Example #1
void CelSelect::ShowDetails ()
	double flat;
	struct cs_Eldef_ *elPtr;

	elPtr = CS_eldef (m_KeyName);
	if (elPtr == NULL)
		char errMesg [256];
		CS_errmsg (errMesg,sizeof (errMesg));
		AfxMessageBox (errMesg);
	flat = 0.0;
	if (fabs (elPtr->flat) > 1.0E-10) flat = 1.0 / elPtr->flat;
	m_Description = elPtr->name;
	m_Source = elPtr->source;
	m_Numbers.Format ("%12.3f, %12.3f, %10.5f, %10.8f",
			elPtr->ecent * elPtr->ecent);
	CS_free (elPtr);
	UpdateData (FALSE);
Example #2
// CnewKeyName message handlers
void CnewKeyName::OnOK() 
	char keyName [32];
	if (!UpdateData (TRUE)) return;
	// Verify that the new meets other requirements.
	strncpy (keyName,(LPCTSTR)m_NewKeyName,sizeof (keyName));
	keyName [sizeof (keyName) - 1] = '\0';
	if (CS_nampp (keyName) != 0)
		// Show dialog box error and return.
		// By not calling CDialog::OnOK, the dialog box remains active.
		char errMesg [256];
		CS_errmsg (errMesg,sizeof (errMesg));
		AfxMessageBox (errMesg);

	// Note, CS_nampp doesn't know that this is a new name, but we do.  So we
	// enforce the cs_Unique restriction if active.
	if (cs_Unique != '\0' && strchr (keyName,cs_Unique) == NULL && m_Type != NonDict)
		char errMsg [256];
		sprintf (errMsg,"Keynames of user definitions must contain the '%c' character to avoid name collisions with\nupdate distributions.  Please adjust name appropriately.",cs_Unique);   
		AfxMessageBox (errMsg,MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);

	// Verify that the new name does not already exist.
	switch (m_Type) {
	case CoordSys:
		if (CS_csIsValid (keyName))
			AfxMessageBox ("Coordinate system with this name already exists.\nPlease choose another name.",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
	case Datum:
		if (CS_dtIsValid (keyName))
			AfxMessageBox ("Datum with this key name already exists.\nPlease choose another name.",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
	case Ellipsoid:
		if (CS_elIsValid (keyName))
			AfxMessageBox ("Ellipsoid with this key name already exists.\nPlease choose another name.",MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
	case NonDict:
	// If we're still here, we have a valid name.
Example #3
void CcsTest::OnCststReverse() 
	CWnd* errorPtr;
	CString tmpSystem;
	double tmpXY [3];

	// Capture status of the check boxes before we proceed.
	if (!UpdateData (TRUE)) return;
	tmpSystem = m_SrcKeyName;
	m_SrcKeyName = m_TrgKeyName;
	m_TrgKeyName = tmpSystem;
	SetLabels (false);
	SetLabels (true);
	tmpXY [0] = m_SourceXY [0];
	tmpXY [1] = m_SourceXY [1];
	tmpXY [2] = m_SourceXY [2];
	m_SourceXY [0] = m_TargetXY [0];
	m_SourceXY [1] = m_TargetXY [1];
	m_SourceXY [2] = m_TargetXY [2];
	m_TargetXY [0] = tmpXY [0];
	m_TargetXY [1] = tmpXY [1];
	m_TargetXY [2] = tmpXY [2];
	UpdateSource ();
	FetchSource ();
	errorPtr = Calculate ();
	if (errorPtr == NULL)
		UpdateTarget ();
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCXLAT);
		char ctemp [256];
		CS_errmsg (ctemp,sizeof (ctemp));
		AfxMessageBox (ctemp);
	GotoDlgCtrl (errorPtr);
	UpdateData (FALSE);
Example #4
// CcsTest message handlers
void CcsTest::OnCststCalculate() 
	CWnd* errorPtr;
	CWnd* rvPtr;
	char ctemp [256];

	if (!UpdateData (TRUE)) return;
	errorPtr = Calculate ();
	if (errorPtr != NULL)
		CS_errmsg (ctemp,sizeof (ctemp));
		AfxMessageBox (ctemp);
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCXLAT);
	GotoDlgCtrl (errorPtr);
	rvPtr = GetDlgItem (ID_CSTST_REVERSE);
	if (rvPtr != NULL) rvPtr->EnableWindow (TRUE);
	UpdateData (FALSE);
Example #5
void CdtSelect::ShowDetails ()
	int ii, ident;
	struct cs_Dtdef_ *dtPtr;
	struct cs_Eldef_ *elPtr;
	char description [64];

