Example #1
void NPC_BSCinematic( void ) 

	if( NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_FIRE_WEAPON )
		WeaponThink( qtrue );

	if ( UpdateGoal() )
	{//have a goalEntity
		//move toward goal, should also face that goal
		NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue );

	if ( NPCInfo->watchTarget )
	{//have an entity which we want to keep facing
		//NOTE: this will override any angles set by NPC_MoveToGoal
		vec3_t eyes, viewSpot, viewvec, viewangles;

		CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );
		CalcEntitySpot( NPCInfo->watchTarget, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, viewSpot );

		VectorSubtract( viewSpot, eyes, viewvec );
		vectoangles( viewvec, viewangles );

		NPCInfo->lockedDesiredYaw = NPCInfo->desiredYaw = viewangles[YAW];
		NPCInfo->lockedDesiredPitch = NPCInfo->desiredPitch = viewangles[PITCH];

	NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
Example #2
qboolean InFOV ( gentity_t *ent, gentity_t *from, int hFOV, int vFOV ) 
	vec3_t	eyes;
	vec3_t	spot;
	vec3_t	deltaVector;
	vec3_t	angles, fromAngles;
	vec3_t	deltaAngles;

	if( from->client )
		if( !VectorCompare( from->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, vec3_origin ) )
		{//Actual facing of tag_head!
			//NOTE: Stasis aliens may have a problem with this?
			VectorCopy( from->client->renderInfo.eyeAngles, fromAngles );
			VectorCopy( from->client->ps.viewangles, fromAngles );
		VectorCopy(from->s.angles, fromAngles);

	CalcEntitySpot( from, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_ORIGIN, spot );
	VectorSubtract ( spot, eyes, deltaVector);

	vectoangles ( deltaVector, angles );
	deltaAngles[PITCH] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[PITCH], angles[PITCH] );
	deltaAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] );
	if ( fabs ( deltaAngles[PITCH] ) <= vFOV && fabs ( deltaAngles[YAW] ) <= hFOV ) 
		return qtrue;

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_HEAD, spot );
	VectorSubtract ( spot, eyes, deltaVector);
	vectoangles ( deltaVector, angles );
	deltaAngles[PITCH] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[PITCH], angles[PITCH] );
	deltaAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] );
	if ( fabs ( deltaAngles[PITCH] ) <= vFOV && fabs ( deltaAngles[YAW] ) <= hFOV ) 
		return qtrue;

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_LEGS, spot );
	VectorSubtract ( spot, eyes, deltaVector);
	vectoangles ( deltaVector, angles );
	deltaAngles[PITCH] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[PITCH], angles[PITCH] );
	deltaAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] );
	if ( fabs ( deltaAngles[PITCH] ) <= vFOV && fabs ( deltaAngles[YAW] ) <= hFOV ) 
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Example #3
determine if NPC can see an entity

This is a straight line trace check.  This function does not look at PVS or FOV,
or take any AI related factors (for example, the NPC's reaction time) into account

FIXME do we need fat and thin version of this?
qboolean CanSee ( gentity_t *ent )
	trace_t		tr;
	vec3_t		eyes;
	vec3_t		spot;

	CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_ORIGIN, spot );
	gi.trace ( &tr, eyes, NULL, NULL, spot, NPC->s.number, MASK_OPAQUE, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 );
	ShotThroughGlass (&tr, ent, spot, MASK_OPAQUE);
	if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
		return qtrue;

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_HEAD, spot );
	gi.trace ( &tr, eyes, NULL, NULL, spot, NPC->s.number, MASK_OPAQUE, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 );
	ShotThroughGlass (&tr, ent, spot, MASK_OPAQUE);
	if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
		return qtrue;

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_LEGS, spot );
	gi.trace ( &tr, eyes, NULL, NULL, spot, NPC->s.number, MASK_OPAQUE, (EG2_Collision)0, 0 );
	ShotThroughGlass (&tr, ent, spot, MASK_OPAQUE);
	if ( tr.fraction == 1.0 )
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Example #4
qboolean NPC_FacePosition( vec3_t position, qboolean doPitch )
	vec3_t		muzzle;
	vec3_t		angles;
	float		yawDelta;
	qboolean	facing = qtrue;

	//Get the positions
	if ( NPC->client && (NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_RANCOR || NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_WAMPA) )// || NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_SAND_CREATURE) )
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_ORIGIN, muzzle );
		muzzle[2] += NPC->r.maxs[2] * 0.75f;
	else if ( NPC->client && NPC->client->NPC_class == CLASS_GALAKMECH )
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_WEAPON, muzzle );
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, muzzle );//SPOT_HEAD

	//Find the desired angles
	GetAnglesForDirection( muzzle, position, angles );

	NPCInfo->desiredYaw		= AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );
	NPCInfo->desiredPitch	= AngleNormalize360( angles[PITCH] );

	if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->enemy->client && NPC->enemy->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ATST )
		// FIXME: this is kind of dumb, but it was the easiest way to get it to look sort of ok
		NPCInfo->desiredYaw	+= flrand( -5, 5 ) + sin( level.time * 0.004f ) * 7;
		NPCInfo->desiredPitch += flrand( -2, 2 );
	//Face that yaw
	NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );

	//Find the delta between our goal and our current facing
	yawDelta = AngleNormalize360( NPCInfo->desiredYaw - ( SHORT2ANGLE( ucmd.angles[YAW] + client->ps.delta_angles[YAW] ) ) );
	//See if we are facing properly
	if ( fabs( yawDelta ) > VALID_ATTACK_CONE )
		facing = qfalse;

	if ( doPitch )
		//Find the delta between our goal and our current facing
		float currentAngles = ( SHORT2ANGLE( ucmd.angles[PITCH] + client->ps.delta_angles[PITCH] ) );
		float pitchDelta = NPCInfo->desiredPitch - currentAngles;
		//See if we are facing properly
		if ( fabs( pitchDelta ) > VALID_ATTACK_CONE )
			facing = qfalse;

	return facing;
Example #5
void Remote_Fire (void)
	vec3_t	delta1, enemy_org1, muzzle1;
	vec3_t	angleToEnemy1;
	static	vec3_t	forward, vright, up;
//	static	vec3_t	muzzle;
	gentity_t	*missile;

	CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org1 );
	VectorCopy( NPC->r.currentOrigin, muzzle1 );
	VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);

	vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
	AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, vright, up);

	missile = CreateMissile( NPC->r.currentOrigin, forward, 1000, 10000, NPC, qfalse );

	G_PlayEffectID( G_EffectIndex("bryar/muzzle_flash"), NPC->r.currentOrigin, forward );

	missile->classname = "briar";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;

	missile->damage = 10;
	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_BRYAR_PISTOL;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;

