void OpenSMOKE_CVODE_Sundials<T>::Status() const
		int flag;
		long int nst, nfe, nsetups, netf, nni, ncfn, nje, nfeLS, nge;
		int qcurrent, qlast;
		double hcurrent, hlast;

		flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem_, &nst);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumSteps"), 1);
		flag = CVDlsGetNumJacEvals(cvode_mem_, &nje);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVDlsGetNumJacEvals"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem_, &nfe);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumRhsEvals"), 1);

		flag = CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups(cvode_mem_, &nsetups);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumLinSolvSetups"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem_, &netf);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumErrTestFails"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters(cvode_mem_, &nni);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvIters"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails(cvode_mem_, &ncfn);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumNonlinSolvConvFails"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetNumGEvals(cvode_mem_, &nge);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetNumGEvals"), 1);

		flag = CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals(cvode_mem_, &nfeLS);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVDlsGetNumRhsEvals"), 1);

		flag = CVodeGetLastOrder(cvode_mem_, &qlast);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetLastOrder"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetCurrentOrder(cvode_mem_, &qcurrent);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetCurrentOrder"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetLastStep(cvode_mem_, &hlast);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetLastStep"), 1);
		flag = CVodeGetCurrentStep(cvode_mem_, &hcurrent);
		check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeGetCurrentStep"), 1);

		std::cout << "CVODE Sundials Status" << std::endl;
		std::cout << " * Absolute tolerance:              " << this->absTolerance_[0]   << std::endl;	// Absolute tolerance
		std::cout << " * Relative tolerance:              " << this->relTolerance_[0]   << std::endl;	// Relative tolerance
		std::cout << " * Number of steps:                 " << nst << std::endl;	// Number of steps taken for the problem so far 
		std::cout << " * Number of function evaluations:  " << nfe << std::endl;	// Number of f evaluations for the problem so far.
		std::cout << " * Number of Jacobians:             " << nje << std::endl;	// Number of Jacobian evaluations (and of matrix LU decompositions) for the problem so far.
		std::cout << " * Last step:                       " << hlast << std::endl;	
		std::cout << " * Next  step:                      " << hcurrent << std::endl;	
		std::cout << " * Last order:                      " << qlast << std::endl;	
		std::cout << " * Next order:                      " << qcurrent << std::endl;
Example #2
File: ode.c Project: nvanriel/ADAPT
void        handleError( void *cvode_mem, N_Vector y0, int flag, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, int sensitivity, N_Vector *yS0, realtype *sensitivities, struct mData *data ) {
    #ifdef DEBUG
        long int temp;
        realtype tempreal;
	#ifdef DEBUG
        printf( "<<< DEBUG OUTPUT >>>\n" );
        printf( "PARAMETERS: \n" );
        for ( temp = 0; temp < N_PARAMS; temp++ ) {
            printf( "P(%d) = %f\n", temp, data->p[ temp ] );
        CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &temp);
        printf( "Number of steps taken by the solver: %d\n", temp );
        CVodeGetNumErrTestFails(cvode_mem, &temp);
        printf( "Number of local error test failures: %d\n", temp );
        CVodeGetLastStep(cvode_mem, &tempreal);
        printf( "Last stepsize: %f\n", tempreal );
        CVodeGetCurrentStep(cvode_mem, &tempreal);
        printf( "Last step: %f\n", tempreal );        
    if ( sensitivity == 1 ) {
        if ( nrhs < 7 ) free( sensitivities );
		free( data->p );
        N_VDestroyVectorArray_Serial( yS0, N_STATES + N_PARAMS );
		if ( plhs[2] != NULL ) mxDestroyArray(plhs[2]);
    if ( plhs[1] != NULL ) mxDestroyArray(plhs[1]);
    if ( plhs[0] != NULL ) mxDestroyArray(plhs[0]);