	dtPtr = CS_dtdef (m_KeyName);
	if (dtPtr == NULL)
		char errMesg [256];
		CS_errmsg (errMesg,sizeof (errMesg));
		AfxMessageBox (errMesg);
	m_Description = dtPtr->name;
	m_Source = dtPtr->source;
	elPtr = CS_eldef (dtPtr->ell_knm);
	if (elPtr == NULL) m_Ellipsoid = "???";
		m_Ellipsoid = elPtr->name;
		CS_free (elPtr);
	m_Technique = "???";
	for (ii = 0;
		 CS_viaEnum (ii,description,sizeof (description),&ident) > 0;
		 ii += 1)
		if (dtPtr->to84_via == ident)
			m_Technique = description;
	CS_free (dtPtr);
	UpdateData (FALSE);
Example #6
CWnd* CcsTest::Calculate ()
	int status;
	CWnd* errorPtr;
	struct cs_Csprm_ *srcPtr;
	struct cs_Csprm_ *trgPtr;
	struct cs_Dtcprm_ *dtcPtr;
	double xy [3], ll [3];
	char ctemp [512];

	errorPtr = FetchSource ();
	if (errorPtr != NULL) goto error;

	xy [0] = m_SourceXY [0];
	xy [1] = m_SourceXY [1];
	if (m_ThreeDCalc) xy [2] = m_SourceXY [2];
	else              xy [2] = 0.0;

	// Set up the conversion.
	srcPtr = CSbcclu (m_SrcKeyName);
	if (srcPtr == NULL)
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCKEYNM);
		goto error;
	trgPtr = CSbcclu (m_TrgKeyName);
	if (trgPtr == NULL)
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_TRGKEYNM);
		goto error;
	dtcPtr = CSbdclu (srcPtr,trgPtr,cs_DTCFLG_DAT_W,cs_DTCFLG_BLK_10);
	if (dtcPtr == NULL)
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCKEYNM);
		goto error;

	// Do the conversion
	if (m_ThreeDCalc)
		status = CS_cs3ll (srcPtr,ll,xy);
		status = CS_cs2ll (srcPtr,ll,xy);

	if (status == cs_CNVRT_OK)
		m_SrcStatus = "OK";
	else if (status == cs_CNVRT_USFL)
		m_SrcStatus = "Range";
	else if (status == cs_CNVRT_DOMN)
		m_SrcStatus = "Domain";
	else if (status = cs_CNVRT_DEMO)
		m_SrcStatus = "Demo";
		m_SrcStatus = "???";
	// Source Grid Scale and Convergence.
	m_SourceScale = CS_csscl (srcPtr,ll);
	m_SourceConvergence = CS_cscnv (srcPtr,ll);
	UpdateSource ();

	// Do the datum shift.
	if (m_ThreeDCalc)
		status = CS_dtcvt3D (dtcPtr,ll,ll);
		status = CS_dtcvt (dtcPtr,ll,ll);
	if (status == 0)
		m_TrgStatus.Empty ();
	else if (status < 0)
		m_TrgStatus = "DtErr";
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCKEYNM);
		goto error;
		m_TrgStatus = "DtRng";
		CS_errmsg (ctemp,sizeof (ctemp));
		AfxMessageBox (ctemp);

	// Target conversion
	if (m_ThreeDCalc)
		status = CS_ll3cs (trgPtr,xy,ll);
		status = CS_ll2cs (trgPtr,xy,ll);
	if (m_TrgStatus.IsEmpty ())
		if (status == cs_CNVRT_OK)
			m_TrgStatus = "OK";
		else if (status == cs_CNVRT_USFL)
			m_TrgStatus = "Range";
		else if (status == cs_CNVRT_DOMN)
			m_TrgStatus = "Domain";
		else if (status = cs_CNVRT_DEMO)
			m_TrgStatus = "Demo";
			m_TrgStatus = "???";
	m_TargetXY [0] = xy [0];
	m_TargetXY [1] = xy [1];
	if (m_ThreeDCalc) m_TargetXY [2] = xy [2];
	else              m_TargetXY [2] = 0.0;
	// Target Grid Scale and Convergence.
	m_TargetScale = CS_csscl (trgPtr,ll);
	m_TargetConvergence = CS_cscnv (trgPtr,ll);
	// Update the display
	UpdateTarget ();
	UpdateData (FALSE);
	return NULL;
	m_TrgStatus = "Error";
	m_TargetXY [0] = 0.0;
	m_TargetXY [1] = 0.0;
	m_TargetXY [2] = 0.0;
	UpdateTarget ();
	UpdateData (FALSE);
	return errorPtr;
Example #7
int main (int argc,char *argv [])
	extern char cs_Dir [];
	extern char* cs_DirP;
	extern char cs_Csname [];
	extern char cs_Dtname [];
	extern char cs_Elname [];

