Example #1
int calculate_abundances_(realtype *abundance, realtype *rate, realtype *density,
                          realtype *temperature, int *npart, int *nspec, int *nreac)
  int neq = *nspec-1; /* Number of ODEs in the system */
  realtype t0, t, tout; /* Initial, current and output times */
  realtype *data; /* Array pointer to access data stored in vectors*/
  N_Vector y; /* Vector of dependent variables that CVODE is to solve */
  User_Data user_data; /* Data to be passed to the solver routines */
  FILE *cvoderr; /* Log file for CVODE error messages */
  void *cvode_mem; /* Memory allocated to the CVODE solver */
  long int mxstep; /* Maximum number of internal steps */
  int flag, status, nfails; /* CVODE return flag, status and failure counter */

  /* Define the necessary external variables contained within the Fortran module CHEMISTRY_MODULE */
  extern realtype chemistry_module_mp_relative_abundance_tolerance_ ; /* Relative error tolerance */
  extern realtype chemistry_module_mp_absolute_abundance_tolerance_ ; /* Absolute error tolerance */

  /* Define the necessary external variables contained within the Fortran module GLOBAL_MODULE */
  extern realtype global_module_mp_start_time_; /* Start time for the chemical evolution (yr) */
  extern realtype global_module_mp_end_time_; /* End time for the chemical evolution (yr) */
  extern int global_module_mp_nelect_; /* Species index number for electron */

  realtype reltol = chemistry_module_mp_relative_abundance_tolerance_;
  realtype abstol = chemistry_module_mp_absolute_abundance_tolerance_;
  realtype start_time = global_module_mp_start_time_;
  realtype end_time = global_module_mp_end_time_;
  realtype seconds_in_year = RCONST(3.1556926e7); /* Convert from years to seconds */
  int nelect = global_module_mp_nelect_-1;

  double cpu_start, cpu_end; /* CPU times */
#ifdef OPENMP
  int nthread, thread; /* Number of threads and current thread number */

  int n, i;

  /* Open the error log files */
  stderr = fopen("main.log", "a");
  cvoderr = fopen("cvode.log", "a");

  /* Specify the maximum number of internal steps */
  mxstep = 10000000;

  /* Initialize the global status flag */
  status = 0;

#ifdef OPENMP
  cpu_start = omp_get_wtime();
  cpu_start = clock();

#pragma omp parallel for default(none) schedule(dynamic) \
  shared(npart, nspec, nreac, nelect, nthread, abundance, rate, density, temperature) \
  shared(neq, start_time, end_time, reltol, abstol, mxstep, status, cvoderr, stderr) \
  shared(seconds_in_year) \
  private(i, t0, tout, t, y, data, user_data, cvode_mem, flag, nfails)
  for (n = 0; n < *npart; n++) {

    /* Store the number of threads being used */
#ifdef OPENMP
    if (n == 0) nthread = omp_get_num_threads();

    /* Reset the integration failure counter */
    nfails = 0;

    /* Specify the start and end time of the integration (in seconds) */
    t0 = start_time*seconds_in_year;
    tout = end_time*seconds_in_year;

    /* Create a serial vector of length NEQ to contain the abundances */
    y = NULL;
    y = N_VNew_Serial(neq);
    if (check_flag((void *)y, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) status = 1;

    /* Initialize y from the abundance array */
    data = NV_DATA_S(y);
    for (i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
#ifdef LOG_ODES
      if (abundance[n*(*nspec)+i] > 0) data[i] = log(abundance[n*(*nspec)+i]);
      else data[i] = log(abstol*abstol);
      data[i] = abundance[n*(*nspec)+i];

    /* Create and allocate memory to user_data to contain the rates */
    user_data = NULL;
    user_data = (User_Data) malloc(sizeof *user_data);
    if(check_flag((void *)user_data, "malloc", 2)) status = 1;

    /* Initialize user_data with the array of reaction rate coefficients,
     * the total number density, gas temperature and electron abundance */
    user_data->rate = &rate[n*(*nreac)];
    user_data->n_H = density[n];
    user_data->T_g = temperature[n];
    user_data->x_e = abundance[n*(*nspec)+nelect];

    /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the
     * use of Backward Differentiation Formula and Newton iteration */
    cvode_mem = NULL;
    cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
    if (check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) status = 1;

    /* Call CVodeSetErrFile to direct all error messages to the log file */
    flag = CVodeSetErrFile(cvode_mem, cvoderr);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetErrFile", 1)) status = 1;

    /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
     * right hand side function in ydot = f(t,y), the inital time t0, and
     * the initial dependent variable vector y */
    flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, t0, y);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) status = 1;

    /* Call CVodeSStolerances to set the relative and absolute tolerances */
    flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) status = 1;

    /* Call CVodeSetMaxNumSteps to set the maximum number of steps */
    flag = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, mxstep);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetMaxNumSteps", 1)) status = 1;

    /* Specify the user-defined data to be passed to the various routines */
    flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, user_data);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) status = 1;

    /* Specify that the CVDense direct dense linear solver is to be used */
    flag = CVDense(cvode_mem, neq);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDense", 1)) status = 1;

    /* Specify that a user-supplied Jacobian routine (Jac) is to be used */
    /* flag = CVDlsSetDenseJacFn(cvode_mem, Jac); */
    /* if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsSetDenseJacFn", 1)) status = 1; */

    tout = 1.0e-4*seconds_in_year;

    do { /* Call CVode, check the return status and loop until the end time is reached */

      flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, y, &t, CV_NORMAL);

#pragma omp critical (status)
      if (flag == 0) {
        if (nfails > 0) {
          fprintf(cvoderr, "Call to CVODE successful: particle = %d, t = %8.2le yr, # steps = %ld\n\n", n, t/seconds_in_year, mxstep);
      else {
        if (flag == -1) {
          if (nfails < 5) {
            fprintf(cvoderr, "  Particle %d: Doubling mxstep and continuing the integration.\n\n", n);
            flag = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, mxstep);
            if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetMaxNumSteps", 1)) status = 1;
          else {
            fprintf(stderr, " WARNING! CVODE solver failed: flag = %d\n", flag);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "ERROR! Fifth failure - aborting integration\n\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "-----------------------------------------------\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "CVODE Parameters:\n\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "Particle %d\n\n", n);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "Before:\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "flag   = %d\n", 0);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "t      = %8.2le yr\n", start_time);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "tout   = %8.2le yr\n", end_time);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "dt     = %8.2le yr\n\n", end_time-start_time);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "After:\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "flag   = %d\n", flag);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "t      = %8.2le yr\n", t/seconds_in_year);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "tout   = %8.2le yr\n", tout/seconds_in_year);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "dt     = %8.2le yr\n", (tout-t)/seconds_in_year);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "-----------------------------------------------\n\n");
            status = flag;
        else if (flag == -4) {
          if (nfails < 5) {
            fprintf(cvoderr, "  Particle %d: Attempting to continue the integration using the same parameters.\n\n", n);
          else {
            fprintf(stderr, " WARNING! CVODE solver failed: flag = %d\n", flag);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "ERROR! Fifth failure - aborting integration\n\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "-----------------------------------------------\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "CVODE Parameters:\n\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "Particle %d\n\n", n);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "Before:\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "flag   = %d\n", 0);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "t      = %8.2le yr\n", start_time);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "tout   = %8.2le yr\n", end_time);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "dt     = %8.2le yr\n\n", end_time-start_time);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "After:\n");
            fprintf(cvoderr, "flag   = %d\n", flag);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "t      = %8.2le yr\n", t/seconds_in_year);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "tout   = %8.2le yr\n", tout/seconds_in_year);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "dt     = %8.2le yr\n", (tout-t)/seconds_in_year);
            fprintf(cvoderr, "-----------------------------------------------\n\n");
            status = flag;
        else {
          fprintf(stderr, " WARNING! CVODE solver failed: flag = %d\n", flag);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "ERROR! CVODE failed with the following parameters:\n\n");
          fprintf(cvoderr, "-----------------------------------------------\n");
          fprintf(cvoderr, "CVODE Parameters:\n\n");
          fprintf(cvoderr, "Particle %d\n\n", n);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "Before:\n");
          fprintf(cvoderr, "flag   = %d\n", 0);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "t      = %8.2le yr\n", start_time);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "tout   = %8.2le yr\n", end_time);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "dt     = %8.2le yr\n\n", end_time-start_time);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "After:\n");
          fprintf(cvoderr, "flag   = %d\n", flag);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "t      = %8.2le yr\n", t/seconds_in_year);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "tout   = %8.2le yr\n", tout/seconds_in_year);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "dt     = %8.2le yr\n", (tout-t)/seconds_in_year);
          fprintf(cvoderr, "-----------------------------------------------\n\n");
          status = flag;
          nfails = 5;

      tout = tout*10;
      if (tout > end_time*seconds_in_year) tout = end_time*seconds_in_year;

    } while (t < tout && nfails < 5);

    /* Store the output values in the abundance array */
    data = NV_DATA_S(y);
    for (i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
#ifdef LOG_ODES
      abundance[n*(*nspec)+i] = exp(data[i]);
      abundance[n*(*nspec)+i] = data[i];
      if(abundance[n*(*nspec)+i] < abstol) abundance[n*(*nspec)+i] = 0;
    abundance[n*(*nspec)+nelect] = user_data->x_e;

    /* Free y vector memory allocation */

    /* Free user_data memory allocation */

    /* Free integrator memory allocation */

  } /* End of for-loop over particles */

#ifdef OPENMP
  cpu_end = omp_get_wtime();
  cpu_end = clock();

  /* Close the error log files */

  if (status != 0) {
    fprintf(stdout, "\n ERROR! Calculation of abundances failed with status = %d\n\n", status);
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stdout, " Elapsed time = %0.3f seconds\n", cpu_end-cpu_start);
#ifdef OPENMP
    fprintf(stdout, " Threads used = %d (maximum %d)\n\n", nthread, omp_get_max_threads());

  else {
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stdout, "  --> Elapsed time = %0.3f seconds\n", cpu_end-cpu_start);
#ifdef OPENMP
    fprintf(stdout, "  --> Threads used = %d (maximum %d)\n", nthread, omp_get_max_threads());

Example #2
void SundialsCvode::initialize()
    int flag = 0;
    if (_initialized) {
        // Starting over with a new IC, but the same ODE
        flag = CVodeReInit(sundialsMem, t0, y.forSundials());
        if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeReInit", 1)) {
            throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::reInitialize: error in CVodeReInit");

        CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(sundialsMem, maxNumSteps);
        CVodeSetMinStep(sundialsMem, minStep);

    // On the first call to initialize, need to allocate and set up
    // the Sundials solver, set tolerances and link the ODE functions
    sundialsMem = CVodeCreate(linearMultistepMethod, nonlinearSolverMethod);
    if (check_flag((void *)sundialsMem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) {
        throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::initialize: error in CVodeCreate");

    flag = CVodeInit(sundialsMem, f, t0, y.forSundials());
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeMalloc", 1)) {
        throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::initialize: error in CVodeMalloc");

    CVodeSVtolerances(sundialsMem, reltol, abstol.forSundials());
    CVodeSetUserData(sundialsMem, theODE);
    CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(sundialsMem, maxNumSteps);
    CVodeSetMinStep(sundialsMem, minStep);

    if (findRoots) {
        // Call CVodeRootInit to specify the root function g with nRoots components
        flag = CVodeRootInit(sundialsMem, nRoots, g);
        if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeRootInit", 1)) {
            throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::initialize: error in CVodeRootInit");

    if (bandwidth_upper == -1 && bandwidth_lower == -1) {
        // Call CVDense to specify the CVDENSE dense linear solver
        flag = CVDense(sundialsMem, nEq);
        if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDense", 1)) {
            throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::initialize: error in CVDense");

