CvLabel cvGetLabel(IplImage const *img, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvGetLabel"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(img&&(img->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(img->nChannels==1)); int step = img->widthStep / (img->depth / 8); int img_width = 0; int img_height= 0; int img_offset = 0; if(img->roi) { img_width = img->roi->width; img_height = img->roi->height; img_offset = img->roi->xOffset + (img->roi->yOffset * step); } else { img_width = img->width; img_height= img->height; } CV_ASSERT((x>=0)&&(x<img_width)&&(y>=0)&&(y<img_height)); return ((CvLabel *)(img->imageData + img_offset))[x + y*step]; } __CV_END__; }
void cvRenderBlobs(const IplImage *imgLabel, CvBlobs &blobs, IplImage *imgSource, IplImage *imgDest, unsigned short mode, double alpha) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRenderBlobs"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(imgLabel&&(imgLabel->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(imgLabel->nChannels==1)); CV_ASSERT(imgDest&&(imgDest->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(imgDest->nChannels==3)); Palete pal; if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_COLOR) { unsigned int colorCount = 0; for (CvBlobs::const_iterator it=blobs.begin(); it!=blobs.end(); ++it) { CvLabel label = (*it).second->label; double r, g, b; _HSV2RGB_((double)((colorCount*77)%360), .5, 1., r, g, b); colorCount++; pal[label] = CV_RGB(r, g, b); } } for (CvBlobs::iterator it=blobs.begin(); it!=blobs.end(); ++it) cvRenderBlob(imgLabel, (*it).second, imgSource, imgDest, mode, pal[(*it).second->label], alpha); } __CV_END__; }
CvContourPolygon *cvSimplifyPolygon(CvContourPolygon const *p, double const delta) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvSimplifyPolygon"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(p!=NULL); CV_ASSERT(p->size()>2); double furtherDistance=0.; unsigned int furtherIndex=0; CvContourPolygon::const_iterator it=p->begin(); ++it; for (unsigned int i=1; it!=p->end(); ++it, i++) { double d = cvDistancePointPoint(*it, p->front()); if (d>furtherDistance) { furtherDistance = d; furtherIndex = i; } } if (furtherDistance<delta) { CvContourPolygon *result = new CvContourPolygon; result->push_back(p->front()); return result; } bool *pnUseFlag = new bool[p->size()]; for (int i=1; i<p->size(); i++) pnUseFlag[i] = false; pnUseFlag[0] = pnUseFlag[furtherIndex] = true; simplifyPolygonRecursive(p, 0, furtherIndex, pnUseFlag, delta); simplifyPolygonRecursive(p, furtherIndex, -1, pnUseFlag, delta); CvContourPolygon *result = new CvContourPolygon; for (int i=0; i<p->size(); i++) if (pnUseFlag[i]) result->push_back((*p)[i]); delete[] pnUseFlag; return result; } __CV_END__; }
CvContourPolygon *cvPolygonContourConvexHull(CvContourPolygon const *p) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvPolygonContourConvexHull"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(p!=NULL); CV_ASSERT(p->size()>=2); deque<CvPoint> dq; if (cvCrossProductPoints((*p)[0], (*p)[1], (*p)[2])>0) { dq.push_back((*p)[0]); dq.push_back((*p)[1]); } else { dq.push_back((*p)[1]); dq.push_back((*p)[0]); } dq.push_back((*p)[2]); dq.push_front((*p)[2]); for (int i=3; i<p->size(); i++) { int s = dq.size(); if ((cvCrossProductPoints((*p)[i],,>=0) && (cvCrossProductPoints(,, (*p)[i])>=0)) continue; // TODO Optimize. while (cvCrossProductPoints(,, (*p)[i])<0) { dq.pop_back(); s = dq.size(); } dq.push_back((*p)[i]); while (cvCrossProductPoints((*p)[i],,<0) dq.pop_front(); dq.push_front((*p)[i]); } return new CvContourPolygon(dq.begin(), dq.end()); } __CV_END__; }
void cvFilterLabels(IplImage *imgIn, IplImage *imgOut, const CvBlobs &blobs) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvFilterLabels"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(imgIn&&(imgIn->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(imgIn->nChannels==1)); CV_ASSERT(imgOut&&(imgOut->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(imgOut->nChannels==1)); int stepIn = imgIn->widthStep / (imgIn->depth / 8); int stepOut = imgOut->widthStep / (imgOut->depth / 8); int imgIn_width = imgIn->width; int imgIn_height = imgIn->height; int imgIn_offset = 0; int imgOut_width = imgOut->width; int imgOut_height = imgOut->height; int imgOut_offset = 0; if(imgIn->roi) { imgIn_width = imgIn->roi->width; imgIn_height = imgIn->roi->height; imgIn_offset = imgIn->roi->xOffset + (imgIn->roi->yOffset * stepIn); } if(imgOut->roi) { imgOut_width = imgOut->roi->width; imgOut_height = imgOut->roi->height; imgOut_offset = imgOut->roi->xOffset + (imgOut->roi->yOffset * stepOut); } char *imgDataOut=imgOut->imageData + imgOut_offset; CvLabel *imgDataIn=(CvLabel *)imgIn->imageData + imgIn_offset; for (unsigned int r=0;r<(unsigned int)imgIn_height;r++, imgDataIn+=stepIn,imgDataOut+=stepOut) { for (unsigned int c=0;c<(unsigned int)imgIn_width;c++) { if (imgDataIn[c]) { if (blobs.find(imgDataIn[c])==blobs.end()) imgDataOut[c]=0x00; else imgDataOut[c]=(char)0xff; } else imgDataOut[c]=0x00; } } } __CV_END__; }
void cvRenderContourPolygon(CvContourPolygon const *contour, IplImage *img, CvScalar const &color) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRenderContourPolygon"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(img&&(img->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(img->nChannels==3)); CvContourPolygon::const_iterator it=contour->begin(); if (it!=contour->end()) { unsigned int fx, x, fy, y; fx = x = it->x; fy = y = it->y; for (; it!=contour->end(); ++it) { cvLine(img, cvPoint(x, y), cvPoint(it->x, it->y), color, 1); x = it->x; y = it->y; } cvLine(img, cvPoint(x, y), cvPoint(fx, fy), color, 1); } } __CV_END__; }
double cvContourPolygonArea(CvContourPolygon const *p) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvContourPolygonArea"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(p!=NULL); if (p->size()<=2) return 1.; CvContourPolygon::const_iterator it=p->begin(); CvPoint lastPoint = p->back(); double a = 0.; for (; it!=p->end(); ++it) { a += lastPoint.x*it->y - lastPoint.y*it->x; lastPoint = *it; } return a*0.5; } __CV_END__; }
double cvContourPolygonPerimeter(CvContourPolygon const *p) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvContourPolygonPerimeter"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(p!=NULL); CV_ASSERT(p->size()>2); double perimeter = cvDistancePointPoint((*p)[p->size()-1], (*p)[0]); for (int i=0; i<p->size()-1; i++) perimeter+=cvDistancePointPoint((*p)[i], (*p)[i+1]); return perimeter; } __CV_END__; }
//! assuming row vectors (a row is a sample) void cvSoftmax(CvMat * src, CvMat * dst){ CV_FUNCNAME("cvSoftmax"); __BEGIN__; CV_ASSERT(cvCountNAN(src)<1); cvExp(src,dst); CV_ASSERT(cvCountNAN(dst)<1); const int dtype = CV_MAT_TYPE(src->type); CvMat * sum = cvCreateMat(src->rows,1,dtype); CvMat * sum_repeat = cvCreateMat(src->rows,src->cols,dtype); cvReduce(dst,sum,-1,CV_REDUCE_SUM); CV_ASSERT(cvCountNAN(sum)<1); cvRepeat(sum,sum_repeat); cvDiv(dst,sum_repeat,dst); cvReleaseMat(&sum); cvReleaseMat(&sum_repeat); __END__; }
