Example #1
 * @brief    Calculate sublimation from blowing snow
CalcBlowingSnow(double   Dt,
                double   Tair,
                unsigned LastSnow,
                double   SurfaceLiquidWater,
                double   Wind,
                double   Ls,
                double   AirDens,
                double   EactAir,
                double   ZO,
                double   Zrh,
                double   snowdepth,
                double   lag_one,
                double   sigma_slope,
                double   Tsnow,
                int      iveg,
                int      Nveg,
                double   fe,
                double   displacement,
                double   roughness,
                double  *TotalTransport)
    extern parameters_struct param;
    extern option_struct     options;

    /* Local variables: */
    double                   Age;
    double                   U10, Uo, prob_occurence;
    double                   es, Ros, F;
    double                   SubFlux;
    double                   Diffusivity;
    double                   ushear;
    double                   Tk;
    double                   utshear;
    int                      p;
    double                   upper, lower, Total;
    double                   area;
    double                   sigma_w;
    double                   Zo_salt;
    double                   ratio, wind10;
    double                   Uveg, hv, Nd;
    double                   Transport;

    /* Calculate some general variables, that don't depend on wind speed. */

    /* Age in hours */
    Age = LastSnow * Dt / SEC_PER_HOUR;

    /* Saturation density of water vapor, Liston A-8 */
    es = svp(Tair);

    Tk = Tair + CONST_TKFRZ;

    Ros = CONST_EPS * es / (CONST_RDAIR * Tk);

    /* Diffusivity in m2/s, Liston eq. A-7 */
    Diffusivity = (2.06e-5) * pow(Tk / 273., 1.75);

    // Essery et al. 1999, eq. 6 (m*s/kg)
    F = (Ls / (param.BLOWING_KA * Tk)) * (Ls * Tk / CONST_RDAIR - 1.);
    F += 1. / (Diffusivity * Ros);

    /* grid cell 10 m wind speed = 50th percentile wind */
    /* Wind speed at 2 m above snow was passed to this function. */

    wind10 = Wind * log(10. / ZO) / log((2 + ZO) / ZO);

    /* Check for bare soil case. */
    if (iveg == Nveg) {
        fe = 1500;
        sigma_slope = .0002;
    // sigma_w/uo:
    ratio = (2.44 - (0.43) * lag_one) * sigma_slope;

    sigma_w = wind10 * ratio;
    Uo = wind10;

    /*********** Parameters for roughness above snow. *****************/
    hv = (3. / 2.) * displacement;
    Nd = (4. / 3.) * (roughness / displacement);

    /** Begin loop through wind probability function.                  */

    Total = 0.0;
    *TotalTransport = 0.0;
    area = 1. / (double) param.BLOWING_NUMINCS;

    if (snowdepth > 0.0) {
        if (options.BLOWING_SPATIAL_WIND && sigma_w != 0.) {
            for (p = 0; p < param.BLOWING_NUMINCS; p++) {
                SubFlux = lower = upper = 0.0;
                /* Find the limits of integration. */
                if (p == 0) {
                    lower = -9999;
                    upper = Uo + sigma_w * log(2. * (p + 1) * area);
                else if (p > 0 && p < param.BLOWING_NUMINCS / 2) {
                    lower = Uo + sigma_w * log(2. * (p) * area);
                    upper = Uo + sigma_w * log(2. * (p + 1) * area);
                else if (p < (param.BLOWING_NUMINCS - 1) && p >=
                         (double) param.BLOWING_NUMINCS / 2) {
                    lower = Uo - sigma_w * log(2. - 2. * (p * area));
                    upper = Uo - sigma_w * log(2. - 2. * ((p + 1.) * area));
                else if (p == param.BLOWING_NUMINCS - 1) {
                    lower = Uo - sigma_w * log(2. - 2. * (p * area));
                    upper = 9999;

                if (lower > upper) { /* Could happen if lower > Uo*2 */
                    lower = upper;
                    log_err("Error with probability boundaries");

