bool CPFCManager::GetFileEntry(const CStdString& strPath, sFileEntry& item) { VECFILEENTRY items; // we need to list the pfs if (!GetEntriesList(strPath, items)) return false; CURL urlPath(strPath); CStdString strFileName = urlPath.GetFileName(); for (VECFILEENTRY::iterator it2 = items.begin(); it2 != items.end(); ++it2) { if (CStdString(it2->FileName) == strFileName) { memcpy(&item, &(*it2), sizeof(sFileEntry)); return true; } } return false; }
void TestAcceptanceTests::TestSimpleDocumentWithOneScentence() { RTFfile outFile(new RTFFileContext()); DocFileReader reader; InputFileData ifd; ifd.AssignFileName(GET_TEST_FILE_PATH(_T("Simple.doc"))); assertTest( reader.ReadFile(ifd , &outFile) ); assertTest(outFile.GetCount() == 5); int i=1; assertMessage(outFile.At(i++)->GetType() == rotFormatting, _T("we should get a para first with formatting for first para of document")); assertMessage(outFile.At(i++)->GetType() == rotChrfmt, _T("we should get a chrfmt before the text")); assertMessage(outFile.At(i)->GetType() == rotPcdata, _T("the first item in the collection should be a string")); // or should it? characterformatting first? const RTFPCData* pText = dynamic_cast<const RTFPCData*>(outFile.At(i++)); assertTest(CStdString(pText->GetContent().GetData()) == _T("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.")); assertMessage(outFile.At(i++)->GetType() == rotFormatting, _T("the second item should be a paragraph break")); }
void TestCOMLayer::TestOpenDocument() { WSDocNonCom wsdDocIn; wsdDocIn.SetAuthor(CStdString(_T("Alfie"))); wsdDocIn.SetClass(CStdString(_T("PreSchool"))); wsdDocIn.SetDescription(CStdString(_T("Short and fluffy"))); wsdDocIn.SetDocId(CStdString(_T("afnb"))); wsdDocIn.SetExtension(CStdString(_T("Dummy"))); wsdDocIn.SetFileSizehigh(24); wsdDocIn.SetFileSizeLow(2); wsdDocIn.SetFlags(0x54407); wsdDocIn.SetLocalFile(CStdString(_T("Tractor"))); wsdDocIn.SetModifiedTime(20011127.080230); wsdDocIn.SetOperator(CStdString(_T("Keith"))); wsdDocIn.SetType(CStdString(_T("Boy"))); LOCALFILESTORELib::tagWSDOCUMENT wsDoc; wsdDocIn.InitializeWSDOCUMENT((WSDOCUMENT*)&wsDoc); HRESULT hr = m_pLFS->raw_OpenDocument(&wsDoc); assertTest(m_pWorker->m_sLastMethodCalled == _T("OpenDocument")); assertTest(hr == S_TEST); assertTest(wsdDocIn == m_pWorker->m_wsd); }
void OggOpusFile::Open(CStdString& filename, fileOpenModeEnum mode, bool stereo, int sampleRate) { if(m_sampleRate == 0) { m_sampleRate = sampleRate; } if(!m_filename.Equals(filename)) { m_filename = filename + GetExtension(); } fout = NULL; m_mode = mode; if (mode == READ) { fout = ACE_OS::fopen((PCSTR)m_filename, "rb"); } else { FileRecursiveMkdir(m_filename, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathMcf); fout = ACE_OS::fopen((PCSTR)m_filename, "wb"); if(CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions) { FileSetPermissions(m_filename, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions); } if(CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup.size() && CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner.size()) { FileSetOwnership(m_filename, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup); } } if(!fout) { throw(CStdString("Could not open file: ") + m_filename); } Init(); WriteHeader(); //Close(); }
bool ZipWrapper::AddFolderToZip(const std::tstring& sFilename) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFile(CStdString(sFilename + _T("\\*.*")).c_str(), &fd); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return false; while (FindNextFile(hFile, &fd)) { std::tstring sFile = fd.cFileName; if ("..")) == 0) continue; if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) AddFolderToZip(sFilename + _T("\\") + fd.cFileName); else AddFileToZip(sFilename + _T("\\") + fd.cFileName); } FindClose(hFile); return true; }
void CUDiskDevice::Update() { CVariant properties = CDBusUtil::GetAll("org.freedesktop.UDisks", m_DeviceKitUDI.c_str(), "org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device"); m_isFileSystem = CStdString(properties["IdUsage"].asString()) == "filesystem"; if (m_isFileSystem) { m_UDI = properties["IdUuid"].asString(); m_Label = properties["IdLabel"].asString(); m_FileSystem = properties["IdType"].asString(); } else { m_UDI.clear(); m_Label.clear(); m_FileSystem.clear(); } m_isMounted = properties["DeviceIsMounted"].asBoolean(); if (m_isMounted && properties["DeviceMountPaths"].size() > 0) m_MountPath = properties["DeviceMountPaths"][0].asString(); else m_MountPath.clear(); m_PartitionSizeGiB = properties["PartitionSize"].asUnsignedInteger() / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0; m_isPartition = properties["DeviceIsPartition"].asBoolean(); m_isSystemInternal = properties["DeviceIsSystemInternal"].asBoolean(); m_isOptical = properties["DeviceIsOpticalDisc"].asBoolean(); if (m_isPartition) { CVariant isRemovable = CDBusUtil::GetVariant("org.freedesktop.UDisks", properties["PartitionSlave"].asString().c_str(), "org.freedesktop.UDisks.Device", "DeviceIsRemovable"); if ( !isRemovable.isNull() ) m_isRemovable = isRemovable.asBoolean(); else m_isRemovable = false; } else m_isRemovable = properties["DeviceIsRemovable"].asBoolean(); }
void TestCOMLayer::TestSaveDocument() { WSDocNonCom wsdDocIn; wsdDocIn.SetAuthor(CStdString(_T("Ted"))); wsdDocIn.SetClass(CStdString(_T("Russell"))); wsdDocIn.SetDescription(CStdString(_T("Mr Fluffy"))); wsdDocIn.SetDocId(CStdString(_T("ECR"))); wsdDocIn.SetExtension(CStdString(_T("Legs"))); wsdDocIn.SetFileSizehigh(24); wsdDocIn.SetFileSizeLow(6); wsdDocIn.SetFlags(0x54408); wsdDocIn.SetLocalFile(CStdString(_T("Digger"))); wsdDocIn.SetModifiedTime(20011109.072835); wsdDocIn.SetOperator(CStdString(_T("Guy"))); wsdDocIn.SetType(CStdString(_T("Rascal"))); LOCALFILESTORELib::tagWSDOCUMENT wsDoc; wsdDocIn.InitializeWSDOCUMENT((WSDOCUMENT*)&wsDoc); HRESULT hr = m_pLFS->raw_SaveDocument(&wsDoc, 111); assertTest(hr == S_TEST); assertTest(m_pWorker->m_sLastMethodCalled == _T("SaveDocument")); assertTest(wsdDocIn == m_pWorker->m_wsd); assertTest(m_pWorker->m_lFlags == 111); }
void TestOnMappedNetworkDrives::TestLockDoc() { CStdString sMappedDriveLetter = m_NetDriveHelper.GetMapNetworkDriveLetter(); assertMessage(!sMappedDriveLetter.IsEmpty(), _T("Cannot map network drive - used to just skip test")); DocProviderWorker objWorker; CStdString sDocID(DocumentID::GetDocProviderId() + sMappedDriveLetter + _T("/") + TEST_DOC _T(".doc")); CStdString sLockFileName(sMappedDriveLetter + _T("\\") + TEST_DOC _T(".doc_tart.lock")); WSDocNonCom wsDoc; HRESULT hr = objWorker.LockDocumentAsOtherUserForTesting(sDocID, _T("tart"), _T(""), LOCK_DOCUMENT); CStdString sMessage; sMessage.Format(_T("%s: 0x%x"), _T("GetDocument should return S_OK, but returned "), hr); assertMessage(S_OK == hr, sMessage.c_str()); if (_taccess(sLockFileName, 0) == -1) { assertMessage(false, _T("Lock file does not exist")); } DocumentID dID(sDocID); objWorker.m_plockMgr->RemoveLock(dID, CStdString(_T("tart"))); }
bool CIMDocInfo::Populate(IManage::INRTDocumentPtr& pINRTDocument) { LOG_WS_FUNCTION_SCOPE(); if (pINRTDocument == NULL) { LOG_WS_ERROR(_T("Document pointer was null")); return false; } try { IManage::INRTDatabasePtr pINRTDatabase = pINRTDocument->Database; IManage::INRTSessionPtr pINRTSession = pINRTDatabase->Session; m_sDatabaseName = pINRTDatabase->Name; m_sServerName = pINRTSession->ServerName; m_sUserId = pINRTSession->UserID; m_sEncPassword = pINRTSession->Password; m_sDescription = pINRTDocument->Description; m_sExtension = pINRTDocument->Extension; m_lDocNum = pINRTDocument->Number; m_lVerNum = pINRTDocument->Version; return true; } catch(_com_error& e) { CStdString sMsg; sMsg.Format(_T("Failed : %s"), CStdString(e.ErrorMessage()).c_str()); LOG_WS_ERROR(sMsg.c_str()); } catch(...) { LOG_WS_ERROR(_T("Caught unknown exception")); ATLASSERT(false); } return false; }
void TestDocFileformfield::TestTranslateBinaryProperty() { CStdString expectedName(_T("Text1")); RTFfile theFile(new RTFFileContext); AutoDocFileReaderImpl4Tests reader(DEFAULT_FORMTEXT_FILE, &theFile); reader.Initialize(); WordParserInfo wpi(&reader); WrdFormFieldBinaryData data; WrdEshRoot root; data.setCP(11);; CQuickBuildString conversionResult = _T(""); RTFFileContext context; DocFileFormField docFileFormField(&context); assertTest(docFileFormField.TranslateBinaryProperty(conversionResult , data.getFieldNameDataReference())); std::strstream msg; msg << _T("Expected [") << expectedName << _T("], but the received [") << conversionResult << _T("]") << std::ends; assertMessage(expectedName == conversionResult, CStdString(msg.str())); }
