Example #1
// Used in SFileGetFileInfo
bool QueryMpqSignatureInfo(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    TFileEntry * pFileEntry;
    ULONGLONG ExtraBytes;
    DWORD dwFileSize;

    // Make sure it's all zeroed
    memset(pSI, 0, sizeof(MPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO));

    // Calculate the range of the MPQ
    CalculateArchiveRange(ha, pSI);

    // If there is "(signature)" file in the MPQ, it has a weak signature
    pFileEntry = GetFileEntryLocale(ha, SIGNATURE_NAME, LANG_NEUTRAL);
    if(pFileEntry != NULL)
        // Calculate the begin and end of the signature file itself
        pSI->BeginExclude = ha->MpqPos + pFileEntry->ByteOffset;
        pSI->EndExclude = pSI->BeginExclude + pFileEntry->dwCmpSize;
        dwFileSize = (DWORD)(pSI->EndExclude - pSI->BeginExclude);

        // Does the signature have proper size?
        if(dwFileSize == MPQ_SIGNATURE_FILE_SIZE)
            // Read the weak signature
            if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &pSI->BeginExclude, pSI->Signature, dwFileSize))
                return false;

            pSI->SignatureTypes |= SIGNATURE_TYPE_WEAK;
            pSI->cbSignatureSize = dwFileSize;
            return true;

    // If there is extra bytes beyond the end of the archive,
    // it's the strong signature
    ExtraBytes = pSI->EndOfFile - pSI->EndMpqData;
    if(ExtraBytes >= (MPQ_STRONG_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 4))
        // Read the strong signature
        if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &pSI->EndMpqData, pSI->Signature, (MPQ_STRONG_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 4)))
            return false;

        // Check the signature header "NGIS"
        if(pSI->Signature[0] != 'N' || pSI->Signature[1] != 'G' || pSI->Signature[2] != 'I' || pSI->Signature[3] != 'S')
            return false;

        pSI->SignatureTypes |= SIGNATURE_TYPE_STRONG;
        return true;

    // Succeeded, but no known signature found
    return true;
Example #2
// Used in SFileGetFileInfo
bool QueryMpqSignatureInfo(
    TMPQArchive * ha,
    ULONGLONG ExtraBytes;
    TMPQFile * hf;
    HANDLE hFile;
    DWORD dwFileSize;

    // Make sure it's all zeroed
    memset(pSI, 0, sizeof(MPQ_SIGNATURE_INFO));

    // Calculate the range of the MPQ
    CalculateArchiveRange(ha, pSI);

    // If there is "(signature)" file in the MPQ, it has a weak signature
        // Get the content of the signature
        SFileReadFile(hFile, pSI->Signature, sizeof(pSI->Signature), &pSI->cbSignatureSize, NULL);

        // Verify the size of the signature
        hf = (TMPQFile *)hFile;

        // We have to exclude the signature file from the digest
        pSI->BeginExclude = ha->MpqPos + hf->pFileEntry->ByteOffset;
        pSI->EndExclude = pSI->BeginExclude + hf->pFileEntry->dwCmpSize;
        dwFileSize = hf->dwDataSize;

        // Close the file
        pSI->SignatureTypes |= SIGNATURE_TYPE_WEAK;
        return (dwFileSize == (MPQ_WEAK_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 8)) ? true : false;

    // If there is extra bytes beyond the end of the archive,
    // it's the strong signature
    ExtraBytes = pSI->EndOfFile - pSI->EndMpqData;
    if(ExtraBytes >= (MPQ_STRONG_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 4))
        // Read the strong signature
        if(!FileStream_Read(ha->pStream, &pSI->EndMpqData, pSI->Signature, (MPQ_STRONG_SIGNATURE_SIZE + 4)))
            return false;

        // Check the signature header "NGIS"
        if(pSI->Signature[0] != 'N' || pSI->Signature[1] != 'G' || pSI->Signature[2] != 'I' || pSI->Signature[3] != 'S')
            return false;

        pSI->SignatureTypes |= SIGNATURE_TYPE_STRONG;
        return true;

    // Succeeded, but no known signature found
    return true;