IDropZone * CreateDropZone(const CString & url, const TpDropZone * data) { CDropZone * zone = CreateDropZoneRaw(url, CW2T(data->Name, CP_UTF8), CW2T(data->Path, CP_UTF8)); ATLASSERT(zone); zone->Update(data); return zone; }
IDropZone * CreateDropZone(const CString & url, const ServiceDetail * data) { CDropZone * zone = CreateDropZoneRaw(url, CW2T(data->Name, CP_UTF8), CW2T(_T(""), CP_UTF8)); ATLASSERT(zone); zone->Update(data); return zone; }
CString PropVariantToString(const PROPVARIANT& propVar) { USES_CONVERSION; CString sPropValue; variant_t varPropValue; CStdString val; if (SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&varPropValue, (VARIANTARG*)&propVar, VARIANT_LOCALBOOL, VT_BSTR))) sPropValue = varPropValue.bstrVal; else { //VT_BLOB and VT_LPSTR are uncommon co-ercions switch(propVar.vt) { case VT_BLOB: sPropValue.Format(_T("%s"), CW2T((LPCWSTR)propVar.blob.pBlobData).operator LPWSTR()); break; case VT_LPSTR: val = MultiByteSupport::ACPToWide(propVar.pszVal); sPropValue = val; break; case VT_LPWSTR: sPropValue.Format(_T("%s"), CW2T(propVar.pwszVal).operator LPWSTR()); break; case VT_FILETIME: sPropValue = FiletimeAsString(propVar.filetime); break; } } return sPropValue; }
void Update(const LogicalCluster * c) { m_Name = CW2T(c->Name, CP_UTF8); if(c->Queue) { m_Queue = CW2T(c->Queue, CP_UTF8); } Refresh(); }
void Update(const ServiceDetail * c) { m_Name = CW2T(c->Name, CP_UTF8); m_Description = CW2T(c->Description, CP_UTF8); //m_Path = CW2T(c->Path, CP_UTF8); m_Build = CW2T( c->Build, CP_UTF8); m_machine = new CMachine(); m_machine->Update(c->Machines._Machine); Refresh(); }
void Update(const TpLogicalCluster * c) { m_Name = CW2T(c->Name, CP_UTF8); #if _COMMS_VER < 55100 #else if(c->Queue) { m_Queue = CW2T(c->Queue, CP_UTF8); } #endif Refresh(); }
void CGroupPrice::UnsubscribeGroup(const CComVariant& params) { if(V_VT(¶ms) == VT_ERROR) { EgLib::CEgLibTraceManager::Trace(LogInfo, __FUNCTION__, _T("[%s]\t Checking Subscription Group"), m_strUserName.c_str()); UnsubscribeAll(); } else { _QuoteUpdateParams Params(params); EgLib::CEgLibTraceManager::Trace(LogInfo, __FUNCTION__, _T("[%s]\t Symbol: %s, Exchange: %s, Type: %d"), m_strUserName.c_str(), Params->Symbol?CW2T(Params->Symbol):_T(""), Params->Exchange?CW2T(Params->Exchange):_T(""), Params->Type); if(V_VT(&m_vtRequest) != VT_ERROR) { _QuoteUpdateParams param2(m_vtRequest); _bstr_t bsSymbol1(Params->Symbol) ; _bstr_t bsSymbol2(param2->Symbol) ; if(bsSymbol1 == bsSymbol2 && Params->Type == param2->Type) { _CancelOptions(); } } _SetDbKey(Params); char szSymbol[MAX_LENGTH + 1]; ZeroMemory(szSymbol,sizeof(szSymbol)); if(CUtilities::KeyToString(&m_dbaKey.dbaKey, szSymbol, MAX_LENGTH)) { CAutoLock lk(m_csGroupSubscript); grouptickermap::iterator itrGroup = m_mapGroupSubscript.find(szSymbol); if(itrGroup != m_mapGroupSubscript.end()) { for(tickerset::iterator iter = itrGroup->second.begin(); iter != itrGroup->second.end(); iter++) { DBA_KEYS dbaKey; ZeroMemory(&dbaKey, sizeof(DBA_KEYS)); DeleteSubscription(*iter); (*iter)->GetRawKey(&dbaKey.dbaKey); DecInterest(&dbaKey); } m_mapGroupSubscript.erase(itrGroup); } } } m_vtRequest.Clear(); }
void Update(const TpDropZone * c) { m_Name = CW2T(c->Name, CP_UTF8); m_Description = CW2T(c->Description, CP_UTF8); m_Path = CW2T(c->Path, CP_UTF8); m_Build = CW2T( c->Build, CP_UTF8); m_machine = new CMachine(); #if _COMMS_VER < 60000 m_machine->Update(c->TpMachines); #else m_machine->Update(c->TpMachines._TpMachine); #endif Refresh(); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int CWsHook::GetAddrInfoW(PCWSTR pNodeName, PCWSTR pServiceName, const ADDRINFOW * pHints, PADDRINFOW * ppResult) { int ret = WSAEINVAL; bool overrideDNS = false; void * context = NULL; CString name = CW2T(pNodeName); CAtlArray<DWORD> addresses; if( dlg && pNodeName ) overrideDNS = dlg->DnsLookupStart( name, context, addresses ); if( _GetAddrInfoW && !overrideDNS ) ret = _GetAddrInfoW(CT2W((LPCWSTR)name), pServiceName, pHints, ppResult); else if( overrideDNS ) { if( addresses.IsEmpty() ) ret = EAI_NONAME; else { // build the response structure with the addresses we looked up ret = 0; DWORD count = addresses.GetCount(); ADDRINFOW_ADDR * result = (ADDRINFOW_ADDR *)malloc(sizeof(ADDRINFOW_ADDR) * count); for (DWORD i = 0; i < count; i++) { memset( &result[i], 0, sizeof(ADDRINFOW_ADDR) ); result->info.ai_family = AF_INET; result->info.ai_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); result->info.ai_addr = (struct sockaddr *)&(result->addr); result->addr.sin_family = AF_INET; result->addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = addresses[i]; if( i < count - 1 ) result->info.ai_next = (PADDRINFOW)&result[i+1]; } addrInfo.AddTail(result); *ppResult = (PADDRINFOW)result; } } if (!ret && dlg) { PADDRINFOW addr = *ppResult; while (addr) { if (addr->ai_canonname) dlg->DnsLookupAlias(name, addr->ai_canonname); if (context && addr->ai_addrlen >= sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) && addr->ai_family == AF_INET ) { struct sockaddr_in * ipName = (struct sockaddr_in *)addr->ai_addr; dlg->DnsLookupAddress(context, ipName->sin_addr); } addr = addr->ai_next; } if (context) dlg->DnsLookupDone(context); } return ret; }
void UploadVideoImage(LPVOID lpParam) { UploadVideoImageInfo* pUploadInfo = (UploadVideoImageInfo*)lpParam; string PackageDataSegment; PackageDataSegment.append("site="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::Convert(pUploadInfo->strSite, CP_ACP)); PackageDataSegment.append("&videoid="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::Convert(pUploadInfo->strVideoId, CP_ACP)); PackageDataSegment.append("&xml=%3C%3Fxml%20version%3D%221.0%22%3F%3E%0D%0A%3CFile%20xmlns%3Adt%3D%22urn%3Aschemas-microsoft-com%3Adatatypes%22%3E%3CName%3E"); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::Convert(pUploadInfo->GetFileName(), CP_ACP)); PackageDataSegment.append("%3C/Name%3E%3CData%20dt%3Adt%3D%22bin.hex%22%3E"); PackageDataSegment.append(pUploadInfo->GetFileData()); PackageDataSegment.append("%3C/Data%3E%3C/File%3E"); vector<BYTE> vPostData(PackageDataSegment.length()); memcpy(&, PackageDataSegment.c_str(), PackageDataSegment.length()); vector<BYTE> vResponseData; WebClient::Download(TEXT(""), vResponseData, vPostData); vResponseData.push_back(0); Encoding encode; TSTLSTRING strRetValue = CW2T(encode.Convert((const char*)&, CP_ACP).c_str()); delete pUploadInfo; }
CString CHTMLayoutCtrl::GetAttr(HELEMENT he, LPCSTR attrName) { htmlayout::dom::element el = he; USES_CONVERSION; CString s = CW2T(el.get_attribute(attrName)); return s; }
void WordSchemaSoftDiscoverStrategy::ExtractNoteData(const WrdNote& note, TextTypeEnums textType) { LOG_WS_FUNCTION_SCOPE(); WrdText text; ChUINT4 count = note.getNoteTextLength(); text.setTextType(textType); text.getTextReference().setMinimumCapacity(2 * count); text.getTextReference().setStartCP(note.getStartCPOfNoteText()); text.getTextReference().setCharacterCount(count); m_pReader->read(text); USES_CONVERSION; std::tstring sBuffer; if(2 == text.getTextReference().getCharacterSize()) { const wchar_t* wchars = (const wchar_t*)text.getText().getBuffer(); sBuffer = std::tstring( CW2T( wchars ) ); } else { const char* chars = (const char*)text.getText().getBuffer(); sBuffer = std::tstring( CA2T( chars ) ); } if(sBuffer.length() > 0) // OnFootnote called in same scope as CW2T to avoid auto destruction of szBuffer m_pVisitor->OnFootnote(sBuffer); }
void MonitorSink::ExportCookies(LPCWSTR szResponseHeaders) { static const WCHAR SET_COOKIE_HEAD [] = L"\r\nSet-Cookie:"; std::vector<UserMessage::SetFirefoxCookieParams> vCookieParams; LPWSTR p = (LPWSTR)szResponseHeaders; LPWSTR lpCookies = NULL; size_t nCookieLen = 0; while (p = Utils::HTTP::ExtractFieldValue(p, SET_COOKIE_HEAD, &lpCookies, & nCookieLen)) { if (lpCookies) { CString strURL = GetBindURL(); CString strCookie((LPCTSTR)CW2T(lpCookies)); Utils::HTTP::FreeFieldValue(lpCookies); lpCookies = NULL; UserMessage::SetFirefoxCookieParams cookieParam; cookieParam.strURL = strURL; cookieParam.strCookie = strCookie; vCookieParams.push_back(cookieParam); TRACE(_T("[ExportCookies] URL: %s Cookie: %s\n"), strURL, strCookie); nCookieLen = 0; } } if (vCookieParams.size()) CIEHostWindow::SetFirefoxCookie(std::move(vCookieParams), m_pIEHostWindow); }