// Returns radians double cvAngle(CvBlob *blob) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvAngle"); __CV_BEGIN__; CV_ASSERT(blob->centralMoments); return .5*atan2(2.*blob->u11,(blob->u20-blob->u02)); __CV_END__; }
void cvRenderBlobs(const IplImage *imgLabel, CvBlob blob, IplImage *imgSource, IplImage *imgDest, unsigned short mode, double alpha) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRenderBlobs"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(imgLabel&&(imgLabel->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(imgLabel->nChannels==1)); CV_ASSERT(imgDest&&(imgDest->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(imgDest->nChannels==3)); Palete pal; if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_COLOR) { CvLabel label = blob.label; pal[label] = CV_RGB(255, 255, 255); } cvRenderBlob(imgLabel, &blob, imgSource, imgDest, mode, pal[blob.label], alpha); } __CV_END__; }
double cvContourPolygonCircularity(const CvContourPolygon *p) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvContourPolygonCircularity"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(p!=NULL); double l = cvContourPolygonPerimeter(p); double c = (l*l/cvContourPolygonArea(p)) - 4.*pi; if (c>=0.) return c; else // This could happen if the blob it's only a pixel: the perimeter will be 0. Another solution would be to force "cvContourPolygonPerimeter" to be 1 or greater. return 0.; } __CV_END__; }
void cvCentralMoments(CvBlob *blob, const IplImage *img) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvCentralMoments"); __CV_BEGIN__; if (!blob->centralMoments) { CV_ASSERT(img&&(img->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(img->nChannels==1)); //cvCentroid(blob); // Here? blob->u11=blob->u20=blob->u02=0.; // Only in the bounding box int stepIn = img->widthStep / (img->depth / 8); int img_width = img->width; int img_height = img->height; int img_offset = 0; if(0 != img->roi) { img_width = img->roi->width; img_height = img->roi->height; img_offset = img->roi->xOffset + (img->roi->yOffset * stepIn); } CvLabel *imgData=(CvLabel *)img->imageData + (blob->miny * stepIn) + img_offset; for (unsigned int r=blob->miny; r<blob->maxy; r++,imgData+=stepIn) for (unsigned int c=blob->minx;c<blob->maxx;c++) if (imgData[c]==blob->label) { double tx=(c-blob->centroid.x); double ty=(r-blob->centroid.y); blob->u11+=tx*ty; blob->u20+=tx*tx; blob->u02+=ty*ty; } blob->centralMoments = true; } __CV_END__; }
double cvContourChainCodePerimeter(CvContourChainCode const *c) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvContourChainCodePerimeter"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(c!=NULL); double perimeter = 0.; for(CvChainCodes::const_iterator it=c->chainCode.begin(); it!=c->chainCode.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)%2) perimeter+=sqrt(1.+1.); else perimeter+=1.; } return perimeter; } __CV_END__; }
CvContourPolygon *cvConvertChainCodesToPolygon(CvContourChainCode const *cc) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvConvertChainCodesToPolygon"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(cc!=NULL); CvContourPolygon *contour = new CvContourPolygon; unsigned int x = cc->startingPoint.x; unsigned int y = cc->startingPoint.y; contour->push_back(cvPoint(x, y)); if (cc->chainCode.size()) { CvChainCodes::const_iterator it=cc->chainCode.begin(); CvChainCode lastCode = *it; x += cvChainCodeMoves[*it][0]; y += cvChainCodeMoves[*it][1]; ++it; for (; it!=cc->chainCode.end(); ++it) { if (lastCode!=*it) { contour->push_back(cvPoint(x, y)); lastCode=*it; } x += cvChainCodeMoves[*it][0]; y += cvChainCodeMoves[*it][1]; } } return contour; } __CV_END__; }
CvMat * icvConvertLabels(CvMat * src) { CV_FUNCNAME("icvConvertLabels"); CvMat * dst = 0; __BEGIN__; const int nsamples = src->rows; const int ntargets = 5; const int nclasses = 10; // decimal const int nparams = 4; CV_ASSERT(CV_MAT_TYPE(src->type)==CV_32S); dst = cvCreateMat(nsamples,(ntargets+1)*nclasses,CV_32F); cvZero(dst); for (int ii=0;ii<nsamples;ii++){ int nlabels = CV_MAT_ELEM(*src,int,ii,0); CV_MAT_ELEM(*dst,float,ii,nlabels)=1; for (int jj=0;jj<nlabels;jj++){ int label = CV_MAT_ELEM(*src,int,ii,1+nparams*jj+3); // label CV_MAT_ELEM(*dst,float,ii,10+nclasses*jj+label)=1; } } __END__; return dst; }
void cvRenderContourChainCode(CvContourChainCode const *contour, IplImage const *img, CvScalar const &color) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRenderContourChainCode"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(img&&(img->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(img->nChannels==3)); int stepDst = img->widthStep/(img->depth/8); int img_width = img->width; int img_height = img->height; int img_offset = 0; if(img->roi) { img_width = img->roi->width; img_height = img->roi->height; img_offset = (img->nChannels * img->roi->xOffset) + (img->roi->yOffset * stepDst); } unsigned char *imgData = (unsigned char *)img->imageData + img_offset; unsigned int x = contour->startingPoint.x; unsigned int y = contour->startingPoint.y; for (CvChainCodes::const_iterator it=contour->chainCode.begin(); it!=contour->chainCode.end(); ++it) { imgData[img->nChannels*x+img->widthStep*y+0] = (unsigned char)(color.val[0]); // Blue imgData[img->nChannels*x+img->widthStep*y+1] = (unsigned char)(color.val[1]); // Green imgData[img->nChannels*x+img->widthStep*y+2] = (unsigned char)(color.val[2]); // Red x += cvChainCodeMoves[*it][0]; y += cvChainCodeMoves[*it][1]; } } __CV_END__; }
void cvInitUndistortRectifyMap( const CvMat* A, const CvMat* distCoeffs, const CvMat *R, const CvMat* Ar, CvArr* mapxarr, CvArr* mapyarr ) { CV_FUNCNAME( "cvInitUndistortMap" ); __BEGIN__; double a[9], ar[9], r[9], ir[9], k[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; int coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0; CvMat mapxstub, *_mapx = (CvMat*)mapxarr; CvMat mapystub, *_mapy = (CvMat*)mapyarr; CvMat _a = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, a ); CvMat _k = cvMat( 4, 1, CV_64F, k ); CvMat _ar = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, ar ); CvMat _r = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, r ); CvMat _ir = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, ir ); int i, j; double fx, fy, u0, v0, k1, k2, k3, p1, p2; CvSize size; CV_CALL( _mapx = cvGetMat( _mapx, &mapxstub, &coi1 )); CV_CALL( _mapy = cvGetMat( _mapy, &mapystub, &coi2 )); if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 ) CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "The function does not support COI" ); if( CV_MAT_TYPE(_mapx->type) != CV_32FC1 ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Both maps must have 32fC1 type" ); if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( _mapx, _mapy )) CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" ); if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( _mapx, _mapy )) CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" ); if( A ) { if( !CV_IS_MAT(A) || A->rows != 3 || A->cols != 3 || (CV_MAT_TYPE(A->type) != CV_32FC1 && CV_MAT_TYPE(A->type) != CV_64FC1) ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Intrinsic matrix must be a valid 3x3 floating-point matrix" ); cvConvert( A, &_a ); } else cvSetIdentity( &_a ); if( Ar ) { CvMat Ar33; if( !CV_IS_MAT(Ar) || Ar->rows != 3 || (Ar->cols != 3 && Ar->cols != 4) || (CV_MAT_TYPE(Ar->type) != CV_32FC1 && CV_MAT_TYPE(Ar->type) != CV_64FC1) ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "The new intrinsic matrix must be a valid 3x3 floating-point matrix" ); cvGetCols( Ar, &Ar33, 0, 3 ); cvConvert( &Ar33, &_ar ); } else cvSetIdentity( &_ar ); if( !CV_IS_MAT(R) || R->rows != 3 || R->cols != 3 || (CV_MAT_TYPE(R->type) != CV_32FC1 && CV_MAT_TYPE(R->type) != CV_64FC1) ) CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Rotaion/homography matrix must be a valid 3x3 floating-point matrix" ); if( distCoeffs ) { CV_ASSERT( CV_IS_MAT(distCoeffs) && (distCoeffs->rows == 1 || distCoeffs->cols == 1) && (distCoeffs->rows*distCoeffs->cols*CV_MAT_CN(distCoeffs->type) == 4 || distCoeffs->rows*distCoeffs->cols*CV_MAT_CN(distCoeffs->type) == 5) && (CV_MAT_DEPTH(distCoeffs->type) == CV_64F || CV_MAT_DEPTH(distCoeffs->type) == CV_32F) ); _k = cvMat( distCoeffs->rows, distCoeffs->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F, CV_MAT_CN(distCoeffs->type)), k ); cvConvert( distCoeffs, &_k ); } else cvZero( &_k ); cvConvert( R, &_r ); // rectification matrix cvMatMul( &_ar, &_r, &_r ); // Ar*R cvInvert( &_r, &_ir ); // inverse: R^-1*Ar^-1 u0 = a[2]; v0 = a[5]; fx = a[0]; fy = a[4]; k1 = k[0]; k2 = k[1]; k3 = k[4]; p1 = k[2]; p2 = k[3]; size = cvGetMatSize(_mapx); for( i = 0; i < size.height; i++ ) { float* mapx = (float*)(_mapx->data.ptr + _mapx->step*i); float* mapy = (float*)(_mapy->data.ptr + _mapy->step*i); double _x = i*ir[1] + ir[2], _y = i*ir[4] + ir[5], _w = i*ir[7] + ir[8]; for( j = 0; j < size.width; j++, _x += ir[0], _y += ir[3], _w += ir[6] ) { double w = 1./_w, x = _x*w, y = _y*w; double x2 = x*x, y2 = y*y; double r2 = x2 + y2, _2xy = 2*x*y; double kr = 1 + ((k3*r2 + k2)*r2 + k1)*r2; double u = fx*(x*kr + p1*_2xy + p2*(r2 + 2*x2)) + u0; double v = fy*(y*kr + p1*(r2 + 2*y2) + p2*_2xy) + v0; mapx[j] = (float)u; mapy[j] = (float)v; } } __END__; }
void cvUndistortPoints( const CvMat* _src, CvMat* _dst, const CvMat* _cameraMatrix, const CvMat* _distCoeffs, const CvMat* _R, const CvMat* _P ) { CV_FUNCNAME( "cvUndistortPoints" ); __BEGIN__; double A[3][3], RR[3][3], k[5]={0,0,0,0,0}, fx, fy, ifx, ify, cx, cy; CvMat _A=cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, A), _Dk; CvMat _RR=cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, RR); const CvPoint2D32f* srcf; const CvPoint2D64f* srcd; CvPoint2D32f* dstf; CvPoint2D64f* dstd; int stype, dtype; int sstep, dstep; int i, j, n; CV_ASSERT( CV_IS_MAT(_src) && CV_IS_MAT(_dst) && (_src->rows == 1 || _src->cols == 1) && (_dst->rows == 1 || _dst->cols == 1) && CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(_src, _dst) && (CV_MAT_TYPE(_src->type) == CV_32FC2 || CV_MAT_TYPE(_src->type) == CV_64FC2) && (CV_MAT_TYPE(_dst->type) == CV_32FC2 || CV_MAT_TYPE(_dst->type) == CV_64FC2)); CV_ASSERT( CV_IS_MAT(_cameraMatrix) && CV_IS_MAT(_distCoeffs) && _cameraMatrix->rows == 3 && _cameraMatrix->cols == 3 && (_distCoeffs->rows == 1 || _distCoeffs->cols == 1) && (_distCoeffs->rows*_distCoeffs->cols == 4 || _distCoeffs->rows*_distCoeffs->cols == 5) ); _Dk = cvMat( _distCoeffs->rows, _distCoeffs->cols, CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(_distCoeffs->type)), k); cvConvert( _cameraMatrix, &_A ); cvConvert( _distCoeffs, &_Dk ); if( _R ) { CV_ASSERT( CV_IS_MAT(_R) && _R->rows == 3 && _R->cols == 3 ); cvConvert( _R, &_RR ); } else cvSetIdentity(&_RR); if( _P ) { double PP[3][3]; CvMat _P3x3, _PP=cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, PP); CV_ASSERT( CV_IS_MAT(_P) && _P->rows == 3 && (_P->cols == 3 || _P->cols == 4)); cvConvert( cvGetCols(_P, &_P3x3, 0, 3), &_PP ); cvMatMul( &_PP, &_RR, &_RR ); } srcf = (const CvPoint2D32f*)_src->data.ptr; srcd = (const CvPoint2D64f*)_src->data.ptr; dstf = (CvPoint2D32f*)_dst->data.ptr; dstd = (CvPoint2D64f*)_dst->data.ptr; stype = CV_MAT_TYPE(_src->type); dtype = CV_MAT_TYPE(_dst->type); sstep = _src->rows == 1 ? 1 : _src->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(stype); dstep = _dst->rows == 1 ? 1 : _dst->step/CV_ELEM_SIZE(dtype); n = _src->rows + _src->cols - 1; fx = A[0][0]; fy = A[1][1]; ifx = 1./fx; ify = 1./fy; cx = A[0][2]; cy = A[1][2]; for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { double x, y, x0, y0; if( stype == CV_32FC2 ) { x = srcf[i*sstep].x; y = srcf[i*sstep].y; } else { x = srcd[i*sstep].x; y = srcd[i*sstep].y; } x0 = x = (x - cx)*ifx; y0 = y = (y - cy)*ify; // compensate distortion iteratively for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { double r2 = x*x + y*y; double icdist = 1./(1 + ((k[4]*r2 + k[1])*r2 + k[0])*r2); double deltaX = 2*k[2]*x*y + k[3]*(r2 + 2*x*x); double deltaY = k[2]*(r2 + 2*y*y) + 2*k[3]*x*y; x = (x0 - deltaX)*icdist; y = (y0 - deltaY)*icdist; } double xx = RR[0][0]*x + RR[0][1]*y + RR[0][2]; double yy = RR[1][0]*x + RR[1][1]*y + RR[1][2]; double ww = 1./(RR[2][0]*x + RR[2][1]*y + RR[2][2]); x = xx*ww; y = yy*ww; if( dtype == CV_32FC2 ) { dstf[i*dstep].x = (float)x; dstf[i*dstep].y = (float)y; } else { dstd[i*dstep].x = x; dstd[i*dstep].y = y; } } __END__; }
void CvEM::init_em( const CvVectors& train_data ) { CvMat *w = 0, *u = 0, *tcov = 0; CV_FUNCNAME( "CvEM::init_em" ); __BEGIN__; double maxval = 0; int i, force_symm_plus = 0; int nclusters = params.nclusters, nsamples = train_data.count, dims = train_data.dims; if( params.start_step == START_AUTO_STEP || nclusters == 1 || nclusters == nsamples ) init_auto( train_data ); else if( params.start_step == START_M_STEP ) { for( i = 0; i < nsamples; i++ ) { CvMat prob; cvGetRow( params.probs, &prob, i ); cvMaxS( &prob, 0., &prob ); cvMinMaxLoc( &prob, 0, &maxval ); if( maxval < FLT_EPSILON ) cvSet( &prob, cvScalar(1./nclusters) ); else cvNormalize( &prob, &prob, 1., 0, CV_L1 ); } EXIT; // do not preprocess covariation matrices, // as in this case they are initialized at the first iteration of EM } else { CV_ASSERT( params.start_step == START_E_STEP && params.means ); if( params.weights && params.covs ) { cvConvert( params.means, means ); cvReshape( weights, weights, 1, params.weights->rows ); cvConvert( params.weights, weights ); cvReshape( weights, weights, 1, 1 ); cvMaxS( weights, 0., weights ); cvMinMaxLoc( weights, 0, &maxval ); if( maxval < FLT_EPSILON ) cvSet( weights, cvScalar(1./nclusters) ); cvNormalize( weights, weights, 1., 0, CV_L1 ); for( i = 0; i < nclusters; i++ ) CV_CALL( cvConvert( params.covs[i], covs[i] )); force_symm_plus = 1; } else init_auto( train_data ); } CV_CALL( tcov = cvCreateMat( dims, dims, CV_64FC1 )); CV_CALL( w = cvCreateMat( dims, dims, CV_64FC1 )); if( params.cov_mat_type == COV_MAT_GENERIC ) CV_CALL( u = cvCreateMat( dims, dims, CV_64FC1 )); for( i = 0; i < nclusters; i++ ) { if( force_symm_plus ) { cvTranspose( covs[i], tcov ); cvAddWeighted( covs[i], 0.5, tcov, 0.5, 0, tcov ); } else cvCopy( covs[i], tcov ); cvSVD( tcov, w, u, 0, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_U_T + CV_SVD_V_T ); if( params.cov_mat_type == COV_MAT_SPHERICAL ) cvSetIdentity( covs[i], cvScalar(cvTrace(w).val[0]/dims) ); else if( params.cov_mat_type == COV_MAT_DIAGONAL ) cvCopy( w, covs[i] ); else { // generic case: covs[i] = (u')'*max(w,0)*u' cvGEMM( u, w, 1, 0, 0, tcov, CV_GEMM_A_T ); cvGEMM( tcov, u, 1, 0, 0, covs[i], 0 ); } } __END__; cvReleaseMat( &w ); cvReleaseMat( &u ); cvReleaseMat( &tcov ); }