                /* Find expected value of wind speed for the interval. */
                U10 = Uo;
                if (lower >= Uo) {
                    U10 = -0.5 *
                          ((upper +
                            sigma_w) * exp((-1. / sigma_w) * (upper - Uo)) -
                           (lower +
                            sigma_w) *
                           exp((-1. / sigma_w) * (lower - Uo))) / area;
                else if (upper <= Uo) {
                    U10 = 0.5 *
                          ((upper -
                            sigma_w) * exp((1. / sigma_w) * (upper - Uo)) -
                           (lower -
                            sigma_w) *
                           exp((1. / sigma_w) * (lower - Uo))) / area;
                else {
                    log_err("Problem with probability ranges: Increment = %d, "
                            "integration limits = %f - %f", p, upper, lower);

                if (U10 < 0.4) {
                    U10 = .4;

                if (U10 > 25.) {
                    U10 = 25.;
                /* Calculate parameters for probability of blowing snow occurence. */
                /* ( Li and Pomeroy 1997) */

                if (snowdepth < hv) {
                    Uveg = U10 / sqrt(1. + 170 * Nd * (hv - snowdepth));
                else {
                    Uveg = U10;

                prob_occurence = get_prob(Tair, Age, SurfaceLiquidWater, Uveg);

                /* Calculate threshold shear stress. Send 0 for constant or  */
                /* 1 for variable threshold after Li and Pomeroy (1997)      */

                utshear =
                    get_thresh(Tair, SurfaceLiquidWater, ZO);

                /* Iterate to find actual shear stress during saltation. */

                shear_stress(U10, ZO, &ushear, &Zo_salt, utshear);

                if (ushear > utshear) {
                    SubFlux = CalcSubFlux(EactAir, es, Zrh, AirDens, utshear,
                                          ushear, fe, Tsnow,
                                          Tair, U10, Zo_salt, F, &Transport);
                else {
                    SubFlux = 0.0;
                    Transport = 0.0;

                Total += (1. / (double) param.BLOWING_NUMINCS) * SubFlux *
                *TotalTransport += (1. / (double) param.BLOWING_NUMINCS) *
                                   Transport * prob_occurence;
        else {
            U10 = Uo;
            /* Calculate parameters for probability of blowing snow occurence. */
            /* ( Li and Pomeroy 1997) */

            if (snowdepth < hv) {
                Uveg = U10 / sqrt(1. + 170 * Nd * (hv - snowdepth));
            else {
                Uveg = U10;

            prob_occurence = get_prob(Tair, Age, SurfaceLiquidWater, Uveg);

            /* Calculate threshold shear stress. Send 0 for constant or  */
            /* 1 for variable threshold after Li and Pomeroy (1997)      */

            utshear = get_thresh(Tair, SurfaceLiquidWater, ZO);

            /* Iterate to find actual shear stress during saltation. */

            shear_stress(Uo, ZO, &ushear, &Zo_salt, utshear);

            if (ushear > utshear) {
                SubFlux = CalcSubFlux(EactAir, es, Zrh, AirDens, utshear,
                                      ushear, fe, Tsnow,
                                      Tair, Uo, Zo_salt, F, &Transport);
            else {
                SubFlux = 0.0;
                Transport = 0.0;
            Total = SubFlux * prob_occurence;
            *TotalTransport = Transport * prob_occurence;

    if (Total < -.00005) {
        Total = -.00005;

    return Total;
Example #2
  Function name: CalcBlowingSnow()