        // Set the Jacobian routine to denseJac (user-supplied)
        flag = CVDlsSetDenseJacFn(sundialsMem, denseJac);
        if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsSetDenseJacFn", 1)) {
            throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::initialize: error in CVDlsSetDenseJacFn");
    } else {
        // Call CVDense to specify the CVBAND Banded linear solver
        flag = CVBand(sundialsMem, nEq, bandwidth_upper, bandwidth_lower);
        if (check_flag(&flag, "CVBand", 1)) {
            throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::initialize: error in CVBand");

        // Set the Jacobian routine to bandJac (user-supplied)
        flag = CVDlsSetBandJacFn(sundialsMem, bandJac);
        if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsSetBandJacFn", 1)) {
            throw DebugException("SundialsCvode::initialize: error in CVDlsSetBandJacFn");

    _initialized = true;
Example #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  realtype dx, reltol, abstol, t, tout, umax;
  N_Vector u;
  UserData data;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int iout, flag, my_pe, npes;
  long int local_N, nperpe, nrem, my_base, nst;

  MPI_Comm comm;

  u = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;

  /* Get processor number, total number of pe's, and my_pe. */
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_pe);

  /* Set local vector length. */
  nperpe = NEQ/npes;
  nrem = NEQ - npes*nperpe;
  local_N = (my_pe < nrem) ? nperpe+1 : nperpe;
  my_base = (my_pe < nrem) ? my_pe*local_N : my_pe*nperpe + nrem;

  data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data);  /* Allocate data memory */
  if(check_flag((void *)data, "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  data->comm = comm;
  data->npes = npes;
  data->my_pe = my_pe;

  u = N_VNew_Parallel(comm, local_N, NEQ);  /* Allocate u vector */
  if(check_flag((void *)u, "N_VNew", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  reltol = ZERO;  /* Set the tolerances */
  abstol = ATOL;

  dx = data->dx = XMAX/((realtype)(MX+1));  /* Set grid coefficients in data */
  data->hdcoef = RCONST(1.0)/(dx*dx);
  data->hacoef = RCONST(0.5)/(RCONST(2.0)*dx);

  SetIC(u, dx, local_N, my_base);  /* Initialize u vector */

  /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the 
   * Adams-Moulton LMM and the use of a functional iteration */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_ADAMS, CV_NEWTON);
  if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
   * user's right hand side function in u'=f(t,u), the inital time T0, and
   * the initial dependent variable vector u. */
  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1, my_pe)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeSStolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
   * and scalar absolute tolerances */
  flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1, my_pe)) return(1);

  flag = CVDiag(cvode_mem);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDiag", 1, my_pe)) return(1);

  if (my_pe == 0) PrintIntro(npes);

  umax = N_VMaxNorm(u);

  if (my_pe == 0) {
    t = T0;
    PrintData(t, umax, 0);

  /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */

  for (iout=1, tout=T1; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += DTOUT) {
    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1, my_pe)) break;
    umax = N_VMaxNorm(u);
    flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1, my_pe);
    if (my_pe == 0) PrintData(t, umax, nst);

  if (my_pe == 0) 
    PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem);  /* Print some final statistics */

  N_VDestroy_Parallel(u);        /* Free the u vector */
  CVodeFree(&cvode_mem);         /* Free the integrator memory */
  free(data);                    /* Free user data */


Example #4
int Solver::init(rhsfunc f, int argc, char **argv, bool restarting, int nout, real tstep)
#ifdef CHECK
  int msg_point = msg_stack.push("Initialising CVODE solver");

  /// Call the generic initialisation first
  if(GenericSolver::init(f, argc, argv, restarting, nout, tstep))
    return 1;

  // Save nout and tstep for use in run
  NOUT = nout;
  TIMESTEP = tstep;

  output.write("Initialising SUNDIALS' CVODE solver\n");

  // Set the rhs solver function
  func = f;

  // Calculate number of variables (in generic_solver)
  int local_N = getLocalN();
  // Get total problem size
  int neq;
  if(MPI_Allreduce(&local_N, &neq, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD)) {
    output.write("\tERROR: MPI_Allreduce failed!\n");
    return 1;
  output.write("\t3d fields = %d, 2d fields = %d neq=%d, local_N=%d\n",
	       n3Dvars(), n2Dvars(), neq, local_N);

  // Allocate memory
  if((uvec = N_VNew_Parallel(MPI_COMM_WORLD, local_N, neq)) == NULL)
    bout_error("ERROR: SUNDIALS memory allocation failed\n");
  // Put the variables into uvec
    bout_error("\tERROR: Initial variable value not set\n");
  /// Get options

  real abstol, reltol;
  int maxl;
  int mudq, mldq;
  int mukeep, mlkeep;
  bool use_precon, use_jacobian;
  real max_timestep;
  bool adams_moulton, func_iter; // Time-integration method
  options.get("mudq", mudq, n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2));
  options.get("mldq", mldq, n3Dvars()*(MXSUB+2));
  options.get("mukeep", mukeep, n3Dvars()+n2Dvars());
  options.get("mlkeep", mlkeep, n3Dvars()+n2Dvars());
  options.get("ATOL", abstol, 1.0e-12);
  options.get("RTOL", reltol, 1.0e-5);
  options.get("maxl", maxl, 5);
  options.get("use_precon", use_precon, false);
  options.get("use_jacobian", use_jacobian, false);
  options.get("max_timestep", max_timestep, -1.);
  int mxsteps; // Maximum number of steps to take between outputs
  options.get("pvode_mxstep", mxsteps, 500);
  options.get("adams_moulton", adams_moulton, false);
  int lmm = CV_BDF;
  if(adams_moulton) {
    // By default use functional iteration for Adams-Moulton
    lmm = CV_ADAMS;
    output.write("\tUsing Adams-Moulton implicit multistep method\n");
    options.get("func_iter", func_iter, true); 
  }else {
    output.write("\tUsing BDF method\n");
    // Use Newton iteration for BDF
    options.get("func_iter", func_iter, false); 
  int iter = CV_NEWTON;
    iter = CV_FUNCTIONAL;

  // Call CVodeCreate
  if((cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(lmm, iter)) == NULL)
    bout_error("ERROR: CVodeCreate failed\n");
  if( CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, this) < 0 ) // For callbacks, need pointer to solver object
    bout_error("ERROR: CVodeSetUserData failed\n");

  if( CVodeInit(cvode_mem, cvode_rhs, simtime, uvec) < 0 )
    bout_error("ERROR: CVodeInit failed\n");
  if( CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol) < 0 )
    bout_error("ERROR: CVodeSStolerances failed\n");

  CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, mxsteps);

  if(max_timestep > 0.0) {
    // Setting a maximum timestep
    CVodeSetMaxStep(cvode_mem, max_timestep);
  /// Newton method can include Preconditioners and Jacobian function
  if(!func_iter) {
    output.write("\tUsing Newton iteration\n");
    /// Set Preconditioner
    if(use_precon) {
      if( CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_LEFT, maxl) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS )
	bout_error("ERROR: CVSpgmr failed\n");
      if(prefunc == NULL) {
	output.write("\tUsing BBD preconditioner\n");
	if( CVBBDPrecInit(cvode_mem, local_N, mudq, mldq, 
			  mukeep, mlkeep, ZERO, cvode_bbd_rhs, NULL) )
	  bout_error("ERROR: CVBBDPrecInit failed\n");
      }else {
	output.write("\tUsing user-supplied preconditioner\n");
	if( CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, NULL, cvode_pre) )
	  bout_error("ERROR: CVSpilsSetPreconditioner failed\n");
    }else {
      // Not using preconditioning
      output.write("\tNo preconditioning\n");
      if( CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_NONE, maxl) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS )
	bout_error("ERROR: CVSpgmr failed\n");
    /// Set Jacobian-vector multiplication function
    if((use_jacobian) && (jacfunc != NULL)) {
      output.write("\tUsing user-supplied Jacobian function\n");
      if( CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(cvode_mem, cvode_jac) != CVSPILS_SUCCESS )
	bout_error("ERROR: CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn failed\n");
      output.write("\tUsing difference quotient approximation for Jacobian\n");
  }else {
    output.write("\tUsing Functional iteration\n");

#ifdef CHECK

Example #5
void CvodeSolver::initialize(const double &pVoiStart,
                             const int &pRatesStatesCount, double *pConstants,
                             double *pRates, double *pStates,
                             double *pAlgebraic,
                             ComputeRatesFunction pComputeRates)
    if (!mSolver) {
        // Retrieve some of the CVODE properties

        double maximumStep = MaximumStepDefaultValue;
        int maximumNumberOfSteps = MaximumNumberOfStepsDefaultValue;
        QString integrationMethod = IntegrationMethodDefaultValue;
        QString iterationType = IterationTypeDefaultValue;
        QString linearSolver = LinearSolverDefaultValue;
        QString preconditioner = PreconditionerDefaultValue;
        int upperHalfBandwidth = UpperHalfBandwidthDefaultValue;
        int lowerHalfBandwidth = LowerHalfBandwidthDefaultValue;
        double relativeTolerance = RelativeToleranceDefaultValue;
        double absoluteTolerance = AbsoluteToleranceDefaultValue;

        if (mProperties.contains(MaximumStepId)) {
            maximumStep = mProperties.value(MaximumStepId).toDouble();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'maximum step' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(MaximumNumberOfStepsId)) {
            maximumNumberOfSteps = mProperties.value(MaximumNumberOfStepsId).toInt();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'maximum number of steps' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(IntegrationMethodId)) {
            integrationMethod = mProperties.value(IntegrationMethodId).toString();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'integration method' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(IterationTypeId)) {
            iterationType = mProperties.value(IterationTypeId).toString();

            if (!iterationType.compare(NewtonIteration)) {
                // We are dealing with a Newton iteration, so retrieve and check
                // its linear solver

                if (mProperties.contains(LinearSolverId)) {
                    linearSolver = mProperties.value(LinearSolverId).toString();

                    bool needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths = false;

                    if (   !linearSolver.compare(DenseLinearSolver)
                        || !linearSolver.compare(DiagonalLinearSolver)) {
                        // We are dealing with a dense/diagonal linear solver,
                        // so nothing more to do
                    } else if (!linearSolver.compare(BandedLinearSolver)) {
                        // We are dealing with a banded linear solver, so we
                        // need both an upper and a lower half bandwidth

                        needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths = true;
                    } else {
                        // We are dealing with a GMRES/Bi-CGStab/TFQMR linear
                        // solver, so retrieve and check its preconditioner

                        if (mProperties.contains(PreconditionerId)) {
                            preconditioner = mProperties.value(PreconditionerId).toString();
                        } else {
                            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'preconditioner' property value could not be retrieved"));


                        if (!preconditioner.compare(BandedPreconditioner)) {
                            // We are dealing with a banded preconditioner, so
                            // we need both an upper and a lower half bandwidth

                            needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths = true;

                    if (needUpperAndLowerHalfBandwidths) {
                        if (mProperties.contains(UpperHalfBandwidthId)) {
                            upperHalfBandwidth = mProperties.value(UpperHalfBandwidthId).toInt();

                            if (   (upperHalfBandwidth < 0)
                                || (upperHalfBandwidth >= pRatesStatesCount)) {
                                emit error(QObject::tr("the 'upper half-bandwidth' property must have a value between 0 and %1").arg(pRatesStatesCount-1));

                        } else {
                            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'upper half-bandwidth' property value could not be retrieved"));


                        if (mProperties.contains(LowerHalfBandwidthId)) {
                            lowerHalfBandwidth = mProperties.value(LowerHalfBandwidthId).toInt();

