eRecipient, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "CC")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eCarbonCopY))
			CM_SetField(msg, eCarbonCopY, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Message-ID")) {
		if (!CM_IsEmpty(msg, emessageId)) {
			syslog(LOG_WARNING, "duplicate message id\n");
		else {
			char *pValue;
			long pValueLen;

			pValue = value;
			pValueLen = valuelen;
			/* Strip angle brackets */
			while (haschar(pValue, '<') > 0) {
				pValue ++;
				pValueLen --;

			for (i = 0; i <= pValueLen; ++i)
				if (pValue[i] == '>') {
					pValueLen = i;

			CM_SetField(msg, emessageId, pValue, pValueLen);

		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Return-Path")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eMessagePath))
			CM_SetField(msg, eMessagePath, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Envelope-To")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eenVelopeTo))
			CM_SetField(msg, eenVelopeTo, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "References")) {
		CM_SetField(msg, eWeferences, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "Reply-To")) {
		CM_SetField(msg, eReplyTo, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	else if (!strcasecmp(key, "In-reply-to")) {
		if (CM_IsEmpty(msg, eWeferences)) /* References: supersedes In-reply-to: */
			CM_SetField(msg, eWeferences, value, valuelen);
		processed = 1;

	/* Clean up and move on. */
	free(key);	/* Don't free 'value', it's actually the same buffer */
	return processed;