Example #1
bool PokerMsgHandler::DecodeData(const void* pData, int nLength)
	const char* pBytes = (const char*)pData;
	for (int i = 0; i < nLength; ++i)
	if (m_vMessageData.size() <= 0) return false;

	// decode the message
	StreamReader reader(&m_vMessageData[0], m_vMessageData.size());
	short nSize = 0;
	if (!reader.Read(&nSize, sizeof(nSize))) return false;
	if (nSize < (int)m_vMessageData.size()) return false;

	short nType = 0;
	if (!reader.Read(&nType, sizeof(nType))) return false;

	// dispatch the message (nMsgId, &m_vMessageData[0], nSize)
	CallHandler(nType, &m_vMessageData[0], nSize);
	LOGD("receive message: type %d, size:%d", nType, nSize);

	m_vMessageData.erase(m_vMessageData.begin(), m_vMessageData.begin()+nSize);
	return true;
Example #2
void SerialParser(void) {
	while (Serial.available()) {
		SerIn = '@';
		SerIn = Serial.read();
		// debugging CODE
		// Serial.print(' ');
		// Serial.print(SerIn);
		if ((SerIn >= 65) && (SerIn <= 90)) {          // if ASCII 'A' - 'Z'
			VarHandlerChar = SerIn;
			for (PosN = 0; PosN < 9; PosN++) {           // clean up
				VarN[PosN] = 0;                           // reset Var array
			PosN = -1;
		if (SerIn == 45) {
			VarSign = -1;
		if ((SerIn >= 48) && (SerIn <= 57)) {      // if ASCII numeric '0' - '9'
			VarN[PosN] = VarN[PosN] * 10 + (SerIn - 48);
		if (SerIn == ' ') {                            // if ASCII " " detected
			if (PosN > -1) {
				VarN[PosN] = VarSign * VarN[PosN];           // assign sign
				VarSign = 1;
		if (SerIn == 33 || SerIn == 10 || SerIn == 13) { // '!' or CR or LF ends all this spooky things ...
			VarN[PosN] = VarSign * VarN[PosN];           // assign sign
			VarSign = 1;
			CallHandler();                        // Call funktion by first Char
		}   // IfEND CR spooky things
Example #3
/* ParsePrint - handle the 'PRINT' statement */
static void ParsePrint(ParseContext *c)
    int needNewline = VMTRUE;
    ParseTreeNode *expr;
    Token tkn;

    while ((tkn = GetToken(c)) != T_EOL) {
        switch (tkn) {
        case ',':
            needNewline = VMFALSE;
            CallHandler(c, "printTab", NULL);
        case ';':
            needNewline = VMFALSE;
            needNewline = VMTRUE;
            SaveToken(c, tkn);
            expr = ParseExpr(c);
            switch (expr->nodeType) {
            case NodeTypeStringLit:
                CallHandler(c, "printStr", expr);
                CallHandler(c, "printInt", expr);

    if (needNewline)
        CallHandler(c, "printNL", NULL);
        CallHandler(c, "printFlush", NULL);
Example #4
File: pack.c Project: rolk/ug
static int BuildSymTab (TYPE_DESC *desc,
                        DDD_OBJ obj,
                        char *copy,
                        SYMTAB_ENTRY *theSymTab)
  ELEM_DESC   *theElem;
  int e, actSym;


  /* reset local portion of SymTab */
  actSym = 0;

  /* prepare map of structure elements */
  theElem = desc->element;

  /* loop over all pointers inside of object obj */
  for(e=0; e<desc->nElements; e++, theElem++)
    if (theElem->type==EL_OBJPTR)
      TYPE_DESC *refdesc;
      int l;
      int rt_on_the_fly = (EDESC_REFTYPE(theElem)==DDD_TYPE_BY_HANDLER);

      /* determine reftype of this elem */
      if (! rt_on_the_fly)
        /* we know the reftype of this element in advance */
        refdesc = &theTypeDefs[EDESC_REFTYPE(theElem)];
      /* else: determine reftype on the fly by calling handler */

      /* loop over single pointer array */
#if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(CPP_FRONTEND)
      for(l=0; l<theElem->size; l+=sizeof(void *))
        /* get address of outside reference */
        DDD_OBJ *ref = (DDD_OBJ *)(copy+theElem->offset+l);
      for(l=0; l<theElem->size; l+=sizeof(DDD_OBJ))
        /* F77TODO: DDD_OBJ* must be replaced by local objindex */
        /* get the index of the referenced object */
        DDD_OBJ *ref = (DDD_OBJ *)(copy+theElem->msgoffset);

        /* create symbol table entry */
        if (*ref!=NULL)
          DDD_HDR refhdr;

          if (rt_on_the_fly)
            DDD_TYPE rt;

