Example #1
static __regargs UWORD ClipPolygon(Point3D *S, Point3D *O,
                                   UWORD n, UWORD plane)
  Point3D *E = S + 1;

  BOOL S_inside = CheckInside(S, plane);
  BOOL needClose = TRUE;
  UWORD m = 0;

  if (S_inside) {
    needClose = FALSE;
    O[m++] = *S;

  while (--n) {
    BOOL E_inside = CheckInside(E, plane);

    if (S_inside && E_inside) {
      O[m++] = *E;
    } else if (S_inside && !E_inside) {
      ClipEdge(&O[m++], S, E, plane);
    } else if (!S_inside && E_inside) {
      ClipEdge(&O[m++], E, S, plane);
      O[m++] = *E;

    S_inside = E_inside;
    S++; E++;

  if (needClose)
    O[m++] = *O;

  return m;
Example #2
void ClipPolygon(float_polygon_type poly, float_polygon_type &poly_out)
	win_edge_type edge;
	for (int edg = 0; edg < 4; edg++)
		poly_out.n = 0; // Reset poly_out	
		edge = (win_edge_type)edg;
		poly.vertex[poly.n] = poly.vertex[0];
		for (int i = 0; i < poly.n; i++)
			ClipEdge(poly.vertex[i], poly.vertex[i + 1], edge, poly_out);

		poly = poly_out;// Copy poly_out to poly
Example #3
	void TriangleClipperBase::processFaces()
		for (UINT32 i = 0; i < (UINT32)mesh.faces.size(); i++)
			ClipFace& face = mesh.faces[i];

			if (face.visible)
				// The edge is culled. If the edge is exactly on the clip
				// plane, it is possible that a visible triangle shares it.
				// The edge will be re-added during the face loop.

				for (UINT32 j = 0; j < (UINT32)face.edges.size(); j++)
					ClipEdge& edge = mesh.edges[face.edges[j]];
					ClipVert& v0 = mesh.verts[edge.verts[0]];
					ClipVert& v1 = mesh.verts[edge.verts[1]];

					v0.occurs = 0;
					v1.occurs = 0;

			UINT32 start, end;
			if (getOpenPolyline(mesh.faces[i], start, end))
				// Polyline is open, close it
				UINT32 closeEdgeIdx = (UINT32)mesh.edges.size();
				ClipEdge& closeEdge = mesh.edges.back();

				closeEdge.verts[0] = start;
				closeEdge.verts[1] = end;

Example #4
void OcclusionBuffer::ClipVertices(const Vector4& plane, Vector4* vertices, bool* triangles, unsigned& numTriangles)
    unsigned num = numTriangles;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < num; ++i)
        if (triangles[i])
            unsigned index = i * 3;
            float d0 = plane.DotProduct(vertices[index]);
            float d1 = plane.DotProduct(vertices[index + 1]);
            float d2 = plane.DotProduct(vertices[index + 2]);
            // If all vertices behind the plane, reject triangle
            if (d0 < 0.0f && d1 < 0.0f && d2 < 0.0f)
                triangles[i] = false;
            // If 2 vertices behind the plane, create a new triangle in-place
            else if (d0 < 0.0f && d1 < 0.0f)
                vertices[index] = ClipEdge(vertices[index], vertices[index + 2], d0, d2);
                vertices[index + 1] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 1], vertices[index + 2], d1, d2);
            else if (d0 < 0.0f && d2 < 0.0f)
                vertices[index] = ClipEdge(vertices[index], vertices[index + 1], d0, d1);
                vertices[index + 2] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 2], vertices[index + 1], d2, d1);
            else if (d1 < 0.0f && d2 < 0.0f)
                vertices[index + 1] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 1], vertices[index], d1, d0);
                vertices[index + 2] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 2], vertices[index], d2, d0);
            // 1 vertex behind the plane: create one new triangle, and modify one in-place
            else if (d0 < 0.0f)
                unsigned newIdx = numTriangles * 3;
                triangles[numTriangles] = true;
                vertices[newIdx] = ClipEdge(vertices[index], vertices[index + 2], d0, d2);
                vertices[newIdx + 1] = vertices[index] = ClipEdge(vertices[index], vertices[index + 1], d0, d1);
                vertices[newIdx + 2] = vertices[index + 2];
            else if (d1 < 0.0f)
                unsigned newIdx = numTriangles * 3;
                triangles[numTriangles] = true;
                vertices[newIdx + 1] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 1], vertices[index], d1, d0);
                vertices[newIdx + 2] = vertices[index + 1] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 1], vertices[index + 2], d1, d2);
                vertices[newIdx] = vertices[index];
            else if (d2 < 0.0f)
                unsigned newIdx = numTriangles * 3;
                triangles[numTriangles] = true;
                vertices[newIdx + 2] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 2], vertices[index + 1], d2, d1);
                vertices[newIdx] = vertices[index + 2] = ClipEdge(vertices[index + 2], vertices[index], d2, d0);
                vertices[newIdx + 1] = vertices[index + 1];