Example #1
/* setopt wrapper for enum types */
CURLcode tool_setopt_enum(CURL *curl, struct GlobalConfig *config,
                          const char *name, CURLoption tag,
                          const NameValue *nvlist, long lval)
  CURLcode ret = CURLE_OK;
  bool skip = FALSE;

  ret = curl_easy_setopt(curl, tag, lval);
    skip = TRUE;

  if(config->libcurl && !skip && !ret) {
    /* we only use this for real if --libcurl was used */
    const NameValue *nv = NULL;
    for(nv=nvlist; nv->name; nv++) {
      if(nv->value == lval) break; /* found it */
    if(! nv->name) {
      /* If no definition was found, output an explicit value.
       * This could happen if new values are defined and used
       * but the NameValue list is not updated. */
      CODE2("curl_easy_setopt(hnd, %s, %ldL);", name, lval);
    else {
      CODE2("curl_easy_setopt(hnd, %s, (long)%s);", name, nv->name);

  return ret;
Example #2
/* setopt wrapper for bitmasks */
CURLcode tool_setopt_bitmask(CURL *curl, struct GlobalConfig *config,
                             const char *name, CURLoption tag,
                             const NameValueUnsigned *nvlist,
                             long lval)
  CURLcode ret = CURLE_OK;
  bool skip = FALSE;

  ret = curl_easy_setopt(curl, tag, lval);
    skip = TRUE;

  if(config->libcurl && !skip && !ret) {
    /* we only use this for real if --libcurl was used */
    char preamble[80];
    unsigned long rest = (unsigned long)lval;
    const NameValueUnsigned *nv = NULL;
    snprintf(preamble, sizeof(preamble),
             "curl_easy_setopt(hnd, %s, ", name);
    for(nv=nvlist; nv->name; nv++) {
      if((nv->value & ~ rest) == 0) {
        /* all value flags contained in rest */
        rest &= ~ nv->value;    /* remove bits handled here */
              preamble, nv->name, rest ? " |" : ");");
          break;                /* handled them all */
        /* replace with all spaces for continuation line */
        snprintf(preamble, sizeof(preamble), "%*s", strlen(preamble), "");
    /* If any bits have no definition, output an explicit value.
     * This could happen if new bits are defined and used
     * but the NameValue list is not updated. */
      CODE2("%s%luUL);", preamble, rest);

  return ret;
Example #3
/* setopt wrapper for curl_slist options */
CURLcode tool_setopt_slist(CURL *curl, struct GlobalConfig *config,
                           const char *name, CURLoption tag,
                           struct curl_slist *list)
  CURLcode ret = CURLE_OK;
  char *escaped = NULL;
  bool skip = FALSE;

  ret = curl_easy_setopt(curl, tag, list);
    skip = TRUE;

  if(config->libcurl && !skip && !ret) {
    struct curl_slist *s;
    int i;
    /* May need several slist variables, so invent name */
    i = ++ easysrc_slist_count;
    DECL1("struct curl_slist *slist%d;", i);
    DATA1("slist%d = NULL;", i);
    CLEAN1("curl_slist_free_all(slist%d);", i);
    CLEAN1("slist%d = NULL;", i);
    for(s=list; s; s=s->next) {
      escaped = c_escape(s->data);
      if(!escaped) {
        ret = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
        goto nomem;
      DATA3("slist%d = curl_slist_append(slist%d, \"%s\");", i, i, escaped);
    CODE2("curl_easy_setopt(hnd, %s, slist%d);", name, i);

  return ret;
Example #4
/* setopt wrapper for CURLOPT_HTTPPOST */
CURLcode tool_setopt_httppost(CURL *curl, struct GlobalConfig *config,
                              const char *name, CURLoption tag,
                              struct curl_httppost *post)
  CURLcode ret = CURLE_OK;
  char *escaped = NULL;
  bool skip = FALSE;

  ret = curl_easy_setopt(curl, tag, post);
    skip = TRUE;