Example #6
gentity_t *WP_DropThermal( gentity_t *ent )
	AngleVectors( ent->client->ps.viewangles, wpFwd, wpVright, wpUp );
	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_WEAPON, wpMuzzle );
	return (WP_FireThermalDetonator( ent, qfalse ));
Example #7
void Seeker_Fire( void )
	vec3_t		dir, enemy_org, muzzle;
	gentity_t	*missile;

	CalcEntitySpot( NPCS.NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org );
	VectorSubtract( enemy_org, NPCS.NPC->r.currentOrigin, dir );
	VectorNormalize( dir );

	// move a bit forward in the direction we shall shoot in so that the bolt doesn't poke out the other side of the seeker
	VectorMA( NPCS.NPC->r.currentOrigin, 15, dir, muzzle );

	missile = CreateMissile( muzzle, dir, 1000, 10000, NPCS.NPC, qfalse );

	G_PlayEffectID( G_EffectIndex("blaster/muzzle_flash"), NPCS.NPC->r.currentOrigin, dir );

	missile->classname = "blaster";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BLASTER;

	missile->damage = 5;
	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_BLASTER;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;
	if ( NPCS.NPC->r.ownerNum < ENTITYNUM_NONE )
		missile->r.ownerNum = NPCS.NPC->r.ownerNum;
Example #8
//Entity to position
qboolean G_ClearLOS( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *ent, const vec3_t end )
	vec3_t	eyes;

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );

	return G_ClearLOS( self, eyes, end );
Example #9
void ImperialProbe_FireBlaster(void)
	vec3_t	muzzle1,enemy_org1,delta1,angleToEnemy1;
	static	vec3_t	forward, vright, up;
//	static	vec3_t	muzzle;
	int genBolt1;
	gentity_t	*missile;
	mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;

	genBolt1 = trap_G2API_AddBolt(NPC->ghoul2, 0, "*flash");

	//FIXME: use {0, NPC->client->ps.legsYaw, 0}
	trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix( NPC->ghoul2, 0, 
				&boltMatrix, NPC->r.currentAngles, NPC->r.currentOrigin, level.time,
				NULL, NPC->modelScale );

	BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, ORIGIN, muzzle1 );

	G_PlayEffectID( G_EffectIndex("bryar/muzzle_flash"), muzzle1, vec3_origin );

	G_Sound( NPC, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/probe/misc/fire" ));

	if (NPC->health)
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_CHEST, enemy_org1 );
		enemy_org1[0]+= Q_irand(0,10);
		enemy_org1[1]+= Q_irand(0,10);
		VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);
		vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
		AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, vright, up);
		AngleVectors (NPC->r.currentAngles, forward, vright, up);

	missile = CreateMissile( muzzle1, forward, 1600, 10000, NPC, qfalse );

	missile->classname = "bryar_proj";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;

	if ( g_spskill.integer <= 1 )
		missile->damage = 5;
		missile->damage = 10;

	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_UNKNOWN;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;

Example #10
//NPC's eyes to position
qboolean G_ClearLOS( gentity_t *self, const vec3_t end )
	vec3_t	eyes;

	//Calculate the my position
	CalcEntitySpot( self, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );

	return G_ClearLOS( self, eyes, end );
Example #11
qboolean NPC_FaceEntity( gentity_t *ent, qboolean doPitch )
	vec3_t		entPos;

	//Get the positions
	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, entPos );

	return NPC_FacePosition( entPos, doPitch );
Example #12
//NPC's eyes to entity
qboolean G_ClearLOS4( gentity_t *self, gentity_t *ent ) 
	vec3_t	eyes;

	//Calculate my position
	CalcEntitySpot( self, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );
	return G_ClearLOS3( self, eyes, ent );
Example #13
//Position to entity
qboolean G_ClearLOS( gentity_t *self, const vec3_t start, gentity_t *ent )
	vec3_t		spot;

	//Look for the chest first
	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_ORIGIN, spot );

	if ( G_ClearLOS( self, start, spot ) )
		return qtrue;

	//Look for the head next
	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, spot );

	if ( G_ClearLOS( self, start, spot ) )
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Example #14
qboolean InVisrange ( gentity_t *ent )
{//FIXME: make a calculate visibility for ents that takes into account
	//lighting, movement, turning, crouch/stand up, other anims, hide brushes, etc.
	vec3_t	eyes;
	vec3_t	spot;
	vec3_t	deltaVector;
	float	visrange = (NPCInfo->stats.visrange*NPCInfo->stats.visrange);

	CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_ORIGIN, spot );
	VectorSubtract ( spot, eyes, deltaVector);

		float	vel, avel;
		if(ent->client->ps.velocity[0] || ent->client->ps.velocity[1] || ent->client->ps.velocity[2])
			vel = VectorLength(ent->client->ps.velocity);
			if(vel > 128)
				visrange += visrange * (vel/256);

		if(ent->avelocity[0] || ent->avelocity[1] || ent->avelocity[2])
		{//FIXME: shouldn't they need to have line of sight to you to detect this?
			avel = VectorLength(ent->avelocity);
			if(avel > 15)
				visrange += visrange * (avel/60);

	if(VectorLengthSquared(deltaVector) > visrange)
		return qfalse;

	return qtrue;
Example #15
void ImperialProbe_FireBlaster(void)
	vec3_t	muzzle1,enemy_org1,delta1,angleToEnemy1;
	static	vec3_t	forward, vright, up;
	static	vec3_t	muzzle;
	gentity_t	*missile;
	mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;

	//FIXME: use {0, NPC->client->ps.legsYaw, 0}
	gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( NPC->ghoul2, NPC->playerModel, 
				&boltMatrix, NPC->currentAngles, NPC->currentOrigin, (cg.time?cg.time:level.time),
				NULL, NPC->s.modelScale );

	gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, muzzle1 );

	G_PlayEffect( "bryar/muzzle_flash", muzzle1 );

	G_Sound( NPC, G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/probe/misc/fire" ));

	if (NPC->health)
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_CHEST, enemy_org1 );
		enemy_org1[0]+= Q_irand(0,10);
		enemy_org1[1]+= Q_irand(0,10);
		VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);
		vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
		AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, vright, up);
		AngleVectors (NPC->currentAngles, forward, vright, up);

	missile = CreateMissile( muzzle1, forward, 1600, 10000, NPC );

	missile->classname = "bryar_proj";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;

	if ( g_spskill->integer <= 1 )
		missile->damage = 5;
		missile->damage = 10;

	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_ENERGY;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;

Example #16
int G_CheckAlertEvents( gentity_t *self, qboolean checkSight, qboolean checkSound, float maxSeeDist, float maxHearDist, int ignoreAlert, qboolean mustHaveOwner, int minAlertLevel )
	int bestSoundEvent = -1;
	int bestSightEvent = -1;
	int bestSoundAlert = -1;
	int bestSightAlert = -1;

	if ( &g_entities[0] == NULL || g_entities[0].health <= 0 )
		//player is dead
		return -1;

