Loads any of the supported image types into a cannonical
32 bit format.
void R_LoadImage( const char *shortname, byte **pic, int *width, int *height ) {
	*pic = NULL;
	*width = 0;
	*height = 0;

	// Try loading the image with the original extension (if possible).
	const char *extension = COM_GetExtension (shortname);
	const ImageLoaderMap *imageLoader = FindImageLoader (extension);
	if ( imageLoader != NULL )
		imageLoader->loader (shortname, pic, width, height);
		if ( *pic )

	// Loop through all the image loaders trying to load this image.
	char extensionlessName[MAX_QPATH];
	COM_StripExtension(shortname, extensionlessName, sizeof( extensionlessName ));
	for ( int i = 0; i < numImageLoaders; i++ )
		const ImageLoaderMap *tryLoader = &imageLoaders[i];
		if ( tryLoader == imageLoader )
			// Already tried this one.

		const char *name = va ("%s.%s", extensionlessName, tryLoader->extension);
		tryLoader->loader (name, pic, width, height);
		if ( *pic )
Example #2

Loads in a model for the given name

Zero will be returned if the model fails to load.
An entry will be retained for failed models as an
optimization to prevent disk rescanning if they are
asked for again.
qhandle_t RE_RegisterModel( const char *name ) {
	model_t		*mod;
	qhandle_t	hModel;
	qboolean	orgNameFailed = qfalse;
	int			orgLoader = -1;
	int			i;
	char		localName[ MAX_QPATH ];
	const char	*ext;
	char		altName[ MAX_QPATH ];

	if ( !name || !name[0] ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "RE_RegisterModel: NULL name\n" );
		return 0;

	if ( strlen( name ) >= MAX_QPATH ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_ALL, "Model name exceeds MAX_QPATH\n" );
		return 0;

	// search the currently loaded models
	for ( hModel = 1 ; hModel < tr.numModels; hModel++ ) {
		mod = tr.models[hModel];
		if ( !strcmp( mod->name, name ) ) {
			if( mod->type == MOD_BAD ) {
				return 0;
			return hModel;

	// allocate a new model_t

	if ( ( mod = R_AllocModel() ) == NULL ) {
		ri.Printf( PRINT_WARNING, "RE_RegisterModel: R_AllocModel() failed for '%s'\n", name);
		return 0;

	// only set the name after the model has been successfully loaded
	Q_strncpyz( mod->name, name, sizeof( mod->name ) );


	mod->type = MOD_BAD;
	mod->numLods = 0;

	// load the files
	Q_strncpyz( localName, name, MAX_QPATH );

	ext = COM_GetExtension( localName );

	if( *ext )
		// Look for the correct loader and use it
		for( i = 0; i < numModelLoaders; i++ )
			if( !Q_stricmp( ext, modelLoaders[ i ].ext ) )
				// Load
				hModel = modelLoaders[ i ].ModelLoader( localName, mod );

		// A loader was found
		if( i < numModelLoaders )
			if( !hModel )
				// Loader failed, most likely because the file isn't there;
				// try again without the extension
				orgNameFailed = qtrue;
				orgLoader = i;
				COM_StripExtension( name, localName, MAX_QPATH );
				// Something loaded
				return mod->index;

	// Try and find a suitable match using all
	// the model formats supported
	for( i = 0; i < numModelLoaders; i++ )
		if (i == orgLoader)

		Com_sprintf( altName, sizeof (altName), "%s.%s", localName, modelLoaders[ i ].ext );

		// Load
		hModel = modelLoaders[ i ].ModelLoader( altName, mod );

		if( hModel )
			if( orgNameFailed )
				ri.Printf( PRINT_DEVELOPER, "WARNING: %s not present, using %s instead\n",
						name, altName );


	return hModel;
Example #3

Opens/loads a sound, tries codec based on the sound's file extension then tries all supported codecs.
static void *S_CodecGetSound(const char *filename, snd_info_t *info) {
	snd_codec_t *codec;
	snd_codec_t *orgCodec = NULL;
	qboolean orgNameFailed = qfalse;
	char localName[MAX_QPATH];
	const char *ext;
	char altName[MAX_QPATH];
	void *rtn = NULL;

	Q_strncpyz(localName, filename, MAX_QPATH);

	ext = COM_GetExtension(localName);

	if (*ext) {
		// Look for the correct loader and use it
		for (codec = codecs; codec; codec = codec->next) {
			if (!Q_stricmp(ext, codec->ext)) {
				// Load
				if (info) {
					rtn = codec->load(localName, info);
				} else {
					rtn = codec->open(localName);

		// A loader was found
		if (codec) {
			if (!rtn) {
				// Loader failed, most likely because the file isn't there; try again without the extension
				orgNameFailed = qtrue;
				orgCodec = codec;
				COM_StripExtension(filename, localName, MAX_QPATH);
			} else {
				// Something loaded
				return rtn;
	// Try and find a suitable match using all the sound codecs supported
	for (codec = codecs; codec; codec = codec->next) {
		if (codec == orgCodec) {

		Com_sprintf(altName, sizeof(altName), "%s.%s", localName, codec->ext);
		// Load
		if (info) {
			rtn = codec->load(altName, info);
		} else {
			rtn = codec->open(altName);

		if (rtn) {
			if (orgNameFailed) {
				Com_DPrintf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: %s not present, using %s instead\n", filename, altName);

			return rtn;

//	Com_Printf(S_COLOR_YELLOW "WARNING: Failed to %s sound %s!\n", info ? "load" : "open", filename);

	return NULL;