  if(config->libcurl && !skip && !ret) {
    struct curl_httppost *pp, *p;
    int i;
    /* May use several httppost lists, if multiple POST actions */
    i = ++ easysrc_form_count;
    DECL1("struct curl_httppost *post%d;", i);
    DATA1("post%d = NULL;", i);
    CLEAN1("curl_formfree(post%d);", i);
    CLEAN1("post%d = NULL;", i);
    if(i == 1)
      DECL0("struct curl_httppost *postend;");
    DATA0("postend = NULL;");
    for(p=post; p; p=p->next) {
      DATA1("curl_formadd(&post%d, &postend,", i);
      DATA1("             CURLFORM_COPYNAME, \"%s\",", p->name);
      for(pp=p; pp; pp=pp->more) {
        /* May be several files uploaded for one name;
         * these are linked through the 'more' pointer */
        escaped = c_escape(pp->contents);
        if(!escaped) {
          ret = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
          goto nomem;
        if(pp->flags & CURL_HTTPPOST_FILENAME) {
          /* file upload as for -F @filename */
          DATA1("             CURLFORM_FILE, \"%s\",", escaped);
        else if(pp->flags & CURL_HTTPPOST_READFILE) {
          /* content from file as for -F <filename */
          DATA1("             CURLFORM_FILECONTENT, \"%s\",", escaped);
          DATA1("             CURLFORM_COPYCONTENTS, \"%s\",", escaped);
        if(pp->showfilename) {
          escaped = c_escape(pp->showfilename);
          if(!escaped) {
            ret = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
            goto nomem;
          DATA1("             CURLFORM_FILENAME, \"%s\",", escaped);
        if(pp->contenttype) {
          escaped = c_escape(pp->contenttype);
          if(!escaped) {
            ret = CURLE_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
            goto nomem;
          DATA1("             CURLFORM_CONTENTTYPE, \"%s\",", escaped);
      DATA0("             CURLFORM_END);");
    CODE2("curl_easy_setopt(hnd, %s, post%d);", name, i);

  return ret;
Example #5
5	1110xxxxx	11110		-31..-16,16..31
6	11110xxxxxx	111110		-63..-32,32..63
7	111110		1111110		-127..-64,64..127
8	1111110		11111110	-255..-128,128..255
	7+8			8+8

	This table based on MPEG2DEC by MPEG Software Simulation Group

/* Table B-14, DCT coefficients	table zero,
* codes	0100 ... 1xxx (used	for	all	other coefficients)
static const u_long VLCtabnext[12*2] =	{
	CODE(0,2,4),  CODE(2,1,4),	CODE2(1,1,3),  CODE2(1,-1,3),
	CODE0(63,512,2), CODE0(63,512,2), CODE0(63,512,2), CODE0(63,512,2),	/*EOB*/
	CODE2(0,1,2),  CODE2(0,1,2),	CODE2(0,-1,2),  CODE2(0,-1,2)

/* Table B-14, DCT coefficients	table zero,
* codes	000001xx ... 00111xxx
static const u_long VLCtab0[60*2] = {
	CODE0(63,0,6), CODE0(63,0,6),CODE0(63,0,6), CODE0(63,0,6), /* ESCAPE */
	CODE2(2,2,7), CODE2(2,-2,7), CODE2(9,1,7), CODE2(9,-1,7),
	CODE2(0,4,7), CODE2(0,-4,7), CODE2(8,1,7), CODE2(8,-1,7),
	CODE2(7,1,6), CODE2(7,1,6), CODE2(7,-1,6), CODE2(7,-1,6),
	CODE2(6,1,6), CODE2(6,1,6), CODE2(6,-1,6), CODE2(6,-1,6),
	CODE2(1,2,6), CODE2(1,2,6), CODE2(1,-2,6), CODE2(1,-2,6),
	CODE2(5,1,6), CODE2(5,1,6), CODE2(5,-1,6), CODE2(5,-1,6),
Example #6
NORMAL (U"If you record a Sound with a druation of 2.3 seconds, and then do ##To TextGrid...#, "
	"you are asked to provide tier names and to say which of these tiers are point tiers. "
	"If you click OK without changing the settings from their standard values, "
	" you obtain a TextGrid with two interval tiers, called %Mary and %John, and one point tier called %bell. "
	"When you save this TextGrid to disk by choosing @@Save as text file...@ from the #New menu, "
	"the resulting text file, when opened in a text editor, will look as follows:")
CODE (U"File type = \"ooTextFile\"")
CODE (U"Object class = \"TextGrid\"")
CODE (U"")
CODE (U"xmin = 0")
CODE (U"xmax = 2.3")
CODE (U"tiers? <exists>")
CODE (U"size = 3")
CODE (U"item []:")
	CODE1 (U"item [1]:")
		CODE2 (U"class = \"IntervalTier\"")
		CODE2 (U"name = \"Mary\"")
		CODE2 (U"xmin = 0")
		CODE2 (U"xmax = 2.3")
		CODE2 (U"intervals: size = 1")
		CODE2 (U"intervals [1]:")
			CODE3 (U"xmin = 0")
			CODE3 (U"xmax = 2.3")
			CODE3 (U"text = \"\"")
	CODE1 (U"item [2]:")
		CODE2 (U"class = \"IntervalTier\"")
		CODE2 (U"name = \"John\"")
		CODE2 (U"xmin = 0")
		CODE2 (U"xmax = 2.3")
		CODE2 (U"intervals: size = 1")
		CODE2 (U"intervals [1]:")