/** * Get named GUID for debug log. * Attempt to translate it through standard Registry lookup, or our * custom Registry repository of interface, GUID, Co-class names. */ LPCWSTR DbgGetIID(REFIID riid) { static CComAutoCriticalSection s_lock; CComCritSecLock<CComCriticalSection> lock(s_lock); static CSimpleMap<GUID, CComBSTR> s_Cache; LPCWSTR pwstrResult = s_Cache.Lookup(riid); if( pwstrResult != NULL ) return pwstrResult; TCHAR szName[80] = { 0 }; OLECHAR wszGUID[50] = { 0 }; ::StringFromGUID2(riid, wszGUID, lengthof(wszGUID)); // Attempt to find it in the interfaces section CRegKey key; DWORD dwType = 0; DWORD dwCount = sizeof(szName) - sizeof(TCHAR); key.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("Interface"), KEY_READ); if( szName[0] == '\0' && key.Open(key, wszGUID, KEY_READ) == NOERROR ) { ::RegQueryValueEx(key.m_hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szName, &dwCount); } // Attempt to find it in the CLSID section key.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("CLSID"), KEY_READ); if( szName[0] == '\0' && key.Open(key, wszGUID, KEY_READ) == NOERROR ) { ::RegQueryValueEx(key.m_hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szName, &dwCount); } // Attempt to find it in our Named GUIDs section key.Open(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, _T("Named GUIDs"), KEY_READ); if( szName[0] == '\0' && key.Open(key, wszGUID, KEY_READ) == NOERROR ) { ::RegQueryValueEx(key.m_hKey, NULL, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE) szName, &dwCount); } if( szName[0] == '\0' ) wcscpy_s(szName, lengthof(szName), CW2T(wszGUID)); s_Cache.Add(riid, CComBSTR(szName)); return s_Cache.Lookup(riid); }
CString MonitorSink::GetBindURL() const { USES_CONVERSION_EX; CString strURL; WCHAR* pURL = NULL; ULONG cEl = 1; try { if (SUCCEEDED(m_spInternetBindInfo->GetBindString(BINDSTRING_URL, &pURL, cEl, &cEl))) { strURL = (LPCTSTR)CW2T(pURL); } } catch(...) { } if (pURL) { CoTaskMemFree(pURL); } return strURL; }
// 获取Plugin所在页面的URL CString CPlugin::GetHostURL() const { CString url; BOOL bOK = FALSE; NPObject* pWindow = NULL; NPVariant vLocation; VOID_TO_NPVARIANT(vLocation); NPVariant vHref; VOID_TO_NPVARIANT(vHref); try { if (( NPN_GetValue( m_pNPInstance, NPNVWindowNPObject, &pWindow) != NPERR_NO_ERROR ) || !pWindow ) { throw(CString(_T("Cannot get window"))); } if ((!NPN_GetProperty( m_pNPInstance, pWindow, NPN_GetStringIdentifier ("location"), &vLocation)) || !NPVARIANT_IS_OBJECT (vLocation)) { throw(CString(_T("Cannot get window.location"))); } if ((!NPN_GetProperty( m_pNPInstance, NPVARIANT_TO_OBJECT(vLocation), NPN_GetStringIdentifier ("href"), &vHref)) || !NPVARIANT_IS_STRING(vHref)) { throw(CString(_T("Cannot get window.location.href"))); } // 转换window.location.href的编码 int buffer_size = vHref.value.stringValue.UTF8Length + 1; char* szUnescaped = new char[buffer_size]; DWORD dwSize = buffer_size; if (SUCCEEDED(UrlUnescapeA(const_cast<LPSTR>(vHref.value.stringValue.UTF8Characters), szUnescaped, &dwSize, 0))) { WCHAR* szURL = new WCHAR[dwSize + 1]; if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, szUnescaped, -1, szURL, dwSize + 1) > 0) { url = CW2T(szURL); } delete[] szURL; } delete[] szUnescaped; } catch (CString strMessage) { TRACE(_T("[CPlugin::GetHostURL Exception] %s"), strMessage); } if (!NPVARIANT_IS_VOID(vHref)) NPN_ReleaseVariantValue(&vHref); if (!NPVARIANT_IS_VOID(vLocation)) NPN_ReleaseVariantValue(&vLocation); if (pWindow != NULL) NPN_ReleaseObject(pWindow); return url; }
CString NPStringToCString(NPString npstr) { int nWide = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, npstr.UTF8Characters, npstr.UTF8Length + 1, NULL, 0); if (nWide == 0) return CString(); CStringW wstr; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, npstr.UTF8Characters, npstr.UTF8Length + 1, wstr.GetBuffer(nWide), nWide); wstr.ReleaseBuffer(); return CString(CW2T(wstr)); }
const TCHAR * GetHtml(std::_tstring & html) { clib::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock proc(m_mutex); CComPtr<IHTMLElement> element; m_doc3->get_documentElement(&element); CComBSTR bstr_html; element->get_innerHTML(&bstr_html); html = CW2T(bstr_html); return html.c_str(); }