CStdString CTestUtils::CopyTestFileToTempFile(const CStdString& sSource) { if(_taccess(sSource, 0) != 0) { CStdStringA sError; sError.Format("CTestUtils::CopyTestFileToTempFile - source file (%s) doesn't exist.", sSource.c_str()); throw std::exception(sError.c_str()); } TCHAR szTempPath[ MAX_PATH ] = {0}; ::GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, szTempPath ); TCHAR szTempFileName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; ::GetTempFileName( szTempPath, _T( "wst" ), 0, szTempFileName ); if (!CopyFile(sSource.c_str(), szTempFileName, false)) { CStdStringA sError; sError.Format("CTestUtils::CopyTestFileToTempFile copy file failed - source file (%s) destination file (%s)", sSource.c_str(), szTempFileName); throw std::exception(sError.c_str()); } return CStdString(szTempFileName); }
std::vector<WSDocNonCom> DMSHelper::GetAllRelatedDraftsForUser(CStdStringW sDocID) { try { std::vector<WSDocNonCom> vsAllRelations = GetAllRelatedSynergyDocs(sDocID); std::vector<WSDocNonCom> vsAllRelationsForUser; CStdString sCurrentUser = GetCurrentDmsUser(sDocID); for (unsigned int i=0; i<vsAllRelations.size(); i++) { WSDocNonCom& wsdThis = vsAllRelations[i]; if ((wsdThis.GetExtension().CompareNoCase(CStdString(DRAFT_FILE_EXTENSION)) == 0) && IncludeThisDraftForUser(wsdThis.GetAuthor(), sCurrentUser)) { vsAllRelationsForUser.push_back(wsdThis); } } return vsAllRelationsForUser; } catch(_com_error& e) { LOG_WS_ERROR_RESULT(e); throw; } catch(std::exception& e) { LOG_WS_ERROR_RESULT(e); throw; } catch(TCHAR*& e) { CStdString sErr(e); sErr.append(_T("(TCHAR*): This exception was thrown")); LOG_WS_ERROR(sErr); throw; } }
void TestDocReader::TestTabChanges() { DocReader dr; dr.OpenFile(TEST_TABS_TC_DOC); CStdStringW sExp = L"\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tABC\t1.23\tDEF\tGHI\tFFF\r"; sExp += "Abc\t222.23\t\t\t\t\tdef\tghi\tddd\r"; sExp += "Aaa\t10.87 b\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcb\tccc\txxx\r"; sExp += "Ddd\t1.44994\t\t\t\t\t\t\r"; sExp += "ABC\t1.23 DEF GHI aaa\t\t\t\r"; sExp += "Abc\t222.\t\t\txxx\r"; sExp += "Aaa\t10.87\tbcb\tccc\tzzz\r"; sExp += "Ddd\t1.44994\teEEee\tfffLeft\tright\r"; sExp += "Left\tRIGHT\r"; CStdStringW sGot = dr.GetMainDocumentText(); for (unsigned int i=0; i<(x64_int_cast)sExp.size(); i++) { OutputDebugString(CStdString(sGot.substr(i,1))); assertTest(sGot[i] == sExp[i]); } assertTest(dr.GetMainDocumentText() == sExp); }
CStdString CStdString::Left(int iLength) const { if( iLength < 0 ) iLength = 0; if( iLength > GetLength() ) iLength = GetLength(); return CStdString(m_pstr, iLength); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct termios new_termios; tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &orig_termios); new_termios = orig_termios; new_termios.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOCTL | ECHONL); new_termios.c_cflag |= HUPCL; new_termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; CStdString last_sub = ""; tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &new_termios); on_exit(restore_termios, &orig_termios); CStdString m_filename; double m_incr = 0; CRBP g_RBP; COMXCore g_OMX; bool m_stats = false; bool m_dump_format = false; bool m_3d = false; bool m_refresh = false; double startpts = 0; TV_GET_STATE_RESP_T tv_state; struct option longopts[] = { { "info", no_argument, NULL, 'i' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "aidx", required_argument, NULL, 'n' }, { "adev", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "stats", no_argument, NULL, 's' }, { "passthrough", no_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "deinterlace", no_argument, NULL, 'd' }, { "hw", no_argument, NULL, 'w' }, { "3d", no_argument, NULL, '3' }, { "hdmiclocksync", no_argument, NULL, 'y' }, { "refresh", no_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "sid", required_argument, NULL, 't' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; int c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "wihn:o:cslpd3yt:r", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'r': m_refresh = true; break; case 'y': m_hdmi_clock_sync = true; break; case '3': m_3d = true; break; case 'd': m_Deinterlace = true; break; case 'w': m_use_hw_audio = true; break; case 'p': m_passthrough = true; break; case 's': m_stats = true; break; case 'o': deviceString = optarg; if(deviceString != CStdString("local") && deviceString != CStdString("hdmi")) { print_usage(); return 0; } deviceString = "omx:" + deviceString; break; case 'i': m_dump_format = true; break; case 't': m_subtitle_index = atoi(optarg) - 1; if(m_subtitle_index < 0) m_subtitle_index = 0; m_show_subtitle = true; break; case 'n': m_audio_index_use = atoi(optarg) - 1; if(m_audio_index_use < 0) m_audio_index_use = 0; break; case 0: break; case 'h': print_usage(); return 0; break; case ':': return 0; break; default: return 0; break; } } if (optind >= argc) { print_usage(); return 0; } m_filename = argv[optind]; CLog::Init("./"); g_RBP.Initialize(); g_OMX.Initialize(); m_av_clock = new OMXClock(); m_thread_player = true; if(!m_omx_reader.Open(m_filename.c_str(), m_dump_format)) goto do_exit; if(m_dump_format) goto do_exit; m_bMpeg = m_omx_reader.IsMpegVideo(); m_has_video = m_omx_reader.VideoStreamCount(); m_has_audio = m_omx_reader.AudioStreamCount(); m_has_subtitle = m_omx_reader.SubtitleStreamCount(); if(!m_av_clock->OMXInitialize(m_has_video, m_has_audio)) goto do_exit; if(m_hdmi_clock_sync && !m_av_clock->HDMIClockSync()) goto do_exit; m_omx_reader.GetHints(OMXSTREAM_AUDIO, m_hints_audio); m_omx_reader.GetHints(OMXSTREAM_VIDEO, m_hints_video); if(m_audio_index_use != -1) m_omx_reader.SetActiveStream(OMXSTREAM_AUDIO, m_audio_index_use); if(m_has_video && !m_player_video.Open(m_hints_video, m_av_clock, m_Deinterlace, m_bMpeg, m_hdmi_clock_sync, m_thread_player)) goto do_exit; if(m_has_video && m_refresh) { memset(&tv_state, 0, sizeof(TV_GET_STATE_RESP_T)); m_BcmHost.vc_tv_get_state(&tv_state); if(m_filename.find("3DSBS") != string::npos) m_3d = true; SetVideoMode(m_hints_video.width, m_hints_video.height, m_player_video.GetFPS(), m_3d); } // This is an upper bound check on the subtitle limits. When we pulled the subtitle // index from the user we check to make sure that the value is larger than zero, but // we couldn't know without scanning the file if it was too high. If this is the case // then we replace the subtitle index with the maximum value possible. if(m_has_subtitle && m_subtitle_index > (m_omx_reader.SubtitleStreamCount() - 1)) { m_subtitle_index = m_omx_reader.SubtitleStreamCount() - 1; } // Here we actually enable the subtitle streams if we have one available. if (m_has_subtitle && m_subtitle_index <= (m_omx_reader.SubtitleStreamCount() - 1)) { m_omx_reader.SetActiveStream(OMXSTREAM_SUBTITLE, m_subtitle_index); m_show_subtitle = true; } else { m_show_subtitle = false; } m_omx_reader.GetHints(OMXSTREAM_AUDIO, m_hints_audio); if(m_has_audio && !m_player_audio.Open(m_hints_audio, m_av_clock, &m_omx_reader, deviceString, m_passthrough, m_use_hw_audio, m_thread_player)) goto do_exit; m_av_clock->SetSpeed(DVD_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL); m_av_clock->OMXStateExecute(); m_av_clock->OMXStart(); struct timespec starttime, endtime; while(!m_stop) { int ch[8]; int chnum = 0; if(g_abort) goto do_exit; while((ch[chnum] = getchar()) != EOF) chnum++; if (chnum > 1) ch[0] = ch[chnum - 1] | (ch[chnum - 2] << 8); switch(ch[0]) { case 'z': m_tv_show_info = !m_tv_show_info; vc_tv_show_info(m_tv_show_info); break; case '1': SetSpeed(m_av_clock->OMXPlaySpeed() - 1); break; case '2': SetSpeed(m_av_clock->OMXPlaySpeed() + 1); break; case 'j': m_omx_reader.SetActiveStream(OMXSTREAM_AUDIO, m_omx_reader.GetAudioIndex() - 1); break; case 'k': m_omx_reader.SetActiveStream(OMXSTREAM_AUDIO, m_omx_reader.GetAudioIndex() + 1); break; case 'i': if(m_omx_reader.GetChapterCount() > 0) { m_omx_reader.SeekChapter(m_omx_reader.GetChapter() - 1, &startpts); FlushStreams(startpts); } else { m_incr = -600.0; } break; case 'o': if(m_omx_reader.GetChapterCount() > 0) { m_omx_reader.SeekChapter(m_omx_reader.GetChapter() + 1, &startpts); FlushStreams(startpts); } else { m_incr = 600.0; } break; case 'n': if(m_omx_reader.GetSubtitleIndex() > 0) { m_omx_reader.SetActiveStream(OMXSTREAM_SUBTITLE, m_omx_reader.GetSubtitleIndex() - 1); m_player_video.FlushSubtitles(); } break; case 'm': if(m_omx_reader.GetSubtitleIndex() > 0) { m_omx_reader.SetActiveStream(OMXSTREAM_SUBTITLE, m_omx_reader.GetSubtitleIndex() + 