                            if (   (lowerHalfBandwidth < 0)
                                || (lowerHalfBandwidth >= pRatesStatesCount)) {
                                emit error(QObject::tr("the 'lower half-bandwidth' property must have a value between 0 and %1").arg(pRatesStatesCount-1));

                        } else {
                            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'lower half-bandwidth' property value could not be retrieved"));

                } else {
                    emit error(QObject::tr("the 'linear solver' property value could not be retrieved"));

        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'iteration type' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(RelativeToleranceId)) {
            relativeTolerance = mProperties.value(RelativeToleranceId).toDouble();

            if (relativeTolerance < 0) {
                emit error(QObject::tr("the 'relative tolerance' property must have a value greater than or equal to 0"));

        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'relative tolerance' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(AbsoluteToleranceId)) {
            absoluteTolerance = mProperties.value(AbsoluteToleranceId).toDouble();

            if (absoluteTolerance < 0) {
                emit error(QObject::tr("the 'absolute tolerance' property must have a value greater than or equal to 0"));

        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'absolute tolerance' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(InterpolateSolutionId)) {
            mInterpolateSolution = mProperties.value(InterpolateSolutionId).toBool();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'interpolate solution' property value could not be retrieved"));


        // Initialise the ODE solver itself

                                                       pConstants, pRates,
                                                       pStates, pAlgebraic,

        // Create the states vector

        mStatesVector = N_VMake_Serial(pRatesStatesCount, pStates);

        // Create the CVODE solver

        bool newtonIteration = !iterationType.compare(NewtonIteration);

        mSolver = CVodeCreate(!integrationMethod.compare(BdfMethod)?CV_BDF:CV_ADAMS,

        // Use our own error handler

        CVodeSetErrHandlerFn(mSolver, errorHandler, this);

        // Initialise the CVODE solver

        CVodeInit(mSolver, rhsFunction, pVoiStart, mStatesVector);

        // Set some user data

        mUserData = new CvodeSolverUserData(pConstants, pAlgebraic,

        CVodeSetUserData(mSolver, mUserData);

        // Set the maximum step

        CVodeSetMaxStep(mSolver, maximumStep);

        // Set the maximum number of steps

        CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(mSolver, maximumNumberOfSteps);

        // Set the linear solver, if needed

        if (newtonIteration) {
            if (!linearSolver.compare(DenseLinearSolver)) {
                CVDense(mSolver, pRatesStatesCount);
            } else if (!linearSolver.compare(BandedLinearSolver)) {
                CVBand(mSolver, pRatesStatesCount, upperHalfBandwidth, lowerHalfBandwidth);
            } else if (!linearSolver.compare(DiagonalLinearSolver)) {
            } else {
                // We are dealing with a GMRES/Bi-CGStab/TFQMR linear solver

                if (!preconditioner.compare(BandedPreconditioner)) {
                    if (!linearSolver.compare(GmresLinearSolver))
                        CVSpgmr(mSolver, PREC_LEFT, 0);
                    else if (!linearSolver.compare(BiCgStabLinearSolver))
                        CVSpbcg(mSolver, PREC_LEFT, 0);
                        CVSptfqmr(mSolver, PREC_LEFT, 0);

                    CVBandPrecInit(mSolver, pRatesStatesCount, upperHalfBandwidth, lowerHalfBandwidth);
                } else {
                    if (!linearSolver.compare(GmresLinearSolver))
                        CVSpgmr(mSolver, PREC_NONE, 0);
                    else if (!linearSolver.compare(BiCgStabLinearSolver))
                        CVSpbcg(mSolver, PREC_NONE, 0);
                        CVSptfqmr(mSolver, PREC_NONE, 0);

        // Set the relative and absolute tolerances

        CVodeSStolerances(mSolver, relativeTolerance, absoluteTolerance);
    } else {
        // Reinitialise the CVODE object

        CVodeReInit(mSolver, pVoiStart, mStatesVector);
/** \brief Call the ODE solver.
 * \param neq The number of equations.
 * \param x_f A pointer to a vector of \c neq variables, giving the
 * initial state vector on entry and the final state vector on exit.
 * \param abstol_f A pointer to a vector of \c neq variables, giving
 * the absolute error tolerance for the corresponding state vector
 * component.
 * \param reltol_f The scalar relative tolerance.
 * \param t_initial_f The initial time (s).
 * \param t_final_f The final time (s).
 * \return A result code (0 is success).
int condense_solver(int neq, double *x_f, double *abstol_f, double reltol_f,
		    double t_initial_f, double t_final_f)
	realtype reltol, t_initial, t_final, t, tout;
	N_Vector y, abstol;
	void *cvode_mem;
	CVodeMem cv_mem;
	int flag, i, pretype, maxl;
	realtype *y_data, *abstol_data;

	y = abstol = NULL;
	cvode_mem = NULL;

	y = N_VNew_Serial(neq);
	if (condense_check_flag((void *)y, "N_VNew_Serial", 0))
                return PMC_CONDENSE_SOLVER_INIT_Y;

	abstol = N_VNew_Serial(neq);
	if (condense_check_flag((void *)abstol, "N_VNew_Serial", 0))
                return PMC_CONDENSE_SOLVER_INIT_ABSTOL;

	y_data = NV_DATA_S(y);
	abstol_data = NV_DATA_S(abstol);
	for (i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
		y_data[i] = x_f[i];
		abstol_data[i] = abstol_f[i];

	reltol = reltol_f;
	t_initial = t_initial_f;
	t_final = t_final_f;

	cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
	if (condense_check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0))
                return PMC_CONDENSE_SOLVER_INIT_CVODE_MEM;

	flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, condense_vf, t_initial, y);
	if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1))
                return PMC_CONDENSE_SOLVER_INIT_CVODE;

	flag = CVodeSVtolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
	if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSVtolerances", 1))
                return PMC_CONDENSE_SOLVER_SVTOL;

	flag = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, 100000);
	if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetMaxNumSteps", 1))
                return PMC_CONDENSE_SOLVER_SET_MAX_STEPS;

	// dense solver
	//flag = CVDense(cvode_mem, neq);
	//if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVDense", 1)) return(1);

	// iterative solver
	//pretype = PREC_LEFT;
	//maxl = 0;
	//flag = CVSptfqmr(cvode_mem, pretype, maxl);
	//if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVSptfqmr", 1)) return(1);

	//flag = CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(cvode_mem, condense_jtimes);
	//if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn", 1)) return(1);

	//flag = CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, NULL, condense_prec);
	//if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetPreconditioner", 1)) return(1);

	// explicit solver
	cv_mem = (CVodeMem)cvode_mem;
	cv_mem->cv_linit = condense_solver_Init;
	cv_mem->cv_lsetup = condense_solver_Setup;
	cv_mem->cv_lsolve = condense_solver_Solve;
	cv_mem->cv_lfree = condense_solver_Free;

	t = t_initial;
	flag = CVode(cvode_mem, t_final, y, &t, CV_NORMAL);
	if (condense_check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1))
                return PMC_CONDENSE_SOLVER_FAIL;

	for (i = 0; i < neq; i++) {
		x_f[i] = y_data[i];

Example #7
PetscErrorCode TSSetUp_Sundials(TS ts)
  TS_Sundials    *cvode = (TS_Sundials*)ts->data;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  PetscInt       glosize,locsize,i,flag;
  PetscScalar    *y_data,*parray;
  void           *mem;
  PC             pc;
  PCType         pctype;
  PetscBool      pcnone;

  /* get the vector size */
  ierr = VecGetSize(ts->vec_sol,&glosize);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecGetLocalSize(ts->vec_sol,&locsize);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* allocate the memory for N_Vec y */
  cvode->y = N_VNew_Parallel(cvode->comm_sundials,locsize,glosize);
  if (!cvode->y) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,1,"cvode->y is not allocated");

  /* initialize N_Vec y: copy ts->vec_sol to cvode->y */
  ierr   = VecGetArray(ts->vec_sol,&parray);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  y_data = (PetscScalar*) N_VGetArrayPointer(cvode->y);
  for (i = 0; i < locsize; i++) y_data[i] = parray[i];
  ierr = VecRestoreArray(ts->vec_sol,NULL);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  ierr = VecDuplicate(ts->vec_sol,&cvode->update);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecDuplicate(ts->vec_sol,&cvode->ydot);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)ts,(PetscObject)cvode->update);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)ts,(PetscObject)cvode->ydot);CHKERRQ(ierr);

    Create work vectors for the TSPSolve_Sundials() routine. Note these are
    allocated with zero space arrays because the actual array space is provided
    by Sundials and set using VecPlaceArray().
  ierr = VecCreateMPIWithArray(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),1,locsize,PETSC_DECIDE,0,&cvode->w1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = VecCreateMPIWithArray(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),1,locsize,PETSC_DECIDE,0,&cvode->w2);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)ts,(PetscObject)cvode->w1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscLogObjectParent((PetscObject)ts,(PetscObject)cvode->w2);CHKERRQ(ierr);

  /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and the use of a Newton iteration */
  mem = CVodeCreate(cvode->cvode_type, CV_NEWTON);
  if (!mem) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_MEM,"CVodeCreate() fails");
  cvode->mem = mem;

  /* Set the pointer to user-defined data */
  flag = CVodeSetUserData(mem, ts);
  if (flag) SETERRQ(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeSetUserData() fails");

  /* Sundials may choose to use a smaller initial step, but will never use a larger step. */
  flag = CVodeSetInitStep(mem,(realtype)ts->time_step);
  if (flag) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeSetInitStep() failed");
  if (cvode->mindt > 0) {
    flag = CVodeSetMinStep(mem,(realtype)cvode->mindt);
    if (flag) {
      if (flag == CV_MEM_NULL) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeSetMinStep() failed, cvode_mem pointer is NULL");
      else if (flag == CV_ILL_INPUT) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeSetMinStep() failed, hmin is nonpositive or it exceeds the maximum allowable step size");
      else SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeSetMinStep() failed");
  if (cvode->maxdt > 0) {
    flag = CVodeSetMaxStep(mem,(realtype)cvode->maxdt);
    if (flag) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)ts),PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeSetMaxStep() failed");

  /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
   * user's right hand side function in u'=f(t,u), the inital time T0, and
   * the initial dependent variable vector cvode->y */
  flag = CVodeInit(mem,TSFunction_Sundials,ts->ptime,cvode->y);
  if (flag) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeInit() fails, flag %d",flag);

  /* specifies scalar relative and absolute tolerances */
  flag = CVodeSStolerances(mem,cvode->reltol,cvode->abstol);
  if (flag) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVodeSStolerances() fails, flag %d",flag);

  /* Specify max num of steps to be taken by cvode in its attempt to reach the next output time */
  flag = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(mem,ts->max_steps);

  /* call CVSpgmr to use GMRES as the linear solver.        */
  /* setup the ode integrator with the given preconditioner */
  ierr = TSSundialsGetPC(ts,&pc);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PCGetType(pc,&pctype);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscObjectTypeCompare((PetscObject)pc,PCNONE,&pcnone);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (pcnone) {
    flag = CVSpgmr(mem,PREC_NONE,0);
    if (flag) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVSpgmr() fails, flag %d",flag);
  } else {
    flag = CVSpgmr(mem,PREC_LEFT,cvode->maxl);
    if (flag) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVSpgmr() fails, flag %d",flag);

    /* Set preconditioner and solve routines Precond and PSolve,
     and the pointer to the user-defined block data */
    flag = CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(mem,TSPrecond_Sundials,TSPSolve_Sundials);
    if (flag) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVSpilsSetPreconditioner() fails, flag %d", flag);

  flag = CVSpilsSetGSType(mem, MODIFIED_GS);
  if (flag) SETERRQ1(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_LIB,"CVSpgmrSetGSType() fails, flag %d",flag);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  void *cvode_mem;
  UserData data;
  realtype abstol, reltol, t, tout;
  N_Vector y;
  int iout, flag;

  realtype *pbar;
  int is, *plist;
  N_Vector *uS;
  booleantype sensi, err_con;
  int sensi_meth;

  pbar = NULL;
  plist = NULL;
  uS = NULL;
  y = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;