	int cmpVal, iTmp;
	int csDiffCnt, dtDiffCnt, elDiffCnt;
	int dummy;
	int nlFlag;

	csFILE *wasStrm, *isStrm;

	char wasDir [MAXPATH];
	char isDir [MAXPATH];
	char errorText [260];

	struct cs_Csdef_ wasCsDef, isCsDef;
	struct cs_Dtdef_ wasDtDef, isDtDef;
	struct cs_Eldef_ wasElDef, isElDef;

	csDiffCnt = 0;
	dtDiffCnt = 0;
	elDiffCnt = 0;

	if (argc != 3) Usage ();

	strncpy (wasDir,argv [1],sizeof (wasDir));
	wasDir [sizeof (wasDir) - 1] = '\0';

	strncpy (isDir,argv [2],sizeof (isDir));
	isDir [sizeof (isDir) - 1] = '\0';

	if (CS_altdr (wasDir) != 0)
		printf ("%s file not found in %s directory.\n",cs_Csname,wasDir);
		Usage ();
	CS_stcpy (cs_DirP,cs_Dtname);
	if (CS_access (cs_Dir,4) != 0)
		printf ("%s file not found in %s directory.\n",cs_Dtname,wasDir);
		Usage ();
	CS_stcpy (cs_DirP,cs_Elname);
	if (CS_access (cs_Dir,4) != 0)
		printf ("%s file not found in %s directory.\n",cs_Elname,wasDir);
		Usage ();

	if (CS_altdr (isDir) != 0)
		printf ("%s file not found in %s directory.\n",cs_Csname,isDir);
		Usage ();
	CS_stcpy (cs_DirP,cs_Dtname);
	if (CS_access (cs_Dir,4) != 0)
		printf ("%s file not found in %s directory.\n",cs_Dtname,isDir);
		Usage ();
	CS_stcpy (cs_DirP,cs_Elname);
	if (CS_access (cs_Dir,4) != 0)
		printf ("%s file not found in %s directory.\n",cs_Elname,isDir);
		Usage ();

	/* Ok, we're ready to do our thing.  Do coordinate systems first. */
	CS_altdr (wasDir);											/*lint !e534 */
	wasStrm = CS_csopn (_STRM_BINRD);
	if (wasStrm == NULL)
		printf ("Open of %s in the 'WAS' directory failed.\n",cs_Csname);
		Usage ();

	CS_altdr (isDir);											/*lint !e534 */
	isStrm = CS_csopn (_STRM_BINRD);
	if (isStrm == NULL)
		printf ("Open of %s in the 'IS' directory failed.\n",cs_Csname);
		Usage ();

	/* Now, we loop through the dictionaries.  In this module, we simply
	   compare key names, looking for new definitions, or deleted
	   definitions.  When we have definitions with the same name, we call
	   CS_csDiff to report any differences.

	   First, we prime the pump. */
	iTmp = CS_csrd (wasStrm,&wasCsDef,&dummy);
	if (iTmp < 0)
		CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
		printf ("%s\n",errorText);
		Usage ();
	if (iTmp == 0)
		printf ("'WAS' coordinate system dictionary is empty.\n");
		Usage ();

	iTmp = CS_csrd (isStrm,&isCsDef,&dummy);
	if (iTmp < 0)
		CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
		printf ("%s\n",errorText);
		Usage ();
	if (iTmp == 0)
		printf ("'IS' coordinate system dictionary is empty.\n");
		Usage ();