1); m_player_video.FlushSubtitles(); } break; case 's': m_show_subtitle = !m_show_subtitle; break; case 'q': m_stop = true; goto do_exit; break; case 0x5b44: // key left if(m_omx_reader.CanSeek()) m_incr = -30.0; break; case 0x5b43: // key right if(m_omx_reader.CanSeek()) m_incr = 30.0; break; case 0x5b41: // key up if(m_omx_reader.CanSeek()) m_incr = 600.0; break; case 0x5b42: // key down if(m_omx_reader.CanSeek()) m_incr = -600.0; break; case ' ': case 'p': m_Pause = !m_Pause; if(m_Pause) { SetSpeed(OMX_PLAYSPEED_PAUSE); m_av_clock->OMXPause(); } else { SetSpeed(OMX_PLAYSPEED_NORMAL); m_av_clock->OMXResume(); } break; case '-': m_player_audio.SetCurrentVolume(m_player_audio.GetCurrentVolume() - 50); printf("Current Volume: %.2fdB\n", m_player_audio.GetCurrentVolume() / 100.0f); break; case '+': m_player_audio.SetCurrentVolume(m_player_audio.GetCurrentVolume() + 50); printf("Current Volume: %.2fdB\n", m_player_audio.GetCurrentVolume() / 100.0f); break; default: break; } if(m_Pause) { OMXClock::OMXSleep(2); continue; } if(m_incr != 0 && !m_bMpeg) { int seek_flags = 0; double seek_pos = 0; double pts = 0; pts = m_av_clock->GetPTS(); seek_pos = (pts / DVD_TIME_BASE) + m_incr; seek_flags = m_incr < 0.0f ? AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD : 0; seek_pos *= 1000.0f; m_incr = 0; if(m_omx_reader.SeekTime(seek_pos, seek_flags, &startpts)) FlushStreams(startpts); m_player_video.Close(); if(m_has_video && !m_player_video.Open(m_hints_video, m_av_clock, m_Deinterlace, m_bMpeg, m_hdmi_clock_sync, m_thread_player)) goto do_exit; } /* when the audio buffer runs under 0.1 seconds we buffer up */ if(m_has_audio) { if(m_player_audio.GetDelay() < 0.1f && !m_buffer_empty) { if(!m_av_clock->OMXIsPaused()) { m_av_clock->OMXPause(); //printf("buffering start\n"); m_buffer_empty = true; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &starttime); } } if(m_player_audio.GetDelay() > (AUDIO_BUFFER_SECONDS * 0.75f) && m_buffer_empty) { if(m_av_clock->OMXIsPaused()) { m_av_clock->OMXResume(); //printf("buffering end\n"); m_buffer_empty = false; } } if(m_buffer_empty) { clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &endtime); if((endtime.tv_sec - starttime.tv_sec) > 1) { m_buffer_empty = false; m_av_clock->OMXResume(); //printf("buffering timed out\n"); } } } if(!m_omx_pkt) m_omx_pkt = m_omx_reader.Read(); if(m_has_video && m_omx_pkt && m_omx_reader.IsActive(OMXSTREAM_VIDEO, m_omx_pkt->stream_index)) { if(m_player_video.AddPacket(m_omx_pkt)) m_omx_pkt = NULL; else OMXClock::OMXSleep(10); if(m_tv_show_info) { char response[80]; vc_gencmd(response, sizeof response, "render_bar 4 video_fifo %d %d %d %d", m_player_video.GetDecoderBufferSize()-m_player_video.GetDecoderFreeSpace(), 0 , 0, m_player_video.GetDecoderBufferSize()); vc_gencmd(response, sizeof response, "render_bar 5 audio_fifo %d %d %d %d", (int)(100.0*m_player_audio.GetDelay()), 0, 0, 100*AUDIO_BUFFER_SECONDS); } } else if(m_has_audio && m_omx_pkt && m_omx_pkt->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if(m_player_audio.AddPacket(m_omx_pkt)) m_omx_pkt = NULL; else OMXClock::OMXSleep(10); } else if(m_omx_pkt && m_omx_reader.IsActive(OMXSTREAM_SUBTITLE, m_omx_pkt->stream_index)) { if(m_omx_pkt->size && (m_omx_pkt->hints.codec == CODEC_ID_TEXT || m_omx_pkt->hints.codec == CODEC_ID_SSA)) { if(m_player_video.AddPacket(m_omx_pkt)) m_omx_pkt = NULL; else OMXClock::OMXSleep(10); } else { m_omx_reader.FreePacket(m_omx_pkt); m_omx_pkt = NULL; } } else { if(m_omx_pkt) { m_omx_reader.FreePacket(m_omx_pkt); m_omx_pkt = NULL; } } /* player got in an error state */ if(m_player_audio.Error()) { printf("audio player error. emergency exit!!!\n"); goto do_exit; } CStdString strSubTitle = m_player_video.GetText(); if(strSubTitle.length() && m_show_subtitle) { if(last_sub != strSubTitle) { last_sub = strSubTitle; printf("Text : %s\n", strSubTitle.c_str()); } } if(m_stats) { printf("V : %8.02f %8d %8d A : %8.02f %8.02f Cv : %8d Ca : %8d \r", m_player_video.GetCurrentPTS() / DVD_TIME_BASE, m_player_video.GetDecoderBufferSize(), m_player_video.GetDecoderFreeSpace(), m_player_audio.GetCurrentPTS() / DVD_TIME_BASE, m_player_audio.GetDelay(), m_player_video.GetCached(), m_player_audio.GetCached()); } if(m_omx_reader.IsEof()) break; } do_exit: printf("\n"); if(!m_stop) { if(m_has_audio) m_player_audio.WaitCompletion(); else if(m_has_video) m_player_video.WaitCompletion(); } if(m_refresh) { m_BcmHost.vc_tv_hdmi_power_on_best(tv_state.width, tv_state.height, tv_state.frame_rate, HDMI_NONINTERLACED, (EDID_MODE_MATCH_FLAG_T)(HDMI_MODE_MATCH_FRAMERATE|HDMI_MODE_MATCH_RESOLUTION|HDMI_MODE_MATCH_SCANMODE)); } m_av_clock->OMXStop(); m_av_clock->OMXStateIdle(); m_player_video.Close(); m_player_audio.Close(); if(m_omx_pkt) { m_omx_reader.FreePacket(m_omx_pkt); m_omx_pkt = NULL; } m_omx_reader.Close(); vc_tv_show_info(0); g_OMX.Deinitialize(); g_RBP.Deinitialize(); printf("have a nice day ;)\n"); return 1; }
/* See if this is an IAX2 NEW. If so, process */ bool TryIax2New(EthernetHeaderStruct* ethernetHeader, IpHeaderStruct* ipHeader, UdpHeaderStruct* udpHeader, u_char* udpPayload) { struct Iax2FullHeader *fh = (struct Iax2FullHeader *)udpPayload; struct iax2_ies ies; int ies_len = 0, udp_act_payload_len = 0; Iax2NewInfoRef info(new Iax2NewInfo()); //char source_ip[16], dest_ip[16]; CStdString logmsg; if(!DLLCONFIG.m_iax2Support) return false; memset(&ies, 0, sizeof(ies)); udp_act_payload_len = (ntohs(udpHeader->len)-sizeof(UdpHeaderStruct)); if(udp_act_payload_len < (int)sizeof(*fh)) return false; /* Frame too small */ if(!(ntohs(fh->scallno) & 0x8000)) return false; /* Not a full frame */ ies_len = ((u_char*)ipHeader+ntohs(ipHeader->ip_len))-(udpPayload+sizeof(*fh)); #if 0 /* Debug headaches caused by udpHeader->len */ /* Beware that udpHeader->len is not the length of the udpPayload * but rather this includes the length of the UDP header as well. * I.e watch out for the figure "8" as you debug ;-) */ { char source_ip[16], dest_ip[16]; ACE_OS::inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void*)&ipHeader->ip_src, source_ip, sizeof(source_ip)); ACE_OS::inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void*)&ipHeader->ip_dest, dest_ip, sizeof(dest_ip)); iax2_dump_frame(fh, source_ip, dest_ip); } logmsg.Format("UDP_Payload=%p UDP+FH_Payload=%p FH->IEDATA=%p ies_len=%d " "udpHeader->len-sizeof(fullhdr)=%d (ntohs(udpHeader->len)" "-sizeof(UdpHeaderStruct))=%d", udpPayload, udpPayload+ sizeof(*fh), fh->ie_data, ies_len, (ntohs(udpHeader->len)- sizeof(*fh)), (ntohs(udpHeader->len)-sizeof(UdpHeaderStruct))); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_iax2parsersLog, logmsg); #endif if(fh->type != IAX2_FRAME_IAX) return false; /* Frame type must be IAX */ if(get_uncompressed_subclass(fh->c_sub) != IAX2_COMMAND_NEW) return false; /* Subclass must be NEW */ if(parse_iax2_ies(&ies, fh->ie_data, ies_len)) return false; /* Invalid "full" frame received */ if(!ies.callee) return false; /* According to the SPEC, a NEW MUST have a * callee (Called Number) */ if(!strlen(ies.callee)) return false; /* According to the SPEC, a NEW MUST have a * callee (Called Number) */ if(!ies.caller) { ies.caller = (char*)"WITHELD"; } else { if(!strlen(ies.caller)) { ies.caller = (char*)"WITHELD"; } } /* Statistically this is most likely a NEW IAX2 frame. */ info->m_senderIp = ipHeader->ip_src; info->m_receiverIp = ipHeader->ip_dest; info->m_caller = CStdString(ies.caller); info->m_callee = CStdString(ies.callee); info->m_callingName = CStdString(ies.calling_name ? ies.calling_name : ""); info->m_callNo = IntToString(ntohs(fh->scallno) & ~0x8000); /* Report the packet */ Iax2SessionsSingleton::instance()->ReportIax2New(info); LOG4CXX_INFO(s_iax2parsersLog, "Processed IAX2 NEW frame ts:" + IntToString(ntohl(fh->ts))); return true; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items) { CUPnP* upnp = CUPnP::GetInstance(); /* upnp should never be cached, it has internal cache */ items.SetCacheToDisc(CFileItemList::CACHE_NEVER); // We accept upnp://devuuid/[item_id/] NPT_String path = strPath.c_str(); if (!path.StartsWith("upnp://", true)) { return false; } if (path.Compare("upnp://", true) == 0) { upnp->StartClient(); // root -> get list of devices const NPT_Lock<PLT_DeviceDataReferenceList>& devices = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->GetMediaServers(); NPT_List<PLT_DeviceDataReference>::Iterator device = devices.GetFirstItem(); while (device) { NPT_String name = (*device)->GetFriendlyName(); NPT_String uuid = (*device)->GetUUID(); CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)name)); pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/")); pItem->m_bIsFolder = true; pItem->SetArt("thumb", (const char*)(*device)->GetIconUrl("image/png")); items.Add(pItem); ++device; } } else { if (!path.EndsWith("/")) path += "/"; // look for nextslash int next_slash = path.Find('/', 7); NPT_String uuid = (next_slash==-1)?path.SubString(7):path.SubString(7, next_slash-7); NPT_String object_id = (next_slash==-1)?"":path.SubString(next_slash+1); object_id.TrimRight("/"); if (object_id.GetLength()) { CStdString tmp = (char*) object_id; CURL::Decode(tmp); object_id = tmp; } // try to find the device with wait on startup PLT_DeviceDataReference device; if (!FindDeviceWait(upnp, uuid, device)) goto failure; // issue a browse request with object_id // if object_id is empty use "0" for root object_id = object_id.IsEmpty()?"0":object_id; // remember a count of object classes std::map<NPT_String, int> classes; // just a guess as to what types of files we want bool video = true; bool audio = true; bool image = true; m_strFileMask.TrimLeft("/"); if (!m_strFileMask.IsEmpty()) { video = m_strFileMask.Find(".wmv") >= 0; audio = m_strFileMask.Find(".wma") >= 0; image = m_strFileMask.Find(".jpg") >= 0; } // special case for Windows Media Connect and WMP11 when looking for root // We can target which root subfolder we want based on directory mask if (object_id == "0" && ((device->GetFriendlyName().Find("Windows Media Connect", 0, true) >= 0) || (device->m_ModelName == "Windows Media Player Sharing"))) { // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want if (audio && !video && !image) { // music object_id = "1"; } else if (!audio && video && !image) { // video object_id = "2"; } else if (!audio && !video && image) { // pictures object_id = "3"; } } #ifdef DISABLE_SPECIALCASE // same thing but special case for XBMC if (object_id == "0" && ((device->m_ModelName.Find("XBMC", 0, true) >= 0) || (device->m_ModelName.Find("Xbox Media Center", 0, true) >= 0))) { // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want if (audio && !video && !image) { // music object_id = "virtualpath://upnpmusic"; } else if (!audio && video && !image) { // video object_id = "virtualpath://upnpvideo"; } else if (!audio && !video && image) { // pictures object_id = "virtualpath://upnppictures"; } } #endif // if error, return now, the device could have gone away // this will make us go back to the sources list PLT_MediaObjectListReference list; NPT_Result res = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->BrowseSync(device, object_id, list); if (NPT_FAILED(res)) goto failure; // empty list is ok if (list.IsNull()) goto cleanup; PLT_MediaObjectList::Iterator entry = list->GetFirstItem(); while (entry) { // disregard items with wrong class/type if( (!video && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.videoitem", 21,true) == 0) || (!audio && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.audioitem", 21,true) == 0) || (!image && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.imageitem", 21,true) == 0) ) { ++entry; continue; } // never show empty containers in media views if((*entry)->IsContainer()) { if( (audio || video || image) && ((PLT_MediaContainer*)(*entry))->m_ChildrenCount == 0) { ++entry; continue; } } // keep count of classes classes[(*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type]++; CFileItemPtr pItem = BuildObject(*entry); if(!pItem) { ++entry; continue; } CStdString id = (char*) (*entry)->m_ObjectID; CURL::Encode(id); URIUtils::AddSlashAtEnd(id); pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/" + id.c_str())); items.Add(pItem); ++entry; } NPT_String max_string = ""; int max_count = 0; for(std::map<NPT_String, int>::iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); it++) { if(it->second > max_count) { max_string = it->first; max_count = it->second; } } std::string content = GetContentMapping(max_string); items.SetContent(content); if (content == "unknown") { items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_UNSORTED, 571, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%I", "%L", "")); items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_LABEL_IGNORE_FOLDERS, 551, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%I", "%L", "")); items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_SIZE, 553, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%I", "%L", "%I")); items.AddSortMethod(SORT_METHOD_DATE, 552, LABEL_MASKS("%L", "%J", "%L", "%J")); } } cleanup: return true; failure: return false; }
CStdString RecordMsg::GetClassName() { return CStdString(RECORD_CLASS); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool CUPnPDirectory::GetDirectory(const CStdString& strPath, CFileItemList &items) { CUPnP* upnp = CUPnP::GetInstance(); /* upnp should never be cached, it has internal cache */ items.SetCacheToDisc(CFileItemList::CACHE_NEVER); // We accept upnp://devuuid/[item_id/] NPT_String path = strPath.c_str(); if (!path.StartsWith("upnp://", true)) { return false; } if (path.Compare("upnp://", true) == 0) { upnp->StartClient(); // root -> get list of devices const NPT_Lock<PLT_DeviceDataReferenceList>& devices = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->GetMediaServers(); NPT_List<PLT_DeviceDataReference>::Iterator device = devices.GetFirstItem(); while (device) { NPT_String name = (*device)->GetFriendlyName(); NPT_String uuid = (*device)->GetUUID(); CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)name)); pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/")); pItem->m_bIsFolder = true; pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*)(*device)->GetIconUrl("image/jpeg")); items.Add(pItem); ++device; } } else { if (!path.EndsWith("/")) path += "/"; // look for nextslash int next_slash = path.Find('/', 7); NPT_String uuid = (next_slash==-1)?path.SubString(7):path.SubString(7, next_slash-7); NPT_String object_id = (next_slash==-1)?"":path.SubString(next_slash+1); object_id.TrimRight("/"); if (object_id.GetLength()) { CStdString tmp = (char*) object_id; CURL::Decode(tmp); object_id = tmp; } // try to find the device with wait on startup PLT_DeviceDataReference device; if (!FindDeviceWait(upnp, uuid, device)) goto failure; // issue a browse request with object_id // if object_id is empty use "0" for root object_id = object_id.IsEmpty()?"0":object_id; // remember a count of object classes std::map<NPT_String, int> classes; // just a guess as to what types of files we want bool video = true; bool audio = true; bool image = true; m_strFileMask.TrimLeft("/"); if (!m_strFileMask.IsEmpty()) { video = m_strFileMask.Find(".wmv") >= 0; audio = m_strFileMask.Find(".wma") >= 0; image = m_strFileMask.Find(".jpg") >= 0; } // special case for Windows Media Connect and WMP11 when looking for root // We can target which root subfolder we want based on directory mask if (object_id == "0" && ((device->GetFriendlyName().Find("Windows Media Connect", 0, true) >= 0) || (device->m_ModelName == "Windows Media Player Sharing"))) { // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want if (audio && !video && !image) { // music object_id = "1"; } else if (!audio && video && !image) { // video object_id = "2"; } else if (!audio && !video && image) { // pictures object_id = "3"; } } #ifdef DISABLE_SPECIALCASE // same thing but special case for XBMC if (object_id == "0" && ((device->m_ModelName.Find("XBMC", 0, true) >= 0) || (device->m_ModelName.Find("Xbox Media Center", 0, true) >= 0))) { // look for a specific type to differentiate which folder we want if (audio && !video && !image) { // music object_id = "virtualpath://upnpmusic"; } else if (!audio && video && !image) { // video object_id = "virtualpath://upnpvideo"; } else if (!audio && !video && image) { // pictures object_id = "virtualpath://upnppictures"; } } #endif // if error, return now, the device could have gone away // this will make us go back to the sources list PLT_MediaObjectListReference list; NPT_Result res = upnp->m_MediaBrowser->BrowseSync(device, object_id, list); if (NPT_FAILED(res)) goto failure; // empty list is ok if (list.IsNull()) goto cleanup; PLT_MediaObjectList::Iterator entry = list->GetFirstItem(); while (entry) { // disregard items with wrong class/type if( (!video && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.videoitem", 21,true) == 0) || (!audio && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.audioitem", 21,true) == 0) || (!image && (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.CompareN("object.item.imageitem", 21,true) == 0) ) { ++entry; continue; } // never show empty containers in media views if((*entry)->IsContainer()) { if( (audio || video || image) && ((PLT_MediaContainer*)(*entry))->m_ChildrenCount == 0) { ++entry; continue; } } NPT_String ObjectClass = (*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type.ToLowercase(); // keep count of classes classes[(*entry)->m_ObjectClass.type]++; CFileItemPtr pItem(new CFileItem((const char*)(*entry)->m_Title)); pItem->SetLabelPreformated(true); pItem->m_strTitle = (const char*)(*entry)->m_Title; pItem->m_bIsFolder = (*entry)->IsContainer(); CStdString id = (char*) (*entry)->m_ObjectID; CURL::Encode(id); pItem->SetPath(CStdString((const char*) "upnp://" + uuid + "/" + id.c_str())); // if it's a container, format a string as upnp://uuid/object_id if (pItem->m_bIsFolder) { pItem->SetPath(pItem->GetPath() + "/"); // look for metadata if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album.videoalbum") ) { pItem->SetLabelPreformated(false); CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(), *(*entry), NULL); } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album.photoalbum")) { //CPictureInfoTag* tag = pItem->GetPictureInfoTag(); } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.container.album") ) { pItem->SetLabelPreformated(false); CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag(), *(*entry), NULL); } } else { // set a general content type if (ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.videoitem")) pItem->SetMimeType("video/octet-stream"); else if(ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.audioitem")) pItem->SetMimeType("audio/octet-stream"); else if(ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.imageitem")) pItem->SetMimeType("image/octet-stream"); if ((*entry)->m_Resources.GetItemCount()) { PLT_MediaItemResource& resource = (*entry)->m_Resources[0]; // set metadata if (resource.m_Size != (NPT_LargeSize)-1) { pItem->m_dwSize = resource.m_Size; } // look for metadata if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.videoitem") ) { pItem->SetLabelPreformated(false); CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetVideoInfoTag(), *(*entry), &resource); } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.audioitem") ) { pItem->SetLabelPreformated(false); CUPnP::PopulateTagFromObject(*pItem->GetMusicInfoTag(), *(*entry), &resource); } else if( ObjectClass.StartsWith("object.item.imageitem") ) { //CPictureInfoTag* tag = pItem->GetPictureInfoTag(); } } } // look for date? if((*entry)-> { SYSTEMTIME time = {}; sscanf((*entry)->, "%hu-%hu-%huT%hu:%hu:%hu", &time.wYear, &time.wMonth, &time.wDay, &time.wHour, &time.wMinute, &time.wSecond); pItem->m_dateTime = time; } // if there is a thumbnail available set it here if((*entry)->m_ExtraInfo.album_art_uri.GetLength()) pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*) (*entry)->m_ExtraInfo.album_art_uri); else if((*entry)->m_Description.icon_uri.GetLength()) pItem->SetThumbnailImage((const char*) (*entry)->m_Description.icon_uri); PLT_ProtocolInfo fanart_mask("", "*", "fanart", "*"); for(unsigned i = 0; i < (*entry)->m_Resources.GetItemCount(); ++i) { PLT_MediaItemResource& res = (*entry)->m_Resources[i]; if(res.m_ProtocolInfo.Match(fanart_mask)) { pItem->SetProperty("fanart_image", (const char*)res.m_Uri); break; } } items.Add(pItem); ++entry; } NPT_String max_string = ""; int max_count = 0; for(std::map<NPT_String, int>::iterator it = classes.begin(); it != classes.end(); it++) { if(it->second > max_count) { max_string = it->first; max_count = it->second; } } items.SetContent(GetContentMapping(max_string)); } cleanup: return true; failure: return false; }
void BatchProcessing::ThreadHandler(void *args) { SetThreadName("orka:batch"); CStdString debug; CStdString logMsg; CStdString processorName("BatchProcessing"); TapeProcessorRef batchProcessing = TapeProcessorRegistry::instance()->GetNewTapeProcessor(processorName); if(batchProcessing.get() == NULL) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "Could not instanciate BatchProcessing"); return; } BatchProcessing* pBatchProcessing = (BatchProcessing*)(batchProcessing->Instanciate().get()); pBatchProcessing->SetQueueSize(CONFIG.m_batchProcessingQueueSize); int threadId = 0; { MutexSentinel sentinel(pBatchProcessing->m_mutex); threadId = pBatchProcessing->m_threadCount++; } CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); debug.Format("thread Th%s starting - queue size:%d", threadIdString, CONFIG.m_batchProcessingQueueSize); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, debug); bool stop = false; for(;stop == false;) { AudioFileRef fileRef; AudioFileRef outFileRef, outFileSecondaryRef; AudioTapeRef audioTapeRef; CStdString trackingId = "[no-trk]"; try { audioTapeRef = pBatchProcessing->m_audioTapeQueue.pop(); if(audioTapeRef.get() == NULL) { if(Daemon::Singleton()->IsStopping()) { stop = true; } if(Daemon::Singleton()->GetShortLived()) { Daemon::Singleton()->Stop(); } } else { fileRef = audioTapeRef->GetAudioFileRef(); trackingId = audioTapeRef->m_trackingId; audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPath; // Let's work on the tape we have pulled //CStdString threadIdString = IntToString(threadId); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " processing " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier() + " localside:" + CaptureEvent::LocalSideToString(audioTapeRef->m_localSide) + " audiokeepdirection:" + CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionToString(audioTapeRef->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum)); if(audioTapeRef->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum == CaptureEvent::AudioKeepDirectionInvalid) { LOG4CXX_WARN(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " invalid audiokeepdirection:" + IntToString(audioTapeRef->m_audioKeepDirectionEnum)); } //fileRef->MoveOrig(); // #### could do this only when original and output file have the same extension. Irrelevant for now as everything is captured as mcf file fileRef->Open(AudioFile::READ); AudioChunkRef chunkRef; AudioChunkRef tmpChunkRef, tmpChunkSecondaryRef; unsigned int frameSleepCounter; frameSleepCounter = 0; switch(CONFIG.m_storageAudioFormat) { case FfUlaw: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_ULAW | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case FfAlaw: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_ALAW | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case FfGsm: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_GSM610 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); break; case FfPcmWav: default: outFileRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); } if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { outFileRef->SetNumOutputChannels(2); } FilterRef rtpMixer, rtpMixerSecondary; FilterRef decoder1; FilterRef decoder2; FilterRef decoder; FilterRef audiogain; std::bitset<RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MAX> seenRtpPayloadTypes; std::vector<FilterRef> decoders1; std::vector<FilterRef> decoders2; for(int pt=0; pt<RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MAX; pt++) { decoder1 = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(pt); decoders1.push_back(decoder1); decoder2 = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(pt); decoders2.push_back(decoder2); } bool firstChunk = true; bool voIpSession = false; size_t numSamplesS1 = 0; size_t numSamplesS2 = 0; size_t numSamplesOut = 0; CStdString filterName("AudioGain"); audiogain = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(filterName); if(audiogain.get() == NULL) { debug = "Could not instanciate AudioGain rtpMixer"; throw(debug); } bool forceChannel1 = false; while(fileRef->ReadChunkMono(chunkRef)) { // ############ HACK //ACE_Time_Value yield; //yield.set(0,1); //ACE_OS::sleep(yield); // ############ HACK AudioChunkDetails details = *chunkRef->GetDetails(); int channelToSkip = 0; if(CONFIG.m_directionLookBack == true) //if DirectionLookBack is not enable, DirectionSelector Tape should have taken care everything { if(BatchProcessing::SkipChunk(audioTapeRef, chunkRef, channelToSkip) == true) { LOG4CXX_DEBUG(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " skipping chunk of channel:" + IntToString(details.m_channel)); if(forceChannel1 == false) { if(channelToSkip == 1) { forceChannel1 = true; } } continue; } } if(forceChannel1 == true) { details.m_channel = 1; chunkRef->SetDetails(&details); } decoder.reset(); if(details.m_rtpPayloadType < -1 || details.m_rtpPayloadType >= RTP_PAYLOAD_TYPE_MAX) { logMsg.Format("RTP payload type out of bound:%d", details.m_rtpPayloadType); LOG4CXX_DEBUG(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); continue; } // Instanciate any decoder we might need during a VoIP session if(details.m_rtpPayloadType != -1) { voIpSession = true; if(details.m_channel == 2) { decoder2 =; decoder = decoder2; } else { decoder1 =; decoder = decoder1; } bool ptAlreadySeen = seenRtpPayloadTypes.test(details.m_rtpPayloadType); seenRtpPayloadTypes.set(details.m_rtpPayloadType); if(decoder.get() == NULL) { if(ptAlreadySeen == false) { // First time we see a particular unsupported payload type in this session, log it CStdString rtpPayloadType = IntToString(details.m_rtpPayloadType); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " unsupported RTP payload type:" + rtpPayloadType); } // We cannot decode this chunk due to unknown codec, go to next chunk continue; } else if(ptAlreadySeen == false) { // First time we see a particular supported payload type in this session, log it CStdString rtpPayloadType = IntToString(details.m_rtpPayloadType); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " RTP payload type:" + rtpPayloadType); } } if(!voIpSession || (firstChunk && decoder.get())) { firstChunk = false; // At this point, we know we have a working codec, create an RTP mixer and open the output file if(voIpSession) { CStdString filterName("RtpMixer"); rtpMixer = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(filterName); if(rtpMixer.get() == NULL) { debug = "Could not instanciate RTP mixer"; throw(debug); } if(CONFIG.m_stereoRecording == true) { rtpMixer->SetNumOutputChannels(2); } rtpMixer->SetSessionInfo(trackingId); //create another rtpmixer to store stereo audio if(CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary.length() > 3) { outFileSecondaryRef.reset(new LibSndFileFile(SF_FORMAT_PCM_16 | SF_FORMAT_WAV)); outFileSecondaryRef->SetNumOutputChannels(2); rtpMixerSecondary = FilterRegistry::instance()->GetNewFilter(filterName); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() == NULL) { debug = "Could not instanciate RTP mixer"; throw(debug); } rtpMixerSecondary->SetNumOutputChannels(2); rtpMixerSecondary->SetSessionInfo(trackingId); } } CStdString path = audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); FileRecursiveMkdir(path, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath); CStdString file = path + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier(); outFileRef->Open(file, AudioFile::WRITE, false, fileRef->GetSampleRate()); if(CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary.length() > 3) { path = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); FileRecursiveMkdir(path, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary); CStdString storageFile = path + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier(); outFileSecondaryRef->Open(storageFile, AudioFile::WRITE, false, fileRef->GetSampleRate()); } } if(voIpSession) { if(details.m_channel == 2) { decoder2->AudioChunkIn(chunkRef); decoder2->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(tmpChunkRef.get()) { numSamplesS2 += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); } if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { decoder2->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } else { decoder1->AudioChunkIn(chunkRef); decoder1->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(tmpChunkRef.get()) { numSamplesS1 += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); } if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { decoder1->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } audiogain->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkRef); audiogain->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); rtpMixer->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkRef); rtpMixer->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } else { audiogain->AudioChunkIn(tmpChunkRef); audiogain->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); } outFileRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkRef); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { outFileSecondaryRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } if(tmpChunkRef.get()) { numSamplesOut += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); } if(CONFIG.m_batchProcessingEnhancePriority == false) { // Give up CPU between every audio buffer to make sure the actual recording always has priority //ACE_Time_Value yield; //yield.set(0,1); // 1 us //ACE_OS::sleep(yield); // Use this instead, even if it still seems this holds the whole process under Linux instead of this thread only. struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 1; ACE_OS::nanosleep (&ts, NULL); } if(CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepEveryNumFrames > 0 && CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepUs > 0) { if(frameSleepCounter >= (unsigned int)CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepEveryNumFrames) { frameSleepCounter = 0; struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = CONFIG.m_transcodingSleepUs*1000; ACE_OS::nanosleep (&ts, NULL); } else { frameSleepCounter += 1; } } } if(voIpSession && !firstChunk) { // Flush the RTP mixer AudioChunkRef stopChunk(new AudioChunk()); stopChunk->GetDetails()->m_marker = MEDIA_CHUNK_EOS_MARKER; rtpMixer->AudioChunkIn(stopChunk); rtpMixer->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } while(tmpChunkRef.get()) { outFileRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkRef); numSamplesOut += tmpChunkRef->GetNumSamples(); rtpMixer->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkRef); } while(tmpChunkSecondaryRef.get()) { outFileSecondaryRef->WriteChunk(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); rtpMixerSecondary->AudioChunkOut(tmpChunkSecondaryRef); } } fileRef->Close(); outFileRef->Close(); if(rtpMixerSecondary.get() != NULL) { outFileSecondaryRef->Close(); } logMsg.Format("[%s] Th%s stop: num samples: s1:%u s2:%u out:%u queueSize:%d", trackingId, threadIdString, numSamplesS1, numSamplesS2, numSamplesOut, pBatchProcessing->m_audioTapeQueue.numElements()); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, logMsg); CStdString audioFilePath = audioTapeRef->m_audioOutputPath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); CStdString audioFileName; CStdString storageFilePath, storageFileName; if(CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary.length() > 3) { storageFilePath = CONFIG.m_audioOutputPathSecondary + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetPath(); storageFileName = storageFilePath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier() + outFileRef->GetExtension(); } audioFileName = audioFilePath + "/" + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier() + outFileRef->GetExtension(); if(CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions) { if(FileSetPermissions(audioFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions)) { CStdString logMsg; logMsg.Format("Error setting permissions of %s to %o: %s", audioFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } if(storageFileName.length() > 5) { if(FileSetPermissions(storageFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions)) { CStdString logMsg; logMsg.Format("Error setting permissions of %s to %o: %s", storageFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFilePermissions, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } } } if(CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup.size() && CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner.size()) { if(FileSetOwnership(audioFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup)) { logMsg.Format("Error setting ownership and group of %s to %s:%s: %s", audioFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } if(storageFileName.length() > 5) { if(FileSetOwnership(storageFileName, CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup)) { logMsg.Format("Error setting ownership and group of %s to %s:%s: %s", storageFileName.c_str(), CONFIG.m_audioFileOwner, CONFIG.m_audioFileGroup, strerror(errno)); LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + logMsg); } } } if(CONFIG.m_deleteNativeFile && numSamplesOut) { fileRef->Delete(); LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " deleting native: " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier()); } else if(CONFIG.m_deleteFailedCaptureFile) { fileRef->Delete(); if(outFileRef.get()) { outFileRef->Close(); outFileRef->Delete(); } LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " deleting native that could not be transcoded: " + audioTapeRef->GetIdentifier()); } // Finished processing the tape, pass on to next processor if(numSamplesOut) { pBatchProcessing->RunNextProcessor(audioTapeRef); } } } catch (CStdString& e) { LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " " + e); if(fileRef.get()) {fileRef->Close();} if(outFileRef.get()) {outFileRef->Close();} if(CONFIG.m_deleteFailedCaptureFile && fileRef.get() != NULL) { LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, "[" + trackingId + "] Th" + threadIdString + " deleting native and transcoded"); if(fileRef.get()) {fileRef->Delete();} if(outFileRef.get()) {outFileRef->Delete();} } } //catch(...) //{ // LOG4CXX_ERROR(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("unknown exception")); //} } LOG4CXX_INFO(LOG.batchProcessingLog, CStdString("Exiting thread Th" + threadIdString)); }
