Example #1
void CloseProjDB() {

	freemem((void**) &inter);
	freemem((void**) &intra);
	freemem((void**) &inter_freq_idx);
	freemem((void**) &intra_freq_idx);
Example #2
int MAPFAM::DeleteRecords(PGLOBAL g, int irc)
  int    n;

  if (trace)
    htrc("MAP DeleteDB: irc=%d mempos=%p tobuf=%p Tpos=%p Spos=%p\n",
         irc, Mempos, To_Buf, Tpos, Spos);

  if (irc != RC_OK) {
    /*  EOF: position Fpos at the top of map position.                 */
    Fpos = Top;

    if (trace)
      htrc("Fpos placed at file top=%p\n", Fpos);

    } // endif irc

  if (Tpos == Spos)
    /*  First line to delete. Move of eventual preceding lines is     */
    /*  not required here, just setting of future Spos and Tpos.       */
    Tpos = Fpos;                               // Spos is set below
  else if ((n = Fpos - Spos) > 0) {
    /*  Non consecutive line to delete. Move intermediate lines.       */
    memmove(Tpos, Spos, n);
    Tpos += n;

    if (trace)
      htrc("move %d bytes\n", n);

    } // endif n

  if (irc == RC_OK) {
    Spos = Mempos;                               // New start position

    if (trace)
      htrc("after: Tpos=%p Spos=%p\n", Tpos, Spos);

  } else if (To_Fb) {                 // Can be NULL for deleted files
    /*  Last call after EOF has been reached.                          */
    /*  We must firstly Unmap the view and use the saved file handle   */
    /*  to put an EOF at the end of the copied part of the file.       */
    PFBLOCK fp = To_Fb;

    CloseMemMap(fp->Memory, (size_t)fp->Length);
    fp->Count = 0;                             // Avoid doing it twice

    /*  Remove extra records.                                          */
    n = Tpos - Memory;

#if defined(WIN32)
    DWORD drc = SetFilePointer(fp->Handle, n, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);

    if (drc == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FUNCTION_ERROR),
                          "SetFilePointer", GetLastError());
      return RC_FX;
      } // endif

    if (trace)
     htrc("done, Tpos=%p newsize=%d drc=%d\n", Tpos, n, drc);

    if (!SetEndOfFile(fp->Handle)) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(FUNCTION_ERROR),
                          "SetEndOfFile", GetLastError());
      return RC_FX;
      } // endif

#else    // UNIX
    if (ftruncate(fp->Handle, (off_t)n)) {
      sprintf(g->Message, MSG(TRUNCATE_ERROR), strerror(errno));
      return RC_FX;
      } // endif

#endif   // UNIX
  } // endif irc

  return RC_OK;                                      // All is correct
  } // end of DeleteRecords