  /* Process arguments */
  ProcessArgs(argc, argv, &sensi, &sensi_meth, &err_con);

  /* Problem parameters */
  data = AllocUserData();
  if(check_flag((void *)data, "AllocUserData", 2)) return(1);

  /* Initial states */
  y = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
  if(check_flag((void *)y, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
  SetInitialProfiles(y, data->dx, data->dz);
  /* Tolerances */

  /* Create CVODES object */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
  if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);

  flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);

  flag = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, 2000);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetMaxNumSteps", 1)) return(1);

  /* Allocate CVODES memory */
  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, y);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);

  flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);

  /* Attach CVSPGMR linear solver */
  flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_LEFT, 0);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpgmr", 1)) return(1);

  flag = CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, Precond, PSolve);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetPreconditioner", 1)) return(1);

  printf("\n2-species diurnal advection-diffusion problem\n");

  /* Forward sensitivity analysis */
  if(sensi) {

    plist = (int *) malloc(NS * sizeof(int));
    if(check_flag((void *)plist, "malloc", 2)) return(1);
    for(is=0; is<NS; is++) plist[is] = is;

    pbar = (realtype *) malloc(NS * sizeof(realtype));
    if(check_flag((void *)pbar, "malloc", 2)) return(1);
    for(is=0; is<NS; is++) pbar[is] = data->p[plist[is]];

    uS = N_VCloneVectorArray_Serial(NS, y);
    if(check_flag((void *)uS, "N_VCloneVectorArray_Serial", 0)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSensInit1(cvode_mem, NS, sensi_meth, NULL, uS);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSensInit", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSensEEtolerances(cvode_mem);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSensEEtolerances", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensErrCon(cvode_mem, err_con);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensErrCon", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensDQMethod(cvode_mem, CV_CENTERED, ZERO);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensDQMethod", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensParams(cvode_mem, data->p, pbar, plist);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensParams", 1)) return(1);

    printf("Sensitivity: YES ");
    if(sensi_meth == CV_SIMULTANEOUS)   
      printf("( SIMULTANEOUS +");
      if(sensi_meth == CV_STAGGERED) printf("( STAGGERED +");
      else                           printf("( STAGGERED1 +");   
    if(err_con) printf(" FULL ERROR CONTROL )");
    else        printf(" PARTIAL ERROR CONTROL )");
  } else {

    printf("Sensitivity: NO ");


  /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */

  printf("     T     Q       H      NST                    Bottom left  Top right \n");

  for (iout=1, tout = TWOHR; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += TWOHR) {
    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, y, &t, CV_NORMAL);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1)) break;
    PrintOutput(cvode_mem, t, y);
    if (sensi) {
      flag = CVodeGetSens(cvode_mem, &t, uS);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSens", 1)) break;


  /* Print final statistics */
  PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem, sensi);

  /* Free memory */
  if (sensi) {
    N_VDestroyVectorArray_Serial(uS, NS);

Example #9
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  void *cvode_mem;
  UserData data;
  realtype dx, reltol, abstol, t, tout;
  N_Vector u;
  int iout, flag;

  realtype *pbar;
  int is, *plist;
  N_Vector *uS;
  booleantype sensi, err_con;
  int sensi_meth;

  cvode_mem = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  u = NULL;
  pbar = NULL;
  plist = NULL;
  uS = NULL;

  /* Process arguments */
  ProcessArgs(argc, argv, &sensi, &sensi_meth, &err_con);

  /* Set user data */
  data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data); /* Allocate data memory */
  if(check_flag((void *)data, "malloc", 2)) return(1);
  data->p = (realtype *) malloc(NP * sizeof(realtype));
  dx = data->dx = XMAX/((realtype)(MX+1));
  data->p[0] = RCONST(1.0);
  data->p[1] = RCONST(0.5);

  /* Allocate and set initial states */
  u = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
  if(check_flag((void *)u, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
  SetIC(u, dx);

  /* Set integration tolerances */
  reltol = ZERO;
  abstol = ATOL;

  /* Create CVODES object */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_ADAMS, CV_FUNCTIONAL);
  if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);

  flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);

  /* Allocate CVODES memory */
  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);

  flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);

  printf("\n1-D advection-diffusion equation, mesh size =%3d\n", MX);

  /* Sensitivity-related settings */
  if(sensi) {

    plist = (int *) malloc(NS * sizeof(int));
    if(check_flag((void *)plist, "malloc", 2)) return(1);
    for(is=0; is<NS; is++) plist[is] = is;

    pbar  = (realtype *) malloc(NS * sizeof(realtype));
    if(check_flag((void *)pbar, "malloc", 2)) return(1);
    for(is=0; is<NS; is++) pbar[is] = data->p[plist[is]];

    uS = N_VCloneVectorArray_Serial(NS, u);
    if(check_flag((void *)uS, "N_VCloneVectorArray_Serial", 0)) return(1);
      N_VConst(ZERO, uS[is]);

    flag = CVodeSensInit1(cvode_mem, NS, sensi_meth, NULL, uS);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSensInit1", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSensEEtolerances(cvode_mem);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSensEEtolerances", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensErrCon(cvode_mem, err_con);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensErrCon", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensDQMethod(cvode_mem, CV_CENTERED, ZERO);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensDQMethod", 1)) return(1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensParams(cvode_mem, data->p, pbar, plist);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensParams", 1)) return(1);

    printf("Sensitivity: YES ");
    if(sensi_meth == CV_SIMULTANEOUS)   
      printf("( SIMULTANEOUS +");
      if(sensi_meth == CV_STAGGERED) printf("( STAGGERED +");
      else                           printf("( STAGGERED1 +");   
    if(err_con) printf(" FULL ERROR CONTROL )");
    else        printf(" PARTIAL ERROR CONTROL )");

  } else {

    printf("Sensitivity: NO ");


  /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */

  printf("     T     Q       H      NST                    Max norm   \n");

  for (iout=1, tout=T1; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += DTOUT) {
    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1)) break;
    PrintOutput(cvode_mem, t, u);
    if (sensi) {
      flag = CVodeGetSens(cvode_mem, &t, uS);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSens", 1)) break;

  /* Print final statistics */
  PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem, sensi);

  /* Free memory */
  if (sensi) {
    N_VDestroyVectorArray_Serial(uS, NS);

Example #10
void CVodesIntegrator::initialize(double t0, FuncEval& func)
    m_neq = func.neq();
    m_t0 = t0;
    m_time = t0;

    if (m_y) {
        N_VDestroy_Serial(m_y); // free solution vector if already allocated
    m_y = N_VNew_Serial(static_cast<sd_size_t>(m_neq)); // allocate solution vector
    for (size_t i = 0; i < m_neq; i++) {
        NV_Ith_S(m_y, i) = 0.0;
    // check abs tolerance array size
    if (m_itol == CV_SV && m_nabs < m_neq) {
        throw CVodesErr("not enough absolute tolerance values specified.");

    func.getInitialConditions(m_t0, m_neq, NV_DATA_S(m_y));

    if (m_cvode_mem) {

     *  Specify the method and the iteration type:
     *      Cantera Defaults:
     *         CV_BDF  - Use BDF methods
     *         CV_NEWTON - use Newton's method
    m_cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(m_method, m_iter);
    if (!m_cvode_mem) {
        throw CVodesErr("CVodeCreate failed.");

    int flag = CVodeInit(m_cvode_mem, cvodes_rhs, m_t0, m_y);
    if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) {
        if (flag == CV_MEM_FAIL) {
            throw CVodesErr("Memory allocation failed.");
        } else if (flag == CV_ILL_INPUT) {
            throw CVodesErr("Illegal value for CVodeInit input argument.");
        } else {
            throw CVodesErr("CVodeInit failed.");
    CVodeSetErrHandlerFn(m_cvode_mem, &cvodes_err, this);

    if (m_itol == CV_SV) {
        flag = CVodeSVtolerances(m_cvode_mem, m_reltol, m_abstol);
    } else {
        flag = CVodeSStolerances(m_cvode_mem, m_reltol, m_abstols);
    if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) {
        if (flag == CV_MEM_FAIL) {
            throw CVodesErr("Memory allocation failed.");
        } else if (flag == CV_ILL_INPUT) {
            throw CVodesErr("Illegal value for CVodeInit input argument.");
        } else {
            throw CVodesErr("CVodeInit failed.");

    // pass a pointer to func in m_data
    m_fdata.reset(new FuncData(&func, func.nparams()));

    flag = CVodeSetUserData(m_cvode_mem, m_fdata.get());
    if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) {
        throw CVodesErr("CVodeSetUserData failed.");
    if (func.nparams() > 0) {
        sensInit(t0, func);
        flag = CVodeSetSensParams(m_cvode_mem, m_fdata->m_pars.data(),
                                  NULL, NULL);
Example #11
void FCV_MALLOC(realtype *t0, realtype *y0,
                int *meth, int *iatol,
                realtype *rtol, realtype *atol,
                long int *iout, realtype *rout,
                long int *ipar, realtype *rpar,
                int *ier)
  int lmm;
  N_Vector Vatol;
  FCVUserData CV_userdata;

  *ier = 0;

  /* Check for required vector operations */
  if(F2C_CVODE_vec->ops->nvgetarraypointer == NULL ||
     F2C_CVODE_vec->ops->nvsetarraypointer == NULL) {
    *ier = -1;
    fprintf(stderr, "A required vector operation is not implemented.\n\n");

  /* Initialize all pointers to NULL */
  CV_cvodemem = NULL;
  Vatol = NULL;

  /* initialize global constants to disable each option */
  CV_nrtfn = 0;
  CV_ls = -1;
  /* Create CVODE object */
  lmm = (*meth == 1) ? CV_ADAMS : CV_BDF;
  CV_cvodemem = CVodeCreate(lmm);
  if (CV_cvodemem == NULL) {
    *ier = -1;
  /* Set and attach user data */
  CV_userdata = NULL;
  CV_userdata = (FCVUserData) malloc(sizeof *CV_userdata);
  if (CV_userdata == NULL) {
    *ier = -1;
  CV_userdata->rpar = rpar;
  CV_userdata->ipar = ipar;

  *ier = CVodeSetUserData(CV_cvodemem, CV_userdata);
  if(*ier != CV_SUCCESS) {
    free(CV_userdata); CV_userdata = NULL;
    *ier = -1;

  /* Set data in F2C_CVODE_vec to y0 */
  N_VSetArrayPointer(y0, F2C_CVODE_vec);

  /* Call CVodeInit */
  *ier = CVodeInit(CV_cvodemem, FCVf, *t0, F2C_CVODE_vec);

  /* Reset data pointers */
  N_VSetArrayPointer(NULL, F2C_CVODE_vec);

  /* On failure, exit */
  if(*ier != CV_SUCCESS) {
    free(CV_userdata); CV_userdata = NULL;
    *ier = -1;

  /* Set tolerances */
  switch (*iatol) {
  case 1:
    *ier = CVodeSStolerances(CV_cvodemem, *rtol, *atol); 
  case 2:
    Vatol = NULL;
    Vatol = N_VCloneEmpty(F2C_CVODE_vec);
    if (Vatol == NULL) {
      free(CV_userdata); CV_userdata = NULL;
      *ier = -1;
    N_VSetArrayPointer(atol, Vatol);
    *ier = CVodeSVtolerances(CV_cvodemem, *rtol, Vatol);

