Example #1
// =====================================================================================
//  Error
//      for formatted error messages, fatals out
// =====================================================================================
void CDECL      Error(const char* const error, ...)
    char            message[MAX_ERROR];
    char            message2[MAX_ERROR];
    va_list         argptr;
 /*#if defined( SYSTEM_WIN32 ) && !defined( __MINGW32__ ) && !defined( __BORLANDC__ )
        char* wantint3 = getenv("WANTINT3");
		if (wantint3)
			if (atoi(wantint3))
					int 3;

    va_start(argptr, error);
    vsnprintf(message, MAX_ERROR, error, argptr);

    safe_snprintf(message2, MAX_MESSAGE, "Error: %s\n", message);

    fatal = 1;
Example #2
// AJM: addded in
// =====================================================================================
//  GetParamsFromEnt
//      this function is called from parseentity when it encounters the 
//      info_compile_parameters entity. each tool should have its own version of this
//      to handle its own specific settings.
// =====================================================================================
void            GetParamsFromEnt(entity_t* mapent)
    int iTmp;

    Log("\nCompile Settings detected from info_compile_parameters entity\n");

    // verbose(choices) : "Verbose compile messages" : 0 = [ 0 : "Off" 1 : "On" ]
    iTmp = IntForKey(mapent, "verbose");
    if (iTmp == 1)
        g_verbose = true;
    else if (iTmp == 0)
        g_verbose = false;
    Log("%30s [ %-9s ]\n", "Compile Option", "setting");
    Log("%30s [ %-9s ]\n", "Verbose Compile Messages", g_verbose ? "on" : "off");

    // estimate(choices) :"Estimate Compile Times?" : 0 = [ 0: "Yes" 1: "No" ]
    if (IntForKey(mapent, "estimate")) 
        g_estimate = true;
        g_estimate = false;
    Log("%30s [ %-9s ]\n", "Estimate Compile Times", g_estimate ? "on" : "off");

	// priority(choices) : "Priority Level" : 0 = [	0 : "Normal" 1 : "High"	-1 : "Low" ]
	if (!strcmp(ValueForKey(mapent, "priority"), "1"))
        g_threadpriority = eThreadPriorityHigh;
        Log("%30s [ %-9s ]\n", "Thread Priority", "high");
    else if (!strcmp(ValueForKey(mapent, "priority"), "-1"))
        g_threadpriority = eThreadPriorityLow;
        Log("%30s [ %-9s ]\n", "Thread Priority", "low");

    hlvis(choices) : "HLVIS" : 2 = 
        0 : "Off"
        1 : "Fast"
        2 : "Normal" 
        3 : "Full"
    iTmp = IntForKey(mapent, "hlvis");
    if (iTmp == 0)
            "%s flag was not checked in info_compile_parameters entity, execution of %s cancelled", g_Program, g_Program);
    else if (iTmp == 1)
        g_fastvis = true;
        g_fullvis = false;
    else if (iTmp == 2)
        g_fastvis = false;
        g_fullvis = false;
    else if (iTmp == 3)
        g_fullvis = true;
        g_fastvis = false;
    Log("%30s [ %-9s ]\n", "Fast VIS", g_fastvis ? "on" : "off"); 
    Log("%30s [ %-9s ]\n", "Full VIS", g_fullvis ? "on" : "off" );

Example #3
// this function is called in place of tex_initfromwad for onlyents compiles
void            HandleWadinclude()
    int             i;
    char            szTmpWad[1024]; // arbitrary, but needs to be large.
    char*           pszWadFile;
    wadpath_t*      currentwad;

    Log("\n"); // looks cleaner

    szTmpWad[0] = 0;

    if (g_bWadAutoDetect)

    // for eachwadpath
    for (i = 0; i < g_iNumWadPaths; i++)
        bool            bExcludeThisWad = false;

        currentwad = g_pWadPaths[i];
        pszWadFile = currentwad->path;
    #ifdef _DEBUG
        Log("[dbg] HandleWIC: attempting to parse wad '%s'\n", currentwad->path);
        if (g_bWadAutoDetect && !currentwad->usedtextures)
    #ifdef _DEBUG
        Log("[dbg] HandleWIC: parsing wad\n");

        // look and see if we're supposed to include the textures from this WAD in the bsp.
        WadInclude_i it;
        for (it = g_WadInclude.begin(); it != g_WadInclude.end(); it++)
            if (stristr(pszWadFile, it->c_str()))
                Log("Including Wadfile: %s\n", pszWadFile);
                bExcludeThisWad = true;             // wadincluding this one

        if (!bExcludeThisWad)
            Log("Using Wadfile: %s\n", pszWadFile);
			char tmp[_MAX_PATH];
			ExtractFile (pszWadFile, tmp);
            safe_snprintf(szTmpWad, 1024, "%s%s;", szTmpWad, tmp);
            safe_snprintf(szTmpWad, 1024, "%s%s;", szTmpWad, pszWadFile);

