Example #1
// Define some lengths and offsets used by the arm
#define BaseHeight          110L   // (L0)about 120mm 
#define ShoulderLength      150L   // (L1)Not sure yet what to do as the servo is not directly in line,  Probably best to offset the angle?
//                                 // X is about 140, y is about 40 so sqrt is Hyp is about 155, so maybe about 21 degrees offset
#define ShoulderServoOffset 72L    // should offset us some...
#define ElbowLength         147L   //(L2)Length of the Arm from Elbow Joint to Wrist Joint
#define WristLength         137L   // (L3)Wrist length including Wrist rotate
#define G_OFFSET            0      // Offset for static side of gripper?

#define IK_FUDGE            5     // How much a fudge between warning and error

// Global Objects
Commander       command = Commander();
BioloidControllerEx bioloid = BioloidControllerEx(1000000);
WrapperSerial   Serial = WrapperSerial();

// Global Variables...
boolean         g_fArmActive = false;   // Is the arm logically on?
byte            g_bIKMode = IKM_IK3D_CARTESIAN;   // Which mode of operation are we in...
uint8_t         g_bIKStatus = IKS_SUCCESS;   // Status of last call to DoArmIK;
boolean         g_fServosFree = true;

// Current IK values
int            g_sIKGA;                  // IK Gripper angle..
int            g_sIKX;                  // Current X value in mm
int            g_sIKY;                  //
Example #2
int main(int argc, char** argv){
    Commander commander = Commander();
    printf(commander.executeInstructions(  ).c_str(  ));
    return 0;