CStdString PauseMsg::GetClassName() { return CStdString(PAUSE_CLASS); }
HRESULT InputFileData::MapFileToMemory() { CMemoryMappedFile* pMapFile = new CMemoryMappedFile(); HRESULT hr = pMapFile->OpenRead(m_sFileName); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pMapFile; CStdStringW sTempCopy = CGeneral::GetTemporaryFileName(); if (!CopyFileW(m_sFileName, sTempCopy, FALSE)) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); CStdString sMsg; sMsg.Format(_T("The specified file (%s) could not be mapped to memory or copied. Error code %d"), CStdString(m_sFileName).c_str(), dwErr); LOG_WS_ERROR(sMsg); return E_FAIL; } pMapFile = new CMemoryMappedFile(); hr = pMapFile->OpenRead(sTempCopy); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pMapFile; DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); CStdString sMsg; sMsg.Format(_T("The specified file (%s) was copied but the copy could not be mapped to memory. Error code %d"), CStdString(m_sFileName).c_str(), dwErr); LOG_WS_ERROR(sMsg); return hr; } } m_pBufferAsStream = pMapFile; m_pBuffer = m_pBufferAsStream->GetBase(); m_iCharCount = m_pBufferAsStream->GetSize(); m_bReadyToRead = true; ASSERT(m_pBuffer!=NULL); return S_OK; }
void VoIpConfig::Reset() { // Standard LAN internal IP range masks m_asciiLanMasks.push_back(""); m_asciiLanMasks.push_back(""); m_asciiLanMasks.push_back(""); m_sipDropIndirectInvite = false; m_pcapRepeat = false; m_pcapSocketBufferSize = 67108864; m_pcapFastReplay = true; m_pcapFastReplaySleepUsPerSec = 0; m_rtpSessionTimeoutSec = 10; m_rtpSessionWithSignallingTimeoutSec = 10; m_rtpSessionWithSignallingInitialTimeoutSec = 5*60; m_rtpSessionOnHoldTimeOutSec = 1800; m_rtpReportDtmf = false; m_rtpTrackByUdpPortOnly = false; m_rtpAllowMultipleMappings = true; m_rtpSeqGapThreshold = 500; m_pcapTest= false; m_rtpDiscontinuityDetect = false; m_rtpDiscontinuityMinSeqDelta = 1000; m_iax2Support = false; // Disabled by default m_iax2TreatCallerIdNameAsXUniqueId = true; m_rtpDetectOnOddPorts = true; m_sipOverTcpSupport = true; m_sipLogFailedCalls = false; m_sipUse200OkMediaAddress = true; m_sipDetectSessionProgress = true; // Enabled by default m_sipReportFullAddress = false; m_sipDynamicMediaAddress = true; m_sipIgnoreBye = false; m_sipNotifySupport = false; m_sipReportNamesAsTags = false; m_sipRequestUriAsLocalParty = true; m_sipTreat200OkAsInvite = true; m_sipAllowMultipleMediaAddresses = false; // deprecated m_sip302MovedTemporarilySupport = false; m_sipInviteCanPutOffHold = false; m_sipCallPickUpSupport = false; m_sipOnDemandFieldName = "X-record"; m_sipDialedNumberFieldName = ""; m_sipRemotePartyFieldName = ""; m_sipGroupPickUpPattern = ""; m_sipOnDemandFieldValue = ""; m_sipOnDemandFieldValueOff = ""; m_sipTrackMediaAddressOnSender = false; m_sipAllowMetadataUpdateOnRtpChange = false; m_sipAllowMediaAddressTransfer = false; m_rtcpDetect = false; m_inInMode = false; m_useMacIfNoLocalParty = false; // Uses IP address by default m_localPartyForceLocalIp = false; m_localPartyForceLocalMac = false; m_localPartyUseName = false; m_partiesUseName = false; m_skinnyIgnoreStopMediaTransmission = true; m_skinnyIgnoreOpenReceiveChannelAck = false; m_skinnyDynamicMediaAddress = true; m_skinnyAllowCallInfoUpdate = true; m_skinnyAllowLateCallInfo = false; m_skinnyNameAsLocalParty = false; m_skinnyCallInfoStopsPrevious = false; m_skinnyCallInfoStopsPreviousToleranceSec = 3; m_cucm7_1Mode = true; m_skinnyAllowMediaAddressTransfer = true; m_skinnyRtpSearchesForCallInfo = false; m_SkinnyTrackConferencesTransfers = false; m_skinnyBehindNat = false; m_skinnyIgnoreHold = false; m_sangomaEnable = false; m_sangomaRxTcpPortStart = 0; m_sangomaTxTcpPortStart = 0; m_skinnyTcpPort = 2000; // Initialize LAN IP ranges to standard values. m_lanIpRanges.m_asciiIpRanges.push_back(CStdString("")); m_lanIpRanges.m_asciiIpRanges.push_back(CStdString("")); m_lanIpRanges.m_asciiIpRanges.push_back(CStdString("")); m_lanIpRanges.Compute(); m_dahdiIntercept = false; m_holdReportStats = false; m_Iax2RewriteTimestamps = false; m_trackRawRtpSessionInNonLookBackMode = false; m_urlExtractorEnable = false; m_urlExtractorPort = 9080; m_urlExtractorEndpointIsSender = true; m_rtpMinAmountOfPacketsBeforeStart = 50; m_rtpBreakupOnStreamPause = false; m_rtpS1S2MappingDeterministic = false; m_localPartyAddLocalIp = false; m_rtpLogAllSsrc = false; m_orekaEncapsulationMode = false; m_orekaEncapsulationPort = 10002; m_sipInfoDtmfRfc2976Detect = false; m_mediaAddressUseSecondRtpAddress = false; m_transferTimeOutInSec = 7200; m_rtpDtmfOnlyLocal = false; m_udpMinPort = 1024; m_localPartyNameMapEnable = false; m_ipFragmentsReassemble = false; m_rtpS1S2MappingDeterministicS1IsLocal = true; m_necNotifyDispLine = "Ind-DispLineN=3:Dsp:"; m_necVoipGatewayNames.push_back("sipphd"); m_necVoipGatewayNames.push_back("trk001"); m_necVoipGatewayNames.push_back("trk002"); m_sipMetadataUseLastInvite = false; m_necOnHoldMarker = "ffffff95ffffffdbffffff97ffffffaf"; m_necOffHoldMarker = "ffffff89ffffff9effffff93ffffff9a"; m_mtuMaxSize = 18000; m_sipLocalPartyFieldName = "x-Local-Extension:"; }
HANDLE FindFirstFile(LPCSTR szPath,LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindData) { if (lpFindData == NULL || szPath == NULL) return NULL; CStdString strPath(szPath); if (IsAliasShortcut(strPath)) TranslateAliasShortcut(strPath); if (strPath.empty()) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; strPath.Replace("\\","/"); // if the file name is a directory then we add a * to look for all files in this directory #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) DIR *testDir = opendir(strPath.c_str()); #else DIR *testDir = opendir(szPath); #endif if (testDir) { strPath += "/*"; closedir(testDir); } int nFilePos = strPath.ReverseFind(XBMC_FILE_SEP); CStdString strDir = "."; CStdString strFiles = strPath; if (nFilePos > 0) { strDir = strPath.substr(0,nFilePos); strFiles = strPath.substr(nFilePos + 1); } if (strFiles == "*.*") strFiles = "*"; strFiles = CStdString("^") + strFiles + "$"; strFiles.Replace(".","\\."); strFiles.Replace("*",".*"); strFiles.Replace("?","."); strFiles.MakeLower(); // Do we really want this case insensitive? CRegExp re(true); if (re.RegComp(strFiles.c_str()) == NULL) return(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); struct dirent **namelist = NULL; int n = scandir(strDir, &namelist, 0, alphasort); CXHandle *pHandle = new CXHandle(CXHandle::HND_FIND_FILE); pHandle->m_FindFileDir = strDir; while (n-- > 0) { CStdString strComp(namelist[n]->d_name); strComp.MakeLower(); if (re.RegFind(strComp.c_str()) >= 0) pHandle->m_FindFileResults.push_back(namelist[n]->d_name); free(namelist[n]); } free(namelist); if (pHandle->m_FindFileResults.size() == 0) { delete pHandle; return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } FindNextFile(pHandle, lpFindData); return pHandle; }
CStdString StopMsg::GetClassName() { return CStdString(STOP_CLASS); }
