static BOOL Intr_EnableGlobalInterrupts(VOID)
	CSL_Status          intStat;
	CSL_CPINTC_Handle    hnd;
	//If already initialized return to caller
	if( bIntcInitialized )
		return TRUE;
	#ifdef _STE_BOOT

	context.numEvtEntries = 12; 
    context.eventhandlerRecord = EventHandler;
	//Enable CSL Intc Module
	intStat = CSL_intcInit(&context);
	if (intStat != CSL_SOK)
		#ifdef DEBUG 
		printf("INTR: Initialization error.\n");
	/* Enable NMIs */	
	intStat = CSL_intcGlobalNmiEnable();
	if (intStat != CSL_SOK) 
		#ifdef DEBUG
		printf("INTR: Error while enabling NMI.\n");

	/* Enable all interrupts */
	intStat = CSL_intcGlobalEnable(&state);
	if (intStat != CSL_SOK)
		#ifdef DEBUG 
		printf("INTR: Error while enabling interrupt.\n");
	//Enable CIC Module
	bIntcInitialized = TRUE;

	//Initialize the CSL CIC Module 
	//intStat = CSL_cicInit(&CicContext); //commented by nachi
	hnd = CSL_CPINTC_open (0);    // Inserted for new chip (Opens CPINTC Instance 0)

	if (hnd != CSL_SOK)
		#ifdef _STE_APP
		LOG_TRACE0( "INTR : CIC init error");
		return FALSE;
	return TRUE;
void upp_intc_setup_my(int (*isr)(void *))
	intcContext_uPP.eventhandlerRecord = EventHandler_uPP;		//事件句柄记录指针
	intcContext_uPP.numEvtEntries = 50;						//事件入口数目

    CSL_intcInit(&intcContext_uPP);							//初始化中断上下文对象变量,返回状态CSL_SOK

    // Enable NMIs使能非可屏蔽中断

    //Enable global interrupts使能全局中断

	/***************** interrupt configration for UPP接口  **************************/
	/* open CPINTC0 to map the UPP completetion ISR event to the host interrupt */
	hnd_UPP = CSL_CPINTC_open(0);
	if (hnd_UPP == 0)
		printf ("Error: Unable to open CPINTC-1\n");
	glbCpintcHnd[2] = (CSL_CPINTC_RegsOvly)hnd_UPP;
	CSL_CPINTC_mapSystemIntrToChannel (hnd_UPP, CSL_INTC0_RPINT, 9);
	CSL_CPINTC_enableSysInterrupt (hnd_UPP, CSL_INTC0_RPINT);
	CSL_CPINTC_enableHostInterrupt (hnd_UPP, 9);

	vectId_uPP = CSL_INTC_VECTID_4;

	hIntcUpp= CSL_intcOpen (&intcObjUpp, CSL_GEM_INTC0_OUT_9_PLUS_20_MUL_N, &vectId_uPP , NULL);

	gpioHandler.handler = (CSL_IntcEventHandler)&upp_isr;//事件句柄指针
	gpioHandler.arg = 0;										//传递给参数的句柄指针
	CSL_intcPlugEventHandler(hIntcUpp, &gpioHandler);					//建立事件和句柄的映射关系



	/***************** interrupt configration for UPP接口  **************************/
 * =============================================================================
 *   @func  IntcInit
 *   @arg
 *      NONE
 *   @desc
 *      初始化中断
 *   @return
 *      NONE
 * =============================================================================
void IntcInit()
	intcContext_uPP.eventhandlerRecord = EventHandler_uPP;		//事件句柄记录指针
	intcContext_uPP.numEvtEntries = 50;						//事件入口数目

	/* 初始化结束,前面的初始化过程只需要一次,如果需要增加中断处理,直接添加中断矢量


	if(coreNum == 0)

		/************************ 1.中断配置-----收图 **************************/
        ///////////////////////////第一步:EDMACC_GINT事件作为system interrupt通过CPINTC映射到host interrupt////////////
		/* open CPINTC0 to map the EDMA completetion ISR event to the host interrupt */
		hnd_EDMA_uPP = CSL_CPINTC_open(0);
		if (hnd_EDMA_uPP == 0)
			printf ("Error: Unable to open CPINTC-1\n");
		glbCpintcHnd[1] = (CSL_CPINTC_RegsOvly)hnd_EDMA_uPP;
		//tms320c6657.pdf中"EDMA产生的事件编号"对应"CIC0 Event Inputs的22号",System Event Mapping的CIC0_OUT(8+20*n)的"8"为host interrupt
		CSL_CPINTC_mapSystemIntrToChannel (hnd_EDMA_uPP, CSL_INTC0_CPU_3_2_EDMACC_GINT, 8);//system interrupt maping  to host interrupt
		CSL_CPINTC_enableSysInterrupt (hnd_EDMA_uPP, CSL_INTC0_CPU_3_2_EDMACC_GINT);
		CSL_CPINTC_enableHostInterrupt (hnd_EDMA_uPP, 8);

