Example #1
bool CStaticObject::canWalk(const Vector2& from, const Vector2& to, Vector2& norm)
	if( to.x > m_max.x && from.x > m_max.x )
		return true;
	if( to.x < m_min.x && from.x < m_min.x )
		return true;
	if( to.y > m_max.y && from.y > m_max.y )
		return true;
	if( to.y < m_min.y && from.y < m_min.y )
		return true;
	Vector2 dir = to - from;
	std::vector<CSegment>::iterator it;
	Real t;
	for( it = m_segments.begin(); it != m_segments.end(); ++it )
		if( (*it).intersects(CSegment(from,to)) )
		if( (*it).squareDist(to,&t) < (CHAR_SIZE * CHAR_SIZE / 10) && t < 1.0f && t > 0.0f )
	if( it != m_segments.end() )
		if( dir.dotProduct((*it).getNormal()) > 0 )
			norm = (*it).getNormal();
			norm = -(*it).getNormal();
		return false;
	return true;
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::FindSegment( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        if( CSegment( s ).Distance( aP ) <= 1 )
            return s;

    return -1;
const VECTOR2I SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::NearestPoint( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
    int min_d = INT_MAX;
    int nearest = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        int d = CSegment( i ).Distance( aP );

        if( d < min_d )
            min_d = d;
            nearest = i;

    return CSegment( nearest ).NearestPoint( aP );
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Length() const
    int l = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        l += CSegment( i ).Length();

    return l;
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Intersect( const SEG& aSeg, INTERSECTIONS& aIp ) const
    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        OPT_VECTOR2I p = CSegment( s ).Intersect( aSeg );

        if( p )
            INTERSECTION is;
            is.our = CSegment( s );
            is.their = aSeg;
            is.p = *p;
            aIp.push_back( is );

    compareOriginDistance comp( aSeg.A );
    sort( aIp.begin(), aIp.end(), comp );

    return aIp.size();
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Distance( const VECTOR2I& aP, bool aOutlineOnly ) const
    int d = INT_MAX;

    if( IsClosed() && PointInside( aP ) && !aOutlineOnly )
        return 0;

    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        d = std::min( d, CSegment( s ).Distance( aP ) );

    return d;
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Intersect( const SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& aChain, INTERSECTIONS& aIp ) const
    BOX2I bb_other = aChain.BBox();

    for( int s1 = 0; s1 < SegmentCount(); s1++ )
        const SEG& a = CSegment( s1 );
        const BOX2I bb_cur( a.A, a.B - a.A );

        if( !bb_other.Intersects( bb_cur ) )

        for( int s2 = 0; s2 < aChain.SegmentCount(); s2++ )
            const SEG& b = aChain.CSegment( s2 );
            INTERSECTION is;

            if( a.Collinear( b ) )
                is.our = a;
                is.their = b;

                if( a.Contains( b.A ) ) { is.p = b.A; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                if( a.Contains( b.B ) ) { is.p = b.B; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                if( b.Contains( a.A ) ) { is.p = a.A; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                if( b.Contains( a.B ) ) { is.p = a.B; aIp.push_back( is ); }
                OPT_VECTOR2I p = a.Intersect( b );

                if( p )
                    is.p = *p;
                    is.our = a;
                    is.their = b;
                    aIp.push_back( is );

    return aIp.size();
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::PathLength( const VECTOR2I& aP ) const
    int sum = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG seg = CSegment( i );
        int d = seg.Distance( aP );

        if( d <= 1 )
            sum += ( aP - seg.A ).EuclideanNorm();
            return sum;
            sum += seg.Length();

    return -1;
bool SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Collide( const SEG& aSeg, int aClearance ) const
    BOX2I box_a( aSeg.A, aSeg.B - aSeg.A );
    BOX2I::ecoord_type dist_sq = (BOX2I::ecoord_type) aClearance * aClearance;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG& s = CSegment( i );
        BOX2I box_b( s.A, s.B - s.A );

        BOX2I::ecoord_type d = box_a.SquaredDistance( box_b );

        if( d < dist_sq )
            if( s.Collide( aSeg, aClearance ) )
                return true;

    return false;
bool SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::CheckClearance( const VECTOR2I& aP, const int aDist) const
    if( !PointCount() )
        return false;

    else if( PointCount() == 1 )
        return m_points[0] == aP;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG s = CSegment( i );

        if( s.A == aP || s.B == aP )
            return true;

        if( s.Distance( aP ) <= aDist )
            return true;

    return false;
const VECTOR2I SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::PointAlong( int aPathLength ) const
    int total = 0;

    if( aPathLength == 0 )
        return CPoint( 0 );

