Example #1
    __in PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject

Routine Description:

    This routine unload routine for CDFS.


    DriverObject - Supplies the driver object for CDFS.

Return Value:


    PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext;



    // Free any IRP contexts
    while (1) {
        IrpContext = (PIRP_CONTEXT) PopEntryList( &CdData.IrpContextList) ;
        if (IrpContext == NULL) {

    IoFreeWorkItem (CdData.CloseItem);
    ExDeleteResourceLite( &CdData.DataResource );
    ObDereferenceObject (CdData.FileSystemDeviceObject);
Example #2
CdDismountVcb (
    IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    IN PVCB Vcb


Routine Description:

    This routine is called when all of the user references to a volume are
    gone.  We will initiate all of the teardown any system resources.

    If all of the references to this volume are gone at the end of this routine
    then we will complete the teardown of this Vcb and mark the current Vpb
    as not mounted.  Otherwise we will allocated a new Vpb for this device
    and keep the current Vpb attached to the Vcb.


    Vcb - Vcb for the volume to dismount.

Return Value:

    BOOLEAN - TRUE if we didn't delete the Vcb, FALSE otherwise.


    PVPB OldVpb;
    BOOLEAN VcbPresent = TRUE;
    KIRQL SavedIrql;

    BOOLEAN FinalReference;


    CdLockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

    //  We should only take this path once.

    ASSERT( Vcb->VcbCondition != VcbDismountInProgress );

    //  Mark the Vcb as DismountInProgress.

    Vcb->VcbCondition = VcbDismountInProgress;

    if (Vcb->XASector != NULL) {

        CdFreePool( &Vcb->XASector );
        Vcb->XASector = 0;
        Vcb->XADiskOffset = 0;

    //  Remove our reference to the internal Fcb's.  The Fcb's will then
    //  be removed in the purge path below.

    if (Vcb->RootIndexFcb != NULL) {

        Vcb->RootIndexFcb->FcbReference -= 1;
        Vcb->RootIndexFcb->FcbUserReference -= 1;

    if (Vcb->PathTableFcb != NULL) {

        Vcb->PathTableFcb->FcbReference -= 1;
        Vcb->PathTableFcb->FcbUserReference -= 1;

    if (Vcb->VolumeDasdFcb != NULL) {

        Vcb->VolumeDasdFcb->FcbReference -= 1;
        Vcb->VolumeDasdFcb->FcbUserReference -= 1;

    CdUnlockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

    //  Purge the volume.

    CdPurgeVolume( IrpContext, Vcb, TRUE );

    //  Empty the delayed and async close queues.

    CdFspClose( Vcb );

    OldVpb = Vcb->Vpb;

    //  Remove the mount volume reference.

    CdLockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );
    Vcb->VcbReference -= 1;

    //  Acquire the Vpb spinlock to check for Vpb references.

    IoAcquireVpbSpinLock( &SavedIrql );

    //  Remember if this is the last reference on this Vcb.  We incremented
    //  the count on the Vpb earlier so we get one last crack it.  If our
    //  reference has gone to zero but the vpb reference count is greater
    //  than zero then the Io system will be responsible for deleting the
    //  Vpb.

    FinalReference = (BOOLEAN) ((Vcb->VcbReference == 0) &&
                                (OldVpb->ReferenceCount == 1));

    //  There is a reference count in the Vpb and in the Vcb.  We have
    //  incremented the reference count in the Vpb to make sure that
    //  we have last crack at it.  If this is a failed mount then we
    //  want to return the Vpb to the IO system to use for the next
    //  mount request.

    if (OldVpb->RealDevice->Vpb == OldVpb) {

        //  If not the final reference then swap out the Vpb.  We must
        //  preserve the REMOVE_PENDING flag so that the device is
        //  not remounted in the middle of a PnP remove operation.

        if (!FinalReference) {

            ASSERT( Vcb->SwapVpb != NULL );

            Vcb->SwapVpb->Type = IO_TYPE_VPB;
            Vcb->SwapVpb->Size = sizeof( VPB );
            Vcb->SwapVpb->RealDevice = OldVpb->RealDevice;

            Vcb->SwapVpb->RealDevice->Vpb = Vcb->SwapVpb;

            Vcb->SwapVpb->Flags = FlagOn( OldVpb->Flags, VPB_REMOVE_PENDING );

            IoReleaseVpbSpinLock( SavedIrql );

            //  Indicate we used up the swap.