  /* On failure, exit */
  if(*ier != CV_SUCCESS) {
    free(CV_userdata); CV_userdata = NULL;
    *ier = -1;

  /* Grab optional output arrays and store them in global variables */
  CV_iout = iout;
  CV_rout = rout;

  /* Store the unit roundoff in rout for user access */
  CV_rout[5] = UNIT_ROUNDOFF;

	void OpenSMOKE_CVODE_Sundials<T>::Solve(const double xend)

		int flag;

		this->x_ = this->x0_;
		this->xend_ = xend;

		for(int i=0;i<this->n_;i++)
			NV_Ith_S(y0Sundials_,i) = this->y0_[i];

		if (firstCall_ == true)
			firstCall_ = false;

			/* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the 
			* Backward Differentiation Formula and the use of a Newton iteration */
			cvode_mem_ = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
			if (check_flag((void *)cvode_mem_, std::string("CVodeCreate"), 0)) exit(-1);

			/* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
			* user's right hand side function in y'=f(t,y), the inital time t0, and
			* the initial dependent variable vector y0Sundials_. */
			flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem_, this->odeSystem_->GetSystemFunctionsStatic, this->odeSystem_->GetWriteFunctionStatic, this->x0_, y0Sundials_);
			if (check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeInit"), 1)) exit(-1);

			/* Call CVodeSVtolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
			* and vector absolute tolerances */
			flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem_, this->relTolerance_[0], this->absTolerance_[0]);
			if (check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeSVtolerances"), 1)) exit(-1);

			/* Call Solver */
			if (this->iUseLapack_ == false)
				if (this->mUpper_ == 0 && this->mLower_ == 0)
//					std::cout << "CVODE Solver: Dense Jacobian (without Lapack)..." << std::endl;
					flag = CVDense(cvode_mem_, this->n_);
					if (check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVDense"), 1)) exit(-1);
//					std::cout << "CVODE Solver: Band Jacobian (without Lapack)..." << std::endl;
					flag = CVBand(cvode_mem_, this->n_, this->mUpper_, this->mLower_);
					if (check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVBand"), 1)) exit(-1);
				if (this->mUpper_ == 0 && this->mLower_ == 0)
//					std::cout << "CVODE Solver: Dense Jacobian (with Lapack)..." << std::endl;
					flag = CVLapackDense(cvode_mem_, this->n_);
					if (check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVLapackDense"), 1)) exit(-1);
//					std::cout << "CVODE Solver: Band Jacobian (with Lapack)..." << std::endl;
					flag = CVLapackBand(cvode_mem_, this->n_, this->mUpper_, this->mLower_);
					if (check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVLapackBand"), 1)) exit(-1);
			flag = CVodeReInit(cvode_mem_, this->x0_, y0Sundials_);
			if (check_flag(&flag, std::string("CVodeReInit"), 1)) exit(-1);


		/* Solving */
		this->tStart_ =  this->GetClockTime();
		flag = CVode(cvode_mem_, this->xend_, ySundials_, &this->x_, CV_NORMAL);
		this->tEnd_ =  this->GetClockTime();

		this->x0_ = this->x_;
		for(int i=0;i<this->n_;i++)
			NV_Ith_S(y0Sundials_,i) = NV_Ith_S(ySundials_,i);
		for(int i=0;i<this->n_;i++)
			this->y_[i] = NV_Ith_S(ySundials_,i);
void CVodesIntegrator::initialize(double t0, FuncEval& func)
    m_neq = func.neq();
    m_t0 = t0;
    m_time = t0;

    if (m_y) {
        N_VDestroy_Serial(m_y); // free solution vector if already allocated
    m_y = N_VNew_Serial(static_cast<sd_size_t>(m_neq)); // allocate solution vector
    N_VConst(0.0, m_y);
    // check abs tolerance array size
    if (m_itol == CV_SV && m_nabs < m_neq) {
        throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                           "not enough absolute tolerance values specified.");


    if (m_cvode_mem) {

    //! Specify the method and the iteration type. Cantera Defaults:
    //!        CV_BDF  - Use BDF methods
    //!        CV_NEWTON - use Newton's method
    m_cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(m_method, m_iter);
    if (!m_cvode_mem) {
        throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                           "CVodeCreate failed.");

    int flag = CVodeInit(m_cvode_mem, cvodes_rhs, m_t0, m_y);
    if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) {
        if (flag == CV_MEM_FAIL) {
            throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                               "Memory allocation failed.");
        } else if (flag == CV_ILL_INPUT) {
            throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                               "Illegal value for CVodeInit input argument.");
        } else {
            throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                               "CVodeInit failed.");
    CVodeSetErrHandlerFn(m_cvode_mem, &cvodes_err, this);

    if (m_itol == CV_SV) {
        flag = CVodeSVtolerances(m_cvode_mem, m_reltol, m_abstol);
    } else {
        flag = CVodeSStolerances(m_cvode_mem, m_reltol, m_abstols);
    if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) {
        if (flag == CV_MEM_FAIL) {
            throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                               "Memory allocation failed.");
        } else if (flag == CV_ILL_INPUT) {
            throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                               "Illegal value for CVodeInit input argument.");
        } else {
            throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                               "CVodeInit failed.");

    flag = CVodeSetUserData(m_cvode_mem, &func);
    if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) {
        throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                           "CVodeSetUserData failed.");
    if (func.nparams() > 0) {
        sensInit(t0, func);
        flag = CVodeSetSensParams(m_cvode_mem, func.m_sens_params.data(),
                                  func.m_paramScales.data(), NULL);
        if (flag != CV_SUCCESS) {
            throw CanteraError("CVodesIntegrator::initialize",
                               "CVodeSetSensParams failed.");
Example #14
int main()
  realtype t, tout;
  N_Vector y;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int flag, flagr, iout;
  int rootsfound[2];

  y = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;

  /* Create serial vector of length NEQ for I.C. */
  y = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
  if (check_flag((void *)y, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);

  /* Initialize y */
  Ith(y,1) = Y1;
  Ith(y,2) = Y2;
  Ith(y,3) = Y3;

  /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the 
   * Backward Differentiation Formula and the use of a Newton iteration */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
  if (check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);
  /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
   * user's right hand side function in y'=f(t,y), the inital time T0, and
   * the initial dependent variable vector y. */
  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, y);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);

  /* Use private function to compute error weights */
  flag = CVodeWFtolerances(cvode_mem, ewt);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetEwtFn", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeRootInit to specify the root function g with 2 components */
  flag = CVodeRootInit(cvode_mem, 2, g);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeRootInit", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVDense to specify the CVDENSE dense linear solver */
  flag = CVDense(cvode_mem, NEQ);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDense", 1)) return(1);

  /* Set the Jacobian routine to Jac (user-supplied) */
  flag = CVDlsSetDenseJacFn(cvode_mem, Jac);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsSetDenseJacFn", 1)) return(1);

  /* In loop, call CVode, print results, and test for error.
     Break out of loop when NOUT preset output times have been reached.  */
  printf(" \n3-species kinetics problem\n\n");

  iout = 0;  tout = T1;
  while(1) {
    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, y, &t, CV_NORMAL);
    PrintOutput(t, Ith(y,1), Ith(y,2), Ith(y,3));

    if (flag == CV_ROOT_RETURN) {
      flagr = CVodeGetRootInfo(cvode_mem, rootsfound);
      check_flag(&flagr, "CVodeGetRootInfo", 1);

    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1)) break;
    if (flag == CV_SUCCESS) {
      tout *= TMULT;

    if (iout == NOUT) break;

  /* Print some final statistics */

  /* Free y vector */

  /* Free integrator memory */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  UserData data;

  void *cvode_mem;
  N_Vector u;
  realtype reltol, abstol;

  int indexB;
  N_Vector uB;

  realtype dx, t, g_val;
  int retval, my_pe, nprocs, npes, ncheck;
  sunindextype local_N=0, nperpe, nrem, my_base=-1;

  SUNNonlinearSolver NLS, NLSB;

  MPI_Comm comm;

  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;
  u = uB = NULL;

    Initialize MPI and get total number of pe's, and my_pe
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &nprocs);
  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_pe);

  npes = nprocs - 1; /* pe's dedicated to PDE integration */

  if ( npes <= 0 ) {
    if (my_pe == npes)
      fprintf(stderr, "\nMPI_ERROR(%d): number of processes must be >= 2\n\n",

    Set local vector length
  nperpe = NEQ/npes;
  nrem = NEQ - npes*nperpe;
  if (my_pe < npes) {

    /* PDE vars. distributed to this proccess */
    local_N = (my_pe < nrem) ? nperpe+1 : nperpe;
    my_base = (my_pe < nrem) ? my_pe*local_N : my_pe*nperpe + nrem;

  } else {

    /* Make last process inactive for forward phase */
    local_N = 0;


    Allocate and load user data structure
  data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data);
  if (check_retval((void *)data , "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
  data->p[0] = ONE;
  data->p[1] = RCONST(0.5);
  dx = data->dx = XMAX/((realtype)(MX+1));
  data->hdcoef = data->p[0]/(dx*dx);
  data->hacoef = data->p[1]/(TWO*dx);
  data->comm = comm;
  data->npes = npes;
  data->my_pe = my_pe;
  data->nperpe = nperpe;
  data->nrem = nrem;
  data->local_N = local_N;

    Forward integration phase
  /* Set relative and absolute tolerances for forward phase */
  reltol = ZERO;
  abstol = ATOL;

  /* Allocate and initialize forward variables */
  u = N_VNew_Parallel(comm, local_N, NEQ);
  if (check_retval((void *)u, "N_VNew_Parallel", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
  SetIC(u, dx, local_N, my_base);

  /* Allocate CVODES memory for forward integration */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_ADAMS);
  if (check_retval((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  retval = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetUserData", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  retval = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeInit", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  retval = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSStolerances", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* create fixed point nonlinear solver object */
  NLS = SUNNonlinSol_FixedPoint(u, 0);
  if(check_retval((void *)NLS, "SUNNonlinSol_FixedPoint", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* attach nonlinear solver object to CVode */
  retval = CVodeSetNonlinearSolver(cvode_mem, NLS);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetNonlinearSolver", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* Allocate combined forward/backward memory */
  retval = CVodeAdjInit(cvode_mem, STEPS, CV_HERMITE);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVadjInit", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* Integrate to TOUT and collect check point information */
  retval = CVodeF(cvode_mem, TOUT, u, &t, CV_NORMAL, &ncheck);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeF", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

    Compute and value of g(t_f)
  g_val = Compute_g(u, data);

    Backward integration phase

  if (my_pe == npes) {

    /* Activate last process for integration of the quadrature equations */
    local_N = NP;

  } else {

    /* Allocate work space */
    data->z1 = (realtype *)malloc(local_N*sizeof(realtype));
    if (check_retval((void *)data->z1, "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
    data->z2 = (realtype *)malloc(local_N*sizeof(realtype));
    if (check_retval((void *)data->z2, "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);


  /* Allocate and initialize backward variables */
  uB = N_VNew_Parallel(comm, local_N, NEQ+NP);
  if (check_retval((void *)uB, "N_VNew_Parallel", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
  SetICback(uB, my_base);