	//get sound event
	bestSoundEvent = G_CheckSoundEvents( self, maxHearDist, ignoreAlert, mustHaveOwner, minAlertLevel );
	//get sound event alert level
	if ( bestSoundEvent >= 0 )
		bestSoundAlert = level.alertEvents[bestSoundEvent].level;

	//get sight event
	if ( self->NPC )
		bestSightEvent = G_CheckSightEvents( self, self->NPC->stats.hfov, self->NPC->stats.vfov, maxSeeDist, ignoreAlert, mustHaveOwner, minAlertLevel );
		bestSightEvent = G_CheckSightEvents( self, 80, 80, maxSeeDist, ignoreAlert, mustHaveOwner, minAlertLevel );//FIXME: look at cg_view to get more accurate numbers?
	//get sight event alert level
	if ( bestSightEvent >= 0 )
		bestSightAlert = level.alertEvents[bestSightEvent].level;

	//return the one that has a higher alert (or sound if equal)
	//FIXME:	This doesn't take the distance of the event into account

	if ( bestSightEvent >= 0 && bestSightAlert > bestSoundAlert )
	{//valid best sight event, more important than the sound event
		//get the light level of the alert event for this checker
		vec3_t	eyePoint, sightDir;
		//get eye point
		CalcEntitySpot( self, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyePoint );
		VectorSubtract( level.alertEvents[bestSightEvent].position, eyePoint, sightDir );
		level.alertEvents[bestSightEvent].light = level.alertEvents[bestSightEvent].addLight + G_GetLightLevel( level.alertEvents[bestSightEvent].position, sightDir );
		//return the sight event
		return bestSightEvent;
	//return the sound event
	return bestSoundEvent;
Example #17
static void Sniper_CheckFireState( void )
	if ( enemyCS )
	{//if have a clear shot, always try

	if ( NPCInfo->squadState == SQUAD_RETREAT || NPCInfo->squadState == SQUAD_TRANSITION || NPCInfo->squadState == SQUAD_SCOUT )
	{//runners never try to fire at the last pos

	if ( !VectorCompare( NPC->client->ps.velocity, vec3_origin ) )
	{//if moving at all, don't do this

	if ( !TIMER_Done( NPC, "taunting" ) )
	{//no shoot while taunting

	//continue to fire on their last position
	if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) 
		&& NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime 
		&& level.time - NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime < ((5-NPCInfo->stats.aim)*1000) )//FIXME: incorporate skill too?
		if ( !VectorCompare( vec3_origin, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation ) )
			//Fire on the last known position
			vec3_t	muzzle, dir, angles;

			CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_WEAPON, muzzle );
			VectorSubtract( NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation, muzzle, dir );

			VectorNormalize( dir );

			vectoangles( dir, angles );

			NPCInfo->desiredYaw		= angles[YAW];
			NPCInfo->desiredPitch	= angles[PITCH];

			shoot = qtrue;
			//faceEnemy = qfalse;
	else if ( level.time - NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime > 10000 )
	{//next time we see him, we'll miss few times first
		NPC->count = 0;
Example #18
void Sniper_UpdateEnemyPos( void ) {
	int index;
	int i;

		if ( !index ) {
			CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, &NPCInfo->enemyLaggedPos[index] );
			NPCInfo->enemyLaggedPos[index].z -= flrand( 2, 16 );
		else {
			VectorCopy( &NPCInfo->enemyLaggedPos[index - 1], &NPCInfo->enemyLaggedPos[index] );
Example #19
qboolean InFOV( vec3_t origin, gentity_t *from, int hFOV, int vFOV )
	vec3_t	fromAngles, eyes;

	if( from->client )
		VectorCopy(from->client->ps.viewangles, fromAngles);
		VectorCopy(from->s.angles, fromAngles);

	CalcEntitySpot( from, SPOT_HEAD, eyes );

	return InFOV( origin, eyes, fromAngles, hFOV, vFOV );
Example #20
void Mark1_FireRocket(void)
	mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;
	vec3_t	muzzle1,enemy_org1,delta1,angleToEnemy1;
	static	vec3_t	forward, vright, up;
	int bolt = trap_G2API_AddBolt(NPC->ghoul2, 0, "*flash5");
	gentity_t *missile;

	int	damage	= 50;

	trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix( NPC->ghoul2, 0, 
				&boltMatrix, NPC->r.currentAngles, NPC->r.currentOrigin, level.time,
				NULL, NPC->modelScale );

	BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, ORIGIN, muzzle1 );

//	G_PlayEffect( "blaster/muzzle_flash", muzzle1 );

	CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org1 );
	VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);
	vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
	AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, vright, up);

	G_Sound( NPC, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex("sound/chars/mark1/misc/mark1_fire" ));

	missile = CreateMissile( muzzle1, forward, BOWCASTER_VELOCITY, 10000, NPC, qfalse );

	missile->classname = "bowcaster_proj";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BOWCASTER;

	VectorScale( missile->r.maxs, -1, missile->r.mins );

	missile->damage = damage;
	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_ROCKET;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;
	missile->splashDamage = BOWCASTER_SPLASH_DAMAGE;
	missile->splashRadius = BOWCASTER_SPLASH_RADIUS;

	// we don't want it to bounce
	missile->bounceCount = 0;

void Mark2_FireBlaster(qboolean advance)
	vec3_t	muzzle1,enemy_org1,delta1,angleToEnemy1;
	static	vec3_t	forward, vright, up;
	static	vec3_t	muzzle;
	gentity_t	*missile;
	mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;
	int bolt = trap_G2API_AddBolt(NPC->ghoul2, 0, "*flash");

	trap_G2API_GetBoltMatrix( NPC->ghoul2, 0, 
				&boltMatrix, NPC->r.currentAngles, NPC->r.currentOrigin, level.time,
				NULL, NPC->modelScale );

	BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, ORIGIN, muzzle1 );

	if (NPC->health)
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org1 );
		VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);
		vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
		AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, vright, up);
		AngleVectors (NPC->r.currentAngles, forward, vright, up);

	G_PlayEffectID( G_EffectIndex("bryar/muzzle_flash"), muzzle1, forward );

	G_Sound( NPC, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex("sound/chars/mark2/misc/mark2_fire"));

	missile = CreateMissile( muzzle1, forward, 1600, 10000, NPC, qfalse );

	missile->classname = "bryar_proj";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;

	missile->damage = 1;
	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_BRYAR_PISTOL;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;

Example #22
int G_FindLocalInterestPoint( gentity_t *self )
	int		i, bestPoint = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	float	dist, bestDist = Q3_INFINITE;
	vec3_t	diffVec, eyes;