            Vcb->SwapVpb = NULL;

            CdUnlockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

            //  We want to leave the Vpb for the IO system.  Mark it
            //  as being not mounted.  Go ahead and delete the Vcb as
            //  well.

        } else {

            //  Make sure to remove the last reference on the Vpb.

            OldVpb->ReferenceCount -= 1;

            OldVpb->DeviceObject = NULL;
            ClearFlag( Vcb->Vpb->Flags, VPB_MOUNTED );
            ClearFlag( Vcb->Vpb->Flags, VPB_LOCKED );

            //  Clear the Vpb flag so we know not to delete it.

            Vcb->Vpb = NULL;

            IoReleaseVpbSpinLock( SavedIrql );
            CdUnlockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );
            CdDeleteVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );
            VcbPresent = FALSE;

        //  Someone has already swapped in a new Vpb.  If this is the final reference
        //  then the file system is responsible for deleting the Vpb.

    } else if (FinalReference) {

        //  Make sure to remove the last reference on the Vpb.

        OldVpb->ReferenceCount -= 1;

        IoReleaseVpbSpinLock( SavedIrql );
        CdUnlockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );
        CdDeleteVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );
        VcbPresent = FALSE;

        //  The current Vpb is no longer the Vpb for the device (the IO system
        //  has already allocated a new one).  We leave our reference in the
        //  Vpb and will be responsible for deleting it at a later time.

    } else {

        IoReleaseVpbSpinLock( SavedIrql );
        CdUnlockVcb( IrpContext, Vcb );

    //  Let our caller know whether the Vcb is still present.

    return VcbPresent;
Example #3
CdRemovePrefix (
    _In_ PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    _Inout_ PFCB Fcb


Routine Description:

    This routine is called to remove all of the previx entries of a
    given Fcb from its parent Fcb.


    Fcb - Fcb whose entries are to be removed.

Return Value:



    //  Start with the short name prefix entry.

    if (Fcb->ShortNamePrefix != NULL) {

        if (FlagOn( Fcb->ShortNamePrefix->PrefixFlags, PREFIX_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE_IN_TREE )) {

            Fcb->ParentFcb->IgnoreCaseRoot = RtlDelete( &Fcb->ShortNamePrefix->IgnoreCaseName.Links );

        if (FlagOn( Fcb->ShortNamePrefix->PrefixFlags, PREFIX_FLAG_EXACT_CASE_IN_TREE )) {

            Fcb->ParentFcb->ExactCaseRoot = RtlDelete( &Fcb->ShortNamePrefix->ExactCaseName.Links );

        ClearFlag( Fcb->ShortNamePrefix->PrefixFlags,

    //  Now do the long name prefix entries.

    if (FlagOn( Fcb->FileNamePrefix.PrefixFlags, PREFIX_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE_IN_TREE )) {

        Fcb->ParentFcb->IgnoreCaseRoot = RtlDelete( &Fcb->FileNamePrefix.IgnoreCaseName.Links );

    if (FlagOn( Fcb->FileNamePrefix.PrefixFlags, PREFIX_FLAG_EXACT_CASE_IN_TREE )) {

        Fcb->ParentFcb->ExactCaseRoot = RtlDelete( &Fcb->FileNamePrefix.ExactCaseName.Links );

    ClearFlag( Fcb->FileNamePrefix.PrefixFlags,

    //  Deallocate any buffer we may have allocated.

    if ((Fcb->FileNamePrefix.ExactCaseName.FileName.Buffer != (PWCHAR) &Fcb->FileNamePrefix.FileNameBuffer) &&
        (Fcb->FileNamePrefix.ExactCaseName.FileName.Buffer != NULL)) {

        CdFreePool( &Fcb->FileNamePrefix.ExactCaseName.FileName.Buffer );
        Fcb->FileNamePrefix.ExactCaseName.FileName.Buffer = NULL;

Example #4
CdInitializeEnumeration (
    __in PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    __in PFCB Fcb,
    __inout PCCB Ccb,
    __inout PFILE_ENUM_CONTEXT FileContext,
    __out PBOOLEAN ReturnNextEntry,
    __out PBOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry,
    __out PBOOLEAN InitialQuery


Routine Description:

    This routine is called to initialize the enumeration variables and structures.
    We look at the state of a previous enumeration from the Ccb as well as any
    input values from the user.  On exit we will position the FileContext at
    a file in the directory and let the caller know whether this entry or the
    next entry should be returned.