  /* Allocate CVODES memory for the backward integration */
  retval = CVodeCreateB(cvode_mem, CV_ADAMS, &indexB);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeCreateB", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  retval = CVodeSetUserDataB(cvode_mem, indexB, data);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetUserDataB", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  retval = CVodeInitB(cvode_mem, indexB, fB, TOUT, uB);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeInitB", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  retval = CVodeSStolerancesB(cvode_mem, indexB, reltol, abstol);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSStolerancesB", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* create fixed point nonlinear solver object */
  NLSB = SUNNonlinSol_FixedPoint(uB, 0);
  if(check_retval((void *)NLSB, "SUNNonlinSol_FixedPoint", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* attach nonlinear solver object to CVode */
  retval = CVodeSetNonlinearSolverB(cvode_mem, indexB, NLSB);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetNonlinearSolver", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* Integrate to T0 */
  retval = CVodeB(cvode_mem, T0, CV_NORMAL);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeB", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  retval = CVodeGetB(cvode_mem, indexB, &t, uB);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetB", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  /* Print results (adjoint states and quadrature variables) */
  PrintOutput(g_val, uB, data);

  /* Free memory */

  if (my_pe != npes) {


Example #16
int main(void)
  realtype dx, dy, reltol, abstol, t, tout, umax;
  N_Vector u;
  UserData data;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int iout, flag;
  long int nst;

  u = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;

  /* Create a serial vector */

  u = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);  /* Allocate u vector */
  if(check_flag((void*)u, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);

  reltol = ZERO;  /* Set the tolerances */
  abstol = ATOL;

  data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data);  /* Allocate data memory */
  if(check_flag((void *)data, "malloc", 2)) return(1);
  dx = data->dx = XMAX/(MX+1);  /* Set grid coefficients in data */
  dy = data->dy = YMAX/(MY+1);
  data->hdcoef = ONE/(dx*dx);
  data->hacoef = HALF/(TWO*dx);
  data->vdcoef = ONE/(dy*dy);

  SetIC(u, data);  /* Initialize u vector */

  /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the 
   * Backward Differentiation Formula and the use of a Newton iteration */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
  if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
   * user's right hand side function in u'=f(t,u), the inital time T0, and
   * the initial dependent variable vector u. */
  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeSStolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
   * and scalar absolute tolerance */
  flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);

  /* Set the pointer to user-defined data */
  flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVBand to specify the CVBAND band linear solver */
  flag = CVBand(cvode_mem, NEQ, MY, MY);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVBand", 1)) return(1);

  /* Set the user-supplied Jacobian routine Jac */
  flag = CVDlsSetBandJacFn(cvode_mem, Jac);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVDlsSetBandJacFn", 1)) return(1);

  /* In loop over output points: call CVode, print results, test for errors */

  umax = N_VMaxNorm(u);
  PrintHeader(reltol, abstol, umax);
  for(iout=1, tout=T1; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += DTOUT) {
    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1)) break;
    umax = N_VMaxNorm(u);
    flag = CVodeGetNumSteps(cvode_mem, &nst);
    check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetNumSteps", 1);
    PrintOutput(t, umax, nst);

  PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem);  /* Print some final statistics   */

  N_VDestroy_Serial(u);   /* Free the u vector */
  CVodeFree(&cvode_mem);  /* Free the integrator memory */
  free(data);             /* Free the user data */

int main(void)
  realtype abstol, reltol, t, tout;
  N_Vector u;
  UserData data;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int linsolver, iout, flag;

  u = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;

  /* Allocate memory, and set problem data, initial values, tolerances */ 
  u = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
  if(check_flag((void *)u, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
  data = AllocUserData();
  if(check_flag((void *)data, "AllocUserData", 2)) return(1);
  SetInitialProfiles(u, data->dx, data->dy);

  /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the 
   * Backward Differentiation Formula and the use of a Newton iteration */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
  if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);

  /* Set the pointer to user-defined data */
  flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
   * user's right hand side function in u'=f(t,u), the inital time T0, and
   * the initial dependent variable vector u. */
  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeSStolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
   * and scalar absolute tolerances */
  flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);

  /* START: Loop through SPGMR, SPBCG and SPTFQMR linear solver modules */
  for (linsolver = 0; linsolver < 3; ++linsolver) {

    if (linsolver != 0) {

      /* Re-initialize user data */
      SetInitialProfiles(u, data->dx, data->dy);

    /* Re-initialize CVode for the solution of the same problem, but
       using a different linear solver module */
      flag = CVodeReInit(cvode_mem, T0, u);
      if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeReInit", 1)) return(1);


    /* Attach a linear solver module */
    switch(linsolver) {

    /* (a) SPGMR */

      /* Print header */
      printf(" -------");
      printf(" \n| SPGMR |\n");
      printf(" -------\n");

      /* Call CVSpgmr to specify the linear solver CVSPGMR 
	 with left preconditioning and the maximum Krylov dimension maxl */
      flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_LEFT, 0);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpgmr", 1)) return(1);

      /* Set modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization, preconditioner 
	 setup and solve routines Precond and PSolve, and the pointer 
	 to the user-defined block data */
      flag = CVSpilsSetGSType(cvode_mem, MODIFIED_GS);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetGSType", 1)) return(1);


    /* (b) SPBCG */

      /* Print header */
      printf(" -------");
      printf(" \n| SPBCG |\n");
      printf(" -------\n");

      /* Call CVSpbcg to specify the linear solver CVSPBCG 
	 with left preconditioning and the maximum Krylov dimension maxl */
      flag = CVSpbcg(cvode_mem, PREC_LEFT, 0);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpbcg", 1)) return(1);


    /* (c) SPTFQMR */

      /* Print header */
      printf(" ---------");
      printf(" \n| SPTFQMR |\n");
      printf(" ---------\n");

      /* Call CVSptfqmr to specify the linear solver CVSPTFQMR 
	 with left preconditioning and the maximum Krylov dimension maxl */
      flag = CVSptfqmr(cvode_mem, PREC_LEFT, 0);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSptfqmr", 1)) return(1);



    /* Set preconditioner setup and solve routines Precond and PSolve,
       and the pointer to the user-defined block data */
    flag = CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, Precond, PSolve);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetPreconditioner", 1)) return(1);

    /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */
    printf(" \n2-species diurnal advection-diffusion problem\n\n");
    for (iout=1, tout = TWOHR; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += TWOHR) {
      flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL);
      PrintOutput(cvode_mem, u, t);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1)) break;

    PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem, linsolver);

  }  /* END: Loop through SPGMR, SPBCG and SPTFQMR linear solver modules */

  /* Free memory */

Example #18
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  realtype dx, reltol, abstol, t, tout;
  N_Vector u;
  UserData data;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int iout, flag, my_pe, npes;
  long int local_N, nperpe, nrem, my_base;

  realtype *pbar;
  int is, *plist;
  N_Vector *uS;
  booleantype sensi, err_con;
  int sensi_meth;

  MPI_Comm comm;

  u = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;
  pbar = NULL;
  plist = NULL;
  uS = NULL;

  /* Get processor number, total number of pe's, and my_pe. */
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  MPI_Comm_size(comm, &npes);
  MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_pe);

  /* Process arguments */
  ProcessArgs(argc, argv, my_pe, &sensi, &sensi_meth, &err_con);

  /* Set local vector length. */
  nperpe = NEQ/npes;
  nrem = NEQ - npes*nperpe;
  local_N = (my_pe < nrem) ? nperpe+1 : nperpe;
  my_base = (my_pe < nrem) ? my_pe*local_N : my_pe*nperpe + nrem;

  data = (UserData) malloc(sizeof *data); /* Allocate data memory */
  data->p = NULL;
  if(check_flag((void *)data, "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
  data->comm = comm;
  data->npes = npes;
  data->my_pe = my_pe;
  data->p = (realtype *) malloc(NP * sizeof(realtype));
  if(check_flag((void *)data->p, "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
  dx = data->dx = XMAX/((realtype)(MX+1));
  data->p[0] = RCONST(1.0);
  data->p[1] = RCONST(0.5);

  u = N_VNew_Parallel(comm, local_N, NEQ);    /* Allocate u vector */
  if(check_flag((void *)u, "N_VNew_Parallel", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
  SetIC(u, dx, local_N, my_base);    /* Initialize u vector */

  reltol = ZERO;                /* Set the tolerances */
  abstol = ATOL;

  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_ADAMS, CV_FUNCTIONAL);
  if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
  flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

  if (my_pe == 0) {
    printf("\n1-D advection-diffusion equation, mesh size =%3d \n", MX);
    printf("\nNumber of PEs = %3d \n",npes);

  if(sensi) {

    plist = (int *) malloc(NS * sizeof(int));
    if(check_flag((void *)plist, "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
    for(is=0; is<NS; is++)
      plist[is] = is; /* sensitivity w.r.t. i-th parameter */

    pbar  = (realtype *) malloc(NS * sizeof(realtype));
    if(check_flag((void *)pbar, "malloc", 2, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);
    for(is=0; is<NS; is++) pbar[is] = data->p[plist[is]];

    uS = N_VCloneVectorArray_Parallel(NS, u);
    if(check_flag((void *)uS, "N_VCloneVectorArray_Parallel", 0, my_pe)) 
      MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

    flag = CVodeSensInit1(cvode_mem, NS, sensi_meth, NULL, uS);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSensInit1", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

    flag = CVodeSensEEtolerances(cvode_mem);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSensEEtolerances", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensErrCon(cvode_mem, err_con);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensErrCon", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensDQMethod(cvode_mem, CV_CENTERED, ZERO);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensDQMethod", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

    flag = CVodeSetSensParams(cvode_mem, data->p, pbar, plist);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensParams", 1, my_pe)) MPI_Abort(comm, 1);

    if(my_pe == 0) {
      printf("Sensitivity: YES ");
      if(sensi_meth == CV_SIMULTANEOUS)   
        printf("( SIMULTANEOUS +");
        if(sensi_meth == CV_STAGGERED) printf("( STAGGERED +");
        else                           printf("( STAGGERED1 +");   
      if(err_con) printf(" FULL ERROR CONTROL )");
      else        printf(" PARTIAL ERROR CONTROL )");

  } else {

    if(my_pe == 0) printf("Sensitivity: NO ");


  /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */

  if(my_pe == 0) {
    printf("     T     Q       H      NST                    Max norm   \n");

  for (iout=1, tout=T1; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += DTOUT) {

    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1, my_pe)) break;
    PrintOutput(cvode_mem, my_pe, t, u);
    if (sensi) {
      flag = CVodeGetSens(cvode_mem, &t, uS);
      if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeGetSens", 1, my_pe)) break;
      PrintOutputS(my_pe, uS);
    if (my_pe == 0)


  /* Print final statistics */
  if (my_pe == 0) 
    PrintFinalStats(cvode_mem, sensi);

  /* Free memory */
  N_VDestroy(u);                   /* Free the u vector              */
  if (sensi) 
    N_VDestroyVectorArray(uS, NS); /* Free the uS vectors            */
  free(data->p);                   /* Free the p vector              */
  free(data);                      /* Free block of UserData         */
  CVodeFree(&cvode_mem);           /* Free the CVODES problem memory */
  if(sensi) free(plist);


Example #19
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  realtype abstol=ATOL, reltol=RTOL, t;
  N_Vector c;
  WebData wdata;
  void *cvode_mem;
  SUNLinearSolver LS, LSB;

  int retval, ncheck;
  int indexB;

  realtype reltolB=RTOL, abstolB=ATOL;
  N_Vector cB;

  c = NULL;
  cB = NULL;
  wdata = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;
  LS = LSB = NULL;

  /* Allocate and initialize user data */

  wdata = AllocUserData();
  if(check_retval((void *)wdata, "AllocUserData", 2)) return(1);

  /* Set-up forward problem */

  /* Initializations */
  c = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ+1);
  if(check_retval((void *)c, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
  CInit(c, wdata);

  /* Call CVodeCreate/CVodeInit for forward run */
  printf("\nCreate and allocate CVODES memory for forward run\n");
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF);
  if(check_retval((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);
  wdata->cvode_mem = cvode_mem; /* Used in Precond */
  retval = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, wdata);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);
  retval = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, c);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);
  retval = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);

