// Private member functions:
// Call this function after declare a CollageBasic instance.
// This function will create a non-fixed aspect ratio image collage.
bool CollageBasic::CreateCollage() {
  image_num_ = static_cast<int>(image_vec_.size());
  if (image_num_ == 0) {
    std::cout << "Error: CreateCollage 1" << std::endl;
    return false;
  if (canvas_width_ <= 0) {
    std::cout << "Error: CreateCollage 2" << std::endl;
    return false;
  // A: generate a full balanced binary tree with image_num_ leaves.
  // B: recursively calculate aspect ratio.
  canvas_alpha_ = CalculateAlpha(tree_root_);
  canvas_height_ = static_cast<int>(canvas_width_ / canvas_alpha_);
  // C: set the position for all the tile images in the collage.
  tree_root_->position_.x_ = 0;
  tree_root_->position_.y_ = 0;
  tree_root_->position_.height_ = canvas_height_;
  tree_root_->position_.width_ = canvas_width_;
  if (tree_root_->left_child_)
  if (tree_root_->right_child_)
  return true;
void FAnimationActiveTransitionEntry::Update(const FAnimationUpdateContext& Context, int32 CurrentStateIndex, bool& bOutFinished)
	bOutFinished = false;

	// Advance time
	if (bActive)
		ElapsedTime += Context.GetDeltaTime();
		if (ElapsedTime >= CrossfadeDuration)
			bActive = false;
			bOutFinished = true;

		if(CrossfadeDuration <= 0.0f)
			Alpha = 1.0f;
			Alpha = CalculateAlpha(ElapsedTime / CrossfadeDuration);

// Recursively calculate aspect ratio for all the inner nodes.
// The return value is the aspect ratio for the node.
float CollageBasic::CalculateAlpha(TreeNode* node) {
  if (!node->is_leaf_) {
    float left_alpha = CalculateAlpha(node->left_child_);
    float right_alpha = CalculateAlpha(node->right_child_);
    if (node->split_type_ == 'v') {
      node->alpha_ = left_alpha + right_alpha;
      return node->alpha_;
    } else if (node->split_type_ == 'h') {
      node->alpha_ = (left_alpha * right_alpha) / (left_alpha + right_alpha);
      return node->alpha_;
    } else {
      std::cout << "Error: CalculateAlpha" << std::endl;
      return -1;
  } else {
    // This is a leaf node, just return the image's aspect ratio.
    return node->alpha_;
Example #4
// Purpose: 
void C_ScriptIntro::ClientThink( void )
	Assert( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() <= 2 );

	if ( m_hCameraEntity )
		m_IntroData.m_vecCameraView = m_hCameraEntity->GetAbsOrigin();
		m_IntroData.m_vecCameraViewAngles = m_hCameraEntity->GetAbsAngles();


	// Calculate the blend levels of each pass
	float flPerc = 1.0;
	if ( (m_flNextBlendTime - m_flBlendStartTime) != 0 )
		flPerc = clamp( (gpGlobals->curtime - m_flBlendStartTime) / (m_flNextBlendTime - m_flBlendStartTime), 0, 1 );

	// Detect when we're finished blending
	if ( flPerc >= 1.0 )
		if ( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() == 2 )
			// We're done blending
			m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_BlendMode = m_IntroData.m_Passes[1].m_BlendMode;
			m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_Alpha = 1.0;

			//Msg("FINISHED BLEND.\n");

	if ( m_flNextBlendTime >= gpGlobals->curtime )
		Msg("INTRO BLENDING: Blending from mode %d to %d.\n", m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_BlendMode, m_IntroData.m_Passes[1].m_BlendMode );
		Msg("				 curtime %.2f    StartedAt %.2f    FinishAt: %.2f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, m_flBlendStartTime, m_flNextBlendTime );
		Msg("				 Perc:   %.2f\n", flPerc );

