TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetTexture(TxtrInfo * pgti, bool fromTMEM, bool doCRCCheck, bool AutoExtendTexture)
    TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry;

    if( g_curRomInfo.bDisableTextureCRC )
        doCRCCheck = false;

    gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;

    dwAsmCRC = 0;
    uint32 dwPalCRC = 0;

    pEntry = GetTxtrCacheEntry(pgti);
    bool loadFromTextureBuffer=false;
    int txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = -1;
    if( (frameBufferOptions.bCheckRenderTextures&&!frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM) || (frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs&&!frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM) )
        txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pgti->Address);
        if( txtBufIdxToLoadFrom >= 0 )
            loadFromTextureBuffer = true;
            // Check if it is the same size,
            RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom];
            //if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwAddr == pgti->Address && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
            if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
                && info.CI_Info.dwSize == pgti->Size )
                info.txtEntry.ti = *pgti;
                return &info.txtEntry;

    if( frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs && g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInBackBuffers(pgti->Address, pgti->HeightToLoad*pgti->Pitch) >= 0 )
        if( !frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM )
            // Load the texture from recent back buffer
            txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pgti->Address);
            if( txtBufIdxToLoadFrom >= 0 )
                loadFromTextureBuffer = true;
                // Check if it is the same size,
                RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom];
                //if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwAddr == pgti->Address && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
                if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
                    && info.CI_Info.dwSize == pgti->Size )
                    info.txtEntry.ti = *pgti;
                    return &info.txtEntry;

    if (pEntry && pEntry->dwTimeLastUsed == status.gRDPTime && status.gDlistCount != 0 && !status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed )       // This is not good, Palatte may changes
        // We've already calculated a CRC this frame!
        dwAsmCRC = pEntry->dwCRC;
        if ( doCRCCheck )
            if( loadFromTextureBuffer )
                dwAsmCRC = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].crcInRDRAM;
                CalculateRDRAMCRC(pgti->pPhysicalAddress, pgti->LeftToLoad, pgti->TopToLoad, pgti->WidthToLoad, pgti->HeightToLoad, pgti->Size, pgti->Pitch);

    int maxCI = 0;
    if ( doCRCCheck && (pgti->Format == TXT_FMT_CI || (pgti->Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA && pgti->Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b )))
        //maxCI = pgti->Size == TXT_SIZE_8b ? 255 : 15;
        extern unsigned char CalculateMaxCI(void *pPhysicalAddress, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes );

        if( !pEntry || pEntry->dwCRC != dwAsmCRC || pEntry->maxCI < 0 )
            maxCI = CalculateMaxCI(pgti->pPhysicalAddress, pgti->LeftToLoad, pgti->TopToLoad, pgti->WidthToLoad, pgti->HeightToLoad, pgti->Size, pgti->Pitch);
            maxCI = pEntry->maxCI;

        //Check PAL CRC
        uint8 * pStart;
        uint32 dwPalSize = 16;
        uint32 dwOffset;

        if( pgti->Size == TXT_SIZE_8b )
            dwPalSize = 256;
            dwOffset = 0;
            dwOffset = pgti->Palette << 4;

        pStart = (uint8*)pgti->PalAddress+dwOffset*2;
        //uint32 y;
        //for (y = 0; y < dwPalSize*2; y+=4)
        //  dwPalCRC = (dwPalCRC + *(uint32*)&pStart[y]);

        uint32 dwAsmCRCSave = dwAsmCRC;
        //dwPalCRC = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pStart, 0, 0, dwPalSize, 1, TXT_SIZE_16b, dwPalSize*2);
        dwPalCRC = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pStart, 0, 0, maxCI+1, 1, TXT_SIZE_16b, dwPalSize*2);
        dwAsmCRC = dwAsmCRCSave;

    if (pEntry && doCRCCheck )
        if(pEntry->dwCRC == dwAsmCRC && pEntry->dwPalCRC == dwPalCRC &&
            (!loadFromTextureBuffer || gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].updateAtFrame < pEntry->FrameLastUsed ) )
            // Tile is ok, return
            pEntry->dwTimeLastUsed = status.gRDPTime;
            pEntry->FrameLastUsed = status.gDlistCount;
            LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE0("   Use current texture:\n"));
            pEntry->lastEntry = g_lastTextureEntry;
            g_lastTextureEntry = pEntry;
            lastEntryModified = false;

            DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext && loadFromTextureBuffer) ,
            {DebuggerAppendMsg("Load cached texture from render_texture");}
Example #2
TxtrCacheEntry * CTextureManager::GetTexture(TxtrInfo * pgti, bool fromTMEM, bool doCRCCheck, bool AutoExtendTexture)
	TxtrCacheEntry *pEntry;

	if( g_curRomInfo.bDisableTextureCRC )
		doCRCCheck = false;

	gRDP.texturesAreReloaded = true;

	dwAsmCRC = 0;
	uint32 dwPalCRC = 0;

	pEntry = GetTxtrCacheEntry(pgti);
	bool loadFromTextureBuffer=false;
	int txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = -1;
	if( (frameBufferOptions.bCheckRenderTextures&&!frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM) || (frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs&&!frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM) )
		txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pgti->Address);
		if( txtBufIdxToLoadFrom >= 0 )
			loadFromTextureBuffer = true;
			// Check if it is the same size,
			RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom];
			//if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwAddr == pgti->Address && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
			if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
				&& info.CI_Info.dwSize == pgti->Size )
				info.txtEntry.ti = *pgti;
				return &info.txtEntry;