		/***************** interrupt configration for EDMA completed ***************/
		//////////////////////////////////////第二步:host interrupt号转换为Event ID号,并绑定中断向量号/////////////////////////
		/* Opening a intc handle for edma event */
		vectId_uPP = CSL_INTC_VECTID_7;
		//CSL_GEM_INTC0_OUT_8_PLUS_20_MUL_N  即CIC0_OUT(8+20*n)中8+20*n为Event ID
		hIntcEdma_uPP = CSL_intcOpen (&intcObjEdma_uPP, CSL_GEM_INTC0_OUT_8_PLUS_20_MUL_N, \
								  &vectId_uPP , NULL);

		/* Association of an EDMA event handler with the INTC routine 关联EDMA事件句柄到INTC程序*/
		EventRecord_uPP.handler = &eventEdmaHandler;//EDMA事件句柄指针
		EventRecord_uPP.arg = (void*)(hModule_uPP);//hModule_uPP是EMDA通道句柄
		CSL_intcPlugEventHandler(hIntcEdma_uPP,&EventRecord_uPP);		//建立事件和句柄的映射关系

		/* Enabling event edma 使能EDMA收图完成中断 */

		/* Hook up the EDMA event with an completion code function handler */
		EdmaEventHook(CSL_EDMA3_CHA_GPINT0, ImgEDMARecCompleted_INT);//收图完成中断
		/***************** interrupt configration for EDMA completed ***************/

		/*****************2.中断配置-----UPP接口  **************************/
		/* open CPINTC0 to map the UPP completetion ISR event to the host interrupt */
		hnd_UPP = CSL_CPINTC_open(0);
		if (hnd_UPP == 0)
			printf ("Error: Unable to open CPINTC-1\n");
		glbCpintcHnd[2] = (CSL_CPINTC_RegsOvly)hnd_UPP;
		//CSL_INTC0_RPINT为upp的system interrupt ,9为CIC0_OUT(9+20*n)中的host interrupt
		CSL_CPINTC_mapSystemIntrToChannel (hnd_UPP, CSL_INTC0_RPINT, 9);
		CSL_CPINTC_enableSysInterrupt (hnd_UPP, CSL_INTC0_RPINT);
		CSL_CPINTC_enableHostInterrupt (hnd_UPP, 9);

		vectId_uPP = CSL_INTC_VECTID_4;
        //绑定中断向量,即host interrupt转换为event id之后进入INTC绑定vectId_uPP
		hIntcUpp= CSL_intcOpen (&intcObjUpp, CSL_GEM_INTC0_OUT_9_PLUS_20_MUL_N, &vectId_uPP , NULL);

		gpioHandler.handler = (CSL_IntcEventHandler)&upp_isr;//事件句柄指针
		gpioHandler.arg = 0;										//传递给参数的句柄指针
		CSL_intcPlugEventHandler(hIntcUpp, &gpioHandler);					//建立事件和句柄的映射关系


		CSL_intcHwControl(hIntcUpp, CSL_INTC_CMD_EVTENABLE, NULL);

		/***************** interrupt configration for UPP接口  **************************/
int upp_isr()
	int status    = 0;
	CSL_CPINTC_Handle   hnd;
    Uint32  rawStatus=0;
	int interrupt_status = uppRegs->UPIER;
	while (interrupt_status != 0)

		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_EOLI)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_EOLI; // clear EOLI

			// Handle EOLI...
		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_EOWI)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_EOWI; // clear EOWI

			// Handle EOWI...

		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_ERRI)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_ERRI; // clear ERRI
			// Handle ERRI...
			status = -1;
		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_UORI)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_UORI; // clear UORI
			// Handle UORI...
		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_DPEI)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_DPEI; // clear DPEI
			// Handle DPEI...
		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_EOLQ)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_EOLQ; // clear EOLQ
			// Handle EOLQ...
		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_EOWQ)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_EOWQ; // clear EOWQ
			// Handle EOWQ...
			valid = 1;
			first_flag = 0;

		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_ERRQ)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_ERRQ; // clear ERRQ
			// Handle ERRQ...
			status = -1;
		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_UORQ)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_UORQ; // clear UORQ
			// Handle UORQ...
		if (interrupt_status & upp_int_DPEQ)
			uppRegs->UPIER = upp_int_DPEQ; // clear DPEQ
			// Handle DPEQ...
		//uppRegs->UPEOI = 0;
		// loop again if any interrupts are left
		interrupt_status = uppRegs->UPIER;
	} // end of while
	// write end of interrupt vector to allow future calls

	hnd = CSL_CPINTC_open(0);

	CSL_CPINTC_getRawInterruptStatus(hnd, 4, &rawStatus);

	CSL_CPINTC_clearSysInterrupt(hnd,(CSL_CPINTCSystemInterrupt) rawStatus);

	*((volatile unsigned int *)(0x02600290)) = rawStatus;

	uppRegs->UPEOI = 0;
	status = 0;

		return status;
} // end of function