void cvRenderBlob(const IplImage *imgLabel, CvBlob *blob, IplImage *imgSource, IplImage *imgDest, unsigned short mode, CvScalar const &color, double alpha) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRenderBlob"); __CV_BEGIN__; CV_ASSERT(imgLabel&&(imgLabel->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(imgLabel->nChannels==1)); CV_ASSERT(imgDest&&(imgDest->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(imgDest->nChannels==3)); if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_COLOR) { int stepLbl = imgLabel->widthStep/(imgLabel->depth/8); int stepSrc = imgSource->widthStep/(imgSource->depth/8); int stepDst = imgDest->widthStep/(imgDest->depth/8); int imgLabel_width = imgLabel->width; int imgLabel_height = imgLabel->height; int imgLabel_offset = 0; int imgSource_width = imgSource->width; int imgSource_height = imgSource->height; int imgSource_offset = 0; int imgDest_width = imgDest->width; int imgDest_height = imgDest->height; int imgDest_offset = 0; if(imgLabel->roi) { imgLabel_width = imgLabel->roi->width; imgLabel_height = imgLabel->roi->height; imgLabel_offset = (imgLabel->nChannels * imgLabel->roi->xOffset) + (imgLabel->roi->yOffset * stepLbl); } if(imgSource->roi) { imgSource_width = imgSource->roi->width; imgSource_height = imgSource->roi->height; imgSource_offset = (imgSource->nChannels * imgSource->roi->xOffset) + (imgSource->roi->yOffset * stepSrc); } if(imgDest->roi) { imgDest_width = imgDest->roi->width; imgDest_height = imgDest->roi->height; imgDest_offset = (imgDest->nChannels * imgDest->roi->xOffset) + (imgDest->roi->yOffset * stepDst); } CvLabel *labels = (CvLabel *)imgLabel->imageData + imgLabel_offset + (blob->miny * stepLbl); unsigned char *source = (unsigned char *)imgSource->imageData + imgSource_offset + (blob->miny * stepSrc); unsigned char *imgData = (unsigned char *)imgDest->imageData + imgDest_offset + (blob->miny * stepDst); for (unsigned int r=blob->miny; r<blob->maxy; r++, labels+=stepLbl, source+=stepSrc, imgData+=stepDst) for (unsigned int c=blob->minx; c<blob->maxx; c++) { if (labels[c]==blob->label) { imgData[imgDest->nChannels*c+0] = (unsigned char)((1.-alpha)*source[imgSource->nChannels*c+0]+alpha*color.val[0]); imgData[imgDest->nChannels*c+1] = (unsigned char)((1.-alpha)*source[imgSource->nChannels*c+1]+alpha*color.val[1]); imgData[imgDest->nChannels*c+2] = (unsigned char)((1.-alpha)*source[imgSource->nChannels*c+2]+alpha*color.val[2]); } } } if (mode) { if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_TO_LOG) { std::clog << "Blob " << blob->label << std::endl; std::clog << " - Bounding box: (" << blob->minx << ", " << blob->miny << ") - (" << blob->maxx << ", " << blob->maxy << ")" << std::endl; std::clog << " - Bounding box area: " << (1 + blob->maxx - blob->minx) * (1 + blob->maxy - blob->miny) << std::endl; std::clog << " - Area: " << blob->area << std::endl; std::clog << " - Centroid: (" << blob->centroid.x << ", " << blob->centroid.y << ")" << std::endl; std::clog << std::endl; } if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_TO_STD) { std::cout << "Blob " << blob->label << std::endl; std::cout << " - Bounding box: (" << blob->minx << ", " << blob->miny << ") - (" << blob->maxx << ", " << blob->maxy << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << " - Bounding box area: " << (1 + blob->maxx - blob->minx) * (1 + blob->maxy - blob->miny) << std::endl; std::cout << " - Area: " << blob->area << std::endl; std::cout << " - Centroid: (" << blob->centroid.x << ", " << blob->centroid.y << ")" << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; } if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX) cvRectangle(imgDest, cvPoint(blob->minx, blob->miny), cvPoint(blob->maxx-1, blob->maxy-1), CV_RGB(255., 0., 0.)); if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_ANGLE) { double angle = cvAngle(blob); double x1,y1,x2,y2; double lengthLine = MAX(blob->maxx-blob->minx, blob->maxy-blob->miny)/2.; x1=blob->centroid.x-lengthLine*cos(angle); y1=blob->centroid.y-lengthLine*sin(angle); x2=blob->centroid.x+lengthLine*cos(angle); y2=blob->centroid.y+lengthLine*sin(angle); cvLine(imgDest,cvPoint(int(x1),int(y1)),cvPoint(int(x2),int(y2)),CV_RGB(0.,255.,0.)); } if (mode&CV_BLOB_RENDER_CENTROID) { cvLine(imgDest,cvPoint(int(blob->centroid.x)-3,int(blob->centroid.y)),cvPoint(int(blob->centroid.x)+3,int(blob->centroid.y)),CV_RGB(0.,0.,255.)); cvLine(imgDest,cvPoint(int(blob->centroid.x),int(blob->centroid.y)-3),cvPoint(int(blob->centroid.x),int(blob->centroid.y)+3),CV_RGB(0.,0.,255.)); } } __CV_END__; }
CvScalar cvBlobMeanColor(CvBlob const *blob, IplImage const *imgLabel, IplImage const *img) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvBlobMeanColor"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(imgLabel&&(imgLabel->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(imgLabel->nChannels==1)); CV_ASSERT(img&&(img->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(img->nChannels==3)); int stepLbl = imgLabel->widthStep/(imgLabel->depth/8); int stepImg = img->widthStep/(img->depth/8); int imgLabel_width = imgLabel->width; int imgLabel_height = imgLabel->height; int imgLabel_offset = 0; int img_width = img->width; int img_height = img->height; int img_offset = 0; if(imgLabel->roi) { imgLabel_width = imgLabel->roi->width; imgLabel_height = imgLabel->roi->height; imgLabel_offset = (imgLabel->nChannels * imgLabel->roi->xOffset) + (imgLabel->roi->yOffset * stepLbl); } if(img->roi) { img_width = img->roi->width; img_height = img->roi->height; img_offset = (img->nChannels * img->roi->xOffset) + (img->roi->yOffset * stepImg); } CvLabel *labels = (CvLabel *)imgLabel->imageData + imgLabel_offset; unsigned char *imgData = (unsigned char *)img->imageData + img_offset; double mb = 0; double mg = 0; double mr = 0; double pixels = (double)blob->area; for (unsigned int r=0; r<(unsigned int)imgLabel_height; r++, labels+=stepLbl, imgData+=stepImg) for (unsigned int c=0; c<(unsigned int)imgLabel_width; c++) { if (labels[c]==blob->label) { mb += ((double)imgData[img->nChannels*c+0])/pixels; // B mg += ((double)imgData[img->nChannels*c+1])/pixels; // G mr += ((double)imgData[img->nChannels*c+2])/pixels; // R } } /*double mb = 0; double mg = 0; double mr = 0; double pixels = (double)blob->area; for (unsigned int y=0; y<imgLabel->height; y++) for (unsigned int x=0; x<imgLabel->width; x++) { if (cvGetLabel(imgLabel, x, y)==blob->label) { CvScalar color = cvGet2D(img, y, x); mb += color.val[0]/pixels; mg += color.val[1]/pixels; mr += color.val[2]/pixels; } }*/ return cvScalar(mr, mg, mb); } __CV_END__; }