void CGUIWindowDebugInfo::Process(unsigned int currentTime, CDirtyRegionList &dirtyregions) { g_graphicsContext.SetRenderingResolution(g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(), false); g_cpuInfo.getUsedPercentage(); // must call it to recalculate pct values static int yShift = 20; static int xShift = 40; static unsigned int lastShift = time(NULL); time_t now = time(NULL); if (now - lastShift > 10) { yShift *= -1; if (now % 5 == 0) xShift *= -1; lastShift = now; MarkDirtyRegion(); } if (!m_layout) { CGUIFont *font13 = g_fontManager.GetDefaultFont(); CGUIFont *font13border = g_fontManager.GetDefaultFont(true); if (font13) m_layout = new CGUITextLayout(font13, true, 0, font13border); } if (!m_layout) return; CStdString info; if (LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG_FREEMEM <= g_advancedSettings.m_logLevel) { MEMORYSTATUSEX stat; stat.dwLength = sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX); GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&stat); CStdString profiling = CGUIControlProfiler::IsRunning() ? " (profiling)" : ""; CStdString strCores = g_cpuInfo.GetCoresUsageString(); #if !defined(_LINUX) info.Format("LOG: %sxbmc.log\nMEM: %"PRIu64"/%"PRIu64" KB - FPS: %2.1f fps\nCPU: %s%s", g_settings.m_logFolder.c_str(), stat.ullAvailPhys/1024, stat.ullTotalPhys/1024, g_infoManager.GetFPS(), strCores.c_str(), profiling.c_str()); #else double dCPU = m_resourceCounter.GetCPUUsage(); info.Format("LOG: %sxbmc.log\nMEM: %"PRIu64"/%"PRIu64" KB - FPS: %2.1f fps\nCPU: %s (CPU-XBMC %4.2f%%%s)", g_settings.m_logFolder.c_str(), stat.ullAvailPhys/1024, stat.ullTotalPhys/1024, g_infoManager.GetFPS(), strCores.c_str(), dCPU, profiling.c_str()); #endif } // render the skin debug info if (g_SkinInfo->IsDebugging()) { if (!info.IsEmpty()) info += "\n"; CGUIWindow *window = g_windowManager.GetWindow(g_windowManager.GetFocusedWindow()); CGUIWindow *pointer = g_windowManager.GetWindow(WINDOW_DIALOG_POINTER); CPoint point; if (pointer) point = CPoint(pointer->GetXPosition(), pointer->GetYPosition()); if (window) { CStdString windowName = CButtonTranslator::TranslateWindow(window->GetID()); if (!windowName.IsEmpty()) windowName += " (" + CStdString(window->GetProperty("xmlfile").asString()) + ")"; else windowName = window->GetProperty("xmlfile").asString(); info += "Window: " + windowName + " "; // transform the mouse coordinates to this window's coordinates g_graphicsContext.SetScalingResolution(window->GetCoordsRes(), true); point.x *= g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleX(); point.y *= g_graphicsContext.GetGUIScaleY(); g_graphicsContext.SetRenderingResolution(g_graphicsContext.GetResInfo(), false); } info.AppendFormat("Mouse: (%d,%d) ", (int)point.x, (int)point.y); if (window) { CGUIControl *control = window->GetFocusedControl(); if (control) info.AppendFormat("Focused: %i (%s)", control->GetID(), CGUIControlFactory::TranslateControlType(control->GetControlType()).c_str()); } } float w, h; if (m_layout->Update(info)) MarkDirtyRegion(); m_layout->GetTextExtent(w, h); float x = xShift + 0.04f * g_graphicsContext.GetWidth(); float y = yShift + 0.04f * g_graphicsContext.GetHeight(); m_renderRegion.SetRect(x, y, x+w, y+h); }
void VoIpConfig::Validate() { // iterate over ascii LAN masks and populate the binary LAN Masks list m_lanMasks.clear(); std::list<CStdString>::iterator it; for(it = m_asciiLanMasks.begin(); it != m_asciiLanMasks.end(); it++) { struct in_addr a; if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)*it, &a)) { m_lanMasks.push_back((unsigned int)a.s_addr); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP address in LanMasks:" + *it)); } } // iterate over ascii Media gateway IP addresses and populate the binary Media gateway IP addresses list m_mediaGateways.clear(); for(it = m_asciiMediaGateways.begin(); it != m_asciiMediaGateways.end(); it++) { struct in_addr a; if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)*it, &a)) { m_mediaGateways.push_back((unsigned int)a.s_addr); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP address in MediaGateways:" + *it)); } } // iterate over ascii RTP tracking IP addresses and populate the binary IP addresses list m_rtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.clear(); for(it = m_asciiRtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.begin(); it != m_asciiRtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.end(); it++) { struct in_addr a; if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)*it, &a)) { m_rtpTrackUsingIpAddresses.push_back((unsigned int)a.s_addr); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP address in RtpTrackUsingIpAddresses:" + *it)); } } // Iterate over ascii allowed IP ranges and populate the bit width and prefix lists m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.clear(); m_allowedIpRangeBitWidths.clear(); for(it = m_asciiAllowedIpRanges.begin(); it != m_asciiAllowedIpRanges.end(); it++) { CStdString cidrPrefixLengthString; unsigned int cidrPrefixLength = 32; // by default, x.x.x.x/32 CStdString cidrIpAddressString; struct in_addr cidrIpAddress; CStdString entry = *it; int slashPosition = entry.Find('/'); if(slashPosition > 0) { cidrIpAddressString = entry.Left(slashPosition); cidrPrefixLengthString = entry.Mid(slashPosition+1); bool notAnInt = false; try { cidrPrefixLength = StringToInt(cidrPrefixLengthString); } catch (...) {notAnInt = true;} if(cidrPrefixLength < 1 || cidrPrefixLength > 32 || notAnInt) { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid CIDR prefix length in AllowedIpRanges:" + entry)); } } else { cidrIpAddressString = entry; } if(ACE_OS::inet_aton((PCSTR)cidrIpAddressString, &cidrIpAddress)) { unsigned int rangeBitWidth = 32-cidrPrefixLength; unsigned int prefix = ntohl((unsigned int)cidrIpAddress.s_addr) >> (rangeBitWidth); m_allowedIpRangePrefixes.push_back(prefix); m_allowedIpRangeBitWidths.push_back(rangeBitWidth); } else { throw (CStdString("VoIpConfig: invalid IP range in AllowedIpRanges:" + entry));
HANDLE FindFirstFile(LPCSTR szPath,LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindData) { if (lpFindData == NULL || szPath == NULL) return NULL; CStdString strPath(szPath); if (strPath.empty()) return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; strPath.Replace("\\","/"); // if the file name is a directory then we add a * to look for all files in this directory DIR *testDir = opendir(szPath); if (testDir) { strPath += "/*"; closedir(testDir); } int nFilePos = strPath.ReverseFind(XBMC_FILE_SEP); CStdString strDir = "."; CStdString strFiles = strPath; if (nFilePos > 0) { strDir = strPath.substr(0,nFilePos); strFiles = strPath.substr(nFilePos + 1); } if (strFiles == "*.*") strFiles = "*"; strFiles = CStdString("^") + strFiles + "$"; strFiles.Replace(".","\\."); strFiles.Replace("*",".*"); strFiles.Replace("?","."); strFiles.MakeLower(); int status; regex_t re; if (regcomp(&re, strFiles, REG_EXTENDED|REG_NOSUB) != 0) { return(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); } struct dirent **namelist = NULL; int n = scandir(strDir, &namelist, 0, alphasort); CXHandle *pHandle = new CXHandle(CXHandle::HND_FIND_FILE); pHandle->m_FindFileDir = strDir; while (n-- > 0) { CStdString strComp(namelist[n]->d_name); strComp.MakeLower(); status = regexec(&re, strComp.c_str(), (size_t) 0, NULL, 0); if (status == 0) { pHandle->m_FindFileResults.push_back(namelist[n]->d_name); } free(namelist[n]); } if (namelist) free(namelist); regfree(&re); if (pHandle->m_FindFileResults.size() == 0) { delete pHandle; return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } FindNextFile(pHandle, lpFindData); return pHandle; }
CStdString CZeroconfBrowser::ZeroconfService::toPath(const ZeroconfService& fcr_service) { return CStdString(fcr_service.m_type + "@" + fcr_service.m_domain + "@" + fcr_service.m_name); }
CStdString GetIPV6ShortForm(const CStdString& ip) { // This could be optimized a lot. // First get the long form in a well-known format CStdString l = GetIPV6LongForm(ip); if (l.IsEmpty()) return CStdString(); LPCTSTR p = l; TCHAR outbuf[42]; *outbuf = ':'; TCHAR* out = outbuf + 1; bool segmentStart = true; bool readLeadingZero = false; while (*p) { switch (*p) { case ':': if (readLeadingZero) *(out++) = '0'; *out++ = ':'; readLeadingZero = false; segmentStart = true; break; case '0': if (segmentStart) readLeadingZero = true; else { *out++ = '0'; readLeadingZero = false; } break; default: readLeadingZero = false; segmentStart = false; *out++ = *p; break; } ++p; } *(out++) = ':'; *out = 0; // Replace longest run of consecutive zeroes CStdString shortIp(outbuf); CStdString s = _T(":0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:"); while (s.GetLength() > 2) { int pos = shortIp.Find(s); if (pos != -1) { shortIp = shortIp.Left( pos + 1 ) + shortIp.Mid(pos + s.GetLength() -1); break; } s = s.Mid(2); } shortIp.Replace(_T(":::"), _T("::")); if (shortIp[0] == ':' && shortIp[1] != ':') shortIp = shortIp.Mid(1); if (shortIp.GetLength() >= 2 && shortIp[shortIp.GetLength()-1] == ':' && shortIp[shortIp.GetLength()-2] != ':') shortIp = shortIp.Left(shortIp.GetLength()-1); return shortIp; }