Example #1
int FIWadManager::ScanIWAD (const char *iwad)
	FResourceFile *iwadfile = FResourceFile::OpenResourceFile(iwad, NULL, true);

	if (iwadfile != NULL)
		for(DWORD ii = 0; ii < iwadfile->LumpCount(); ii++)
			FResourceLump *lump = iwadfile->GetLump(ii);

			if (lump->FullName != NULL)
				if (strnicmp(lump->FullName, "maps/", 5) == 0)
					FString mapname(lump->FullName+5, strcspn(lump->FullName+5, "."));
				else if (0 == strlen(lump->Name) && strlen(lump->FullName) > 8)
		delete iwadfile;
	return GetIWadInfo();
Example #2
void FWadCollection::RenameSprites ()
	bool renameAll;
	bool MNTRZfound = false;

	static const uint32_t HereticRenames[] =
	{ MAKE_ID('H','E','A','D'), MAKE_ID('L','I','C','H'),		// Ironlich

	static const uint32_t HexenRenames[] =
	{ MAKE_ID('B','A','R','L'), MAKE_ID('Z','B','A','R'),		// ZBarrel
	  MAKE_ID('A','R','M','1'), MAKE_ID('A','R','_','1'),		// MeshArmor
	  MAKE_ID('A','R','M','2'), MAKE_ID('A','R','_','2'),		// FalconShield
	  MAKE_ID('A','R','M','3'), MAKE_ID('A','R','_','3'),		// PlatinumHelm
	  MAKE_ID('A','R','M','4'), MAKE_ID('A','R','_','4'),		// AmuletOfWarding
	  MAKE_ID('S','U','I','T'), MAKE_ID('Z','S','U','I'),		// ZSuitOfArmor and ZArmorChunk
	  MAKE_ID('T','R','E','1'), MAKE_ID('Z','T','R','E'),		// ZTree and ZTreeDead
	  MAKE_ID('T','R','E','2'), MAKE_ID('T','R','E','S'),		// ZTreeSwamp150
	  MAKE_ID('C','A','N','D'), MAKE_ID('B','C','A','N'),		// ZBlueCandle
	  MAKE_ID('R','O','C','K'), MAKE_ID('R','O','K','K'),		// rocks and dirt in a_debris.cpp
	  MAKE_ID('W','A','T','R'), MAKE_ID('H','W','A','T'),		// Strife also has WATR
	  MAKE_ID('G','I','B','S'), MAKE_ID('P','O','L','5'),		// RealGibs
	  MAKE_ID('E','G','G','M'), MAKE_ID('P','R','K','M'),		// PorkFX
	  MAKE_ID('I','N','V','U'), MAKE_ID('D','E','F','N'),		// Icon of the Defender

	static const uint32_t StrifeRenames[] =
	{ MAKE_ID('M','I','S','L'), MAKE_ID('S','M','I','S'),		// lots of places
	  MAKE_ID('A','R','M','1'), MAKE_ID('A','R','M','3'),		// MetalArmor
	  MAKE_ID('A','R','M','2'), MAKE_ID('A','R','M','4'),		// LeatherArmor
	  MAKE_ID('P','M','A','P'), MAKE_ID('S','M','A','P'),		// StrifeMap
	  MAKE_ID('T','L','M','P'), MAKE_ID('T','E','C','H'),		// TechLampSilver and TechLampBrass
	  MAKE_ID('T','R','E','1'), MAKE_ID('T','R','E','T'),		// TreeStub
	  MAKE_ID('B','A','R','1'), MAKE_ID('B','A','R','C'),		// BarricadeColumn
	  MAKE_ID('S','H','T','2'), MAKE_ID('M','P','U','F'),		// MaulerPuff
	  MAKE_ID('B','A','R','L'), MAKE_ID('B','B','A','R'),		// StrifeBurningBarrel
	  MAKE_ID('T','R','C','H'), MAKE_ID('T','R','H','L'),		// SmallTorchLit
	  MAKE_ID('S','H','R','D'), MAKE_ID('S','H','A','R'),		// glass shards
	  MAKE_ID('B','L','S','T'), MAKE_ID('M','A','U','L'),		// Mauler
	  MAKE_ID('L','O','G','G'), MAKE_ID('L','O','G','W'),		// StickInWater
	  MAKE_ID('V','A','S','E'), MAKE_ID('V','A','Z','E'),		// Pot and Pitcher
	  MAKE_ID('C','N','D','L'), MAKE_ID('K','N','D','L'),		// Candle
	  MAKE_ID('P','O','T','1'), MAKE_ID('M','P','O','T'),		// MetalPot
	  MAKE_ID('S','P','I','D'), MAKE_ID('S','T','L','K'),		// Stalker

	const uint32_t *renames;
	int numrenames;

	switch (gameinfo.gametype)
	case GAME_Doom:
		// Doom's sprites don't get renamed.

	case GAME_Heretic:
		renames = HereticRenames;
		numrenames = sizeof(HereticRenames)/8;

	case GAME_Hexen:
		renames = HexenRenames;
		numrenames = sizeof(HexenRenames)/8;

	case GAME_Strife:
		renames = StrifeRenames;
		numrenames = sizeof(StrifeRenames)/8;

	for (uint32_t i=0; i< LumpInfo.Size(); i++)
		// check for full Minotaur animations. If this is not found
		// some frames need to be renamed.
		if (LumpInfo[i].lump->Namespace == ns_sprites)
			if (LumpInfo[i].lump->dwName == MAKE_ID('M', 'N', 'T', 'R') && LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[4] == 'Z' )
				MNTRZfound = true;

	renameAll = !!Args->CheckParm ("-oldsprites") || nospriterename;
	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < LumpInfo.Size(); i++)
		if (LumpInfo[i].lump->Namespace == ns_sprites)
			// Only sprites in the IWAD normally get renamed
			if (renameAll || LumpInfo[i].wadnum == GetIwadNum())
				for (int j = 0; j < numrenames; ++j)
					if (LumpInfo[i].lump->dwName == renames[j*2])
						LumpInfo[i].lump->dwName = renames[j*2+1];
				if (gameinfo.gametype == GAME_Hexen)
					if (CheckLumpName (i, "ARTIINVU"))
						LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[4]='D'; LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[5]='E';
						LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[6]='F'; LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[7]='N';

			if (!MNTRZfound)
				if (LumpInfo[i].lump->dwName == MAKE_ID('M', 'N', 'T', 'R'))
					if (LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[4] >= 'F' && LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[4] <= 'K')
						LumpInfo[i].lump->Name[4] += 'U' - 'F';
			// When not playing Doom rename all BLOD sprites to BLUD so that
			// the same blood states can be used everywhere
			if (!(gameinfo.gametype & GAME_DoomChex))
				if (LumpInfo[i].lump->dwName == MAKE_ID('B', 'L', 'O', 'D'))
					LumpInfo[i].lump->dwName = MAKE_ID('B', 'L', 'U', 'D');