Example #1
void CShapeEffectCreator::CreateShapeRegion (int iAngle, int iLength, int iWidth, CG16bitRegion *pRegion)

//	CreateShapeRegion
//	Creates a transformed polygon from m_Points and the given parameters

	//	Define a transformation for this shape

	CXForm Trans(xformScale, ((Metric)iLength)/100.0, ((Metric)iWidth)/100.0);
	Trans = Trans * CXForm(xformRotate, iAngle);

	//	Transform the points

	for (int i = 0; i < m_iPointCount; i++)
		Metric x, y;
		Trans.Transform(m_Points[i].x, m_Points[i].y, &x, &y);
		m_TransBuffer[i].x = (int)(x + 0.5);
		m_TransBuffer[i].y = -(int)(y + 0.5);

	//	Create the region

	if (m_bConvexPolygon)
		pRegion->CreateFromConvexPolygon(m_iPointCount, m_TransBuffer);
		pRegion->CreateFromPolygon(m_iPointCount, m_TransBuffer);
IAnimatron *CAniVScroller::HitTest (const CXForm &ToDest, int x, int y)

//	HitTest
//	Hit test

    int i;
    IAnimatron *pHit;

    //	Transform

    Metric yScrollPos = m_Properties[INDEX_SCROLL_POS].GetMetric();
    Metric cyViewport = m_Properties[INDEX_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT].GetMetric();
    CVector vPos = m_Properties[INDEX_POSITION].GetVector();
    CXForm LocalToDest = CXForm(xformTranslate, vPos - CVector(0.0, yScrollPos)) * ToDest;

    //	Loop over all lines

    for (i = 0; i < m_List.GetCount(); i++)
        SLine *pList = &m_List[i];

        //	Are we in the viewport?

        RECT rcLine;
        Metric cyLine = (Metric)RectHeight(rcLine);

        Metric yLinePos = pList->pAni->GetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION).GetY() - yScrollPos;
        if (yLinePos + cyLine < 0.0 || yLinePos >= cyViewport)

        //	Hit test

        if (pHit = pList->pAni->HitTest(LocalToDest, x, y))
            return pHit;

    return NULL;
void CreateBlasterShape (int iAngle, int iLength, int iWidth, SPoint *Poly)

//	CreateBlasterShape
//	Creates a blaster-shaped polygon

    //	Define a transformation for this shape

    CXForm Trans(xformScale, ((Metric)iWidth)/100.0, ((Metric)iLength)/100.0);
    Trans = Trans * CXForm(xformRotate, iAngle + 270);

    //	Generate the points

    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        Metric x, y;
        Trans.Transform(g_BlasterShape[i].x, g_BlasterShape[i].y, &x, &y);
        Poly[i].x = (int)x;
        Poly[i].y = (int)y;
Example #4
void CMoltenBoltEffectCreator::CreateBoltShape (int iAngle, int iLength, int iWidth, SPoint *Poly)

//	CreateBoltShape
//	Creates a bolt-shaped polygon

	//	Define a transformation for this shape

	CXForm Trans(xformScale, ((Metric)iLength)/100.0, ((Metric)iWidth)/34.0);
	Trans = Trans * CXForm(xformRotate, iAngle);

	//	Generate the points

	for (int i = 0; i < SHAPE_COUNT; i++)
		Metric x, y;
		Trans.Transform(g_Shape[i].x, g_Shape[i].y, &x, &y);
		Poly[i].x = (int)(x + 0.5);
		Poly[i].y = -(int)(y + 0.5);
void CAniVScroller::Paint (SAniPaintCtx &Ctx)

//	Paint
//	Paint the lines

    int i;

    //	Basic metrics

    Metric yScrollPos = m_Properties[INDEX_SCROLL_POS].GetMetric();
    Metric cyViewport = m_Properties[INDEX_VIEWPORT_HEIGHT].GetMetric();
    Metric cyFadeEdge = m_Properties[INDEX_FADE_EDGE_HEIGHT].GetMetric();
    DWORD dwBaseOpacity = m_Properties[INDEX_OPACITY].GetOpacity() * Ctx.dwOpacityToDest / 255;

    //	Transform

    CVector vPos = m_Properties[INDEX_POSITION].GetVector();
    CXForm LocalToDest = CXForm(xformTranslate, vPos - CVector(0.0, yScrollPos)) * Ctx.ToDest;

    //	Local paint ctx

    SAniPaintCtx LocalCtx(Ctx.Dest,

    //	Clip

    RECT rcSavedClip = Ctx.Dest.GetClipRect();

    RECT rcClip = rcSavedClip;
    rcClip.top = (int)vPos.GetY();
    rcClip.bottom = (int)(vPos.GetY() + cyViewport);

    //	Loop over all lines

    for (i = 0; i < m_List.GetCount(); i++)
        SLine *pList = &m_List[i];

        //	Are we in the viewport?

        RECT rcLine;
        Metric cyLine = (Metric)RectHeight(rcLine);

        Metric yLinePos = pList->pAni->GetPropertyVector(PROP_POSITION).GetY() - yScrollPos;
        if (yLinePos + cyLine < 0.0 || yLinePos >= cyViewport)

        //	Fade edges

        if (cyFadeEdge > 0.0)
            if (yLinePos < 0.0)
                LocalCtx.dwOpacityToDest = 0;
            else if (yLinePos < cyFadeEdge)
                LocalCtx.dwOpacityToDest = (DWORD)((Metric)dwBaseOpacity * (yLinePos / cyFadeEdge));
            else if (yLinePos + cyFadeEdge > cyViewport)
                LocalCtx.dwOpacityToDest = (DWORD)((Metric)dwBaseOpacity * (cyViewport - yLinePos) / cyFadeEdge);
                LocalCtx.dwOpacityToDest = dwBaseOpacity;
            LocalCtx.dwOpacityToDest = dwBaseOpacity;

        //	Paint