	if ( m_IntroData.m_Passes.Count() == 2 )
		m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_Alpha = 1.0 - flPerc;
		m_IntroData.m_Passes[1].m_Alpha = flPerc;
		m_IntroData.m_Passes[0].m_Alpha = 1.0 - flPerc;
// If we use CreateCollage, the generated collage may have strange aspect ratio such as
// too big or too small, which seems to be difficult to be shown. We let the user to
// input their expected aspect ratio and fast adjust to make the result aspect ratio
// close to the user defined one.
// The thresh here controls the closeness between the result aspect ratio and the expect
// aspect ratio. e.g. expect_alpha is 1, thresh is 2. The result aspect ratio is around
// [1 / 2, 1 * 2] = [0.5, 2].
// We also define MAX_ITER_NUM = 100,
// If max iteration number is reached and we cannot find a good result aspect ratio,
// this function returns false.
int CollageBasic::CreateCollage(float expect_alpha, float thresh) {
  assert(thresh > 1);
  assert(expect_alpha > 0);
  tree_root_->alpha_expect_ = expect_alpha;
  float lower_bound = expect_alpha / thresh;
  float upper_bound = expect_alpha * thresh;
  int total_iter_counter = 1;
  // Do the initial tree generatio and calculation.
  // A: generate a full balanced binary tree with image_num_ leaves.
  // B: recursively calculate aspect ratio.
  canvas_alpha_ = CalculateAlpha(tree_root_);
  while ((canvas_alpha_ < lower_bound) || (canvas_alpha_ > upper_bound)) {
    canvas_alpha_ = CalculateAlpha(tree_root_);
    if (total_iter_counter > MAX_TREE_GENE_NUM) {
      std::cout << "*******************************" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "max iteration number reached..." << std::endl;
      std::cout << "*******************************" << std::endl;
      return -1;
  // std::cout << "Canvas generation success!" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Total iteration number is: " << total_iter_counter << std::endl;
  // After adjustment, set the position for all the tile images.
  canvas_height_ = static_cast<int>(canvas_width_ / canvas_alpha_);
  tree_root_->position_.x_ = 0;
  tree_root_->position_.y_ = 0;
  tree_root_->position_.height_ = canvas_height_;
  tree_root_->position_.width_ = canvas_width_;
  if (tree_root_->left_child_)
  if (tree_root_->right_child_)
  return total_iter_counter;
BetaDistributionWithTrend::BetaDistributionWithTrend(const NRLib::Trend * mean,
                                                     const NRLib::Trend * var,
                                                     const double       & lower_limit,
                                                     const double       & upper_limit,
                                                     int                  shared)
: DistributionWithTrend(shared,true)
  mean_ = mean->Clone();

  var_  = var->Clone();

  for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
    use_trend_cube_[i] = false;

  FindUseTrendCube(use_trend_cube_, mean_->GetTrendDimension(), mean_->GetReference());
  FindUseTrendCube(use_trend_cube_, var_ ->GetTrendDimension(), var_ ->GetReference());

  if(mean_->GetTrendDimension() == 0) {
    ni_ = 1;
    n_samples_mean_ = 1;
  else {
    ni_ = 2;
    n_samples_mean_ = 100;

  if(var_->GetTrendDimension() == 0) {
    nj_ = 1;
    n_samples_var_ = 1;
  else {
    nj_ = 2;
    n_samples_var_ = 100;

  double mean_min = mean_->GetMinValue();
  double mean_max = mean_->GetMaxValue();

  double var_min = var_->GetMinValue();
  double var_max = var_->GetMaxValue();

  double dx;
  if(ni_ == 1)
    dx = 0;
    dx = (mean_max - mean_min)/(n_samples_mean_ - 1);

  double dy;
  if(nj_ == 1)
    dy = 0;
    dy = (var_max  - var_min) /(n_samples_var_ - 1);

  for(int i=0; i<n_samples_mean_; i++)
    mean_sampling_[i] = mean_min + i*dx;

  for(int j=0; j<n_samples_var_; j++)
    var_sampling_[j]  = var_min  + j*dy;

  double a;
  double b;

  beta_distribution_ = new NRLib::Grid2D<NRLib::Distribution<double> *>(n_samples_mean_, n_samples_var_, NULL);

  for(int i=0; i<n_samples_mean_; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<n_samples_var_; j++) {

      CalculateAlpha(mean_sampling_[i], var_sampling_[j], lower_limit, upper_limit, a);
      CalculateBeta(mean_sampling_[i],  var_sampling_[j], lower_limit, upper_limit, b);

      NRLib::Distribution<double> * dist = NULL;

      if(a > 0 && b > 0)
        dist = new NRLib::Beta(lower_limit, upper_limit, a, b);

      (*beta_distribution_)(i,j) = dist;

void CalcAlphaBeta(void) {