            /* determine reftype on the fly by calling handler */
            assert(obj!=NULL);                                       /* we need a real object here */

            rt = theElem->reftypeHandler(obj, *ref);
            if (rt>=MAX_TYPEDESC)
              DDD_PrintError('E', 6520,
                             "invalid referenced DDD_TYPE "
                             "returned by handler");
            refdesc = &theTypeDefs[rt];

          /* get header of referenced object */
          refhdr = OBJ2HDR(*ref,refdesc);

          /* remember the GID of the referenced object */
          theSymTab[actSym].gid = OBJ_GID(refhdr);

          /* remember the address of the reference (in obj-copy) */
          theSymTab[actSym].adr.ref = ref;


  /* return SymTab increment */

/*                                                                          */
/* Function:  GetDepData                                                    */
/*                                                                          */
/* Purpose:   fill object-dependent data into message. an appl. routine     */
/*            will be called to fill in the data actually. pointers are     */
/*            localized and the message SymTab is actualized.               */
/*                                                                          */
/* Input:     data: portion of message buffer reserved for dependent data   */
/*            desc: descriptor of object                                    */
/*            obj:  current ddd-object                                      */
/*            theSymTab: actual portion of message SymTab                   */
/*            xi:   single xferinfo for current ddd-object                  */
/*                                                                          */
/* Output:    number of new entries into SymTab                             */
/*                                                                          */

static int GetDepData (char *data,
                       TYPE_DESC *desc,
                       DDD_OBJ obj,
                       SYMTAB_ENTRY *theSymTab,
                       XICopyObj *xi)
  TYPE_DESC    *descDep;
  char         *chunk, *adr, **table1, *next_chunk;
  int chunks, i, actSym, *table2;

  if (xi->addLen==0) return(0);

  chunks = 0;
  actSym = 0;

  /* first entry will be number of dependency chunks */
  chunk = data + CEIL(sizeof(int));

  /* loop through whole dependency data descriptor */
  for(xa=xi->add; xa!=NULL; xa=xa->next)
    /* first entries of chunk are addCnt and addTyp */
    ((int *)chunk)[0]      = xa->addCnt;
    ((DDD_TYPE *)chunk)[1] = xa->addTyp;

    if (xa->sizes==NULL)
      chunk += CEIL(sizeof(int)+sizeof(DDD_TYPE));

      /* then all records should be gathered via handler */
      if (desc->handlerXFERGATHER)
                                #if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(F_FRONTEND)
        desc->handlerXFERGATHER(_FADR obj,
                                _FADR xa->addCnt, _FADR xa->addTyp, (void *)chunk);
                                #ifdef CPP_FRONTEND
        CallHandler(desc,XFERGATHER) (HParam(obj)
                                      xa->addCnt, xa->addTyp, (void *)chunk);

      if (xa->addTyp<DDD_USER_DATA || xa->addTyp>DDD_USER_DATA_MAX)
        /* insert pointers into symtab */
        descDep = &theTypeDefs[xa->addTyp];
        for(i=0; i<xa->addCnt; i++)
          actSym += BuildSymTab(descDep, NULL,
                                chunk, &(theSymTab[actSym]));
          chunk += CEIL(descDep->size);
        /* no regular type -> send byte stream with length addCnt */
        chunk += CEIL(xa->addCnt);
      /* var-sized AddData items */
      ((int *)chunk)[0] *= -1;
      chunk += CEIL(sizeof(int)+sizeof(DDD_TYPE));

      /* create pointer array inside message */
      table1 = (char **)chunk;
      chunk += CEIL(sizeof(int)*xa->addCnt);
      for(i=0, adr=chunk; i<xa->addCnt; i++)
        table1[i] = adr;
        adr += CEIL(xa->sizes[i]);
      next_chunk = adr;

      /* then all records should be gathered via handler */
      if (desc->handlerXFERGATHERX)
                                #if defined(C_FRONTEND) || defined(F_FRONTEND)
        desc->handlerXFERGATHERX(_FADR obj,
                                 _FADR xa->addCnt, _FADR xa->addTyp, table1);
                                #ifdef CPP_FRONTEND
        CallHandler(desc,XFERGATHERX) (HParam(obj)
                                       xa->addCnt, xa->addTyp, table1);

      /* convert pointer table into offset table */
      table2 = (int *)table1;
      descDep = &theTypeDefs[xa->addTyp];
      adr = chunk;
      for(i=0; i<xa->addCnt; i++)
        /* insert pointers into symtab */
        if (xa->addTyp<DDD_USER_DATA || xa->addTyp>DDD_USER_DATA_MAX)
          actSym += BuildSymTab(descDep, NULL,
                                table1[i], &(theSymTab[actSym]));

        table2[i] = (int)(table1[i]-adr);

      chunk = next_chunk;

    /* count chunks */

  /* remember number of chunks at the beginning of the deplist */
  ((int *)data)[0] = chunks;