void Update(const LogicalFileUpload * c) { clib::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock proc(m_mutex); bool changed = false; if (m_source.Compare(CW2T(c->Source, CP_UTF8)) != 0 || m_destination.Compare(CW2T(c->Destination, CP_UTF8)) != 0 || m_type != c->Type) { changed = true; } m_type = c->Type; m_source = CW2T(c->Source, CP_UTF8); m_destination = CW2T(c->Destination, CP_UTF8); if (changed) { proc.unlock(); Refresh(); } }
void Update(const ECLResult * c) { clib::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock proc(m_mutex); #if _COMMS_VER < 700000 m_name = CW2T(c->Name, CP_UTF8); m_sequence = c->Sequence; m_value = CW2T(c->Value, CP_UTF8); m_link = CW2T(c->Link, CP_UTF8); IsSupplied = c->IsSupplied; m_total = c->Total; #else m_name = CW2T(c->ResultName, CP_UTF8); m_sequence = c->SequenceNumber; //m_value = CW2T(c->Value, CP_UTF8); //m_link = CW2T(c->Link, CP_UTF8); m_total = c->TotalRowCount; #endif m_fileName = CW2T(c->FileName, CP_UTF8); }
void DeleteVideoToServer(LPVOID lpParam) { TCHAR* pKeyBuffer = (TCHAR*)lpParam; TSTLSTRING strKey = TSTLSTRING(pKeyBuffer); delete [] pKeyBuffer; VideoInfo item = VideoDataManager::GetInstance().GetVideoInfo(strKey); string PackageDataSegment("VideoID="); PackageDataSegment.append(CT2A(item.VideoID.c_str())); vector<BYTE> vPostData(PackageDataSegment.length()); memcpy(&, PackageDataSegment.c_str(), PackageDataSegment.length()); try { vector<BYTE> vResponseData; WebClient::Download(VideoConfig::GetInstance().GetVideoProxyDeleteVideoUrl(), vResponseData, vPostData); vResponseData.push_back(0); Encoding encode; TSTLSTRING strRetValue = CW2T(encode.Convert((const char*)&, CP_UTF8).c_str()); TSTLSTRING::size_type pos = strRetValue.find(TEXT(":")); if(pos == TSTLSTRING::npos) { TSTLSTRING ErrMsg(TEXT("·þÎñÆ÷·µ»ØÒì³££¡£¨")); ErrMsg.append(strRetValue); ErrMsg.append(TEXT("£©")); VideoDataManager::GetInstance().ErrorDeleteVideoAndResume(strKey, ErrMsg); throw Exception(ErrMsg); } if(TEXT("OK") == strRetValue.substr(0, pos)) { TSTLSTRING strMsg(item.VideoName); CTipsDlg::ShowTips(strMsg, false); VideoDataManager::GetInstance().LocalDeleteVideo(strKey); } else { TSTLSTRING ErrMsg(TEXT("ɾ³ýÊÓƵʧ°Ü£¡£¨")); ErrMsg.append(strRetValue.substr(pos + 1)); ErrMsg.append(TEXT("£©")); VideoDataManager::GetInstance().ErrorDeleteVideoAndResume(strKey, ErrMsg); throw Exception(ErrMsg); } } catch(Exception& error) { VideoDataManager::GetInstance().VideoFail(strKey, error.GetMessage()); MessageBox(NULL, error.GetMessage().c_str(), TEXT("´íÎó"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } }
void Update(const TpCluster * c) { m_Name = CW2T(c->Name, CP_UTF8); m_Type = CW2T(c->Type, CP_UTF8); m_Directory = CW2T(c->Directory, CP_UTF8); m_Desc = CW2T(c->Desc, CP_UTF8); m_Prefix = CW2T(c->Prefix, CP_UTF8); m_Path = CW2T(c->Path, CP_UTF8); m_DataModel = CW2T(c->DataModel, CP_UTF8); Refresh(); }
STDMETHODIMP CHyperFeedStructureProviderEx::RequestStock(StockParams *Params) { try { CRequestBasePtr pRequest = CRequestBasePtr((CRequestBase*)new CStockRequest(Params)); EgStd::CEgTracingClass::TraceStatic(enlogInfo, __FUNCTION__ , CW2T(Params->Stock)); AddRequest(pRequest); } catch (_com_error &err) { return EgLib::utils::ComError2ErrInfo (err,this); } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CHyperFeedStructureProviderEx::RequestOptions(OptionParams *Params) { try { CRequestBasePtr pRequest = CRequestBasePtr((CRequestBase*)new COptionRequest(Params)); EgLib::CEgLibTraceManager::Trace(LogInfo, __FUNCTION__ , CW2T(Params->UnderlyingSymbol)); AddRequest(pRequest); } catch (_com_error &err) { return EgLib::utils::ComError2ErrInfo (err, this); } return S_OK; }
CWebPage(IHTMLDocument * doc) : m_classifyThreads(THREAD_COUNT), m_resolveThreads(THREAD_COUNT) { m_doc = doc; m_doc2 = doc; m_doc3 = doc; CComBSTR bstr_id; m_doc3->get_uniqueID(&bstr_id); m_id = CW2T(bstr_id, CP_UTF8); //boost::algorithm::to_lower(m_id); //boost::algorithm::trim(m_id); m_classified = false; m_resolved = false; m_classifyThreads.MonitorEvents(boost::ref(*this)); m_resolveThreads.MonitorEvents(boost::ref(*this)); }
