Example #1

	InitThreads(CPU_Cores() + 2);

	free = NULL;
	for(int i = 0; i < SCHEDULED_MAX; i++)
	quit = false;
Example #2
namespace Ini {
INI_INT(port, 8001, "TCP/IP server port to listen on");
INI_STRING(ip, "", "IP address to listen on");
INI_STRING(path, Nvl(GetEnv("UPP_ASSEMBLY__"), GetFileFolder(GetExeFilePath())), "Path to witz templates and static files");
INI_INT(threads, 3 * CPU_Cores() + 1, "Number of threads in each Skylark subprocess");
#ifdef _DEBUG
INI_INT(prefork, 0, "Number of preforked Skylark subprocesses");
INI_INT(timeout, 0, "Timeout in seconds for Skylark event handler");
INI_BOOL(use_caching, false, "Cache compiled witz templates or other data");
INI_INT(caching, 1, "Agressivity of caching on static/** "
                    "(0=no caching, 1=use ETag header, 2=use versioned path)");
INI_INT(prefork, 1, "Number of preforked Skylark subprocesses");
INI_INT(timeout, 300, "Timeout in seconds for Skylark event handler");
INI_BOOL(use_caching, true, "Cache compiled witz templates or other data");
INI_INT(caching, 1, "Agressivity of caching on static/** "
                    "(0=no caching, 1=use ETag header, 2=use versioned path)");
Example #3
int GetHydraThreads()
    return CPU_Cores();
Example #4
int CoWork::GetPoolSize()
	int n = GetPool().threads.GetCount();
	return n ? n : CPU_Cores() + 2;