Example #1
void PhysicsSystem::Update(float _dt)
	for (auto it = m_entityMap.begin(); it != m_entityMap.end(); ++it)
		Entity* e = it->second;
		if (e->GetState() != Entity::ALIVE)

		auto collision = e->GetComponent<CollisionComponent>();
		auto stats = e->GetComponent<CollisionStatsComponent>();
		auto position = e->GetComponent<PositionComponent>();
		auto velocity = e->GetComponent<VelocityComponent>();
		auto rotation = e->GetComponent<RotationComponent>();
		b2Body* b2Body = collision->GetBody();
		// Update position, velocity and rotation after the components
		if (position && rotation)
			const b2Vec2 b2Pos = b2Vec2(position->GetPosition().x, position->GetPosition().y);
			if (collision->GetBody()->GetPosition().x != b2Pos.x || collision->GetBody()->GetPosition().y != b2Pos.y || collision->GetBody()->GetAngle() != rotation->GetRotation().z)
				collision->GetBody()->SetTransform(b2Pos, rotation->GetRotation().z);
		else if (position)
			const b2Vec2 b2Pos = b2Vec2(position->GetPosition().x, position->GetPosition().y);
			if (collision->GetBody()->GetPosition().x != b2Pos.x || collision->GetBody()->GetPosition().y != b2Pos.y)
				collision->GetBody()->SetTransform(b2Pos, collision->GetBody()->GetAngle());
		else if (rotation)
			if (collision->GetBody()->GetAngle() != rotation->GetRotation().z)
				collision->GetBody()->SetTransform(collision->GetBody()->GetPosition(), rotation->GetRotation().z);
		if (velocity)
			const b2Vec2 b2Velocity = b2Vec2(velocity->m_velocity.x, velocity->m_velocity.y);
			if (collision->GetBody()->GetLinearVelocity().x != b2Velocity.x || collision->GetBody()->GetLinearVelocity().y != b2Velocity.y)
		// Update velocity min/max and deacceleration
		if (velocity && stats)
			if (b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().y <= 0.5f && b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().y >= -0.5f)
				b2Body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2(b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().x, -3.0f));

			float speed = b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().Length();
			// Speed cant be 0
			if (speed == 0)
			// Set speed between min/max
			if (speed < stats->GetMinSpeed())
				b2Body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2((b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().x / speed) * stats->GetMinSpeed(), (b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().y / speed) * stats->GetMinSpeed()));
			if (speed > stats->GetMaxSpeed())
				b2Body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2((b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().x / speed) * stats->GetMaxSpeed(), (b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().y / speed) * stats->GetMaxSpeed()));
			// Deaccelerate
			if (speed > stats->GetMaxDampingSpeed())
				float newSpeed = speed - (stats->GetDampingAcceleration() * _dt);
				if (speed < stats->GetMaxDampingSpeed())
					newSpeed = stats->GetMaxDampingSpeed();
				b2Body->SetLinearVelocity(b2Vec2((b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().x / speed) * newSpeed, (b2Body->GetLinearVelocity().y / speed) * newSpeed));

	// Simulate worlds physics

	// Update position, velocity and rotation components
	for (auto it = m_entityMap.begin(); it != m_entityMap.end(); ++it)
		Entity* e = it->second;

		if (e->GetState() != Entity::ALIVE)

		auto collision = e->GetComponent<CollisionComponent>();
		auto position = e->GetComponent<PositionComponent>();
		auto velocity = e->GetComponent<VelocityComponent>();
		auto rotation = e->GetComponent<RotationComponent>();
		b2Body* b2Body = collision->GetBody();


		if (position)
			b2Vec2 b2Pos = b2Body->GetPosition();
			position->SetPosition(VECTOR3(b2Pos.x, b2Pos.y, position->GetPosition().z));
		if (velocity)
			b2Vec2 b2Velocity = b2Body->GetLinearVelocity();
			velocity->m_velocity = VECTOR3(b2Velocity.x, b2Velocity.y, velocity->m_velocity.z);
		if (rotation)
			QUAT rot = rotation->GetRotation();
			//rotation->SetRotation(QUAT(rot.x, rot.y, b2Body->GetAngle(), rot.w));

	// Do collisions checks
	for (b2Contact* contact = m_b2World->GetContactList(); contact; contact = contact->GetNext())
		if (!contact->IsTouching())
		b2Fixture* fixtureA = contact->GetFixtureA();
		b2Fixture* fixtureB = contact->GetFixtureB();
		Entity* entityA = 0;
		Entity* entityB = 0;
		for (auto it = m_entityMap.begin(); it != m_entityMap.end(); ++it)
			Entity* e = it->second;
			if (e->GetState() != Entity::ALIVE)
			if (!entityA && e->GetComponent<CollisionComponent>()->HasBody(fixtureA->GetBody()))
				entityA = e;
			else if (!entityB && e->GetComponent<CollisionComponent>()->HasBody(fixtureB->GetBody()))
				entityB = e;
			if (entityA && entityB)
		if (entityA && entityB)
			CollisionContact collisionContact = CollisionContact(contact, fixtureA, fixtureB, entityB->GetId());
			collisionContact = CollisionContact(contact, fixtureB, fixtureA, entityA->GetId());
Example #2
bool DynamicsWorld::castRay(
	const btVector3 & origin,
	const btVector3 & direction,
	const btScalar length,
	const btCollisionObject * caster,
	CollisionContact & contact) const
	btVector3 p = origin + direction * length;
	btVector3 n = -direction;
	btScalar d = length;
	int patch_id = -1;
	const Bezier * b = 0;
	const TrackSurface * s = TrackSurface::None();
	const btCollisionObject * c = 0;

	MyRayResultCallback ray(origin, p, caster);
	rayTest(origin, p, ray);

	// track geometry collision
	if (ray.hasHit())
		p = ray.m_hitPointWorld;
		n = ray.m_hitNormalWorld;
		d = ray.m_closestHitFraction * length;
		c = ray.m_collisionObject;
		if (c->isStaticObject())
			TrackSurface * ts = static_cast<TrackSurface*>(c->getUserPointer());
			if (c->getCollisionShape()->isCompound())
				ts = static_cast<TrackSurface*>(ray.m_shape->getUserPointer());

			// verify surface pointer
			if (track)
				const std::vector<TrackSurface> & surfaces = track->GetSurfaces();
				if (ts < &surfaces[0] || ts > &surfaces[surfaces.size() - 1])
					ts = NULL;

			if (ts)
				s = ts;

		// track bezierpatch collision
		if (track)
			Vec3 org = ToMathVector<float>(origin);
			Vec3 dir = ToMathVector<float>(direction);
			Vec3 colpoint;
			Vec3 colnormal;
			patch_id = contact.GetPatchId();
			if (track->CastRay(org, dir, length, patch_id, colpoint, b, colnormal))
				p = ToBulletVector(colpoint);
				n = ToBulletVector(colnormal);
				d = (colpoint - org).Magnitude();

		contact = CollisionContact(p, n, d, patch_id, b, s, c);
		return true;

	// should only happen on vehicle rollover
	contact = CollisionContact(p, n, d, patch_id, b, s, c);
	return false;