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG& s = CSegment( i );
        int l = s.Length();

        if( total + l >= aPathLength )
            VECTOR2I d( s.B - s.A );
            return s.A + d.Resize( aPathLength - total );

        total += l;

    return CPoint( -1 );
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::EdgeContainingPoint( const VECTOR2I& aPt, int aAccuracy ) const
    if( !PointCount() )
		return -1;

	else if( PointCount() == 1 )
	    VECTOR2I dist = m_points[0] - aPt;
	    return ( hypot( dist.x, dist.y ) <= aAccuracy + 1 ) ? 0 : -1;

    for( int i = 0; i < SegmentCount(); i++ )
        const SEG s = CSegment( i );

        if( s.A == aPt || s.B == aPt )
            return i;

        if( s.Distance( aPt ) <= aAccuracy + 1 )
            return i;

    return -1;
int SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN::Split( const VECTOR2I& aP )
    int ii = -1;
    int min_dist = 2;

    int found_index = Find( aP );

    for( int s = 0; s < SegmentCount(); s++ )
        const SEG seg = CSegment( s );
        int dist = seg.Distance( aP );

        // make sure we are not producing a 'slightly concave' primitive. This might happen
        // if aP lies very close to one of already existing points.
        if( dist < min_dist && seg.A != aP && seg.B != aP )
            min_dist = dist;
            if( found_index < 0 )
                ii = s;
            else if( s < found_index )
                ii = s;

    if( ii < 0 )
        ii = found_index;

    if( ii >= 0 )
        m_points.insert( m_points.begin() + ii + 1, aP );

        return ii + 1;

    return -1;
void CPolygon::orderPoints()
	std::vector<CSegment> segList;
	std::vector<CSegment> nonIntersecting;

	for (size_t x=0; x< m_vPointList.size(); x++)
		for (size_t y=x+1; y< m_vPointList.size(); y++)
			segList.push_back(CSegment(m_vPointList[x], m_vPointList[y]));

	for (size_t x=0; x< segList.size(); x++)
		bool ni = true;

		for (size_t y=0; y< segList.size(); y++)
			Vector point;
			if (segList[x].findIntersection(segList[y], point))
				//ignore point intersections
				if (!(point == segList[x].getPointOne()) && !(point == segList[x].getPointTwo()))
					ni = false;

		if (ni)
	std::vector<Vector> points;
	size_t c=0;
	size_t pos=0;

	while ( c < nonIntersecting.size() )

		for (size_t y=0; y< nonIntersecting.size(); y++)
			if (y==pos)

			bool o = nonIntersecting[y].getPointOne() == nonIntersecting[pos].getPointTwo();
			bool t = nonIntersecting[y].getPointTwo() == nonIntersecting[pos].getPointTwo();

			bool tDone = false;

			for (size_t z=0; z<points.size(); z++)
				if (points[z] == nonIntersecting[y].getPointTwo())
					tDone = true;

			if (o || (t && !tDone))
				if (t)

				pos = y;


	for (size_t z=0; z<points.size(); z++)
Example #15
void CPolyLine::Hatch()

    if( m_hatchStyle == NO_HATCH || m_hatchPitch == 0 )

    if( !GetClosed() ) // If not closed, the poly is beeing created and not finalised. Not not hatch

    // define range for hatch lines
    int min_x   = m_CornersList[0].x;
    int max_x   = m_CornersList[0].x;
    int min_y   = m_CornersList[0].y;
    int max_y   = m_CornersList[0].y;

    for( unsigned ic = 1; ic < m_CornersList.GetCornersCount(); ic++ )
        if( m_CornersList[ic].x < min_x )
            min_x = m_CornersList[ic].x;

        if( m_CornersList[ic].x > max_x )
            max_x = m_CornersList[ic].x;

        if( m_CornersList[ic].y < min_y )
            min_y = m_CornersList[ic].y;

        if( m_CornersList[ic].y > max_y )
            max_y = m_CornersList[ic].y;

    // Calculate spacing between 2 hatch lines
    int spacing;

    if( m_hatchStyle == DIAGONAL_EDGE )
        spacing = m_hatchPitch;
        spacing = m_hatchPitch * 2;

    // set the "length" of hatch lines (the lenght on horizontal axis)
    double  hatch_line_len = m_hatchPitch;

    // To have a better look, give a slope depending on the layer
    LAYER_NUM layer = GetLayer();
    int     slope_flag = (layer & 1) ? 1 : -1;  // 1 or -1
    double  slope = 0.707106 * slope_flag;      // 45 degrees slope
    int     max_a, min_a;

    if( slope_flag == 1 )
        max_a   = KiROUND( max_y - slope * min_x );
        min_a   = KiROUND( min_y - slope * max_x );
        max_a   = KiROUND( max_y - slope * max_x );
        min_a   = KiROUND( min_y - slope * min_x );

    min_a = (min_a / spacing) * spacing;

    // calculate an offset depending on layer number,
    // for a better look of hatches on a multilayer board
    int offset = (layer * 7) / 8;
    min_a += offset;