	nlFlag = FALSE;
	while (TRUE)
		cmpVal = CS_stricmp (wasCsDef.key_nm,isCsDef.key_nm);
		if (cmpVal < 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s deleted from coordinate system dictionary!!!\n",wasCsDef.key_nm);
			csDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (cmpVal > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s added to coordinate system dictionary!!!\n",isCsDef.key_nm);
			csDiffCnt += 1;
			/* Normal case, we have two definitions with the same name, */
			iTmp = CS_csDiff (stdout,&wasCsDef,&isCsDef);
			if (iTmp != 0)
				csDiffCnt += 1;
				nlFlag = TRUE;
		if (cmpVal >= 0)
			iTmp = CS_csrd (isStrm,&isCsDef,&dummy);
			if (iTmp < 0)
				CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
				printf ("%s\n",errorText);
				Usage ();
			if (iTmp == 0)
				CS_fclose (isStrm);
				isStrm = NULL;
		if (cmpVal <= 0)
			iTmp = CS_csrd (wasStrm,&wasCsDef,&dummy);
			if (iTmp < 0)
				CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
				printf ("%s\n",errorText);
				Usage ();
			if (iTmp == 0)
				CS_fclose (wasStrm);
				wasStrm = NULL;

	/* Finish up properly. */
	nlFlag = TRUE;
	while (wasStrm != NULL)
		iTmp = CS_csrd (wasStrm,&wasCsDef,&dummy);
		if (iTmp > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s deleted from coordinate system dictionary!!!\n",wasCsDef.key_nm);
			csDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (iTmp == 0)
			CS_fclose (wasStrm);
			wasStrm = NULL;
			CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
			printf ("%s\n",errorText);
			Usage ();
	while (isStrm != NULL)
		iTmp = CS_csrd (isStrm,&wasCsDef,&dummy);
		if (iTmp > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s added to coordinate system dictionary!!!\n",isCsDef.key_nm);
			csDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (iTmp == 0)
			CS_fclose (isStrm);
			isStrm = NULL;
			CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
			printf ("%s\n",errorText);
			Usage ();
	if (csDiffCnt == 0)
		printf ("\nCoordinate system dictionaries are the same.\n\n");
		printf ("\n%d coordinate systems are different.\n\n",csDiffCnt);

	/* Done with the coordinate system dictionary. Same as above, but with the
	   Datum Dictionary this time. */
	CS_altdr (wasDir);											/*lint !e534 */
	wasStrm = CS_dtopn (_STRM_BINRD);
	if (wasStrm == NULL)
		printf ("Open of %s in the 'WAS' directory failed.\n",cs_Dtname);
		Usage ();

	CS_altdr (isDir);											/*lint !e534 */
	isStrm = CS_dtopn (_STRM_BINRD);
	if (isStrm == NULL)
		printf ("Open of %s in the 'IS' directory failed.\n",cs_Dtname);
		Usage ();

	iTmp = CS_dtrd (wasStrm,&wasDtDef,&dummy);
	if (iTmp < 0)
		CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
		printf ("%s\n",errorText);
		Usage ();
	if (iTmp == 0)
		printf ("'WAS' datum dictionary is empty.\n");
		Usage ();

	iTmp = CS_dtrd (isStrm,&isDtDef,&dummy);
	if (iTmp < 0)
		CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
		printf ("%s\n",errorText);
		Usage ();
	if (iTmp == 0)
		printf ("'IS' datum dictionary is empty.\n");
		Usage ();

	nlFlag = FALSE;
	while (TRUE)
		cmpVal = CS_stricmp (wasDtDef.key_nm,isDtDef.key_nm);
		if (cmpVal < 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s deleted from datum dictionary!!!\n",wasDtDef.key_nm);
			dtDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (cmpVal > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s added to datum dictionary!!!\n",isDtDef.key_nm);
			dtDiffCnt += 1;
			/* Normal case, we have two definitions with the same name, */
			iTmp = CS_dtDiff (stdout,&wasDtDef,&isDtDef);
			if (iTmp != 0)
				dtDiffCnt += 1;
				nlFlag = TRUE;
		if (cmpVal >= 0)
			iTmp = CS_dtrd (isStrm,&isDtDef,&dummy);
			if (iTmp < 0)
				CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
				printf ("%s\n",errorText);
				Usage ();
			if (iTmp == 0)
				CS_fclose (isStrm);
				isStrm = NULL;
		if (cmpVal <= 0)
			iTmp = CS_dtrd (wasStrm,&wasDtDef,&dummy);
			if (iTmp < 0)
				CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
				printf ("%s\n",errorText);
				Usage ();
			if (iTmp == 0)
				CS_fclose (wasStrm);
				wasStrm = NULL;