  Purpose      : Calculate sublimation from blowing snow

  Required     :  double Dt;                     Model time step (hours) 
  double Tair;                    Air temperature (C) 
  int LastSnow;                   Time steps since last snowfall. 
  double SurfaceLiquidWater;      Liquid water in the surface layer (m) 
  double Wind;                    Wind speed (m/s), 2 m above snow 
  double Ls;                      Latent heat of sublimation (J/kg) 
  double AirDens;                 Density of air (kg/m3) 
  double Lv;                      Latent heat of vaporization (J/kg3) 
  double Press;                   Air pressure (Pa) 
  double EactAir;                 Actual vapor pressure of air (Pa) 
  double ZO;                      Snow roughness height (m)
  Returns      : BlowingMassFlux

  Modifies     : 

  Comments     : Called from SnowPackEnergyBalance

double CalcBlowingSnow( double Dt, 
			double Tair,
			int LastSnow,
			double SurfaceLiquidWater,
			double Wind,
			double Ls,
			double AirDens,
			double Press,
			double EactAir,
			double ZO,
			double Zrh,
			double snowdepth,
			float lag_one,
			float sigma_slope,
			double Tsnow, 
			int iveg, 
			int Nveg, 
			float fe,
			double displacement,
			double roughness,
			double *TotalTransport)

  /* Local variables: */

  double Age;
  double U10, Uo, prob_occurence;
  double es, Ros, F;
  double SubFlux;
  double Diffusivity;
  double ushear, Qsalt, hsalt, phi_s, psi_s;
  double Tk;
  double Lv;
  double T, ztop;
  double ut10, utshear;
  int p;
  double upper, lower, Total;
  double area;
  double sigma_w;
  double undersat_2;
  double b, temp2; /* SBSM scaling parameter. */
  double temp, temp3;
  double Zo_salt;
  double ratio, wind10;
  double Uveg, hv, Nd;
  double Transport;
  int count=0;

  Lv = (2.501e6 - 0.002361e6 * Tsnow);
  /* Calculate some general variables, that don't depend on wind speed. */

  /* Age in hours */
  Age = LastSnow*(Dt);
  /* Saturation density of water vapor, Liston A-8 */
  es = svp(Tair);

  Tk = Tair  + KELVIN;
  Ros = 0.622*es/(287*Tk);
  /* Diffusivity in m2/s, Liston eq. A-7 */
  Diffusivity = (2.06e-5) * pow(Tk/273.,1.75);

  // Essery et al. 1999, eq. 6 (m*s/kg)
  F = (Ls/(Ka*Tk))*(Ls*MW/(R*Tk) - 1.);
  F += 1./(Diffusivity*Ros);

  /* grid cell 10 m wind speed = 50th percentile wind */
  /* Wind speed at 2 m above snow was passed to this function. */

  wind10 = Wind*log(10./ZO)/log((2+ZO)/ZO);
  //  fprintf(stderr,"wind=%f, Uo=%f\n",Wind, Uo);

  /* Check for bare soil case. */
  if(iveg == Nveg) {
    fe = 1500;
    sigma_slope = .0002;
  // sigma_w/uo:
  ratio = (2.44 - (0.43)*lag_one)*sigma_slope;
  //  sigma_w = wind10/(.69+(1/ratio));
  //  Uo = sigma_w/ratio;
  sigma_w = wind10*ratio;
  Uo = wind10;
  /*********** Parameters for roughness above snow. *****************/
    hv = (3./2.)*displacement;
    Nd = (4./3.)*(roughness/displacement);

  /** Begin loop through wind probability function.                  */

  Total = 0.0;
  *TotalTransport = 0.0;
  area = 1./NUMINCS;
  if(snowdepth > 0.0) {
    if(SPATIAL_WIND && sigma_w != 0.) {
      for(p= 0; p< NUMINCS; p++) {
	SubFlux = lower = upper = 0.0;
      /* Find the limits of integration. */
      if(p==0) {
	lower = -9999;
	upper = Uo + sigma_w*log(2.*(p+1)*area);
      else if(p > 0 && p < NUMINCS/2) {
	lower = Uo + sigma_w*log(2.*(p)*area);
	upper = Uo + sigma_w*log(2.*(p+1)*area);
      else if(p < (NUMINCS-1) && p >= NUMINCS/2) {
	lower = Uo - sigma_w*log(2.-2.*(p*area));
	upper = Uo - sigma_w*log(2.-2.*((p+1.)*area));
      else if(p == NUMINCS-1) {
	lower =  Uo - sigma_w*log(2.-2.*(p*area));
	upper = 9999;

      if(lower > upper)  {/* Could happen if lower > Uo*2 */
	lower = upper;
	fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Error with probability boundaries in CalcBlowingSnow()\n");