unsigned int cvLabel (IplImage const *img, IplImage *imgOut, CvBlobs &blobs) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvLabel"); __CV_BEGIN__; { CV_ASSERT(img&&(img->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(img->nChannels==1)); CV_ASSERT(imgOut&&(imgOut->depth==IPL_DEPTH_LABEL)&&(imgOut->nChannels==1)); unsigned int numPixels=0; cvSetZero(imgOut); CvLabel label=0; cvReleaseBlobs(blobs); unsigned int stepIn = img->widthStep / (img->depth / 8); unsigned int stepOut = imgOut->widthStep / (imgOut->depth / 8); unsigned int imgIn_width = img->width; unsigned int imgIn_height = img->height; unsigned int imgIn_offset = 0; unsigned int imgOut_width = imgOut->width; unsigned int imgOut_height = imgOut->height; unsigned int imgOut_offset = 0; if(img->roi) { imgIn_width = img->roi->width; imgIn_height = img->roi->height; imgIn_offset = img->roi->xOffset + (img->roi->yOffset * stepIn); } if(imgOut->roi) { imgOut_width = imgOut->roi->width; imgOut_height = imgOut->roi->height; imgOut_offset = imgOut->roi->xOffset + (imgOut->roi->yOffset * stepOut); } unsigned char *imgDataIn = (unsigned char *)img->imageData + imgIn_offset; CvLabel *imgDataOut = (CvLabel *)imgOut->imageData + imgOut_offset; #define imageIn(X, Y) imgDataIn[(X) + (Y)*stepIn] #define imageOut(X, Y) imgDataOut[(X) + (Y)*stepOut] CvLabel lastLabel = 0; CvBlob *lastBlob = NULL; for (unsigned int y=0; y<imgIn_height; y++) { for (unsigned int x=0; x<imgIn_width; x++) { if (imageIn(x, y)) { bool labeled = imageOut(x, y); if ((!imageOut(x, y))&&((y==0)||(!imageIn(x, y-1)))) { labeled = true; // Label contour. label++; CV_ASSERT(label!=CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL); imageOut(x, y) = label; numPixels++; if (y>0) imageOut(x, y-1) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL; CvBlob *blob = new CvBlob; blob->label = label; blob->area = 1; blob->minx = x; blob->maxx = x; blob->miny = y; blob->maxy = y; blob->m10=x; blob->m01=y; blob->m11=x*y; blob->m20=x*x; blob->m02=y*y; blob->internalContours.clear(); blobs.insert(CvLabelBlob(label,blob)); lastLabel = label; lastBlob = blob; blob->contour.startingPoint = cvPoint(x, y); unsigned char direction=1; unsigned int xx = x; unsigned int yy = y; bool contourEnd = false; do { for (unsigned int numAttempts=0; numAttempts<3; numAttempts++) { bool found = false; for (unsigned char i=0; i<3; i++) { int nx = xx+movesE[direction][i][0]; int ny = yy+movesE[direction][i][1]; if ((nx<imgIn_width)&&(nx>=0)&&(ny<imgIn_height)&&(ny>=0)) { if (imageIn(nx, ny)) { found = true; blob->contour.chainCode.push_back(movesE[direction][i][3]); xx=nx; yy=ny; direction=movesE[direction][i][2]; break; } else { imageOut(nx, ny) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL; } } } if (!found) direction=(direction+1)%4; else { if (imageOut(xx, yy) != label) { imageOut(xx, yy) = label; numPixels++; if (xx<blob->minx) blob->minx = xx; else if (xx>blob->maxx) blob->maxx = xx; if (yy<blob->miny) blob->miny = yy; else if (yy>blob->maxy) blob->maxy = yy; blob->area++; blob->m10+=xx; blob->m01+=yy; blob->m11+=xx*yy; blob->m20+=xx*xx; blob->m02+=yy*yy; } break; } if (contourEnd = ((xx==x) && (yy==y) && (direction==1))) break; } } while (!contourEnd); } if ((y+1<imgIn_height)&&(!imageIn(x, y+1))&&(!imageOut(x, y+1))) { labeled = true; // Label internal contour CvLabel l; CvBlob *blob = NULL; if (!imageOut(x, y)) { l = imageOut(x-1, y); imageOut(x, y) = l; numPixels++; if (l==lastLabel) blob = lastBlob; else { blob = blobs.find(l)->second; lastLabel = l; lastBlob = blob; } blob->area++; blob->m10+=x; blob->m01+=y; blob->m11+=x*y; blob->m20+=x*x; blob->m02+=y*y; } else { l = imageOut(x, y); if (l==lastLabel) blob = lastBlob; else { blob = blobs.find(l)->second; lastLabel = l; lastBlob = blob; } } imageOut(x, y+1) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL; CvContourChainCode *contour = new CvContourChainCode; contour->startingPoint = cvPoint(x, y); unsigned char direction = 3; unsigned int xx = x; unsigned int yy = y; do { for (unsigned int numAttempts=0; numAttempts<3; numAttempts++) { bool found = false; for (unsigned char i=0; i<3; i++) { int nx = xx+movesI[direction][i][0]; int ny = yy+movesI[direction][i][1]; if (imageIn(nx, ny)) { found = true; contour->chainCode.push_back(movesI[direction][i][3]); xx=nx; yy=ny; direction=movesI[direction][i][2]; break; } else { imageOut(nx, ny) = CV_BLOB_MAX_LABEL; } } if (!found) direction=(direction+1)%4; else { if (!imageOut(xx, yy)) { imageOut(xx, yy) = l; numPixels++; blob->area++; blob->m10+=xx; blob->m01+=yy; blob->m11+=xx*yy; blob->m20+=xx*xx; blob->m02+=yy*yy; } break; } } } while (!(xx==x && yy==y)); blob->internalContours.push_back(contour); } if (!labeled) { CvLabel l = imageOut(x-1, y); imageOut(x, y) = l; numPixels++; CvBlob *blob = NULL; if (l==lastLabel) blob = lastBlob; else { blob = blobs.find(l)->second; lastLabel = l; lastBlob = blob; } blob->area++; blob->m10+=x; blob->m01+=y; blob->m11+=x*y; blob->m20+=x*x; blob->m02+=y*y; } } } } for (CvBlobs::iterator it=blobs.begin(); it!=blobs.end(); ++it) { cvCentroid((*it).second); (*it).second->u11 = (*it).second->m11 - ((*it).second->m10*(*it).second->m01)/(*it).second->m00; (*it).second->u20 = (*it).second->m20 - ((*it).second->m10*(*it).second->m10)/(*it).second->m00; (*it).second->u02 = (*it).second->m02 - ((*it).second->m01*(*it).second->m01)/(*it).second->m00; double m00_2 = (*it).second->m00 * (*it).second->m00; (*it).second->n11 = (*it).second->u11 / m00_2; (*it).second->n20 = (*it).second->u20 / m00_2; (*it).second->n02 = (*it).second->u02 / m00_2; (*it).second->p1 = (*it).second->n20 + (*it).second->n02; double nn = (*it).second->n20 - (*it).second->n02; (*it).second->p2 = nn*nn + 4.*((*it).second->n11*(*it).second->n11); } return numPixels; } __CV_END__; }