	CalcEntitySpot( self, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );
	for ( i = 0; i < level.numInterestPoints; i++ )
		//Don't ignore portals?  If through a portal, need to look at portal!
		if ( gi.inPVS( level.interestPoints[i].origin, eyes ) )
			VectorSubtract( level.interestPoints[i].origin, eyes, diffVec );
			if ( (fabs(diffVec[0]) + fabs(diffVec[1])) / 2 < 48 &&
				fabs(diffVec[2]) > (fabs(diffVec[0]) + fabs(diffVec[1])) / 2 )
			{//Too close to look so far up or down
			dist = VectorLengthSquared( diffVec );
			//Some priority to more interesting points
			//dist -= ((int)level.interestPoints[i].lookMode * 5) * ((int)level.interestPoints[i].lookMode * 5);
			if ( dist < MAX_INTEREST_DIST && dist < bestDist )
				if ( G_ClearLineOfSight( eyes, level.interestPoints[i].origin, self->s.number, MASK_OPAQUE ) )
					bestDist = dist;
					bestPoint = i;
	if ( bestPoint != ENTITYNUM_NONE && level.interestPoints[bestPoint].target )
		G_UseTargets2( self, self, level.interestPoints[bestPoint].target );
	return bestPoint;
Example #23
void Remote_Fire (void)
	vec3_t	delta1, enemy_org1, muzzle1;
	vec3_t	angleToEnemy1;
	//these dont need to be static, and vright and up arent used
	/*static*/ vec3_t	forward;//, vright, up;
	/*static vec3_t	muzzle;*/
	gentity_t	*missile;

	CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org1 );
	VectorCopy( NPC->r.currentOrigin, muzzle1 );
	VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);

	vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
	AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, NULL, NULL);
	//AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, vright, up);

	missile = CreateMissile( NPC->r.currentOrigin, forward, 1000, 10000, NPC, qfalse );

	G_PlayEffectID( G_EffectIndex("bryar/muzzle_flash"), NPC->r.currentOrigin, forward );

	missile->classname = "briar";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;

	missile->damage = 10;
	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	//RAFIXME - impliment this MOD?
	//missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_ENERGY;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_BRYAR_PISTOL;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;

Example #24
void NPC_BSFollowLeader (void)
	vec3_t		vec;
	float		leaderDist;
	visibility_t	leaderVis;
	int			curAnim;

	if ( !NPC->client->leader )
	{//ok, stand guard until we find an enemy
		if( NPCInfo->tempBehavior == BS_HUNT_AND_KILL )
			NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_DEFAULT;
			NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_STAND_GUARD;

	if ( !NPC->enemy  )
	{//no enemy, find one
		NPC_CheckEnemy( NPCInfo->confusionTime<level.time, qfalse );//don't find new enemy if this is tempbehav
		if ( NPC->enemy )
		{//just found one
			NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 3000, 10000 );
			if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS) )
				int eventID = NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qtrue, qtrue );
				if ( level.alertEvents[eventID].level >= AEL_SUSPICIOUS && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES) )
					NPCInfo->lastAlertID = level.alertEvents[eventID].ID;
					if ( !level.alertEvents[eventID].owner || 
						!level.alertEvents[eventID].owner->client || 
						level.alertEvents[eventID].owner->health <= 0 ||
						level.alertEvents[eventID].owner->client->playerTeam != NPC->client->enemyTeam )
					{//not an enemy
						//FIXME: what if can't actually see enemy, don't know where he is... should we make them just become very alert and start looking for him?  Or just let combat AI handle this... (act as if you lost him)
						G_SetEnemy( NPC, level.alertEvents[eventID].owner );
						NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 3000, 10000 );
						NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
						TIMER_Set( NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( 500, 1000 ) );

		if ( !NPC->enemy )
			if ( NPC->client->leader 
				&& NPC->client->leader->enemy 
				&& NPC->client->leader->enemy != NPC
				&& ( (NPC->client->leader->enemy->client&&NPC->client->leader->enemy->client->playerTeam==NPC->client->enemyTeam)
					||(NPC->client->leader->enemy->svFlags&SVF_NONNPC_ENEMY&&NPC->client->leader->enemy->noDamageTeam==NPC->client->enemyTeam) )
				&& NPC->client->leader->enemy->health > 0 )
				G_SetEnemy( NPC, NPC->client->leader->enemy );
				NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 3000, 10000 );
				NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
		if ( NPC->enemy->health <= 0 || (NPC->enemy->flags&FL_NOTARGET) )
			G_ClearEnemy( NPC );
			if ( NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime > level.time + 1000 )
				NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 1000, 2000 );
		else if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon && NPCInfo->enemyCheckDebounceTime < level.time )
			NPC_CheckEnemy( (NPCInfo->confusionTime<level.time||NPCInfo->tempBehavior!=BS_FOLLOW_LEADER), qfalse );//don't find new enemy if this is tempbehav
	if ( NPC->enemy && NPC->client->ps.weapon )
	{//If have an enemy, face him and fire
		if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER )//|| NPCInfo->confusionTime>level.time )
		{//lightsaber user or charmed enemy
			if ( NPCInfo->tempBehavior != BS_FOLLOW_LEADER )
			{//not already in a temp bState
				//go after the guy
				NPCInfo->tempBehavior = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;
				NPC_UpdateAngles(qtrue, qtrue);

		enemyVisibility = NPC_CheckVisibility ( NPC->enemy, CHECK_FOV|CHECK_SHOOT );//CHECK_360|CHECK_PVS|
		if ( enemyVisibility > VIS_PVS )
			vec3_t	enemy_org, muzzle, delta, angleToEnemy;
			float	distanceToEnemy;

			CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org );
			NPC_AimWiggle( enemy_org );

			CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_WEAPON, muzzle );
			VectorSubtract( enemy_org, muzzle, delta);
			vectoangles( delta, angleToEnemy );
			distanceToEnemy = VectorNormalize( delta );

			NPCInfo->desiredYaw = angleToEnemy[YAW];
			NPCInfo->desiredPitch = angleToEnemy[PITCH];
			NPC_UpdateFiringAngles( qtrue, qtrue );

			if ( enemyVisibility >= VIS_SHOOT )
				NPC_AimAdjust( 2 );
				if ( NPC_GetHFOVPercentage( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->client->ps.viewangles, NPCInfo->stats.hfov ) > 0.6f 
					&& NPC_GetHFOVPercentage( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->client->ps.viewangles, NPCInfo->stats.vfov ) > 0.5f )
				{//actually withing our front cone
					WeaponThink( qtrue );
				NPC_AimAdjust( 1 );
			//NPC_CheckCanAttack(1.0, qfalse);
			NPC_AimAdjust( -1 );
	{//FIXME: combine with vector calc below
		vec3_t	head, leaderHead, delta, angleToLeader;