void SZYamlDocument::_DecodeText(LPCSTR lpszSrc, CString &strTextOut) { int nBOMType; for (nBOMType = 0; nBOMType < nBOMFlagCount - 1; nBOMType ++) { if (0 == memcmp(BOMFlags[nBOMType].pszBOM, lpszSrc, BOMFlags[nBOMType].nBOMSize)) break; } lpszSrc += BOMFlags[nBOMType].nBOMSize; if (BOMFlags[nBOMType].bIsMutibyte) strTextOut = CA2T(lpszSrc, BOMFlags[nBOMType].uMultiByteCodePage); else strTextOut = CW2T((LPCWSTR)lpszSrc, BOMFlags[nBOMType].uMultiByteCodePage); }
bool CUnicodeFile::Read(std::_tstring & data) { std::string rawData; std::wstring rawWideData; ULONGLONG size, pos; if (m_file.GetSize(size) == S_OK && m_file.GetPosition(pos) == S_OK) { size -= pos; DWORD bytesRead; if(m_encoding==ENCODING_UTF_16) { rawWideData.resize(size/sizeof(wchar_t)); m_file.Read((LPVOID)rawWideData.c_str(), size, bytesRead); ATLASSERT(bytesRead == size); } else { rawData.resize(static_cast<std::_tstring::size_type>(size)); for(int i = 0; i < size; i += BLOCKSIZE) { unsigned int readSize = rawData.length() - i; if (readSize > BLOCKSIZE) readSize = BLOCKSIZE; m_file.Read(const_cast<char *>(rawData.c_str()) + i, readSize, bytesRead); ATLASSERT(bytesRead == readSize); } } switch(m_encoding) { case ENCODING_UTF_16: data = CW2T(rawWideData.c_str()); break; case ENCODING_UTF_8: data = CA2T(rawData.c_str(), CP_UTF8); break; case ENCODING_ANSI: default: data = CA2T(rawData.c_str()); break; } return true; } return false; }
/** * Saves a rendering of the current site by its host container as a PNG file. * This implementation is derived from IECapt. * * @param outputFile the file to save the PNG output as * @link */ STDMETHODIMP CCoSnapsie::saveSnapshot( BSTR outputFile, BSTR frameId, LONG drawableScrollWidth, LONG drawableScrollHeight, LONG drawableClientWidth, LONG drawableClientHeight, LONG drawableClientLeft, LONG drawableClientTop, LONG frameBCRLeft, LONG frameBCRTop) { HRESULT hr; HWND hwndBrowser; CComPtr<IOleClientSite> spClientSite; CComQIPtr<IServiceProvider> spISP; CComPtr<IWebBrowser2> spBrowser; CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispatch; CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument2> spDocument; CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> spScrollableWindow; CComQIPtr<IViewObject2> spViewObject; CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> spStyle; CComQIPtr<IHTMLElement2> spScrollableElement; CComVariant documentHeight; CComVariant documentWidth; CComVariant viewportHeight; CComVariant viewportWidth; GetSite(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&spClientSite); if (spClientSite == NULL) { Error(L"There is no site."); return E_FAIL; } spISP = spClientSite; if (spISP == NULL) { Error(L"Unable to convert client site to service provider."); return E_FAIL; } // from hr = spISP->QueryService(IID_IWebBrowserApp, IID_IWebBrowser2, (void **)&spBrowser); if (FAILED(hr)) { // if we can't query the client site for IWebBrowser2, we're probably // in an HTA. Obtain the IHTMLWindow2 interface pointer by directly // querying the client site's service provider. // CComPtr<IHTMLWindow2> spWindow; hr = spISP->QueryService(IID_IHTMLWindow2, &spWindow); if (FAILED(hr)) { Error("Failed to obtain IHTMLWindow2 from service provider"); return E_FAIL; } hr = spWindow->get_document(&spDocument); if (FAILED(hr)) { Error("Failed to obtain IHTMLDocument2 from window"); return E_FAIL; } CComQIPtr<IOleWindow> spOleWindow = spDocument; if (spOleWindow == NULL) { Error("Failed to obtain IOleWindow from document"); return E_FAIL; } hr = spOleWindow->GetWindow(&hwndBrowser); if (FAILED(hr)) { Error("Failed to obtain HWND from OLE window"); return E_FAIL; } hwndBrowser = GetAncestor(hwndBrowser, GA_ROOTOWNER); } else { hr = spBrowser->get_HWND((long*)&hwndBrowser); if (FAILED(hr)) { Error("Failed to get HWND for browser (is this a frame?)"); return E_FAIL; } ie = GetAncestor(hwndBrowser, GA_ROOTOWNER); CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispatch; hr = spBrowser->get_Document(&spDispatch); if (FAILED(hr)) return E_FAIL; spDocument = spDispatch; if (spDocument == NULL) return E_FAIL; IServiceProvider* pServiceProvider = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(spBrowser->QueryInterface( IID_IServiceProvider, (void**)&pServiceProvider))) { IOleWindow* pWindow = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pServiceProvider->QueryService( SID_SShellBrowser, IID_IOleWindow, (void**)&pWindow))) { if (SUCCEEDED(pWindow->GetWindow(&hwndBrowser))) { hwndBrowser = FindWindowEx(hwndBrowser, NULL, _T("Shell DocObject View"), NULL); if (hwndBrowser) { hwndBrowser = FindWindowEx(hwndBrowser, NULL, _T("Internet Explorer_Server"), NULL); } } pWindow->Release(); } pServiceProvider->Release(); } } // Nobody else seems to know how to get IViewObject2?! // spViewObject = spDocument; if (spViewObject == NULL) { Error(L"Unable to convert document to view object."); return E_FAIL; } CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument5> spDocument5; spDocument->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument5, (void**)&spDocument5); if (spDocument5 == NULL) { Error(L"Snapsie requires IE6 or greater."); return E_FAIL; } CComBSTR compatMode; spDocument5->get_compatMode(&compatMode); // In non-standards-compliant mode, the BODY element represents the canvas. if (compatMode == L"BackCompat") { CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spBody; spDocument->get_body(&spBody); if (NULL == spBody) { return E_FAIL; } spBody->getAttribute(CComBSTR("scrollHeight"), 0, &documentHeight); spBody->getAttribute(CComBSTR("scrollWidth"), 0, &documentWidth); spBody->getAttribute(CComBSTR("clientHeight"), 0, &viewportHeight); spBody->getAttribute(CComBSTR("clientWidth"), 0, &viewportWidth); } // In standards-compliant mode, the HTML element represents the canvas. else { CComQIPtr<IHTMLDocument3> spDocument3; spDocument->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument3, (void**)&spDocument3); if (NULL == spDocument3) { Error(L"Unable to get IHTMLDocument3 handle from document."); return E_FAIL; } // The root node should be the HTML element. CComPtr<IHTMLElement> spRootNode; spDocument3->get_documentElement(&spRootNode); if (NULL == spRootNode) { Error(L"Could not retrieve root node."); return E_FAIL; } CComPtr<IHTMLHtmlElement> spHtml; spRootNode->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLHtmlElement, (void**)&spHtml); if (NULL == spHtml) { Error(L"Root node is not the HTML element."); return E_FAIL; } spRootNode->getAttribute(CComBSTR("scrollHeight"), 0, &documentHeight); spRootNode->getAttribute(CComBSTR("scrollWidth"), 0, &documentWidth); spRootNode->getAttribute(CComBSTR("clientHeight"), 0, &viewportHeight); spRootNode->getAttribute(CComBSTR("clientWidth"), 0, &viewportWidth); } // Figure out how large to make the window. It's not sufficient to just use the dimensions of the scrolled // viewport because the browser chrome occupies space that must be accounted for as well. RECT ieWindowRect; GetWindowRect(ie, &ieWindowRect); int ieWindowWidth = ieWindowRect.right - ieWindowRect.left; int ieWindowHeight = ieWindowRect.bottom -; RECT contentClientRect; GetClientRect(hwndBrowser, &contentClientRect); int contentClientWidth = contentClientRect.right - contentClientRect.left; int contentClientHeight = contentClientRect.bottom -; int chromeWidth = ieWindowWidth - contentClientWidth; int chromeHeight = 2 * (ieWindowHeight - contentClientHeight); int imageHeight = documentHeight.intVal; int imageWidth = documentWidth.intVal; maxWidth = imageWidth + chromeWidth; maxHeight = imageHeight + chromeHeight; long originalHeight, originalWidth; spBrowser->get_Height(&originalHeight); spBrowser->get_Width(&originalWidth); // The resize message is being ignored if the window appears to be maximized. There's likely a // way to bypass that. My ghetto way is to unmaximize the window, then move on with setting // the window to the dimensions we really want. This is okay because we revert back to the // original dimensions afterward. BOOL isMaximized = IsZoomed(ie); if (isMaximized) { ShowWindow(ie, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } // Get the path to this DLL so we can load it up with LoadLibrary. TCHAR dllPath[_MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE) &__ImageBase, dllPath, _MAX_PATH); // Get the path to the Windows hook we use to allow resizing the window greater than the virtual screen resolution. HINSTANCE hinstDLL = LoadLibrary(dllPath); HOOKPROC hkprcSysMsg = (HOOKPROC)GetProcAddress(hinstDLL, "CallWndProc"); if (hkprcSysMsg == NULL) PrintError(L"GetProcAddress"); // Install the Windows hook. nextHook = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CALLWNDPROC, hkprcSysMsg, hinstDLL, 0); if (nextHook == 0) PrintError(L"SetWindowsHookEx"); spBrowser->put_Height(maxHeight); spBrowser->put_Width(maxWidth); // Capture the window's canvas to a DIB. CImage image; image.Create(imageWidth, imageHeight, 24); CImageDC imageDC(image); hr = PrintWindow(hwndBrowser, imageDC, PW_CLIENTONLY); if (FAILED(hr)) { Error(L"PrintWindow"); } // I'm not sure if PrintWindow captures alpha blending or not. OleDraw does, but I was having // issues with sizing the browser correctly between quirks and standards modes to capture everything we need. // //RECT rcBounds = { 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight }; //hr = OleDraw(spViewObject, DVASPECT_DOCPRINT, imageDC, &rcBounds); //if (FAILED(hr)) //{ // Error(L"OleDraw"); //} UnhookWindowsHookEx(nextHook); // Restore the browser to the original dimensions. if (isMaximized) { ShowWindow(ie, SW_MAXIMIZE); } else { spBrowser->put_Height(originalHeight); spBrowser->put_Width(originalWidth); } hr = image.Save(CW2T(outputFile)); if (FAILED(hr)) { PrintError(L"Failed saving image."); return E_FAIL; } return hr; }
void CTTSApp::MainHandleSynthEvent() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Handles the WM_TTSAPPCUSTOMEVENT application defined message and all // of it's appropriate SAPI5 events. // { CSpEvent event; // helper class in sphelper.h for events that releases any // allocated memory in it's destructor - SAFER than SPEVENT SPVOICESTATUS Stat; WPARAM nStart; LPARAM nEnd; int i = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; while( event.GetFrom(m_cpVoice) == S_OK ) { switch( event.eEventId ) { case SPEI_START_INPUT_STREAM: if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("StartStream event\r\n") ); } break; case SPEI_END_INPUT_STREAM: // Set global boolean stop to TRUE when finished speaking m_bStop = TRUE; // Highlight entire text nStart = 0; nEnd = SendDlgItemMessage( m_hWnd, IDE_EDITBOX, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ); SendDlgItemMessage( m_hWnd, IDE_EDITBOX, EM_SETSEL, nStart, nEnd ); // Mouth closed g_iBmp = 0; InvalidateRect( m_hChildWnd, NULL, FALSE ); if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("EndStream event\r\n") ); } break; case SPEI_VOICE_CHANGE: if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Voicechange event\r\n") ); } break; case SPEI_TTS_BOOKMARK: if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { // Get the string associated with the bookmark // and add the null terminator. TCHAR szBuff2[MAX_PATH] = _T("Bookmark event: "); size_t cEventString = wcslen( event.String() ) + 1; WCHAR *pwszEventString = new WCHAR[ cEventString ]; if ( pwszEventString ) { wcscpy_s( pwszEventString, cEventString, event.String() ); _tcscat_s( szBuff2, _countof(szBuff2), CW2T(pwszEventString) ); delete[] pwszEventString; } _tcscat_s( szBuff2, _countof(szBuff2), _T("\r\n") ); TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, szBuff2 ); } break; case SPEI_WORD_BOUNDARY: hr = m_cpVoice->GetStatus( &Stat, NULL ); if( FAILED( hr ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Voice GetStatus error\r\n") ); } // Highlight word nStart = (LPARAM)( Stat.ulInputWordPos / sizeof(char) ); nEnd = nStart + Stat.ulInputWordLen; SendDlgItemMessage( m_hWnd, IDE_EDITBOX, EM_SETSEL, nStart, nEnd ); if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Wordboundary event\r\n") ); } break; case SPEI_PHONEME: if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Phoneme event\r\n") ); } break; case SPEI_VISEME: // Get the current mouth viseme position and map it to one of the // 7 mouth bitmaps. g_iBmp = g_aMapVisemeToImage[event.Viseme()]; // current viseme InvalidateRect( m_hChildWnd, NULL, FALSE ); if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Viseme event\r\n") ); } break; case SPEI_SENTENCE_BOUNDARY: if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Sentence event\r\n") ); } break; case SPEI_TTS_AUDIO_LEVEL: if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { WCHAR wszBuff[MAX_PATH]; swprintf_s(wszBuff, _countof(wszBuff), L"Audio level: %d\r\n", (ULONG)event.wParam); TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, CW2T(wszBuff) ); } break; case SPEI_TTS_PRIVATE: if( IsDlgButtonChecked( m_hWnd, IDC_EVENTS ) ) { TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Private engine event\r\n") ); } break; default: TTSAppStatusMessage( m_hWnd, _T("Unknown message\r\n") ); break; } } }