  /* Create SUNLinSol_SPGMR linear solver for forward run */
  LS = SUNLinSol_SPGMR(c, PREC_LEFT, 0);
  if(check_retval((void *)LS, "SUNLinSol_SPGMR", 0)) return(1);

  /* Attach the linear sovler */
  retval = CVodeSetLinearSolver(cvode_mem, LS, NULL);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetLinearSolver", 1)) return 1;

  /* Set the preconditioner solve and setup functions */
  retval = CVodeSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, Precond, PSolve);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetPreconditioner", 1)) return(1);

  /* Set-up adjoint calculations */

  printf("\nAllocate global memory\n");
  retval = CVodeAdjInit(cvode_mem, NSTEPS, CV_HERMITE);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVadjInit", 1)) return(1);

  /* Perform forward run */

  printf("\nForward integration\n");
  retval = CVodeF(cvode_mem, TOUT, c, &t, CV_NORMAL, &ncheck);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeF", 1)) return(1);

  printf("\nncheck = %d\n", ncheck);

  printf("\n   G = int_t int_x int_y c%d(t,x,y) dx dy dt = %Lf \n\n", 
         ISPEC, N_VGetArrayPointer(c)[NEQ]);
  printf("\n   G = int_t int_x int_y c%d(t,x,y) dx dy dt = %f \n\n", 
         ISPEC, N_VGetArrayPointer(c)[NEQ]);

  /* Set-up backward problem */

  /* Allocate cB */
  cB = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
  if(check_retval((void *)cB, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
  /* Initialize cB = 0 */
  N_VConst(ZERO, cB);

  /* Create and allocate CVODES memory for backward run */
  printf("\nCreate and allocate CVODES memory for backward run\n");
  retval = CVodeCreateB(cvode_mem, CV_BDF, &indexB);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeCreateB", 1)) return(1);
  retval = CVodeSetUserDataB(cvode_mem, indexB, wdata);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetUserDataB", 1)) return(1);
  retval = CVodeSetMaxNumStepsB(cvode_mem, indexB, 1000);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetMaxNumStepsB", 1)) return(1);
  retval = CVodeInitB(cvode_mem, indexB, fB, TOUT, cB);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeInitB", 1)) return(1);
  retval = CVodeSStolerancesB(cvode_mem, indexB, reltolB, abstolB);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSStolerancesB", 1)) return(1);

  wdata->indexB = indexB;

  /* Create SUNLinSol_SPGMR linear solver for backward run */
  if(check_retval((void *)LSB, "SUNLinSol_SPGMR", 0)) return(1);

  /* Attach the linear sovler */
  retval = CVodeSetLinearSolverB(cvode_mem, indexB, LSB, NULL);
  if (check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetLinearSolverB", 1)) return 1;

  /* Set the preconditioner solve and setup functions */
  retval = CVodeSetPreconditionerB(cvode_mem, indexB, PrecondB, PSolveB);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeSetPreconditionerB", 1)) return(1);

  /* Perform backward integration */

  printf("\nBackward integration\n");
  retval = CVodeB(cvode_mem, T0, CV_NORMAL);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeB", 1)) return(1);

  retval = CVodeGetB(cvode_mem, indexB, &t, cB);
  if(check_retval(&retval, "CVodeGetB", 1)) return(1);

  PrintOutput(cB, NS, MXNS, wdata);

  /* Free all memory */



Example #20
int main(int narg, char **args)
    realtype reltol, t, tout;
    N_Vector state, abstol;
    void *cvode_mem;
    int flag, flagr;

    FILE *pout;
    if(!(pout = fopen("Locke2008_Circadian_Clock.dat", "w"))){
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file Locke2008_Circadian_Clock.dat. Are you trying to write to a non-existent directory? Exiting...\n");

    state = abstol = NULL;
    cvode_mem = NULL;

    state = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
    if (check_flag((void *)state, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
    abstol = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ); 
    if (check_flag((void *)abstol, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
    realtype Kc = 4.8283;
    realtype v_4 = 1.0841;
    realtype v_6 = 4.6645;
    realtype vc = 6.7924;
    realtype v_1 = 6.8355;
    realtype v_2 = 8.4297;
    realtype K = 1.0;
    realtype v_8 = 3.5216;
    realtype L = 0.0;
    realtype n = 5.6645;
    realtype k3 = 0.1177;
    realtype K2 = 0.291;
    realtype K1 = 2.7266;
    realtype k7 = 0.2282;
    realtype K6 = 9.9849;
    realtype k5 = 0.3352;
    realtype K4 = 8.1343;
    realtype K8 = 7.4519;
    realtype init_X1 = 4.25;
    realtype tscale = 1.0;
    realtype init_Z1 = 2.25;
    realtype init_Z2 = 0.0;
    realtype init_V1 = 2.5;
    realtype init_V2 = 0.0;
    realtype init_X2 = 0.0;
    realtype compartment = 1.0;
    realtype init_Y1 = 3.25;
    realtype init_Y2 = 0.0;
    realtype p[] = {Kc, v_4, v_6, vc, v_1, v_2, K, v_8, L, n, k3, K2, K1, k7, K6, k5, K4, K8, init_X1, tscale, init_Z1, init_Z2, init_V1, init_V2, init_X2, compartment, init_Y1, init_Y2, };

    realtype X1 = init_X1;
    realtype X2 = init_X2;
    realtype V1 = init_V1;
    realtype V2 = init_V2;
    realtype Y1 = init_Y1;
    realtype Y2 = init_Y2;
    realtype Z1 = init_Z1;
    realtype Z2 = init_Z2;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 0) = init_Y2;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 1) = init_V1;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 2) = init_Y1;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 3) = init_V2;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 4) = init_X2;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 5) = init_X1;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 6) = init_Z1;
    NV_Ith_S(state, 7) = init_Z2;

    reltol = RTOL;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,0) = ATOL0;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,1) = ATOL1;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,2) = ATOL2;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,3) = ATOL3;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,4) = ATOL4;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,5) = ATOL5;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,6) = ATOL6;
    NV_Ith_S(abstol,7) = ATOL7;
    /* Allocations and initializations */
    cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
    if (check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);
    flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, dstate_dt, T0, state);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);
    flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, p);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);
    flag = CVodeSVtolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSVtolerances", 1)) return(1);
    flag = CVDense(cvode_mem, NEQ);
    if (check_flag(&flag, "CVDense", 1)) return(1);

    printf(" \n Integrating Locke2008_Circadian_Clock_0 \n\n");
    printf("#t Y2, V1, Y1, V2, X2, X1, Z1, Z2, \n");
    PrintOutput(pout, t, state);
    tout = DT;
    while(1) {
        flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, state, &t, CV_NORMAL);
            PrintOutput(pout, t, state);
            if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1)) break;
            if(flag == CV_SUCCESS) {
                tout += DT;
            if (t >= T1) break;





Example #21
void Cvode::initialize()
  _properties = dynamic_cast<ISystemProperties*>(_system);
  _continuous_system = dynamic_cast<IContinuous*>(_system);
  _event_system = dynamic_cast<IEvent*>(_system);
  _mixed_system = dynamic_cast<IMixedSystem*>(_system);
  _time_system = dynamic_cast<ITime*>(_system);
  IGlobalSettings* global_settings = dynamic_cast<ISolverSettings*>(_cvodesettings)->getGlobalSettings();
  // Kennzeichnung, dass initialize()() (vor der Integration) aufgerufen wurde
  _idid = 5000;
  _tLastEvent = 0.0;
  _event_n = 0;
  _dimSys = _continuous_system->getDimContinuousStates();
  _dimZeroFunc = _event_system->getDimZeroFunc();

  if (_dimSys == 0)
    _dimSys = 1; // introduce dummy state

  if (_dimSys <= 0)
    _idid = -1;
    throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::initialize()");
    // Allocate state vectors, stages and temporary arrays
    if (_z)
      delete[] _z;
    if (_zInit)
      delete[] _zInit;
    if (_zWrite)
      delete[] _zWrite;
    if (_zeroSign)
      delete[] _zeroSign;
    if (_absTol)
      delete[] _absTol;
    delete [] _delta;
    delete [] _deltaInv;
    delete [] _ysave;

    _z = new double[_dimSys];
    _zInit = new double[_dimSys];
    _zWrite = new double[_dimSys];
    _zeroSign = new int[_dimZeroFunc];
    _absTol = new double[_dimSys];
  _delta =new double[_dimSys];
    _deltaInv =new double[_dimSys];
  _ysave =new double[_dimSys];

    memset(_z, 0, _dimSys * sizeof(double));
    memset(_zInit, 0, _dimSys * sizeof(double));
  memset(_ysave, 0, _dimSys * sizeof(double));

    // Counter initialisieren
    _outStps = 0;

    if (_cvodesettings->getDenseOutput())
      // Ausgabeschrittweite
      _hOut = global_settings->gethOutput();


    // Allocate memory for the solver
    _cvodeMem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
    if (check_flag((void*) _cvodeMem, "CVodeCreate", 0))
      _idid = -5;
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,/*_idid,_tCurrent,*/"Cvode::initialize()");

    // Make Cvode ready for integration

    // Set initial values for CVODE
    memcpy(_z, _zInit, _dimSys * sizeof(double));

    // Get nominal values
    _absTol[0] = 1.0; // in case of dummy state
    for (int i = 0; i < _dimSys; i++)
      _absTol[i] *= dynamic_cast<ISolverSettings*>(_cvodesettings)->getATol();

    _CV_y0 = N_VMake_Serial(_dimSys, _zInit);
    _CV_y = N_VMake_Serial(_dimSys, _z);
    _CV_yWrite = N_VMake_Serial(_dimSys, _zWrite);
    _CV_absTol = N_VMake_Serial(_dimSys, _absTol);

    if (check_flag((void*) _CV_y0, "N_VMake_Serial", 0))
      _idid = -5;
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::initialize()");

    // Initialize Cvode (Initial values are required)
    _idid = CVodeInit(_cvodeMem, CV_fCallback, _tCurrent, _CV_y0);
    if (_idid < 0)
      _idid = -5;
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::initialize()");

    // Set Tolerances
    _idid = CVodeSVtolerances(_cvodeMem, dynamic_cast<ISolverSettings*>(_cvodesettings)->getRTol(), _CV_absTol);    // RTOL and ATOL
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::initialize()");

    // Set the pointer to user-defined data
    _idid = CVodeSetUserData(_cvodeMem, _data);
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetInitStep(_cvodeMem, 1e-6);    // INITIAL STEPSIZE
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetMaxOrd(_cvodeMem, 5);       // Max Order
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVoder::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetMaxConvFails(_cvodeMem, 100);       // Maximale Fehler im Konvergenztest
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVoder::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetStabLimDet(_cvodeMem, TRUE);       // Stability Detection
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVoder::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetMinStep(_cvodeMem, dynamic_cast<ISolverSettings*>(_cvodesettings)->getLowerLimit());       // MINIMUM STEPSIZE
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetMaxStep(_cvodeMem, global_settings->getEndTime() / 10.0);       // MAXIMUM STEPSIZE
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetMaxNonlinIters(_cvodeMem, 5);      // Max number of iterations
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::initialize()");
    _idid = CVodeSetMaxErrTestFails(_cvodeMem, 100);
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::initialize()");

    _idid = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(_cvodeMem, 1e3);            // Max Number of steps
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,/*_idid,_tCurrent,*/"Cvode::initialize()");

    // Initialize linear solver
      _idid = CVLapackDense(_cvodeMem, _dimSys);
      _idid = CVDense(_cvodeMem, _dimSys);
    if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"Cvode::initialize()");