		CalcEntitySpot( NPC->client->leader, SPOT_HEAD, leaderHead );
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD, head );
		VectorSubtract (leaderHead, head, delta);
		vectoangles ( delta, angleToLeader );
		NPC->NPC->desiredYaw = angleToLeader[YAW];
		NPC->NPC->desiredPitch = angleToLeader[PITCH];
		NPC_UpdateAngles(qtrue, qtrue);

	//leader visible?
	leaderVis = NPC_CheckVisibility( NPC->client->leader, CHECK_PVS|CHECK_360|CHECK_SHOOT );//			ent->e_UseFunc = useF_NULL;

	//Follow leader, stay within visibility and a certain distance, maintain a distance from.
	curAnim = NPC->client->ps.legsAnim;
	if ( curAnim != BOTH_ATTACK1 && curAnim != BOTH_ATTACK2 && curAnim != BOTH_ATTACK3 && curAnim != BOTH_MELEE1 && curAnim != BOTH_MELEE2 )
	{//Don't move toward leader if we're in a full-body attack anim
		//FIXME, use IdealDistance to determine if we need to close distance
		float	followDist = 96.0f;//FIXME:  If there are enmies, make this larger?
		float	backupdist, walkdist, minrundist;

		if ( NPCInfo->followDist )
			followDist = NPCInfo->followDist;
		backupdist = followDist/2.0f;
		walkdist = followDist*0.83;
		minrundist = followDist*1.33;

		VectorSubtract(NPC->client->leader->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, vec);
		leaderDist = VectorLength( vec );//FIXME: make this just nav distance?
		//never get within their radius horizontally
		vec[2] = 0;
		float leaderHDist = VectorLength( vec );
		if( leaderHDist > backupdist && (leaderVis != VIS_SHOOT || leaderDist > walkdist) )
		{//We should close in?
			NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPC->client->leader;

			if ( leaderVis == VIS_SHOOT && leaderDist < minrundist )
				ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING;
		else if ( leaderDist < backupdist )
		{//We should back off?
			NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPC->client->leader;

			//reversing direction
			ucmd.forwardmove = -ucmd.forwardmove;
			ucmd.rightmove   = -ucmd.rightmove;
			VectorScale( NPC->client->ps.moveDir, -1, NPC->client->ps.moveDir );
		}//otherwise, stay where we are
		//check for do not enter and stop if there's one there...
		if ( ucmd.forwardmove || ucmd.rightmove || VectorCompare( vec3_origin, NPC->client->ps.moveDir ) )
			NPC_MoveDirClear( ucmd.forwardmove, ucmd.rightmove, qtrue );
Example #25
void Sniper_FaceEnemy( void )
	//FIXME: the ones behind kill holes are facing some arbitrary direction and not firing
	//FIXME: If actually trying to hit enemy, don't fire unless enemy is at least in front of me?
	//FIXME: need to give designers option to make them not miss first few shots
	if ( NPC->enemy )
		vec3_t	muzzle, target, angles, forward, right, up;
		//Get the positions
		AngleVectors( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, forward, right, up );
		CalcMuzzlePoint( NPC, forward, right, up, muzzle, 0 );
		//CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_WEAPON, muzzle );
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_ORIGIN, target );

		if ( enemyDist > 65536 && NPCInfo->stats.aim < 5 )//is 256 squared, was 16384 (128*128)
			if ( NPC->count < (5-NPCInfo->stats.aim) )
			{//miss a few times first
				if ( shoot && TIMER_Done( NPC, "attackDelay" ) && level.time >= NPCInfo->shotTime )
				{//ready to fire again
					qboolean	aimError = qfalse;
					qboolean	hit = qtrue;
					int			tryMissCount = 0;
					trace_t		trace;

					GetAnglesForDirection( muzzle, target, angles );
					AngleVectors( angles, forward, right, up );

					while ( hit && tryMissCount < 10 )
						if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
							aimError = qtrue;
							if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
								VectorMA( target, NPC->enemy->maxs[2]*Q_flrand(1.5, 4), right, target );
								VectorMA( target, NPC->enemy->mins[2]*Q_flrand(1.5, 4), right, target );
						if ( !aimError || !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
							if ( !Q_irand( 0, 1 ) )
								VectorMA( target, NPC->enemy->maxs[2]*Q_flrand(1.5, 4), up, target );
								VectorMA( target, NPC->enemy->mins[2]*Q_flrand(1.5, 4), up, target );
						gi.trace( &trace, muzzle, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, target, NPC->s.number, MASK_SHOT, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
						hit = Sniper_EvaluateShot( trace.entityNum );
					if ( !enemyLOS )
						NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
			{//based on distance, aim value, difficulty and enemy movement, miss
				//FIXME: incorporate distance as a factor?
				int missFactor = 8-(NPCInfo->stats.aim+g_spskill->integer) * 3;
				if ( missFactor > ENEMY_POS_LAG_STEPS )
					missFactor = ENEMY_POS_LAG_STEPS;
				else if ( missFactor < 0 )
					missFactor = 0 ;
				VectorCopy( NPCInfo->enemyLaggedPos[missFactor], target );
			GetAnglesForDirection( muzzle, target, angles );
			target[2] += Q_flrand( 0, NPC->enemy->maxs[2] );
			//CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, target );
			GetAnglesForDirection( muzzle, target, angles );

		NPCInfo->desiredYaw		= AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );
		NPCInfo->desiredPitch	= AngleNormalize360( angles[PITCH] );
	NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
Example #26
 void NPC_BSAdvanceFight (void)

Advance towards your captureGoal and shoot anyone you can along the way.
void NPC_BSAdvanceFight (void)
//Head to Goal if I can

	//Make sure we're still headed where we want to capture
	if ( NPCInfo->captureGoal )
	{//FIXME: if no captureGoal, what do we do?
		//VectorCopy( NPCInfo->captureGoal->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->tempGoal->currentOrigin );
		//NPCInfo->goalEntity = NPCInfo->tempGoal;

		NPC_SetMoveGoal( NPC, NPCInfo->captureGoal->currentOrigin, 16, qtrue );

//		NAV_ClearLastRoute(NPC);
		NPCInfo->goalTime = level.time + 100000;

//	NPC_BSRun();

	NPC_CheckEnemy(qtrue, qfalse);

	//FIXME: Need melee code
	if( NPC->enemy )
	{//See if we can shoot him
		vec3_t		delta, forward;
		vec3_t		angleToEnemy;
		vec3_t		hitspot, muzzle, diff, enemy_org, enemy_head;
		float		distanceToEnemy;
		qboolean	attack_ok = qfalse;
		qboolean	dead_on = qfalse;
		float		attack_scale = 1.0;
		float		aim_off;
		float		max_aim_off = 64;

		//Yaw to enemy
		VectorMA(NPC->enemy->absmin, 0.5, NPC->enemy->maxs, enemy_org);
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_WEAPON, muzzle );
		VectorSubtract (enemy_org, muzzle, delta);
		vectoangles ( delta, angleToEnemy );
		distanceToEnemy = VectorNormalize(delta);

		if(!NPC_EnemyTooFar(NPC->enemy, distanceToEnemy*distanceToEnemy, qtrue))
			attack_ok = qtrue;