	nlFlag = TRUE;
	while (wasStrm != NULL)
		iTmp = CS_dtrd (wasStrm,&wasDtDef,&dummy);
		if (iTmp > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s deleted from datum dictionary!!!\n",wasDtDef.key_nm);
			dtDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (iTmp == 0)
			CS_fclose (wasStrm);
			wasStrm = NULL;
			CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
			printf ("%s\n",errorText);
			Usage ();
	while (isStrm != NULL)
		iTmp = CS_dtrd (isStrm,&wasDtDef,&dummy);
		if (iTmp > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s added to datum dictionary!!!\n",isDtDef.key_nm);
			dtDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (iTmp == 0)
			CS_fclose (isStrm);
			isStrm = NULL;
			CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
			printf ("%s\n",errorText);
			Usage ();
	if (dtDiffCnt == 0)
		printf ("\nDatum dictionaries are the same.\n\n");
		printf ("\n%d datum definitions are different.\n\n",dtDiffCnt);

	/* Ellipsoid Dictionary */
	CS_altdr (wasDir);											/*lint !e534 */
	wasStrm = CS_elopn (_STRM_BINRD);
	if (wasStrm == NULL)
		printf ("Open of %s in the 'WAS' directory failed.\n",cs_Elname);
		Usage ();

	CS_altdr (isDir);											/*lint !e534 */
	isStrm = CS_elopn (_STRM_BINRD);
	if (isStrm == NULL)
		printf ("Open of %s in the 'IS' directory failed.\n",cs_Elname);
		Usage ();

	iTmp = CS_elrd (wasStrm,&wasElDef,&dummy);
	if (iTmp < 0)
		CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
		printf ("%s\n",errorText);
		Usage ();
	if (iTmp == 0)
		printf ("'WAS' ellipsoid dictionary is empty.\n");
		Usage ();

	iTmp = CS_elrd (isStrm,&isElDef,&dummy);
	if (iTmp < 0)
		CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
		printf ("%s\n",errorText);
		Usage ();
	if (iTmp == 0)
		printf ("'IS' ellipsoid dictionary is empty.\n");
		Usage ();

	nlFlag = FALSE;
	while (TRUE)
		cmpVal = CS_stricmp (wasElDef.key_nm,isElDef.key_nm);
		if (cmpVal < 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s deleted from ellipsoid dictionary!!!\n",wasElDef.key_nm);
			elDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (cmpVal > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s added to ellipsoid dictionary!!!\n",isElDef.key_nm);
			elDiffCnt += 1;
			/* Normal case, we have two definitions with the same name, */
			iTmp = CS_elDiff (stdout,&wasElDef,&isElDef);
			if (iTmp != 0)
				elDiffCnt += 1;
				nlFlag = TRUE;
		if (cmpVal >= 0)
			iTmp = CS_elrd (isStrm,&isElDef,&dummy);
			if (iTmp < 0)
				CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
				printf ("%s\n",errorText);
				Usage ();
			if (iTmp == 0)
				CS_fclose (isStrm);
				isStrm = NULL;
		if (cmpVal <= 0)
			iTmp = CS_elrd (wasStrm,&wasElDef,&dummy);
			if (iTmp < 0)
				CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
				printf ("%s\n",errorText);
				Usage ();
			if (iTmp == 0)
				CS_fclose (wasStrm);
				wasStrm = NULL;

	nlFlag = TRUE;
	while (wasStrm != NULL)
		iTmp = CS_elrd (wasStrm,&wasElDef,&dummy);
		if (iTmp > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s deleted from ellipsoid dictionary!!!\n",wasElDef.key_nm);
			elDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (iTmp == 0)
			CS_fclose (wasStrm);
			wasStrm = NULL;
			CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
			printf ("%s\n",errorText);
			Usage ();
	while (isStrm != NULL)
		iTmp = CS_elrd (isStrm,&wasElDef,&dummy);
		if (iTmp > 0)
			if (nlFlag)
				printf ("\n");
				nlFlag = FALSE;
			printf ("%s added to ellipsoid dictionary!!!\n",isElDef.key_nm);
			dtDiffCnt += 1;
		else if (iTmp == 0)
			CS_fclose (isStrm);
			isStrm = NULL;
			CS_errmsg (errorText,sizeof (errorText));
			printf ("%s\n",errorText);
			Usage ();
	if (elDiffCnt == 0)
		printf ("\nEllipsoid dictionaries are the same.\n\n");
		printf ("\n%d ellipsoid definitions are different.\n\n",elDiffCnt);

	return 0;