  // Use own jacobian matrix
  // Check if Colored Jacobians are worth to use
    _maxColors = _system->getAMaxColors();
    if(_maxColors < _dimSys && _continuous_system->getDimContinuousStates() > 0)
   // _idid = CVDlsSetDenseJacFn(_cvodeMem, &CV_JCallback);
   // initializeColoredJac();

  if (_idid < 0)
      throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,"CVode::initialize()");

    if (_dimZeroFunc)
      _idid = CVodeRootInit(_cvodeMem, _dimZeroFunc, &CV_ZerofCallback);

      memset(_zeroSign, 0, _dimZeroFunc * sizeof(int));
      _idid = CVodeSetRootDirection(_cvodeMem, _zeroSign);
      if (_idid < 0)
        throw ModelicaSimulationError(SOLVER,/*_idid,_tCurrent,*/"CVode::initialize()");
      memset(_zeroSign, -1, _dimZeroFunc * sizeof(int));
      memset(_zeroVal, -1, _dimZeroFunc * sizeof(int));


    _cvode_initialized = true;

    LOGGER_WRITE("Cvode: initialized",LC_SOLV,LL_DEBUG);
Example #22
File: cvodes.c Project: UCL/GMCMC
 * Solves an initial value problem using CVODES to integrate over a system of
 * ODEs with optional forward sensitivity analysis.  The initial conditions for
 * the system and for the sensitivity analysis are expected to be in the first
 * rows of simdata and sensitivities, respectively.
 * @param [in]  rhs             the right-hand side of the system of ODEs
 * @param [in]  num_timepoints  the number of timepoints
 * @param [in]  num_species     the number of independent variables
 * @param [in]  num_sens        the number of parameters to compute sensitivities
 *                                for (set to zero to disable sensitivity
 *                                calculations)
 * @param [in]  timepoints      the timepoints at which data is to be returned
 * @param [in]  params          parameters
 * @param [in]  sensi           the indices of the parameters to compute the
 *                                sensitivities for (may be NULL to compute the
 *                                sensitivities for all parameters)
 * @param [in]  options         additional options for the integrator
 * @param [out] simdata         contains the state values for each species at
 *                                each timepoint in column-major order.
 * @param [out] sensitivities   sensitivities of each parameter in sensi
 *                                with respect to each independent variable.
 *                                The sensitivity of parameter j with respect to
 *                                variable k at timepoint i is stored at
 *                                (j * num_species + k) * lds + i.
 *                                May be NULL if sensitivities are not to be
 *                                calculated.
 * @param [in]  lds             leading dimension of simdata and sensitivities
 * @return 0 on success,
 *         GMCMC_ENOMEM  if there was not enough memory to create the solver,
 *         GMCMC_EINVAL  if there was an invalid argument to the function,
 *         GMCMC_ELINAL  if the solution could not be found.
int cvodes_solve(gmcmc_ode_rhs rhs, size_t num_timepoints, size_t num_species, size_t num_params, size_t num_sens, const double * timepoints, const double * params, const size_t * sensi, const cvodes_options * options, double * simdata, double * sensitivities, size_t lds) {
  int error;

  // Set vector of initial values
  N_Vector y = N_VNew_Serial((long int)num_species);
  for (size_t j = 0; j < num_species; j++)
    NV_Ith_S(y, j) = simdata[j * lds];

  // Create CVODES object
  void * cvode_mem;
  if ((cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON)) == NULL)
    GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to allocate ODE solver", GMCMC_ENOMEM);

  // Initialise CVODES solver
  if ((error = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, cvodes_rhs, timepoints[0], y)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
    GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to initialise ODE solver", (error == CV_ILL_INPUT) ? GMCMC_EINVAL : GMCMC_ENOMEM);

  // Set integration tolerances
  if ((error = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, options->reltol, options->abstol)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
    GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to set ODE solver integration tolerances", (error == CV_ILL_INPUT) ? GMCMC_EINVAL : GMCMC_ENOMEM);

  // Create a copy of the parameters in case CVODES modifies them
  realtype * sens_params;
  if ((sens_params = malloc(num_params * sizeof(realtype))) == NULL) {
    GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to allocate copy of parameter vector for sensitivity analysis", GMCMC_ENOMEM);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < num_params; i++)
    sens_params[i] = (realtype)params[i];

  // Set optional inputs
  cvodes_userdata userdata = { rhs, sens_params };
  if ((error = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, &userdata)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
    GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to set ODE solver user data", GMCMC_EINVAL);

  // Attach linear solver module
  if ((error = CVLapackDense(cvode_mem, (int)num_species)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
    GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to attach ODE solver module", (error == CV_ILL_INPUT) ? GMCMC_EINVAL : GMCMC_ENOMEM);

  N_Vector * yS = NULL;
  int * plist = NULL;
  if (num_sens > 0) {
    // Set sensitivity initial conditions
    yS = N_VCloneVectorArray_Serial((int)num_sens, y);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < num_sens; j++) {
      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_species; i++)
        NV_Ith_S(yS[j], i) = sensitivities[(j * num_species + i) * lds];

    // Activate sensitivity calculations
    // Use default finite differences
    if ((error = CVodeSensInit(cvode_mem, (int)num_sens, CV_SIMULTANEOUS, NULL, yS)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
      GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to activate ODE solver sensitivity calculations", (error == CV_ILL_INPUT) ? GMCMC_EINVAL : GMCMC_ENOMEM);

    // Set sensitivity tolerances
    if ((error = CVodeSensEEtolerances(cvode_mem)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
      GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to set ODE solver sensitivity tolerances", (error == CV_ILL_INPUT) ? GMCMC_EINVAL : GMCMC_ENOMEM);

    if (sensi != NULL) {
      if ((plist = malloc(num_sens * sizeof(int))) == NULL) {
        GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to allocate sensitivity parameter list", GMCMC_ENOMEM);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < num_sens; i++)
        plist[i] = (int)sensi[i];

    // Set sensitivity analysis optional inputs
    if ((error = CVodeSetSensParams(cvode_mem, sens_params, NULL, plist)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
      GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to set ODE solver sensitivity parameters", (error == CV_ILL_INPUT) ? GMCMC_EINVAL : GMCMC_ENOMEM);

  // Advance solution in time
  realtype tret;
  for (size_t i = 1; i < num_timepoints; i++) {
    if ((error = CVode(cvode_mem, timepoints[i], y, &tret, CV_NORMAL)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
      GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to advance ODE solution", GMCMC_ELINAL);

    for (size_t j = 0; j < num_species; j++)
      simdata[j * lds + i] = NV_Ith_S(y, j);

    // Extract the sensitivity solution
    if (yS != NULL) {
      if ((error = CVodeGetSens(cvode_mem, &tret, yS)) != CV_SUCCESS) {
        GMCMC_ERROR("Failed to extract ODE sensitivity solution", GMCMC_ELINAL);

      for (size_t j = 0; j < num_sens; j++) {
        for (size_t k = 0; k < num_species; k++)
          sensitivities[(j * num_species + k) * lds + i] = NV_Ith_S(yS[j], k);
  if (yS != NULL)
    N_VDestroyVectorArray_Serial(yS, (int)num_sens);


  // Free solver memory

  return 0;
int main()
  realtype abstol, reltol, t, tout;
  N_Vector u;
  UserData data;
  void *cvode_mem;
  int iout, flag;

  u = NULL;
  data = NULL;
  cvode_mem = NULL;

  /* Allocate memory, and set problem data, initial values, tolerances */ 
  u = N_VNew_Serial(NEQ);
  if(check_flag((void *)u, "N_VNew_Serial", 0)) return(1);
  data = AllocUserData();
  if(check_flag((void *)data, "AllocUserData", 2)) return(1);
  SetInitialProfiles(u, data->dx, data->dy);

  /* Call CVodeCreate to create the solver memory and specify the 
   * Backward Differentiation Formula and the use of a Newton iteration */
  cvode_mem = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);
  if(check_flag((void *)cvode_mem, "CVodeCreate", 0)) return(1);

  /* Set the pointer to user-defined data */
  flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeInit to initialize the integrator memory and specify the
   * user's right hand side function in u'=f(t,u), the inital time T0, and
   * the initial dependent variable vector u. */
  flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, f, T0, u);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVodeSStolerances to specify the scalar relative tolerance
   * and scalar absolute tolerances */
  flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
  if (check_flag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1)) return(1);

  /* Call CVSpgmr to specify the linear solver CVSPGMR 
   * with left preconditioning and the maximum Krylov dimension maxl */
  flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, PREC_LEFT, 0);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpgmr", 1)) return(1);

  /* set the JAcobian-times-vector function */
  flag = CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(cvode_mem, jtv);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn", 1)) return(1);

  /* Set modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization */
  flag = CVSpilsSetGSType(cvode_mem, MODIFIED_GS);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetGSType", 1)) return(1);

  /* Set the preconditioner solve and setup functions */
  flag = CVSpilsSetPreconditioner(cvode_mem, Precond, PSolve);
  if(check_flag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetPreconditioner", 1)) return(1);

  /* In loop over output points, call CVode, print results, test for error */
  printf(" \n2-species diurnal advection-diffusion problem\n\n");
  for (iout=1, tout = TWOHR; iout <= NOUT; iout++, tout += TWOHR) {
    flag = CVode(cvode_mem, tout, u, &t, CV_NORMAL);
    PrintOutput(cvode_mem, u, t);
    if(check_flag(&flag, "CVode", 1)) break;


  /* Free memory */

Example #24
void CvodeSolver::initialize(const double &pVoiStart, const int &pStatesCount,
                             double *pConstants, double *pStates,
                             double *pRates, double *pAlgebraic,
                             ComputeRatesFunction pComputeRates)
    if (!mSolver) {
        // Initialise the ODE solver itself

        OpenCOR::CoreSolver::CoreOdeSolver::initialize(pVoiStart, pStatesCount,
                                                       pConstants, pStates,
                                                       pRates, pAlgebraic,

        // Retrieve some of the CVODE properties

        if (mProperties.contains(MaximumStepProperty)) {
            mMaximumStep = mProperties.value(MaximumStepProperty).toDouble();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'maximum step' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(MaximumNumberOfStepsProperty)) {
            mMaximumNumberOfSteps = mProperties.value(MaximumNumberOfStepsProperty).toInt();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'maximum number of steps' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(RelativeToleranceProperty)) {
            mRelativeTolerance = mProperties.value(RelativeToleranceProperty).toDouble();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'relative tolerance' property value could not be retrieved"));


        if (mProperties.contains(AbsoluteToleranceProperty)) {
            mAbsoluteTolerance = mProperties.value(AbsoluteToleranceProperty).toDouble();
        } else {
            emit error(QObject::tr("the 'absolute tolerance' property value could not be retrieved"));


        // Create the states vector

        mStatesVector = N_VMake_Serial(pStatesCount, pStates);

        // Create the CVODE solver

        mSolver = CVodeCreate(CV_BDF, CV_NEWTON);

        // Use our own error handler

        CVodeSetErrHandlerFn(mSolver, errorHandler, this);

        // Initialise the CVODE solver

        CVodeInit(mSolver, rhsFunction, pVoiStart, mStatesVector);

        // Set some user data

        delete mUserData;   // Just in case the solver got initialised before

        mUserData = new CvodeSolverUserData(pConstants, pAlgebraic,

        CVodeSetUserData(mSolver, mUserData);

        // Set the linear solver

        CVDense(mSolver, pStatesCount);

        // Set the maximum step

        CVodeSetMaxStep(mSolver, mMaximumStep);

        // Set the maximum number of steps

        CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(mSolver, mMaximumNumberOfSteps);

        // Set the relative and absolute tolerances

        CVodeSStolerances(mSolver, mRelativeTolerance, mAbsoluteTolerance);
    } else {
        // Reinitialise the CVODE object

        CVodeReInit(mSolver, pVoiStart, mStatesVector);