      /* Find expected value of wind speed for the interval. */
      U10 = Uo;
      if(lower >= Uo ) 
	U10 = -0.5*((upper+sigma_w)*exp((-1./sigma_w)*(upper - Uo))
		    - (lower+sigma_w)*exp((-1./sigma_w)*(lower - Uo)))/area;
      else if(upper <= Uo )
	U10 = 0.5*((upper-sigma_w)*exp((1./sigma_w)*(upper - Uo))
		   - (lower-sigma_w)*exp((1./sigma_w)*(lower - Uo)))/area;
      else {
	fprintf(stderr,"ERROR in CalcBlowingSnow.c: Problem with probability ranges\n");
	fprintf(stderr,"  Increment = %d, integration limits = %f - %f\n",p,upper, lower);
        return ( ERROR );
      if(U10 < 0.4)
	U10 = .4;

      if(U10 > 25.) U10 = 25.;
      /* Calculate parameters for probability of blowing snow occurence. */
      /* ( Li and Pomeroy 1997) */

      if(snowdepth < hv) {
		Uveg = U10/sqrt(1.+ 170*Nd*(hv - snowdepth));
	Uveg = U10;
      //  fprintf(stderr, "Uveg = %f, U10 = %f\n",Uveg, U10);

      prob_occurence = get_prob(Tair, Age, SurfaceLiquidWater, Uveg);

      //   printf("prob=%f\n",prob_occurence);
      /* Calculate threshold shear stress. Send 0 for constant or  */
      /* 1 for variable threshold after Li and Pomeroy (1997)      */

      utshear = get_thresh(Tair, SurfaceLiquidWater, ZO, VAR_THRESHOLD);
      /* Iterate to find actual shear stress during saltation. */

      shear_stress(U10, ZO, &ushear, &Zo_salt, utshear);
      if(ushear > utshear) {
	SubFlux = CalcSubFlux(EactAir, es, Zrh, AirDens, utshear,ushear, fe, Tsnow, 
			      Tair, U10, Zo_salt, F, &Transport);
      else {
	Transport = 0.0;
      Total += (1./NUMINCS)*SubFlux*prob_occurence;
      *TotalTransport += (1./NUMINCS)*Transport*prob_occurence;

    else {
      /* Calculate parameters for probability of blowing snow occurence. */
      /* ( Li and Pomeroy 1997) */
      if(snowdepth < hv)
	Uveg = U10/sqrt(1.+ 170*Nd*(hv - snowdepth));
	Uveg = U10;

      prob_occurence = get_prob(Tair, Age, SurfaceLiquidWater, Uveg);
      /* Calculate threshold shear stress. Send 0 for constant or  */
      /* 1 for variable threshold after Li and Pomeroy (1997)      */

      utshear = get_thresh(Tair, SurfaceLiquidWater, ZO, VAR_THRESHOLD);

      /* Iterate to find actual shear stress during saltation. */
      shear_stress(Uo, ZO, &ushear, &Zo_salt, utshear);

      if(ushear > utshear) {
	SubFlux = CalcSubFlux(EactAir, es, Zrh, AirDens, utshear,ushear, fe, Tsnow, 
			      Tair, Uo, Zo_salt, F, &Transport);
      else {
	Transport = 0.0;
      Total = SubFlux*prob_occurence;
      *TotalTransport = Transport*prob_occurence;

  if(Total < -.00005)
    Total = -.00005;
  return Total;