void CKadLookup::Stop() { CleanUpNodes(); m_StopTime = GetCurTick(); m_Status = eStopped; }
void SDockingArea::CleanUp( ELayoutModification RemovalMethod ) { const ECleanupRetVal CleanupResult = CleanUpNodes(); if ( CleanupResult != VisibleTabsUnderNode ) { bIsCenterTargetVisible = true; // We may have a window to manage. TSharedPtr<SWindow> ParentWindow = ParentWindowPtr.Pin(); if ( bManageParentWindow && ParentWindow.IsValid() ) { if (RemovalMethod == TabRemoval_Closed) { MyTabManager.Pin()->GetPrivateApi().OnDockAreaClosing( SharedThis(this) ); ParentWindow->RequestDestroyWindow(); } else if ( RemovalMethod == TabRemoval_DraggedOut ) { // We can't actually destroy this due to limitations of some platforms. // Just hide the window. We will destroy it when the drag and drop is done. bCleanUpUponTabRelocation = true; ParentWindow->HideWindow(); MyTabManager.Pin()->GetPrivateApi().OnDockAreaClosing( SharedThis(this) ); } else { ensure( RemovalMethod == TabRemoval_None ); } } } else { bIsCenterTargetVisible = false; } }
void Ghost::CleanUpNodesWaypoints() { CleanUpNodes(); CleanUpWaypoints(); }