			NPC_UpdateShootAngles(angleToEnemy, qfalse, qtrue);

			NPCInfo->enemyLastVisibility = enemyVisibility;
			enemyVisibility = NPC_CheckVisibility ( NPC->enemy, CHECK_FOV);//CHECK_360|//CHECK_PVS|

			if(enemyVisibility == VIS_FOV)
			{//He's in our FOV
				attack_ok = qtrue;
				CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_head);

					trace_t		tr;
					gentity_t	*traceEnt;
					//are we gonna hit him if we shoot at his center?
					gi.trace ( &tr, muzzle, NULL, NULL, enemy_org, NPC->s.number, MASK_SHOT, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
					traceEnt = &g_entities[tr.entityNum];
					if( traceEnt != NPC->enemy &&
						(!traceEnt || !traceEnt->client || !NPC->client->enemyTeam || NPC->client->enemyTeam != traceEnt->client->playerTeam) )
					{//no, so shoot for the head
						attack_scale *= 0.75;
						gi.trace ( &tr, muzzle, NULL, NULL, enemy_head, NPC->s.number, MASK_SHOT, G2_NOCOLLIDE, 0 );
						traceEnt = &g_entities[tr.entityNum];

					VectorCopy( tr.endpos, hitspot );

					if( traceEnt == NPC->enemy || (traceEnt->client && NPC->client->enemyTeam && NPC->client->enemyTeam == traceEnt->client->playerTeam) )
						dead_on = qtrue;
						attack_scale *= 0.5;
							if(traceEnt && traceEnt->client && traceEnt->client->playerTeam)
								if(NPC->client->playerTeam == traceEnt->client->playerTeam)
								{//Don't shoot our own team
									attack_ok = qfalse;

				if( attack_ok )
					//ok, now adjust pitch aim
					VectorSubtract (hitspot, muzzle, delta);
					vectoangles ( delta, angleToEnemy );
					NPC->NPC->desiredPitch = angleToEnemy[PITCH];
					NPC_UpdateShootAngles(angleToEnemy, qtrue, qfalse);

					if( !dead_on )
					{//We're not going to hit him directly, try a suppressing fire
						//see if where we're going to shoot is too far from his origin
						AngleVectors (NPCInfo->shootAngles, forward, NULL, NULL);
						VectorMA ( muzzle, distanceToEnemy, forward, hitspot);
						VectorSubtract(hitspot, enemy_org, diff);
						aim_off = VectorLength(diff);
						if(aim_off > random() * max_aim_off)//FIXME: use aim value to allow poor aim?
							attack_scale *= 0.75;
							//see if where we're going to shoot is too far from his head
							VectorSubtract(hitspot, enemy_head, diff);
							aim_off = VectorLength(diff);
							if(aim_off > random() * max_aim_off)
								attack_ok = qfalse;
						attack_scale *= (max_aim_off - aim_off + 1)/max_aim_off;

		if( attack_ok )
			if( NPC_CheckAttack( attack_scale ))
			{//check aggression to decide if we should shoot
				enemyVisibility = VIS_SHOOT;
				attack_ok = qfalse;
//Don't do this- only for when stationary and trying to shoot an enemy
//		else
//			NPC->cantHitEnemyCounter++;
		NPC_UpdateShootAngles(NPC->client->ps.viewangles, qtrue, qtrue);

	if(!ucmd.forwardmove && !ucmd.rightmove)
	{//We reached our captureGoal
			Q3_TaskIDComplete( NPC, TID_BSTATE );
Example #27
//Entity to entity
qboolean InFOVFromPlayerView ( gentity_t *ent, int hFOV, int vFOV )
	vec3_t	eyes;
	vec3_t	spot;
	vec3_t	deltaVector;
	vec3_t	angles, fromAngles;
	vec3_t	deltaAngles;

	if ( !player || !player->client )
		return qfalse;
	if ( cg.time )
		VectorCopy( cg.refdefViewAngles, fromAngles );
		VectorCopy( player->client->ps.viewangles, fromAngles );

	if( cg.time )
		VectorCopy( cg.refdef.vieworg, eyes );
		CalcEntitySpot( player, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_ORIGIN, spot );
	VectorSubtract ( spot, eyes, deltaVector);

	vectoangles ( deltaVector, angles );
	deltaAngles[PITCH] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[PITCH], angles[PITCH] );
	deltaAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] );
	if ( fabs ( deltaAngles[PITCH] ) <= vFOV && fabs ( deltaAngles[YAW] ) <= hFOV )
		return qtrue;

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_HEAD, spot );
	VectorSubtract ( spot, eyes, deltaVector);
	vectoangles ( deltaVector, angles );
	deltaAngles[PITCH] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[PITCH], angles[PITCH] );
	deltaAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] );
	if ( fabs ( deltaAngles[PITCH] ) <= vFOV && fabs ( deltaAngles[YAW] ) <= hFOV )
		return qtrue;

	CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_LEGS, spot );
	VectorSubtract ( spot, eyes, deltaVector);
	vectoangles ( deltaVector, angles );
	deltaAngles[PITCH] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[PITCH], angles[PITCH] );
	deltaAngles[YAW] = AngleDelta ( fromAngles[YAW], angles[YAW] );
	if ( fabs ( deltaAngles[PITCH] ) <= vFOV && fabs ( deltaAngles[YAW] ) <= hFOV )
		return qtrue;

	return qfalse;
Example #28
void	Boba_Update()
	// Never Forget The Player... Never.
	if (player && player->inuse && !NPC->enemy)
		G_SetEnemy(NPC, player);
		NPC->svFlags				|= SVF_LOCKEDENEMY;	// Don't forget about the enemy once you've found him

	// Hey, This Is Boba, He Tests The Trace All The Time
	if (NPC->enemy)
		if (!(NPC->svFlags&SVF_NOCLIENT))
			trace_t		testTrace;
			vec3_t		eyes;
			CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD_LEAN, eyes );
			gi.trace (&testTrace, eyes, NULL, NULL, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->s.number, MASK_SHOT, (EG2_Collision)0, 0);

			bool	wasSeen = Boba_CanSeeEnemy(NPC);

			if (!testTrace.startsolid && 
				!testTrace.allsolid && 
				testTrace.entityNum == NPC->enemy->s.number)
				NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime	= level.time;
				NPCInfo->enemyLastHeardTime	= level.time;
				VectorCopy(NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation);
				VectorCopy(NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->enemyLastHeardLocation);
			else if (gi.inPVS( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin))
				NPCInfo->enemyLastHeardTime	= level.time;
				VectorCopy(NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->enemyLastHeardLocation);

			if (g_bobaDebug->integer)
				bool	nowSeen = Boba_CanSeeEnemy(NPC);
				if (!wasSeen && nowSeen)
					Boba_Printf("Enemy Seen");
				if (wasSeen && !nowSeen)
					Boba_Printf("Enemy Lost");
				CG_DrawEdge(NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, (nowSeen)?(EDGE_IMPACT_SAFE):(EDGE_IMPACT_POSSIBLE));

		if (!NPCInfo->surrenderTime)
			if ((level.time - NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime)>20000 && TIMER_Done(NPC, "TooLongGoneRespawn"))
				TIMER_Set(NPC, "TooLongGoneRespawn", 30000);	// Give him some time to get to you before trying again
				Boba_Printf("Gone Too Long, Attempting Respawn Even Though Not Hiding");