    // now calculate and draw hatch lines
    int nc = m_CornersList.GetCornersCount();

    // loop through hatch lines
    #define MAXPTS 200      // Usually we store only few values per one hatch line
                            // depending on the compexity of the zone outline

    static std::vector <wxPoint> pointbuffer;
    pointbuffer.reserve( MAXPTS + 2 );

    for( int a = min_a; a < max_a; a += spacing )
        // get intersection points for this hatch line

        // Note: because we should have an even number of intersections with the
        // current hatch line and the zone outline (a closed polygon,
        // or a set of closed polygons), if an odd count is found
        // we skip this line (should not occur)
        int i_start_contour = 0;

        for( int ic = 0; ic<nc; ic++ )
            double  x, y, x2, y2;
            int     ok;

            if( m_CornersList[ic].end_contour ||
                ( ic == (int) (m_CornersList.GetCornersCount() - 1) ) )
                ok = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, slope,
                                                  m_CornersList[ic].x, m_CornersList[ic].y,
                                                  &x, &y, &x2, &y2 );
                i_start_contour = ic + 1;
                ok = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, slope,
                                                  m_CornersList[ic].x, m_CornersList[ic].y,
                                                  m_CornersList[ic + 1].x, m_CornersList[ic + 1].y,
                                                  &x, &y, &x2, &y2 );

            if( ok )
                wxPoint point( KiROUND( x ), KiROUND( y ) );
                pointbuffer.push_back( point );

            if( ok == 2 )
                wxPoint point( KiROUND( x2 ), KiROUND( y2 ) );
                pointbuffer.push_back( point );

            if( pointbuffer.size() >= MAXPTS )    // overflow
                wxASSERT( 0 );

        // ensure we have found an even intersection points count
        // because intersections are the ends of segments
        // inside the polygon(s) and a segment has 2 ends.
        // if not, this is a strange case (a bug ?) so skip this hatch
        if( pointbuffer.size() % 2 != 0 )

        // sort points in order of descending x (if more than 2) to
        // ensure the starting point and the ending point of the same segment
        // are stored one just after the other.
        if( pointbuffer.size() > 2 )
            sort( pointbuffer.begin(), pointbuffer.end(), sort_ends_by_descending_X );

        // creates lines or short segments inside the complex polygon
        for( unsigned ip = 0; ip < pointbuffer.size(); ip += 2 )
            double dx = pointbuffer[ip + 1].x - pointbuffer[ip].x;

            // Push only one line for diagonal hatch,
            // or for small lines < twice the line len
            // else push 2 small lines
            if( m_hatchStyle == DIAGONAL_FULL || fabs( dx ) < 2 * hatch_line_len )
                m_HatchLines.push_back( CSegment( pointbuffer[ip], pointbuffer[ip + 1] ) );
                double  dy      = pointbuffer[ip + 1].y - pointbuffer[ip].y;
                double  slope   = dy / dx;

                if( dx > 0 )
                    dx = hatch_line_len;
                    dx = -hatch_line_len;

                double  x1  = pointbuffer[ip].x + dx;
                double  x2  = pointbuffer[ip + 1].x - dx;
                double  y1  = pointbuffer[ip].y + dx * slope;
                double  y2  = pointbuffer[ip + 1].y - dx * slope;

                m_HatchLines.push_back( CSegment( pointbuffer[ip].x,
                                                  KiROUND( x1 ), KiROUND( y1 ) ) );

                m_HatchLines.push_back( CSegment( pointbuffer[ip + 1].x,
                                                  pointbuffer[ip + 1].y,
                                                  KiROUND( x2 ), KiROUND( y2 ) ) );
    for( int s1 = 0; s1 < SegmentCount(); s1++ )
        for( int s2 = s1 + 1; s2 < SegmentCount(); s2++ )
            const VECTOR2I s2a = CSegment( s2 ).A, s2b = CSegment( s2 ).B;

            if( s1 + 1 != s2 && CSegment( s1 ).Contains( s2a ) )
                INTERSECTION is;
                is.our = CSegment( s1 );
                is.their = CSegment( s2 );
                is.p = s2a;
                return is;
            else if( CSegment( s1 ).Contains( s2b ) &&
                     // for closed polylines, the ending point of the
                     // last segment == starting point of the first segment
                     // this is a normal case, not self intersecting case
                     !( IsClosed() && s1 == 0 && s2 == SegmentCount()-1 ) )
                INTERSECTION is;
                is.our = CSegment( s1 );
                is.their = CSegment( s2 );
                is.p = s2b;
                return is;
                OPT_VECTOR2I p = CSegment( s1 ).Intersect( CSegment( s2 ), true );

                if( p )
                    INTERSECTION is;
                    is.our = CSegment( s1 );
                    is.their = CSegment( s2 );
                    is.p = *p;
                    return is;