void cvBGCodeBookClearStale( CvBGCodeBookModel* model, int staleThresh, CvRect roi, const CvArr* _mask ) { CV_FUNCNAME( "cvBGCodeBookClearStale" ); __BEGIN__; CvMat mstub, *mask = _mask ? cvGetMat( _mask, &mstub ) : 0; int x, y, T; CvBGCodeBookElem* freeList; CV_ASSERT( model && (!mask || (CV_IS_MASK_ARR(mask) && mask->cols == model->size.width && mask->rows == model->size.height)) ); if( roi.x == 0 && roi.y == 0 && roi.width == 0 && roi.height == 0 ) { roi.width = model->size.width; roi.height = model->size.height; } else CV_ASSERT( (unsigned)roi.x < (unsigned)mask->cols && (unsigned)roi.y < (unsigned)mask->rows && roi.width >= 0 && roi.height >= 0 && roi.x + roi.width <= mask->cols && roi.y + roi.height <= mask->rows ); icvInitSatTab(); freeList = model->freeList; T = model->t; for( y = 0; y < roi.height; y++ ) { const uchar* m = mask ? mask->data.ptr + mask->step*(y + roi.y) + roi.x : 0; CvBGCodeBookElem** cb = model->cbmap + model->size.width*(y + roi.y) + roi.x; for( x = 0; x < roi.width; x++, cb++ ) { CvBGCodeBookElem *e, first, *prev = &first; if( m && m[x] == 0 ) continue; for( = e = *cb; e != 0; e = prev->next ) { if( e->stale > staleThresh ) { prev->next = e->next; e->next = freeList; freeList = e; } else { e->stale = 0; e->tLastUpdate = T; prev = e; } } *cb =; } } model->freeList = freeList; __END__; }
int cvBGCodeBookDiff( const CvBGCodeBookModel* model, const CvArr* _image, CvArr* _fgmask, CvRect roi ) { int maskCount = -1; CV_FUNCNAME( "cvBGCodeBookDiff" ); __BEGIN__; CvMat stub, *image = cvGetMat( _image, &stub ); CvMat mstub, *mask = cvGetMat( _fgmask, &mstub ); int x, y; uchar m0, m1, m2, M0, M1, M2; CV_ASSERT( model && CV_MAT_TYPE(image->type) == CV_8UC3 && image->cols == model->size.width && image->rows == model->size.height && CV_IS_MASK_ARR(mask) && CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(image, mask) ); if( roi.x == 0 && roi.y == 0 && roi.width == 0 && roi.height == 0 ) { roi.width = image->cols; roi.height = image->rows; } else CV_ASSERT( (unsigned)roi.x < (unsigned)image->cols && (unsigned)roi.y < (unsigned)image->rows && roi.width >= 0 && roi.height >= 0 && roi.x + roi.width <= image->cols && roi.y + roi.height <= image->rows ); m0 = model->modMin[0]; M0 = model->modMax[0]; m1 = model->modMin[1]; M1 = model->modMax[1]; m2 = model->modMin[2]; M2 = model->modMax[2]; maskCount = roi.height*roi.width; for( y = 0; y < roi.height; y++ ) { const uchar* p = image->data.ptr + image->step*(y + roi.y) + roi.x*3; uchar* m = mask->data.ptr + mask->step*(y + roi.y) + roi.x; CvBGCodeBookElem** cb = model->cbmap + image->cols*(y + roi.y) + roi.x; for( x = 0; x < roi.width; x++, p += 3, cb++ ) { CvBGCodeBookElem *e; uchar p0 = p[0], p1 = p[1], p2 = p[2]; int l0 = p0 + m0, l1 = p1 + m1, l2 = p2 + m2; int h0 = p0 - M0, h1 = p1 - M1, h2 = p2 - M2; m[x] = (uchar)255; for( e = *cb; e != 0; e = e->next ) { if( e->boxMin[0] <= l0 && h0 <= e->boxMax[0] && e->boxMin[1] <= l1 && h1 <= e->boxMax[1] && e->boxMin[2] <= l2 && h2 <= e->boxMax[2] ) { m[x] = 0; maskCount--; break; } } } } __END__; return maskCount; }
void cvRenderTracks(CvTracks const tracks, IplImage *imgSource, IplImage *imgDest, unsigned short mode, CvFont *font) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRenderTracks"); __CV_BEGIN__; CV_ASSERT(imgDest&&(imgDest->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(imgDest->nChannels==3)); if ((mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID)&&(!font)) { if (!defaultFont) { font = defaultFont = new CvFont; hudFont = new CvFont; cvInitFont(font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1); cvInitFont(hudFont, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.8, 0.8 ,0.5); // Other fonts: // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX } else font = defaultFont; } if (mode) { for (CvTracks::const_iterator it=tracks.begin(); it!=tracks.end(); ++it) { if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID) if (!it->second->inactive) { stringstream buffer, mouseloc; buffer << it->first; mouseloc << "Mouse Location : " << "(" << (int)it->second->centroid.x << " , " << (int)it->second->centroid.y << ")"; // // Mouse Location String //my << it->second->centroid.y; //cvPutText(imgDest, buffer.str().c_str(), cvPoint((int)it->second->centroid.x, (int)it->second->centroid.y), font, CV_RGB(0.,255.,0.)); // Drawing functions for the Draw-conture /** C++: void circle(Mat& img, Point center, int radius, const Scalar& color, int thickness=1, int lineType=8, int shift=0) **/ /** C: void cvCircle(CvArr* img, CvPoint center, int radius, CvScalar color, int thickness=1, int line_type=8, int shift=0 ) **/ //cvPutText(imgDest, buffer.str().c_str(), cvPoint((int)it->second->centroid.x, (int)it->second->centroid.y), font, CV_RGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)); cvPutText(imgDest, buffer.str().c_str(), cvPoint((int)it->second->maxx, (int)it->second->miny), font, CV_RGB(255.0, 255.0, 0.0)); // // puts the blob id on the largest blob //cout << buffer.str().c_str() << endl; //cvPutText(imgDest, mouseloc.str().c_str(), cvPoint(0, 9), hudFont, CV_RGB(0.0, 230.0, 230.0)); cvCircle(imgDest, cvPoint((int)it->second->centroid.x, (int)it->second->centroid.y), 13, CV_RGB(0.0, 255.0, 255.0), 4, CV_AA, 0); // // Draws the origin-Circle cvCircle(imgDest, cvPoint((int)it->second->centroid.x, (int)it->second->centroid.y), 4, CV_RGB(130.815, 0.0, 255.0), 1, CV_AA, 0); //cout << "Blob minx = " << it->second->minx << endl; } if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX) if (it->second->inactive) cvRectangle(imgDest, cvPoint(it->second->minx, it->second->miny), cvPoint(it->second->maxx-1, it->second->maxy-1), CV_RGB(0., 0., 50.)); else cvRectangle(imgDest, cvPoint(it->second->minx, it->second->miny), cvPoint(it->second->maxx-1, it->second->maxy-1), CV_RGB(0., 0., 255.)); if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_TO_LOG) { clog << "Track " << it->second->id << endl; if (it->second->inactive) clog << " - Inactive for " << it->second->inactive << " frames" << endl; else clog << " - Associated with blob " << it->second->label << endl; clog << " - Lifetime " << it->second->lifetime << endl; clog << " - Active " << it->second->active << endl; clog << " - Bounding box: (" << it->second->minx << ", " << it->second->miny << ") - (" << it->second->maxx << ", " << it->second->maxy << ")" << endl; clog << " - Centroid: (" << it->second->centroid.x << ", " << it->second->centroid.y << ")" << endl; clog << endl; } if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_TO_STD) { cout << "Track " << it->second->id << endl; if (it->second->inactive) cout << " - Inactive for " << it->second->inactive << " frames" << endl; else cout << " - Associated with blobs " << it->second->label << endl; cout << " - Lifetime " << it->second->lifetime << endl; cout << " - Active " << it->second->active << endl; cout << " - Bounding box: (" << it->second->minx << ", " << it->second->miny << ") - (" << it->second->maxx << ", " << it->second->maxy << ")" << endl; cout << " - Centroid: (" << it->second->centroid.x << ", " << it->second->centroid.y << ")" << endl; cout << endl; } } } __CV_END__; }