	// Make Sure He Always Appears In The Last Area With Full Health When His Death Script Is Turned On
	if (!BobaHadDeathScript && NPC->behaviorSet[BSET_DEATH]!=0)
		if (!gi.inPVS(NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin))
			Boba_Printf("Attempting Final Battle Spawn...");
			if (Boba_Respawn())
				BobaHadDeathScript = true;

	// Don't Forget To Turn Off That Flame Thrower, Mr. Fett - You're Waisting Precious Natural Gases
	if ((NPCInfo->aiFlags&NPCAI_FLAMETHROW) && (TIMER_Done(NPC, "flameTime")))

	// Occasionally A Jump Turns Into A Rocket Fly
	if ( NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE 
		&& NPC->client->ps.forceJumpZStart
		&& !Q_irand( 0, 10 ) )
	{//take off
		Boba_FlyStart( NPC );

	// If Hurting, Try To Run Away
	if (!NPCInfo->surrenderTime && (NPC->health<NPC->max_health/10))
		Boba_Printf("Time To Surrender, Searching For Flee Point");

		// Find The Closest Flee Point That I Can Get To
		int cp = NPC_FindCombatPoint(NPC->currentOrigin, 0, NPC->currentOrigin, CP_FLEE|CP_HAS_ROUTE|CP_TRYFAR|CP_HORZ_DIST_COLL, 0, -1);
		if (cp!=-1)
			NPC_SetCombatPoint( cp );
			NPC_SetMoveGoal( NPC, level.combatPoints[cp].origin, 8, qtrue, cp );
			if (NPC->count<6)
 	 		 	NPCInfo->surrenderTime = level.time + Q_irand(5000, 10000) + 1000*(6-NPC->count);
 	 			NPCInfo->surrenderTime = level.time + Q_irand(5000, 10000);
			Boba_Printf("  Failure");
Example #29
void RT_FireDecide( void )
	qboolean enemyLOS = qfalse;
	qboolean enemyCS = qfalse;
	qboolean enemyInFOV = qfalse;
	//qboolean move = qtrue;
	qboolean faceEnemy = qfalse;
	qboolean shoot = qfalse;
	qboolean hitAlly = qfalse;
	vec3_t	impactPos;
	float	enemyDist;

	if ( NPC->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE 
		&& NPC->client->ps.forceJumpZStart
		&& !PM_FlippingAnim( NPC->client->ps.legsAnim )
		&& !Q_irand( 0, 10 ) )
	{//take off
		RT_FlyStart( NPC );

	if ( !NPC->enemy )

	VectorClear( impactPos );
	enemyDist = DistanceSquared( NPC->currentOrigin, NPC->enemy->currentOrigin );

	vec3_t	enemyDir, shootDir;
	VectorSubtract( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin, enemyDir );
	VectorNormalize( enemyDir );
	AngleVectors( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, shootDir, NULL, NULL );
	float dot = DotProduct( enemyDir, shootDir );
	if ( dot > 0.5f ||( enemyDist * (1.0f-dot)) < 10000 )
	{//enemy is in front of me or they're very close and not behind me
		enemyInFOV = qtrue;

	if ( enemyDist < MIN_ROCKET_DIST_SQUARED )//128
	{//enemy within 128
		if ( (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_FLECHETTE || NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_REPEATER) && 
			(NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_ALT_FIRE) )
		{//shooting an explosive, but enemy too close, switch to primary fire
			NPCInfo->scriptFlags &= ~SCF_ALT_FIRE;
			//FIXME: we can never go back to alt-fire this way since, after this, we don't know if we were initially supposed to use alt-fire or not...

	//can we see our target?
	if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "nextAttackDelay" ) && TIMER_Done( NPC, "flameTime" ) )
		if ( NPC_ClearLOS( NPC->enemy ) )
			NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
			enemyLOS = qtrue;

			if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_NONE )
				enemyCS = qfalse;//not true, but should stop us from firing
			{//can we shoot our target?
				if ( (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER 
					|| (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_CONCUSSION && !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE))
					|| (NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_FLECHETTE && (NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE))) && enemyDist < MIN_ROCKET_DIST_SQUARED )//128*128
					enemyCS = qfalse;//not true, but should stop us from firing
					hitAlly = qtrue;//us!
					//FIXME: if too close, run away!
				else if ( enemyInFOV )
				{//if enemy is FOV, go ahead and check for shooting
					int hit = NPC_ShotEntity( NPC->enemy, impactPos );
					gentity_t *hitEnt = &g_entities[hit];

					if ( hit == NPC->enemy->s.number 
						|| ( hitEnt && hitEnt->client && hitEnt->client->playerTeam == NPC->client->enemyTeam )
						|| ( hitEnt && hitEnt->takedamage && ((hitEnt->svFlags&SVF_GLASS_BRUSH)||hitEnt->health < 40||NPC->s.weapon == WP_EMPLACED_GUN) ) )
					{//can hit enemy or enemy ally or will hit glass or other minor breakable (or in emplaced gun), so shoot anyway
						enemyCS = qtrue;
						//NPC_AimAdjust( 2 );//adjust aim better longer we have clear shot at enemy
						VectorCopy( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation );
					{//Hmm, have to get around this bastard
						//NPC_AimAdjust( 1 );//adjust aim better longer we can see enemy
						if ( hitEnt && hitEnt->client && hitEnt->client->playerTeam == NPC->client->playerTeam )
						{//would hit an ally, don't fire!!!
							hitAlly = qtrue;
						{//Check and see where our shot *would* hit... if it's not close to the enemy (within 256?), then don't fire
					enemyCS = qfalse;//not true, but should stop us from firing
		else if ( gi.inPVS( NPC->enemy->currentOrigin, NPC->currentOrigin ) )
			NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
			faceEnemy = qtrue;
			//NPC_AimAdjust( -1 );//adjust aim worse longer we cannot see enemy

		if ( NPC->client->ps.weapon == WP_NONE )
			faceEnemy = qfalse;
			shoot = qfalse;
			if ( enemyLOS )
			{//FIXME: no need to face enemy if we're moving to some other goal and he's too far away to shoot?
				faceEnemy = qtrue;
			if ( enemyCS )
				shoot = qtrue;

		if ( !enemyCS )
		{//if have a clear shot, always try
			//See if we should continue to fire on their last position
			//!TIMER_Done( NPC, "stick" ) || 
			if ( !hitAlly //we're not going to hit an ally
				&& enemyInFOV //enemy is in our FOV //FIXME: or we don't have a clear LOS?
				&& NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime > 0 )//we've seen the enemy
				if ( level.time - NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime < 10000 )//we have seem the enemy in the last 10 seconds
					if ( !Q_irand( 0, 10 ) )
						//Fire on the last known position
						vec3_t	muzzle, dir, angles;
						qboolean tooClose = qfalse;
						qboolean tooFar = qfalse;

