Example #1
void RagdollApplyAnimationAsVelocity( ragdoll_t &ragdoll, const matrix3x4_t *pPrevBones, const matrix3x4_t *pCurrentBones, float dt )
	for ( int i = 0; i < ragdoll.listCount; i++ )
		Vector velocity;
		AngularImpulse angVel;
		int boneIndex = ragdoll.boneIndex[i];
		CalcBoneDerivatives( velocity, angVel, pPrevBones[boneIndex], pCurrentBones[boneIndex], dt );
		AngularImpulse localAngVelocity;

		// Angular velocity is always applied in local space in vphysics
		ragdoll.list[i].pObject->WorldToLocalVector( &localAngVelocity, angVel );
		ragdoll.list[i].pObject->AddVelocity( &velocity, &localAngVelocity );
void RagdollApplyAnimationAsVelocity( ragdoll_t &ragdoll, matrix3x4_t *pPrevBones, matrix3x4_t *pCurrentBones, float dt )
	for ( int i = 0; i < ragdoll.listCount; i++ )
		Vector velocity;
		AngularImpulse angVel;
		int boneIndex = ragdoll.boneIndex[i];
		CalcBoneDerivatives( velocity, angVel, pPrevBones[boneIndex], pCurrentBones[boneIndex], dt );
		Vector localVelocity;
		AngularImpulse localAngVelocity;

		// move these derivatives into the local bone space of the "current" bone
		VectorIRotate( velocity, pCurrentBones[boneIndex], localVelocity );
		VectorIRotate( angVel, pCurrentBones[boneIndex], localAngVelocity );

		// move those bone-local coords back to world space using the ragdoll transform
		ragdoll.list[i].pObject->LocalToWorldVector( velocity, localVelocity );
		ragdoll.list[i].pObject->LocalToWorldVector( angVel, localAngVelocity );

		ragdoll.list[i].pObject->AddVelocity( &velocity, &angVel );