    N_VDestroy_Serial( y0 );
    /*printf( "Freeing..." );*/
    /*CVodeFree( &cvode_mem );*/
    /*printf( "Success!\n" );*/
	switch( flag ) {
        case CV_MEM_NULL:
            printf( "ERROR: No memory was allocated for cvode_mem\n" );
        case CV_NO_MALLOC:
          printf( "ERROR: Forgot or failed CVodeInit\n" );
        case CV_ILL_INPUT:
          printf( "ERROR: Input for CVode was illegal\n" );
        case CV_TOO_CLOSE:
          printf( "ERROR: Initial time too close to final time\n" );
        case CV_TOO_MUCH_WORK:
          printf( "ERROR: Solver took maximum number of internal steps, but hasn't reached t_out\n" );
        case CV_TOO_MUCH_ACC:
          printf( "ERROR: Could not attain desired accuracy\n" );
        case CV_ERR_FAILURE:
          printf( "ERROR: Error tests failed too many times\n" );
        case CV_CONV_FAILURE:
          printf( "ERROR: Convergence failure in solving the linear system\n" );
        case CV_LINIT_FAIL:
          printf( "ERROR: Linear solver failed to initialize\n" );
        case CV_LSETUP_FAIL:
          printf( "ERROR: Linear solver setup failed\n" );
        case CV_RHSFUNC_FAIL:
          printf( "ERROR: Right hand side failed in an unrecoverable manner\n" );
        case CV_REPTD_RHSFUNC_ERR:
          printf( "ERROR: Convergence test failures occured too many times in RHS\n" );
        case CV_UNREC_RHSFUNC_ERR:
          printf( "ERROR: Unrecoverable error in the RHS\n" );
        case CV_RTFUNC_FAIL:
          printf( "ERROR: Rootfinding function failed!\n" );
          printf( "ERROR: I have no idea what's going on :(\n" );
    mexErrMsgTxt( "Aborting" );
Example #3
int Cvode::calcJacobian(double t, long int N, N_Vector fHelp, N_Vector errorWeight, N_Vector jthCol, double* y, N_Vector fy, DlsMat Jac)
  int l,g;
  double fnorm, minInc, *f_data, *fHelp_data, *errorWeight_data, h, srur, delta_inv;

  f_data = NV_DATA_S(fy);
  errorWeight_data = NV_DATA_S(errorWeight);
  fHelp_data = NV_DATA_S(fHelp);

  //Get relevant info
  _idid = CVodeGetErrWeights(_cvodeMem, errorWeight);
  if (_idid < 0)
      _idid = -5;
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::calcJacobian()");
  _idid = CVodeGetCurrentStep(_cvodeMem, &h);
  if (_idid < 0)
      _idid = -5;
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::calcJacobian()");

  srur = sqrt(UROUND);

  fnorm = N_VWrmsNorm(fy, errorWeight);
  minInc = (fnorm != 0.0) ?
           (1000.0 * abs(h) * UROUND * N * fnorm) : 1.0;

  for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
    _delta[j] = max(srur*abs(y[j]), minInc/errorWeight_data[j]);

  for(int j=0;j<N;j++)
    _deltaInv[j] = 1/_delta[j];

 if (_jacobianANonzeros != 0)
  for(int color=1; color <= _maxColors; color++)
      for(int k=0; k < _dimSys; k++)
      if((_colorOfColumn[k] ) == color)
        _ysave[k] = y[k];
        y[k]+= _delta[k];

    calcFunction(t, y, fHelp_data);

  for (int k = 0; k < _dimSys; k++)
       if((_colorOfColumn[k]) == color)
        y[k] = _ysave[k];

    int startOfColumn = k * _dimSys;
    for (int j = _jacobianALeadindex[k]; j < _jacobianALeadindex[k+1];j++)
        l = _jacobianAIndex[j];
        g = l + startOfColumn;
        Jac->data[g] = (fHelp_data[l] - f_data[l]) * _deltaInv[k];


  //Calculation of J without colouring
   for (j = 0; j < N; j++)

    //N_VSetArrayPointer(DENSE_COL(Jac,j), jthCol);

     _ysave[j] = y[j];

    y[j] += _delta[j];

    calcFunction(t, y, fHelp_data);

    y[j] = _ysave[j];

    delta_inv = 1.0/_delta[j];
    N_VLinearSum(delta_inv, fHelp, -delta_inv, fy, jthCol);

    for(int i=0; i<_dimSys; ++i)
            Jac->data[i+j*_dimSys] = NV_Ith_S(jthCol,i);

    //DENSE_COL(Jac,j) = N_VGetArrayPointer(jthCol);

    //workaround until exception can be catch from c- libraries
  catch (std::exception & ex )

    cerr << "CVode integration error: " <<  ex.what();
    return 1;

  return 0;