CV_IMPL void cvRQDecomp3x3( const CvMat *matrixM, CvMat *matrixR, CvMat *matrixQ, CvMat *matrixQx, CvMat *matrixQy, CvMat *matrixQz, CvPoint3D64f *eulerAngles) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRQDecomp3x3"); __BEGIN__; double _M[3][3], _R[3][3], _Q[3][3]; CvMat M = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, _M); CvMat R = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, _R); CvMat Q = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, _Q); double z, c, s; /* Validate parameters. */ CV_ASSERT( CV_IS_MAT(matrixM) && CV_IS_MAT(matrixR) && CV_IS_MAT(matrixQ) && matrixM->cols == 3 && matrixM->rows == 3 && CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(matrixM, matrixR) && CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(matrixM, matrixQ)); cvConvert(matrixM, &M); { /* Find Givens rotation Q_x for x axis (left multiplication). */ /* ( 1 0 0 ) Qx = ( 0 c s ), c = m33/sqrt(m32^2 + m33^2), s = m32/sqrt(m32^2 + m33^2) ( 0 -s c ) */ s = _M[2][1]; c = _M[2][2]; z = 1./sqrt(c * c + s * s + DBL_EPSILON); c *= z; s *= z; double _Qx[3][3] = { {1, 0, 0}, {0, c, s}, {0, -s, c} }; CvMat Qx = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, _Qx); cvMatMul(&M, &Qx, &R); assert(fabs(_R[2][1]) < FLT_EPSILON); _R[2][1] = 0; /* Find Givens rotation for y axis. */ /* ( c 0 s ) Qy = ( 0 1 0 ), c = m33/sqrt(m31^2 + m33^2), s = m31/sqrt(m31^2 + m33^2) (-s 0 c ) */ s = _R[2][0]; c = _R[2][2]; z = 1./sqrt(c * c + s * s + DBL_EPSILON); c *= z; s *= z; double _Qy[3][3] = { {c, 0, s}, {0, 1, 0}, {-s, 0, c} }; CvMat Qy = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, _Qy); cvMatMul(&R, &Qy, &M); assert(fabs(_M[2][0]) < FLT_EPSILON); _M[2][0] = 0; /* Find Givens rotation for z axis. */ /* ( c s 0 ) Qz = (-s c 0 ), c = m22/sqrt(m21^2 + m22^2), s = m21/sqrt(m21^2 + m22^2) ( 0 0 1 ) */ s = _M[1][0]; c = _M[1][1]; z = 1./sqrt(c * c + s * s + DBL_EPSILON); c *= z; s *= z; double _Qz[3][3] = { {c, s, 0}, {-s, c, 0}, {0, 0, 1} }; CvMat Qz = cvMat(3, 3, CV_64F, _Qz); cvMatMul(&M, &Qz, &R); assert(fabs(_R[1][0]) < FLT_EPSILON); _R[1][0] = 0; // Solve the decomposition ambiguity. // Diagonal entries of R, except the last one, shall be positive. // Further rotate R by 180 degree if necessary if( _R[0][0] < 0 ) { if( _R[1][1] < 0 ) { // rotate around z for 180 degree, i.e. a rotation matrix of // [-1, 0, 0], // [ 0, -1, 0], // [ 0, 0, 1] _R[0][0] *= -1; _R[0][1] *= -1; _R[1][1] *= -1; _Qz[0][0] *= -1; _Qz[0][1] *= -1; _Qz[1][0] *= -1; _Qz[1][1] *= -1; } else { // rotate around y for 180 degree, i.e. a rotation matrix of // [-1, 0, 0], // [ 0, 1, 0], // [ 0, 0, -1] _R[0][0] *= -1; _R[0][2] *= -1; _R[1][2] *= -1; _R[2][2] *= -1; cvTranspose( &Qz, &Qz ); _Qy[0][0] *= -1; _Qy[0][2] *= -1; _Qy[2][0] *= -1; _Qy[2][2] *= -1; } } else if( _R[1][1] < 0 ) { // ??? for some reason, we never get here ??? // rotate around x for 180 degree, i.e. a rotation matrix of // [ 1, 0, 0], // [ 0, -1, 0], // [ 0, 0, -1] _R[0][1] *= -1; _R[0][2] *= -1; _R[1][1] *= -1; _R[1][2] *= -1; _R[2][2] *= -1; cvTranspose( &Qz, &Qz ); cvTranspose( &Qy, &Qy ); _Qx[1][1] *= -1; _Qx[1][2] *= -1; _Qx[2][1] *= -1; _Qx[2][2] *= -1; } // calculate the euler angle if( eulerAngles ) { eulerAngles->x = acos(_Qx[1][1]) * (_Qx[1][2] >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * (180.0 / CV_PI); eulerAngles->y = acos(_Qy[0][0]) * (_Qy[0][2] >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * (180.0 / CV_PI); eulerAngles->z = acos(_Qz[0][0]) * (_Qz[0][1] >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * (180.0 / CV_PI); } /* Calulate orthogonal matrix. */ /* Q = QzT * QyT * QxT */ cvGEMM( &Qz, &Qy, 1, 0, 0, &M, CV_GEMM_A_T + CV_GEMM_B_T ); cvGEMM( &M, &Qx, 1, 0, 0, &Q, CV_GEMM_B_T ); /* Save R and Q matrices. */ cvConvert( &R, matrixR ); cvConvert( &Q, matrixQ ); if( matrixQx ) cvConvert(&Qx, matrixQx); if( matrixQy ) cvConvert(&Qy, matrixQy); if( matrixQz ) cvConvert(&Qz, matrixQz); } __END__; }
void cvRenderTracks(CvTracks const tracks, IplImage *imgSource, IplImage *imgDest, unsigned short mode, CvFont *font) { CV_FUNCNAME("cvRenderTracks"); __CV_BEGIN__; CV_ASSERT(imgDest&&(imgDest->depth==IPL_DEPTH_8U)&&(imgDest->nChannels==3)); if ((mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID)&&(!font)) { if (!defaultFont) { font = defaultFont = new CvFont; cvInitFont(font, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 1); // Other fonts: // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_DUPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_TRIPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, // CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_SIMPLEX, CV_FONT_HERSHEY_SCRIPT_COMPLEX } else font = defaultFont; } if (mode) { for (CvTracks::const_iterator it=tracks.begin(); it!=tracks.end(); ++it) { if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_ID) if (!it->second->inactive) { stringstream buffer; buffer << it->first; cvPutText(imgDest, buffer.str().c_str(), cvPoint((int)it->second->centroid.x, (int)it->second->centroid.y), font, CV_RGB(0.,255.,0.)); } if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_BOUNDING_BOX) if (it->second->inactive) cvRectangle(imgDest, cvPoint(it->second->minx, it->second->miny), cvPoint(it->second->maxx-1, it->second->maxy-1), CV_RGB(0., 0., 50.)); else cvRectangle(imgDest, cvPoint(it->second->minx, it->second->miny), cvPoint(it->second->maxx-1, it->second->maxy-1), CV_RGB(0., 0., 255.)); if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_TO_LOG) { clog << "Track " << it->second->id << endl; if (it->second->inactive) clog << " - Inactive for " << it->second->inactive << " frames" << endl; else clog << " - Associated with blob " << it->second->label << endl; clog << " - Lifetime " << it->second->lifetime << endl; clog << " - Active " << it->second->active << endl; clog << " - Bounding box: (" << it->second->minx << ", " << it->second->miny << ") - (" << it->second->maxx << ", " << it->second->maxy << ")" << endl; clog << " - Centroid: (" << it->second->centroid.x << ", " << it->second->centroid.y << ")" << endl; clog << endl; } if (mode&CV_TRACK_RENDER_TO_STD) { cout << "Track " << it->second->id << endl; if (it->second->inactive) cout << " - Inactive for " << it->second->inactive << " frames" << endl; else cout << " - Associated with blobs " << it->second->label << endl; cout << " - Lifetime " << it->second->lifetime << endl; cout << " - Active " << it->second->active << endl; cout << " - Bounding box: (" << it->second->minx << ", " << it->second->miny << ") - (" << it->second->maxx << ", " << it->second->maxy << ")" << endl; cout << " - Centroid: (" << it->second->centroid.x << ", " << it->second->centroid.y << ")" << endl; cout << endl; } } } __CV_END__; }
