Example #1

CConn_IOStream::CConn_IOStream(const TConn_Pair& connpair,
                               const STimeout* timeout,
                               size_t buf_size, TConn_Flags flags,
                               CT_CHAR_TYPE* ptr, size_t size)
    : CNcbiIostream(0), m_CSb(0)
        csb(new CConn_Streambuf(connpair.first, connpair.second,
                                timeout, buf_size, flags, ptr, size));
    CONN conn = csb->GetCONN();
    if (conn) {
        SOCK s/*dummy*/;
        // CONN_Write(0 bytes) could have caused the same effect as GetSOCK
        (void) CONN_GetSOCK(conn, &s);  // Prompt CONN to actually open
        if (CONN_Status(conn, eIO_Open) == eIO_Success) {
            m_CSb = csb.release();
    init(0); // according to the standard (, badbit is set here
EIO_Status CConn_Streambuf::x_Close(bool close)
    if (!m_Conn)
        return close ? eIO_Closed : eIO_Success;
    EIO_Status status;
    // flush only if some data pending
    if (pbase() < pptr()) {
        if ((status = CONN_Status(m_Conn, eIO_Write)) != eIO_Success) {
            m_Status = status;
            if (CONN_Status(m_Conn, eIO_Open) == eIO_Success) {
                _TRACE(x_Message("Close():  Cannot finalize implicitly"
                                 ", data loss may result"));
        } else if (sync() != 0)
            status = m_Status != eIO_Success ? m_Status : eIO_Unknown;
    } else
        status = eIO_Success;

    setg(0, 0, 0);
    setp(0, 0);

    CONN c = m_Conn;
    m_Conn = 0;  // NB: no re-entry

    if (close) {
        // here: not called from the close callback x_OnClose
        if (m_CbValid) {
            SCONN_Callback cb;
            CONN_SetCallback(c, eCONN_OnClose, &m_Cb, &cb);
            if ((void*) cb.func != (void*) x_OnClose  ||  cb.data != this)
                CONN_SetCallback(c, eCONN_OnClose, &cb, 0);
        if (m_Close  &&  (m_Status = CONN_Close(c)) != eIO_Success) {
            _TRACE(x_Message("Close():  CONN_Close() failed"));
            if (status == eIO_Success)
                status  = m_Status;
    } else if (m_CbValid  &&  m_Cb.func) {
        EIO_Status cbstat = m_Cb.func(c, eCONN_OnClose, m_Cb.data);
        if (cbstat != eIO_Success)
            status  = cbstat;
    return status;
EIO_Status CConn_Streambuf::Status(EIO_Event direction) const
    return direction == eIO_Close ? m_Status
        : m_Conn ? CONN_Status(m_Conn, direction) : eIO_Closed;