void CreateVideoToServerWithoutArticle(LPVOID lpParam) { wchar_t* pVideoKey = (wchar_t*)lpParam; TSTLSTRING strKey = TSTLSTRING(CW2T(pVideoKey)); delete [] pVideoKey; VideoInfo item = VideoDataManager::GetInstance().GetVideoInfo(strKey); try { TSTLSTRING FileMD5 = FileHash::MD5(item.VideoFilePath); DWORD dwFileSize = FileHash::GetFileSize(item.VideoFilePath); string PackageDataSegment; PackageDataSegment.append("Name="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoName, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&SourceId="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoSource, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&Author="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoAuthor, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&Channel="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoChannel, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&Creator="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoCreator, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&CatalogId="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoCatalog, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&Content="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoContent, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&Keyword="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(item.VideoKeyword, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&MD5="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(Encoding::Convert(FileMD5, CP_UTF8))); PackageDataSegment.append("&VideoSize="); PackageDataSegment.append(Encoding::UrlEncoding(boost::lexical_cast<std::string, DWORD>(dwFileSize))); vector<BYTE> vPostData(PackageDataSegment.length()); memcpy(&, PackageDataSegment.c_str(), PackageDataSegment.length()); vector<BYTE> vResponseData; WebClient::Download(VideoConfig::GetInstance().GetVideoProxyCreateVideoInfoUrl(), vResponseData, vPostData); vResponseData.push_back(0); Encoding encode; TSTLSTRING strRetValue = CW2T(encode.Convert((const char*)&, CP_UTF8).c_str()); TSTLSTRING::size_type pos = strRetValue.find(TEXT(":")); if(pos == TSTLSTRING::npos) { TSTLSTRING ErrMsg(TEXT("·þÎñÆ÷·µ»ØÒì³££¡£¨")); ErrMsg.append(strRetValue); ErrMsg.append(TEXT("£©")); throw Exception(ErrMsg); } if(TEXT("OK") == strRetValue.substr(0, pos)) { TSTLSTRING strVideoId; TSTLSTRING::size_type posId = strRetValue.find(TEXT("-")); if(posId == TSTLSTRING::npos) { VideoDataManager::GetInstance().LocalDeleteVideo(strKey); MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("¸ÃÊÓƵÒѾÉÏ´«£¡"), TEXT("Ìáʾ"), MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION); } else { strVideoId = strRetValue.substr(posId + 1); CVideoInfoDataManager& dataMgr = VideoDataManager::GetInstance(); dataMgr.SetVideoId(strKey, strRetValue.substr(pos + 1)); try { QQPlay play; vector<TSTLSTRING> vVideoPic = play.GetPictures(item.VideoFilePath); for(vector<TSTLSTRING>::iterator iter=vVideoPic.begin(); iter!=vVideoPic.end(); ++iter) { UploadVideoImageInfo* pUploadInfo = new UploadVideoImageInfo(); pUploadInfo->strfile = *iter; pUploadInfo->strSite = item.VideoChannel; pUploadInfo->strVideoId = strVideoId; UploadImageThread::GetInstance().SendMessage(WM_UPLOADVIDEOIMG, pUploadInfo); } } catch(Exception& error) { MessageBox(NULL, error.GetMessage().c_str(), TEXT("´íÎó"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } } } else { TSTLSTRING ErrMsg(TEXT("Ìí¼ÓÊÓƵʧ°Ü£¡£¨")); ErrMsg.append(strRetValue.substr(pos + 1)); ErrMsg.append(TEXT("£©")); throw Exception(ErrMsg); } } catch(Exception& error) { VideoDataManager::GetInstance().VideoFail(strKey, error.GetMessage()); MessageBox(NULL, error.GetMessage().c_str(), TEXT("´íÎó"), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR); } }