void cvBGCodeBookUpdate( CvBGCodeBookModel* model, const CvArr* _image, CvRect roi, const CvArr* _mask ) { CV_FUNCNAME( "cvBGCodeBookUpdate" ); __BEGIN__; CvMat stub, *image = cvGetMat( _image, &stub ); CvMat mstub, *mask = _mask ? cvGetMat( _mask, &mstub ) : 0; int i, x, y, T; int nblocks; uchar cb0, cb1, cb2; CvBGCodeBookElem* freeList; CV_ASSERT( model && CV_MAT_TYPE(image->type) == CV_8UC3 && (!mask || (CV_IS_MASK_ARR(mask) && CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(image, mask))) ); if( roi.x == 0 && roi.y == 0 && roi.width == 0 && roi.height == 0 ) { roi.width = image->cols; roi.height = image->rows; } else CV_ASSERT( (unsigned)roi.x < (unsigned)image->cols && (unsigned)roi.y < (unsigned)image->rows && roi.width >= 0 && roi.height >= 0 && roi.x + roi.width <= image->cols && roi.y + roi.height <= image->rows ); if( image->cols != model->size.width || image->rows != model->size.height ) { cvClearMemStorage( model->storage ); model->freeList = 0; cvFree( &model->cbmap ); int bufSz = image->cols*image->rows*sizeof(model->cbmap[0]); model->cbmap = (CvBGCodeBookElem**)cvAlloc(bufSz); memset( model->cbmap, 0, bufSz ); model->size = cvSize(image->cols, image->rows); } icvInitSatTab(); cb0 = model->cbBounds[0]; cb1 = model->cbBounds[1]; cb2 = model->cbBounds[2]; T = ++model->t; freeList = model->freeList; nblocks = (int)((model->storage->block_size - sizeof(CvMemBlock))/sizeof(*freeList)); nblocks = MIN( nblocks, 1024 ); CV_ASSERT( nblocks > 0 ); for( y = 0; y < roi.height; y++ ) { const uchar* p = image->data.ptr + image->step*(y + roi.y) + roi.x*3; const uchar* m = mask ? mask->data.ptr + mask->step*(y + roi.y) + roi.x : 0; CvBGCodeBookElem** cb = model->cbmap + image->cols*(y + roi.y) + roi.x; for( x = 0; x < roi.width; x++, p += 3, cb++ ) { CvBGCodeBookElem *e, *found = 0; uchar p0, p1, p2, l0, l1, l2, h0, h1, h2; int negRun; if( m && m[x] == 0 ) continue; p0 = p[0]; p1 = p[1]; p2 = p[2]; l0 = SAT_8U(p0 - cb0); l1 = SAT_8U(p1 - cb1); l2 = SAT_8U(p2 - cb2); h0 = SAT_8U(p0 + cb0); h1 = SAT_8U(p1 + cb1); h2 = SAT_8U(p2 + cb2); for( e = *cb; e != 0; e = e->next ) { if( e->learnMin[0] <= p0 && p0 <= e->learnMax[0] && e->learnMin[1] <= p1 && p1 <= e->learnMax[1] && e->learnMin[2] <= p2 && p2 <= e->learnMax[2] ) { e->tLastUpdate = T; e->boxMin[0] = MIN(e->boxMin[0], p0); e->boxMax[0] = MAX(e->boxMax[0], p0); e->boxMin[1] = MIN(e->boxMin[1], p1); e->boxMax[1] = MAX(e->boxMax[1], p1); e->boxMin[2] = MIN(e->boxMin[2], p2); e->boxMax[2] = MAX(e->boxMax[2], p2); // no need to use SAT_8U for updated learnMin[i] & learnMax[i] here, // as the bounding li & hi are already within 0..255. if( e->learnMin[0] > l0 ) e->learnMin[0]--; if( e->learnMax[0] < h0 ) e->learnMax[0]++; if( e->learnMin[1] > l1 ) e->learnMin[1]--; if( e->learnMax[1] < h1 ) e->learnMax[1]++; if( e->learnMin[2] > l2 ) e->learnMin[2]--; if( e->learnMax[2] < h2 ) e->learnMax[2]++; found = e; break; } negRun = T - e->tLastUpdate; e->stale = MAX( e->stale, negRun ); } for( ; e != 0; e = e->next ) { negRun = T - e->tLastUpdate; e->stale = MAX( e->stale, negRun ); } if( !found ) { if( !freeList ) { freeList = (CvBGCodeBookElem*)cvMemStorageAlloc(model->storage, nblocks*sizeof(*freeList)); for( i = 0; i < nblocks-1; i++ ) freeList[i].next = &freeList[i+1]; freeList[nblocks-1].next = 0; } e = freeList; freeList = freeList->next; e->learnMin[0] = l0; e->learnMax[0] = h0; e->learnMin[1] = l1; e->learnMax[1] = h1; e->learnMin[2] = l2; e->learnMax[2] = h2; e->boxMin[0] = e->boxMax[0] = p0; e->boxMin[1] = e->boxMax[1] = p1; e->boxMin[2] = e->boxMax[2] = p2; e->tLastUpdate = T; e->stale = 0; e->next = *cb; *cb = e; } } } model->freeList = freeList; __END__; }
CV_IMPL void cvFindStereoCorrespondenceGC( const CvArr* _left, const CvArr* _right, CvArr* _dispLeft, CvArr* _dispRight, CvStereoGCState* state, int useDisparityGuess ) { CvStereoGCState2 state2; state2.orphans = 0; state2.maxOrphans = 0; CV_FUNCNAME( "cvFindStereoCorrespondenceGC" ); __BEGIN__; CvMat lstub, *left = cvGetMat( _left, &lstub ); CvMat rstub, *right = cvGetMat( _right, &rstub ); CvMat dlstub, *dispLeft = cvGetMat( _dispLeft, &dlstub ); CvMat drstub, *dispRight = cvGetMat( _dispRight, &drstub ); CvSize size; int iter, i, nZeroExpansions = 0; CvRNG rng = cvRNG(-1); int* disp; CvMat _disp; int64 E; CV_ASSERT( state != 0 ); CV_ASSERT( CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(left, right) && CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(left, right) && CV_MAT_TYPE(left->type) == CV_8UC1 ); CV_ASSERT( !dispLeft || (CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(dispLeft, left) && CV_MAT_CN(dispLeft->type) == 1) ); CV_ASSERT( !dispRight || (CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(dispRight, left) && CV_MAT_CN(dispRight->type) == 1) ); size = cvGetSize(left); if( !state->left || state->left->width != size.width || state->left->height != size.height ) { int pcn = (int)(sizeof(GCVtx*)/sizeof(int)); int vcn = (int)(sizeof(GCVtx)/sizeof(int)); int ecn = (int)(sizeof(GCEdge)/sizeof(int)); cvReleaseMat( &state->left ); cvReleaseMat( &state->right ); cvReleaseMat( &state->ptrLeft ); cvReleaseMat( &state->ptrRight ); cvReleaseMat( &state->dispLeft ); cvReleaseMat( &state->dispRight ); state->left = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_8UC3 ); state->right = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_8UC3 ); state->dispLeft = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_16SC1 ); state->dispRight = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_16SC1 ); state->ptrLeft = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_32SC(pcn) ); state->ptrRight = cvCreateMat( size.height, size.width, CV_32SC(pcn) ); state->vtxBuf = cvCreateMat( 1, size.height*size.width*2, CV_32SC(vcn) ); state->edgeBuf = cvCreateMat( 1, size.height*size.width*12 + 16, CV_32SC(ecn) ); } if( !useDisparityGuess ) { cvSet( state->dispLeft, cvScalarAll(OCCLUDED)); cvSet( state->dispRight, cvScalarAll(OCCLUDED)); } else { CV_ASSERT( dispLeft && dispRight ); cvConvert( dispLeft, state->dispLeft ); cvConvert( dispRight, state->dispRight ); } state2.Ithreshold = state->Ithreshold; state2.interactionRadius = state->interactionRadius; state2.lambda = cvRound(state->lambda*DENOMINATOR); state2.lambda1 = cvRound(state->lambda1*DENOMINATOR); state2.lambda2 = cvRound(state->lambda2*DENOMINATOR); state2.K = cvRound(state->K*DENOMINATOR); icvInitStereoConstTabs(); icvInitGraySubpix( left, right, state->left, state->right ); disp = (int*)cvStackAlloc( state->numberOfDisparities*sizeof(disp[0]) ); _disp = cvMat( 1, state->numberOfDisparities, CV_32S, disp ); cvRange( &_disp, state->minDisparity, state->minDisparity + state->numberOfDisparities ); cvRandShuffle( &_disp, &rng ); if( state2.lambda < 0 && (state2.K < 0 || state2.lambda1 < 0 || state2.lambda2 < 0) ) { float L = icvComputeK(state)*0.2f; state2.lambda = cvRound(L*DENOMINATOR); } if( state2.K < 0 ) state2.K = state2.lambda*5; if( state2.lambda1 < 0 ) state2.lambda1 = state2.lambda*3; if( state2.lambda2 < 0 ) state2.lambda2 = state2.lambda; icvInitStereoTabs( &state2 ); E = icvComputeEnergy( state, &state2, !useDisparityGuess ); for( iter = 0; iter < state->maxIters; iter++ ) { for( i = 0; i < state->numberOfDisparities; i++ ) { int alpha = disp[i]; int64 Enew = icvAlphaExpand( E, -alpha, state, &state2 ); if( Enew < E ) { nZeroExpansions = 0; E = Enew; } else if( ++nZeroExpansions >= state->numberOfDisparities ) break; } } if( dispLeft ) cvConvert( state->dispLeft, dispLeft ); if( dispRight ) cvConvert( state->dispRight, dispRight ); __END__; cvFree( &state2.orphans ); }