    IrpSp - Irp stack location for this request.

    Fcb - Fcb for this directory.

    Ccb - Ccb for the directory handle.

    FileContext - FileContext to use for this enumeration.

    ReturnNextEntry - Address to store whether we should return the entry at
        the FileContext position or the next entry.

    ReturnSingleEntry - Address to store whether we should only return
        a single entry.

    InitialQuery - Address to store whether this is the first enumeration
        query on this handle.

Return Value:



    NTSTATUS Status;

    CD_NAME WildCardName;
    CD_NAME SearchExpression;

    ULONG CcbFlags;

    ULONG DirentOffset;
    ULONG LastDirentOffset;
    BOOLEAN KnownOffset;

    BOOLEAN Found;


    //  If this is the initial query then build a search expression from the input
    //  file name.

    if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_INITIALIZED )) {

        FileName = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.FileName;

        CcbFlags = 0;

        //  If the filename is not specified or is a single '*' then we will
        //  match all names.

        if ((FileName == NULL) ||
            (FileName->Buffer == NULL) ||
            (FileName->Length == 0) ||
            ((FileName->Length == sizeof( WCHAR )) &&
             (FileName->Buffer[0] == L'*'))) {

            SetFlag( CcbFlags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_MATCH_ALL );
            RtlZeroMemory( &SearchExpression, sizeof( SearchExpression ));

        //  Otherwise build the CdName from the name in the stack location.
        //  This involves building both the name and version portions and
        //  checking for wild card characters.  We also upcase the string if
        //  this is a case-insensitive search.

        } else {

            //  Create a CdName to check for wild cards.

            WildCardName.FileName = *FileName;

            CdConvertNameToCdName( IrpContext, &WildCardName );

            //  The name better have at least one character.

            if (WildCardName.FileName.Length == 0) {

                CdRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER );

            //  Check for wildcards in the separate components.

            if (FsRtlDoesNameContainWildCards( &WildCardName.FileName)) {

                SetFlag( CcbFlags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_NAME_EXP_HAS_WILD );

            if ((WildCardName.VersionString.Length != 0) &&
                (FsRtlDoesNameContainWildCards( &WildCardName.VersionString ))) {

                SetFlag( CcbFlags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_VERSION_EXP_HAS_WILD );

                //  Check if this is a wild card only and match all version
                //  strings.

                if ((WildCardName.VersionString.Length == sizeof( WCHAR )) &&
                    (WildCardName.VersionString.Buffer[0] == L'*')) {

                    SetFlag( CcbFlags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_VERSION_MATCH_ALL );

            //  Now create the search expression to store in the Ccb.

            SearchExpression.FileName.Buffer = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( CdPagedPool,
                                                                         TAG_ENUM_EXPRESSION );

            SearchExpression.FileName.MaximumLength = FileName->Length;

            //  Either copy the name directly or perform the upcase.

            if (FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE )) {

                Status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeString( (PUNICODE_STRING) &SearchExpression.FileName,
                                                 FALSE );

                //  This should never fail.
                __analysis_assert( Status == STATUS_SUCCESS );
                ASSERT( Status == STATUS_SUCCESS );

            } else {

                RtlCopyMemory( SearchExpression.FileName.Buffer,
                               FileName->Length );

            //  Now split into the separate name and version components.

            SearchExpression.FileName.Length = WildCardName.FileName.Length;
            SearchExpression.VersionString.Length = WildCardName.VersionString.Length;
            SearchExpression.VersionString.MaximumLength = WildCardName.VersionString.MaximumLength;

            SearchExpression.VersionString.Buffer = Add2Ptr( SearchExpression.FileName.Buffer,
                                                             SearchExpression.FileName.Length + sizeof( WCHAR ),
                                                             PWCHAR );

        //  But we do not want to return the constant "." and ".." entries for
        //  the root directory, for consistency with the rest of Microsoft's
        //  filesystems.

        if (Fcb == Fcb->Vcb->RootIndexFcb) {

            SetFlag( CcbFlags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_NOMATCH_CONSTANT_ENTRY );

        //  Now lock the Fcb in order to update the Ccb with the inital
        //  enumeration values.

        CdLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

        //  Check again that this is the initial search.

        if (!FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_INITIALIZED )) {

            //  Update the values in the Ccb.

            Ccb->CurrentDirentOffset = Fcb->StreamOffset;
            Ccb->SearchExpression = SearchExpression;

            //  Set the appropriate flags in the Ccb.

            SetFlag( Ccb->Flags, CcbFlags | CCB_FLAG_ENUM_INITIALIZED );

        //  Otherwise cleanup any buffer allocated here.

        } else {

            if (!FlagOn( CcbFlags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_MATCH_ALL )) {

                CdFreePool( &SearchExpression.FileName.Buffer );

    //  Otherwise lock the Fcb so we can read the current enumeration values.

    } else {

        CdLockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  Capture the current state of the enumeration.
    //  If the user specified an index then use his offset.  We always
    //  return the next entry in this case.

    if (FlagOn( IrpSp->Flags, SL_INDEX_SPECIFIED )) {

        KnownOffset = FALSE;
        DirentOffset = IrpSp->Parameters.QueryDirectory.FileIndex;
        *ReturnNextEntry = TRUE;

    //  If we are restarting the scan then go from the self entry.

    } else if (FlagOn( IrpSp->Flags, SL_RESTART_SCAN )) {

        KnownOffset = TRUE;
        DirentOffset = Fcb->StreamOffset;
        *ReturnNextEntry = FALSE;

    //  Otherwise use the values from the Ccb.

    } else {

        KnownOffset = TRUE;
        DirentOffset = Ccb->CurrentDirentOffset;
        *ReturnNextEntry = BooleanFlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_ENUM_RETURN_NEXT );

    //  Unlock the Fcb.

    CdUnlockFcb( IrpContext, Fcb );

    //  We have the starting offset in the directory and whether to return
    //  that entry or the next.  If we are at the beginning of the directory
    //  and are returning that entry, then tell our caller this is the
    //  initial query.

    *InitialQuery = FALSE;

    if ((DirentOffset == Fcb->StreamOffset) &&
        !(*ReturnNextEntry)) {

        *InitialQuery = TRUE;

    //  If there is no file object then create it now.

    CdVerifyOrCreateDirStreamFile( IrpContext, Fcb);

    //  Determine the offset in the stream to position the FileContext and
    //  whether this offset is known to be a file offset.
    //  If this offset is known to be safe then go ahead and position the
    //  file context.  This handles the cases where the offset is the beginning
    //  of the stream, the offset is from a previous search or this is the
    //  initial query.

    if (KnownOffset) {

        CdLookupInitialFileDirent( IrpContext, Fcb, FileContext, DirentOffset );

    //  Otherwise we walk through the directory from the beginning until
    //  we reach the entry which contains this offset.

    } else {

        LastDirentOffset = Fcb->StreamOffset;
        Found = TRUE;

        CdLookupInitialFileDirent( IrpContext, Fcb, FileContext, LastDirentOffset );

        //  If the requested offset is prior to the beginning offset in the stream
        //  then don't return the next entry.

        if (DirentOffset < LastDirentOffset) {

            *ReturnNextEntry = FALSE;

        //  Else look for the last entry which ends past the desired index.

        } else {

            //  Keep walking through the directory until we run out of
            //  entries or we find an entry which ends beyond the input
            //  index value.

            do {

                //  If we have passed the index value then exit.

                if (FileContext->InitialDirent->Dirent.DirentOffset > DirentOffset) {

                    Found = FALSE;

                //  Remember the current position in case we need to go back.

                LastDirentOffset = FileContext->InitialDirent->Dirent.DirentOffset;

                //  Exit if the next entry is beyond the desired index value.

                if (LastDirentOffset + FileContext->InitialDirent->Dirent.DirentLength > DirentOffset) {


                Found = CdLookupNextInitialFileDirent( IrpContext, Fcb, FileContext );

            } while (Found);

            //  If we didn't find the entry then go back to the last known entry.
            //  This can happen if the index lies in the unused range at the
            //  end of a sector.

            if (!Found) {

                CdCleanupFileContext( IrpContext, FileContext );
                CdInitializeFileContext( IrpContext, FileContext );

                CdLookupInitialFileDirent( IrpContext, Fcb, FileContext, LastDirentOffset );

    //  Only update the dirent name if we will need it for some reason.
    //  Don't update this name if we are returning the next entry and
    //  the search string has a version component.