	bool loadFromBackBuffer=false;
	if( frameBufferOptions.bCheckBackBufs && g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInBackBuffers(pgti->Address, pgti->HeightToLoad*pgti->Pitch) >= 0 )
		if( !frameBufferOptions.bWriteBackBufToRDRAM )
			// Load the texture from recent back buffer
			loadFromBackBuffer = true;
			txtBufIdxToLoadFrom = g_pFrameBufferManager->CheckAddrInRenderTextures(pgti->Address);
			if( txtBufIdxToLoadFrom >= 0 )
				loadFromTextureBuffer = true;
				// Check if it is the same size,
				RenderTextureInfo &info = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom];
				//if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwAddr == pgti->Address && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
				if( info.pRenderTexture && info.CI_Info.dwFormat == pgti->Format 
					&& info.CI_Info.dwSize == pgti->Size )
					info.txtEntry.ti = *pgti;
					return &info.txtEntry;

	if (pEntry && pEntry->dwTimeLastUsed == status.gRDPTime && status.gDlistCount != 0 && !status.bN64FrameBufferIsUsed )		// This is not good, Palatte may changes
		// We've already calculated a CRC this frame!
		dwAsmCRC = pEntry->dwCRC;
		if ( doCRCCheck )
			if( loadFromTextureBuffer )
				dwAsmCRC = gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].crcInRDRAM;
				CalculateRDRAMCRC(pgti->pPhysicalAddress, pgti->LeftToLoad, pgti->TopToLoad, pgti->WidthToLoad, pgti->HeightToLoad, pgti->Size, pgti->Pitch);

	int maxCI = 0;
	if ( doCRCCheck && (pgti->Format == TXT_FMT_CI || (pgti->Format == TXT_FMT_RGBA && pgti->Size <= TXT_SIZE_8b )))
		//maxCI = pgti->Size == TXT_SIZE_8b ? 255 : 15;
		extern BYTE CalculateMaxCI(void *pPhysicalAddress, uint32 left, uint32 top, uint32 width, uint32 height, uint32 size, uint32 pitchInBytes );

		if( !pEntry || pEntry->dwCRC != dwAsmCRC || pEntry->maxCI < 0 )
			maxCI = CalculateMaxCI(pgti->pPhysicalAddress, pgti->LeftToLoad, pgti->TopToLoad, pgti->WidthToLoad, pgti->HeightToLoad, pgti->Size, pgti->Pitch);
			maxCI = pEntry->maxCI;

		//Check PAL CRC
		uint8 * pStart;
		uint32 dwPalSize = 16;
		uint32 dwOffset;

		if( pgti->Size == TXT_SIZE_8b )
			dwPalSize = 256;
			dwOffset = 0;
			dwOffset = pgti->Palette << 4;

		pStart = (uint8*)pgti->PalAddress+dwOffset*2;

		//uint32 y;
		//for (y = 0; y < dwPalSize*2; y+=4)
		//	dwPalCRC = (dwPalCRC + *(uint32*)&pStart[y]);

		uint32 dwAsmCRCSave = dwAsmCRC;
		//dwPalCRC = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pStart, 0, 0, dwPalSize, 1, TXT_SIZE_16b, dwPalSize*2);
		dwPalCRC = CalculateRDRAMCRC(pStart, 0, 0, maxCI+1, 1, TXT_SIZE_16b, dwPalSize*2);
		dwAsmCRC = dwAsmCRCSave;

	// Fix for textures where ti is identical. In this case just the first texture has been added to the Cache.
	// for further instances this texture has just been replaced instead of adding the additional texture to the same index
	// in the cachelist. This was causing the slowdowns. Thus we have to iterate through the bucket of the cache list and see
	// which of the textures that have been placed to it is the one we are looking for
	if(pEntry && doCRCCheck && pEntry->dwCRC == dwAsmCRC && pEntry->dwPalCRC != dwPalCRC &&
			(!loadFromTextureBuffer || gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].updateAtFrame < pEntry->FrameLastUsed )){
		bool bChecksumDoMatch=false;
		// iterate through all textures located in the same bucket
			// check the next texture in the same bucket
			pEntry = pEntry->pNext;
				// let's see if this one is the one we are actually looking for
				if(pEntry->dwCRC == dwAsmCRC && pEntry->dwPalCRC == dwPalCRC && (!loadFromTextureBuffer || gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].updateAtFrame < pEntry->FrameLastUsed )){
					// found it in the neighbourhood
					bChecksumDoMatch = true;
		// cannot find it 
			// try to load it
			pEntry = NULL;

	if (pEntry && doCRCCheck )
		if(pEntry->dwCRC == dwAsmCRC && pEntry->dwPalCRC == dwPalCRC &&
			(!loadFromTextureBuffer || gRenderTextureInfos[txtBufIdxToLoadFrom].updateAtFrame < pEntry->FrameLastUsed ) )
			// Tile is ok, return
			pEntry->dwTimeLastUsed = status.gRDPTime;
			pEntry->FrameLastUsed = status.gDlistCount;
			LOG_TEXTURE(TRACE0("   Use current texture:\n"));
			pEntry->lastEntry = g_lastTextureEntry;
			g_lastTextureEntry = pEntry;
			lastEntryModified = false;

			DEBUGGER_IF_DUMP((pauseAtNext && loadFromTextureBuffer) ,
			{DebuggerAppendMsg("Load cached texture from render_texture");}