						CalcEntitySpot( NPC, SPOT_HEAD, muzzle );
						if ( VectorCompare( impactPos, vec3_origin ) )
						{//never checked ShotEntity this frame, so must do a trace...
							trace_t tr;
							//vec3_t	mins = {-2,-2,-2}, maxs = {2,2,2};
							vec3_t	forward, end;
							AngleVectors( NPC->client->ps.viewangles, forward, NULL, NULL );
							VectorMA( muzzle, 8192, forward, end );
							gi.trace( &tr, muzzle, vec3_origin, vec3_origin, end, NPC->s.number, MASK_SHOT );
							VectorCopy( tr.endpos, impactPos );

						//see if impact would be too close to me
						float distThreshold = 16384/*128*128*/;//default
						switch ( NPC->s.weapon )
						case WP_FLECHETTE:
						case WP_THERMAL:
						case WP_TRIP_MINE:
						case WP_DET_PACK:
							distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/;
						case WP_REPEATER:
							if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE )
								distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/;
						case WP_CONCUSSION:
							if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE) )
								distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/;

						float dist = DistanceSquared( impactPos, muzzle );

						if ( dist < distThreshold )
						{//impact would be too close to me
							tooClose = qtrue;
						else if ( level.time - NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime > 5000 ||
							(NPCInfo->group && level.time - NPCInfo->group->lastSeenEnemyTime > 5000 ))
						{//we've haven't seen them in the last 5 seconds
							//see if it's too far from where he is
							distThreshold = 65536/*256*256*/;//default
							switch ( NPC->s.weapon )
							case WP_FLECHETTE:
							case WP_THERMAL:
							case WP_TRIP_MINE:
							case WP_DET_PACK:
								distThreshold = 262144/*512*512*/;
							case WP_REPEATER:
								if ( NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE )
									distThreshold = 262144/*512*512*/;
							case WP_CONCUSSION:
								if ( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE) )
									distThreshold = 262144/*512*512*/;
							dist = DistanceSquared( impactPos, NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation );
							if ( dist > distThreshold )
							{//impact would be too far from enemy
								tooFar = qtrue;

						if ( !tooClose && !tooFar )
						{//okay too shoot at last pos
							VectorSubtract( NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenLocation, muzzle, dir );
							VectorNormalize( dir );
							vectoangles( dir, angles );

							NPCInfo->desiredYaw		= angles[YAW];
							NPCInfo->desiredPitch	= angles[PITCH];

							shoot = qtrue;
							faceEnemy = qfalse;

		//FIXME: don't shoot right away!
		if ( NPC->client->fireDelay )
			if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER
				|| (NPC->s.weapon == WP_CONCUSSION&&!(NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_ALT_FIRE)) )
				if ( !enemyLOS || !enemyCS )
				{//cancel it
					NPC->client->fireDelay = 0;
				{//delay our next attempt
					TIMER_Set( NPC, "nextAttackDelay", Q_irand( 1000, 3000 ) );//FIXME: base on g_spskill
		else if ( shoot )
		{//try to shoot if it's time
			if ( TIMER_Done( NPC, "nextAttackDelay" ) )
				if( !(NPCInfo->scriptFlags & SCF_FIRE_WEAPON) ) // we've already fired, no need to do it again here
					WeaponThink( qtrue );
				int altChance = 6;//FIXME: base on g_spskill
				if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER )
					if ( (ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) 
						&& !Q_irand( 0, altChance ) )
					{//every now and then, shoot a homing rocket
						ucmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK;
						ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
						NPC->client->fireDelay = Q_irand( 1000, 3000 );//FIXME: base on g_spskill
				else if ( NPC->s.weapon == WP_CONCUSSION )
					if ( (ucmd.buttons&BUTTON_ATTACK) 
						&& Q_irand( 0, altChance*5 ) )
					{//fire the beam shot
						ucmd.buttons &= ~BUTTON_ATTACK;
						ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ALT_ATTACK;
						TIMER_Set( NPC, "nextAttackDelay", Q_irand( 1500, 2500 ) );//FIXME: base on g_spskill
					{//fire the rocket-like shot
						TIMER_Set( NPC, "nextAttackDelay", Q_irand( 3000, 5000 ) );//FIXME: base on g_spskill
Example #30
- Shoot the left weapon, the multi-blaster
void Mark1_FireBlaster(void)
	vec3_t	muzzle1,enemy_org1,delta1,angleToEnemy1;
	static	vec3_t	forward, vright, up;
	gentity_t	*missile;
	mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;
	int			bolt;

	// Which muzzle to fire from?
	if ((NPCInfo->localState <= LSTATE_FIRED0) || (NPCInfo->localState == LSTATE_FIRED4))
		NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_FIRED1;
		bolt = NPC->genericBolt1;
	else if (NPCInfo->localState == LSTATE_FIRED1)
		NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_FIRED2;
		bolt = NPC->genericBolt2;
	else if (NPCInfo->localState == LSTATE_FIRED2)
		NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_FIRED3;
		bolt = NPC->genericBolt3;
		NPCInfo->localState = LSTATE_FIRED4;
		bolt = NPC->genericBolt4;

	gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( NPC->ghoul2, NPC->playerModel,
				&boltMatrix, NPC->currentAngles, NPC->currentOrigin, (cg.time?cg.time:level.time),
				NULL, NPC->s.modelScale );

	gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, muzzle1 );

	if (NPC->health)
		CalcEntitySpot( NPC->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org1 );
		VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);
		vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
		AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, forward, vright, up);
		AngleVectors (NPC->currentAngles, forward, vright, up);

	G_PlayEffect( "bryar/muzzle_flash", muzzle1, forward );

	G_Sound( NPC, G_SoundIndex("sound/chars/mark1/misc/mark1_fire"));

	missile = CreateMissile( muzzle1, forward, 1600, 10000, NPC );

	missile->classname = "bryar_proj";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_BRYAR_PISTOL;

	missile->damage = 1;
	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_DEATH_KNOCKBACK;
	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_ENERGY;
	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;