    FileContext->ShortName.FileName.Length = 0;

    if (!(*ReturnNextEntry) ||
        (Ccb->SearchExpression.VersionString.Length == 0)) {

        //  Update the name in the dirent into filename and version components.

        CdUpdateDirentName( IrpContext,
                            FlagOn( Ccb->Flags, CCB_FLAG_IGNORE_CASE ));

    //  Look at the flag in the IrpSp indicating whether to return just
    //  one entry.

    *ReturnSingleEntry = FALSE;

    if (FlagOn( IrpSp->Flags, SL_RETURN_SINGLE_ENTRY )) {

        *ReturnSingleEntry = TRUE;

Example #5
CdAddAllocationFromDirent (
    __in PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext,
    __inout PFCB Fcb,
    __in ULONG McbEntryOffset,
    __in LONGLONG StartingFileOffset,
    __in PDIRENT Dirent


Routine Description:

    This routine is called to add an entry into the Cd Mcb.  We grow the Mcb
    as necessary and update the new entry.

    NOTE - The Fcb has already been locked prior to makeing this call.


    Fcb - Fcb containing the Mcb to update.

    McbEntryOffset - Offset into the Mcb array to add this data.

    StartingFileOffset - Offset in bytes from the start of the file.

    Dirent - Dirent containing the on-disk data for this entry.

Return Value:



    ULONG NewArraySize;
    PVOID NewMcbArray;
    PCD_MCB_ENTRY McbEntry;



    ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext );
    ASSERT_FCB( Fcb );

    //  If we need to grow the Mcb then do it now.

    if (McbEntryOffset >= Fcb->Mcb.MaximumEntryCount) {

        //  Allocate a new buffer and copy the old data over.

        NewArraySize = Fcb->Mcb.MaximumEntryCount * 2 * sizeof( CD_MCB_ENTRY );

        NewMcbArray = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( CdPagedPool,
                                                TAG_MCB_ARRAY );

        RtlZeroMemory( NewMcbArray, NewArraySize );
        RtlCopyMemory( NewMcbArray,
                       Fcb->Mcb.MaximumEntryCount * sizeof( CD_MCB_ENTRY ));

        //  Deallocate the current array unless it is embedded in the Fcb.

        if (Fcb->Mcb.MaximumEntryCount != 1) {

            CdFreePool( &Fcb->Mcb.McbArray );

        //  Now update the Mcb with the new array.

        Fcb->Mcb.MaximumEntryCount *= 2;
        Fcb->Mcb.McbArray = NewMcbArray;

    //  Update the new entry with the input data.

    McbEntry = Fcb->Mcb.McbArray + McbEntryOffset;

    //  Start with the location and length on disk.

    McbEntry->DiskOffset = LlBytesFromBlocks( Fcb->Vcb, Dirent->StartingOffset );
    McbEntry->ByteCount = Dirent->DataLength;

    //  Round the byte count up to a logical block boundary if this is
    //  the last extent.

    if (!FlagOn( Dirent->DirentFlags, CD_ATTRIBUTE_MULTI )) {

        McbEntry->ByteCount = BlockAlign( Fcb->Vcb, McbEntry->ByteCount );

    //  The file offset is the logical position within this file.
    //  We know this is correct regardless of whether we bias the
    //  file size or disk offset.

    McbEntry->FileOffset = StartingFileOffset;

    //  Convert the interleave information from logical blocks to
    //  bytes.

    if (Dirent->FileUnitSize != 0) {

        McbEntry->DataBlockByteCount = LlBytesFromBlocks( Fcb->Vcb, Dirent->FileUnitSize );
        McbEntry->TotalBlockByteCount = McbEntry->DataBlockByteCount +
                                        LlBytesFromBlocks( Fcb->Vcb, Dirent->InterleaveGapSize );

    //  If the file is not interleaved then the size of the data block
    //  and total block are the same as the byte count.

    } else {

        McbEntry->DataBlockByteCount =
        McbEntry->TotalBlockByteCount = McbEntry->ByteCount;

    //  Update the number of entries in the Mcb.  The Mcb is never sparse
    //  so whenever we add an entry it becomes the last entry in the Mcb.

    Fcb->Mcb.CurrentEntryCount = McbEntryOffset + 1;