    Log("\"wad\" is \"%s\"\n", szTmpWad);

    SetKeyValue(&g_entities[0], "wad", szTmpWad);

Example #4
void            RunThreadsOn(int workcnt, bool showpacifier, q_threadfunction func)
    DWORD           threadid[MAX_THREADS];
    HANDLE          threadhandle[MAX_THREADS];
    int             i;
    double          start, end;

    threadstart = I_FloatTime();
    start = threadstart;
    for (i = 0; i < THREADTIMES_SIZE; i++)
        threadtimes[i] = 0;
    dispatch = 0;
    workcount = workcnt;
    oldf = -1;
    pacifier = showpacifier;
    threaded = true;
    q_entry = func;

    if (workcount < dispatch)
        Developer(DEVELOPER_LEVEL_ERROR, "RunThreadsOn: Workcount(%i) < dispatch(%i)\n", workcount, dispatch);
    hlassume(workcount >= dispatch, assume_BadWorkcount);

    // Create all the threads (suspended)
    for (i = 0; i < g_numthreads; i++)
        HANDLE          hThread = CreateThread(NULL,
                                               (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) ThreadEntryStub,
                                               (LPVOID) i,

        if (hThread != NULL)
            threadhandle[i] = hThread;
            LPVOID          lpMsgBuf;

            FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
                          FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
                          FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),       // Default language
                          (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
            // Process any inserts in lpMsgBuf.
            // ...
            // Display the string.
            Developer(DEVELOPER_LEVEL_ERROR, "CreateThread #%d [%08X] failed : %s\n", i, threadhandle[i], lpMsgBuf);
            Fatal(assume_THREAD_ERROR, "Unable to create thread #%d", i);
            // Free the buffer.

    // Start all the threads
    for (i = 0; i < g_numthreads; i++)
        if (ResumeThread(threadhandle[i]) == 0xFFFFFFFF)
            LPVOID          lpMsgBuf;

            FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
                          FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM |
                          FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, GetLastError(), MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT),       // Default language
                          (LPTSTR) & lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL);
            // Process any inserts in lpMsgBuf.
            // ...
            // Display the string.
            Developer(DEVELOPER_LEVEL_ERROR, "ResumeThread #%d [%08X] failed : %s\n", i, threadhandle[i], lpMsgBuf);
            Fatal(assume_THREAD_ERROR, "Unable to start thread #%d", i);
            // Free the buffer.

    // Wait for threads to complete
    for (i = 0; i < g_numthreads; i++)
        Developer(DEVELOPER_LEVEL_MESSAGE, "WaitForSingleObject on thread #%d [%08X]\n", i, threadhandle[i]);
        WaitForSingleObject(threadhandle[i], INFINITE);

    q_entry = NULL;
    threaded = false;
    end = I_FloatTime();
    if (pacifier)
        printf("\r%60s\r", "");
    Log(" (%.2f seconds)\n", end - start);
Example #5
// =====================================================================================
//  TEX_InitFromWad
// =====================================================================================
bool            TEX_InitFromWad()
    int             i, j;
    wadinfo_t       wadinfo;
    char            szTmpWad[1024]; // arbitrary, but needs to be large.
    char*           pszWadFile;
    const char*     pszWadroot;
    wadpath_t*      currentwad;

    Log("\n"); // looks cleaner

    szTmpWad[0] = 0;
    pszWadroot = getenv("WADROOT");


    // for eachwadpath
    for (i = 0; i < g_iNumWadPaths; i++)
        FILE*           texfile;                           // temporary used in this loop
        bool            bExcludeThisWad = false;

        currentwad = g_pWadPaths[i];
        pszWadFile = currentwad->path;

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        Log("[dbg] Attempting to parse wad: '%s'\n", pszWadFile);

        if (g_bWadAutoDetect && !currentwad->usedtextures)

        #ifdef _DEBUG
        Log("[dbg] Parsing wad\n");

        texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(pszWadFile, "rb");

        #ifdef SYSTEM_WIN32
        if (!texfiles[nTexFiles])
            // cant find it, maybe this wad file has a hard code drive
            if (pszWadFile[1] == ':')
                pszWadFile += 2;                           // skip past the drive
                texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(pszWadFile, "rb");

        if (!texfiles[nTexFiles] && pszWadroot)
            char            szTmp[_MAX_PATH];
            char            szFile[_MAX_PATH];
            char            szSubdir[_MAX_PATH];

            ExtractFile(pszWadFile, szFile);

