Example #1
CodeLabel* CS_AddLabel (CodeSeg* S, const char* Name)
/* Add a code label for the next instruction to follow */
    /* Calculate the hash from the name */
    unsigned Hash = HashStr (Name) % CS_LABEL_HASH_SIZE;

    /* Try to find the code label if it does already exist */
    CodeLabel* L = CS_FindLabel (S, Name, Hash);

    /* Did we find it? */
    if (L) {
     	/* We found it - be sure it does not already have an owner */
    	if (L->Owner) {
       	    Error ("ASM label `%s' is already defined", Name);
            return L;
    } else {
     	/* Not found - create a new one */
     	L = CS_NewCodeLabel (S, Name, Hash);

    /* Safety. This call is quite costly, but safety is better */
    if (CollIndex (&S->Labels, L) >= 0) {
       	Error ("ASM label `%s' is already defined", Name);
        return L;

    /* We do now have a valid label. Remember it for later */
    CollAppend (&S->Labels, L);

    /* Return the label */
    return L;
Example #2
unsigned CS_GetEntryIndex (CodeSeg* S, struct CodeEntry* E)
/* Return the index of a code entry */
    int Index = CollIndex (&S->Entries, E);
    CHECK (Index >= 0);
    return Index;
Example #3
void CS_DelCodeAfter (CodeSeg* S, unsigned Last)
/* Delete all entries including the given one */
    /* Get the number of entries in this segment */
    unsigned Count = CS_GetEntryCount (S);

    /* First pass: Delete all references to labels. If the reference count
     * for a label drops to zero, delete it.
    unsigned C = Count;
    while (Last < C--) {

       	/* Get the next entry */
       	CodeEntry* E = CS_GetEntry (S, C);

       	/* Check if this entry has a label reference */
       	if (E->JumpTo) {
       	    /* If the label is a label in the label pool and this is the last
       	     * reference to the label, remove the label from the pool.
       	    CodeLabel* L = E->JumpTo;
       	    int Index = CollIndex (&S->Labels, L);
       	    if (Index >= 0 && CollCount (&L->JumpFrom) == 1) {
       	     	/* Delete it from the pool */
       	     	CollDelete (&S->Labels, Index);

	    /* Remove the reference to the label */
	    CS_RemoveLabelRef (S, E);


    /* Second pass: Delete the instructions. If a label attached to an
     * instruction still has references, it must be references from outside
     * the deleted area. Don't delete the label in this case, just make it
     * ownerless and move it to the label pool.
    C = Count;
    while (Last < C--) {

    	/* Get the next entry */
    	CodeEntry* E = CS_GetEntry (S, C);

    	/* Check if this entry has a label attached */
    	if (CE_HasLabel (E)) {
	    /* Move the labels to the pool and clear the owner pointer */
	    CS_MoveLabelsToPool (S, E);

	/* Delete the pointer to the entry */
	CollDelete (&S->Entries, C);

	/* Delete the entry itself */
	FreeCodeEntry (E);
Example #4
HashValue MultiJoin::topHash()
  HashValue result = RelExpr::topHash();

  result ^= jbbSubset_.getJBBCs();
  result ^= CollIndex(jbbSubset_.getGB());

  return result;
Example #5
void CollDeleteItem (Collection* C, const void* Item)
/* Delete the item pointer from the collection. The item must be in the
** collection, otherwise FAIL will be called.
    /* Get the index of the entry */
    int Index = CollIndex (C, Item);
    CHECK (Index >= 0);

    /* Delete the item with this index */
    memmove (C->Items+Index, C->Items+Index+1, (C->Count-Index) * sizeof (void*));
Example #6
int CE_UseLoadFlags (CodeEntry* E)
/* Return true if the instruction uses any flags that are set by a load of
** a register (N and Z).
    /* Follow unconditional branches, but beware of endless loops. After this,
    ** E will point to the first entry that is not a branch.
    if (E->Info & OF_UBRA) {

        /* Follow the chain */
        while (E->Info & OF_UBRA) {

            /* Remember the entry so we can detect loops */
            CollAppend (&C, E);

            /* Check the target */
            if (E->JumpTo == 0 || CollIndex (&C, E->JumpTo->Owner) >= 0) {
                /* Unconditional jump to external symbol, or endless loop. */
                DoneCollection (&C);
                return 0;       /* Flags not used */

            /* Follow the chain */
            E = E->JumpTo->Owner;

        /* Delete the collection */
        DoneCollection (&C);

    /* A branch will use the flags */
    if (E->Info & OF_FBRA) {
        return 1;

    /* Call of a boolean transformer routine will also use the flags */
    if (E->OPC == OP65_JSR) {
        /* Get the condition that is evaluated and check it */
        switch (FindBoolCmpCond (E->Arg)) {
            case CMP_EQ:
            case CMP_NE:
            case CMP_GT:
            case CMP_GE:
            case CMP_LT:
            case CMP_LE:
            case CMP_UGT:
            case CMP_ULE:
                /* Will use the N or Z flags */
                return 1;

            case CMP_UGE:       /* Uses only carry */
            case CMP_ULT:       /* Dito */
            default:            /* No bool transformer subroutine */
                return 0;

    /* Anything else */
    return 0;
Example #7
void CS_DelCodeRange (CodeSeg* S, unsigned First, unsigned Last)
/* Delete all entries between first and last, both inclusive. The function
 * can only handle basic blocks (First is the only entry, Last the only exit)
 * and no open labels. It will call FAIL if any of these preconditions are
 * violated.
    unsigned   I;
    CodeEntry* FirstEntry;

    /* Do some sanity checks */
    CHECK (First <= Last && Last < CS_GetEntryCount (S));

    /* If Last is actually the last insn, call CS_DelCodeAfter instead, which
     * is more flexible in this case.
    if (Last == CS_GetEntryCount (S) - 1) {
        CS_DelCodeAfter (S, First);

    /* Get the first entry and check if it has any labels. If it has, move
     * them to the insn following Last. If Last is the last insn of the code
     * segment, make them ownerless and move them to the label pool.
    FirstEntry = CS_GetEntry (S, First);
    if (CE_HasLabel (FirstEntry)) {
        /* Get the entry following last */
        CodeEntry* FollowingEntry = CS_GetNextEntry (S, Last);
        if (FollowingEntry) {
            /* There is an entry after Last - move the labels */
            CS_MoveLabels (S, FirstEntry, FollowingEntry);
        } else {
     	    /* Move the labels to the pool and clear the owner pointer */
     	    CS_MoveLabelsToPool (S, FirstEntry);

    /* First pass: Delete all references to labels. If the reference count
     * for a label drops to zero, delete it.
    for (I = Last; I >= First; --I) {

       	/* Get the next entry */
       	CodeEntry* E = CS_GetEntry (S, I);

       	/* Check if this entry has a label reference */
       	if (E->JumpTo) {

       	    /* If the label is a label in the label pool, this is an error */
       	    CodeLabel* L = E->JumpTo;
       	    CHECK (CollIndex (&S->Labels, L) < 0);

 	    /* Remove the reference to the label */
 	    CS_RemoveLabelRef (S, E);

    /* Second pass: Delete the instructions. If a label attached to an
     * instruction still has references, it must be references from outside
     * the deleted area, which is an error.
    for (I = Last; I >= First; --I) {

    	/* Get the next entry */
    	CodeEntry* E = CS_GetEntry (S, I);

       	/* Check if this entry has a label attached */
    	CHECK (!CE_HasLabel (E));

	/* Delete the pointer to the entry */
	CollDelete (&S->Entries, I);

	/* Delete the entry itself */
	FreeCodeEntry (E);