            ExtractFilePath(pszWadFile, szTmp);
            ExtractFile(szTmp, szSubdir);

            // szSubdir will have a trailing separator
            safe_snprintf(szTmp, _MAX_PATH, "%s" SYSTEM_SLASH_STR "%s%s", pszWadroot, szSubdir, szFile);
            texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(szTmp, "rb");

            #ifdef SYSTEM_POSIX
            if (!texfiles[nTexFiles])
                // if we cant find it, Convert to lower case and try again
                texfiles[nTexFiles] = fopen(szTmp, "rb");

        if (!texfiles[nTexFiles])
            // still cant find it, error out
            Fatal(assume_COULD_NOT_FIND_WAD, "Could not open wad file %s", pszWadFile);

        // look and see if we're supposed to include the textures from this WAD in the bsp.
        WadInclude_i it;
        for (it = g_WadInclude.begin(); it != g_WadInclude.end(); it++)
            if (stristr(pszWadFile, it->c_str()))
                Log("Including Wadfile: %s\n", pszWadFile);
                bExcludeThisWad = true;             // wadincluding this one
                s_WadIncludeMap[nTexFiles] = true;

        if (!bExcludeThisWad)
            Log("Using Wadfile: %s\n", pszWadFile);
            safe_snprintf(szTmpWad, 1024, "%s%s;", szTmpWad, pszWadFile);

        // temp assignment to make things cleaner:
        texfile = texfiles[nTexFiles];

        // read in this wadfiles information
        SafeRead(texfile, &wadinfo, sizeof(wadinfo));

        // make sure its a valid format
        if (strncmp(wadinfo.identification, "WAD2", 4) && strncmp(wadinfo.identification, "WAD3", 4))
            Log(" - ");
            Error("%s isn't a Wadfile!", pszWadFile);

        wadinfo.numlumps        = LittleLong(wadinfo.numlumps);
        wadinfo.infotableofs    = LittleLong(wadinfo.infotableofs);

        // read in lump
        if (fseek(texfile, wadinfo.infotableofs, SEEK_SET))
            Warning("fseek to %d in wadfile %s failed\n", wadinfo.infotableofs, pszWadFile);

        // memalloc for this lump
        lumpinfo = (lumpinfo_t*)realloc(lumpinfo, (nTexLumps + wadinfo.numlumps) * sizeof(lumpinfo_t));

        // for each texlump
        for (j = 0; j < wadinfo.numlumps; j++, nTexLumps++)
            SafeRead(texfile, &lumpinfo[nTexLumps], (sizeof(lumpinfo_t) - sizeof(int)) );  // iTexFile is NOT read from file

            if (!TerminatedString(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name, MAXWADNAME))
                lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name[MAXWADNAME - 1] = 0;
                Log(" - ");
                Warning("Unterminated texture name : wad[%s] texture[%d] name[%s]\n", pszWadFile, nTexLumps, lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name);

            CleanupName(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name, lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name);

            lumpinfo[nTexLumps].filepos = LittleLong(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].filepos);
            lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize = LittleLong(lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize);
            lumpinfo[nTexLumps].iTexFile = nTexFiles;

            if (lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize > MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE)
                Log(" - ");
                Warning("Larger than expected texture (%d bytes): '%s'",
                    lumpinfo[nTexLumps].disksize, lumpinfo[nTexLumps].name);


        // AJM: this feature is dependant on autowad. :(
        // CONSIDER: making it standard?
            double percused = ((float)(currentwad->usedtextures) / (float)(g_numUsedTextures)) * 100;
            Log(" - Contains %i used texture%s, %2.2f percent of map (%d textures in wad)\n",
                currentwad->usedtextures, currentwad->usedtextures == 1 ? "" : "s", percused, wadinfo.numlumps);

        hlassume(nTexFiles < MAX_TEXFILES, assume_MAX_TEXFILES);

    //Log("num of used textures: %i\n", g_numUsedTextures);

    // AJM: Tommy suggested i add this warning message in, and  it certianly doesnt
    //  hurt to be cautious. Especially one of the possible side effects he mentioned was svc_bad
    if (nTexFiles > 8)
        Warning("More than 8 wadfiles are in use. (%i)\n"
                "This may be harmless, and if no strange side effects are occurring, then\n"
                "it can safely be ignored. However, if your map starts exhibiting strange\n"
                "or obscure errors, consider this as suspect.\n"
                , nTexFiles);

    // sort texlumps in memory by name
    qsort((void*)lumpinfo, (size_t) nTexLumps, sizeof(lumpinfo[0]), lump_sorter_by_name);

    SetKeyValue(&g_entities[0], "wad", szTmpWad);

    return true;