Example #1
// Computes a convex hull from the studio model
CPhysCollide* ComputeConvexHull( studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr )
	CUtlVector<CPhysConvex*>	convexHulls;

	for (int body = 0; body < pStudioHdr->numbodyparts; ++body )
		mstudiobodyparts_t *pBodyPart = pStudioHdr->pBodypart( body );
		for( int model = 0; model < pBodyPart->nummodels; ++model )
			mstudiomodel_t *pStudioModel = pBodyPart->pModel( model );
			for( int mesh = 0; mesh < pStudioModel->nummeshes; ++mesh )
				// Make a convex hull for each mesh
				// NOTE: This won't work unless the model has been compiled
				// with $staticprop
				mstudiomesh_t *pStudioMesh = pStudioModel->pMesh( mesh );
				convexHulls.AddToTail( ComputeConvexHull( pStudioMesh ) );

	// Convert an array of convex elements to a compiled collision model
	// (this deletes the convex elements)
	return s_pPhysCollision->ConvertConvexToCollide( convexHulls.Base(), convexHulls.Size() );
// Creates a collision model (based on the render geometry!)
void CVradStaticPropMgr::CreateCollisionModel( char const* pModelName )
	CUtlBuffer buf;
	CUtlBuffer bufvtx;
	CUtlBuffer bufphy;

	int i = m_StaticPropDict.AddToTail( );
	m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = 0;

	if (!LoadStudioModel( pModelName, buf ))
		VectorCopy( vec3_origin, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Mins );
		VectorCopy( vec3_origin, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Maxs );

//	if (!LoadStudioModelVtx( pModelName, bufvtx ))
//		return;

	studiohdr_t* pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.Base();
//	OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t* pVtxHdr = (OptimizedModel::FileHeader_t*)bufvtx.Base();

	VectorCopy( pHdr->hull_min, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Mins );
	VectorCopy( pHdr->hull_max, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Maxs );

	if ( LoadStudioCollisionModel( pModelName, bufphy ) )
		phyheader_t header;
		bufphy.Get( &header, sizeof(header) );

		vcollide_t *pCollide = &m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel;
		s_pPhysCollision->VCollideLoad( pCollide, header.solidCount, (const char *)bufphy.PeekGet(), bufphy.TellPut() - bufphy.TellGet() );
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel.solids[0];

		static int propNum = 0;
		char tmp[128];
		sprintf( tmp, "staticprop%03d.txt", propNum );
		DumpCollideToGlView( pCollide, tmp );
		// mark this as unused
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel.solidCount = 0;

	//	CPhysCollide* pPhys = CreatePhysCollide( pHdr, pVtxHdr );
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = ComputeConvexHull( pHdr );
Example #3
// Creates a collision model (based on the render geometry!)
void CVradStaticPropMgr::CreateCollisionModel( char const* pModelName )
	CUtlBuffer buf;
	CUtlBuffer bufvtx;
	CUtlBuffer bufphy;

	int i = m_StaticPropDict.AddToTail();
	m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = NULL;
	m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr = NULL;

	if ( !LoadStudioModel( pModelName, buf ) )
		VectorCopy( vec3_origin, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Mins );
		VectorCopy( vec3_origin, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Maxs );

	studiohdr_t* pHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.Base();

	// necessary for vertex access
	SetCurrentModel( pHdr );

	VectorCopy( pHdr->hull_min, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Mins );
	VectorCopy( pHdr->hull_max, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_Maxs );

	if ( LoadStudioCollisionModel( pModelName, bufphy ) )
		phyheader_t header;
		bufphy.Get( &header, sizeof(header) );

		vcollide_t *pCollide = &m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel;
		s_pPhysCollision->VCollideLoad( pCollide, header.solidCount, (const char *)bufphy.PeekGet(), bufphy.TellPut() - bufphy.TellGet() );
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel.solids[0];

		static int propNum = 0;
		char tmp[128];
		sprintf( tmp, "staticprop%03d.txt", propNum );
		DumpCollideToGlView( pCollide, tmp );
		// mark this as unused
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_loadedModel.solidCount = 0;

		// CPhysCollide* pPhys = CreatePhysCollide( pHdr, pVtxHdr );
		m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pModel = ComputeConvexHull( pHdr );

	// clone it
	m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t *)malloc( buf.Size() );
	memcpy( m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr, (studiohdr_t*)buf.Base(), buf.Size() );

	if ( !LoadVTXFile( pModelName, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_pStudioHdr, m_StaticPropDict[i].m_VtxBuf ) )
		// failed, leave state identified as disabled
Example #4
// Add, find collision model in cache
static CPhysCollide* GetCollisionModel( char const* pModelName )
	// Convert to a common string
	char* pTemp = (char*)_alloca(strlen(pModelName) + 1);
	strcpy( pTemp, pModelName );
	_strlwr( pTemp );

	char* pSlash = strchr( pTemp, '\\' );
	while( pSlash )
		*pSlash = '/';
		pSlash = strchr( pTemp, '\\' );

	// Find it in the cache
	ModelCollisionLookup_t lookup;
	lookup.m_Name = pTemp;
	int i = s_ModelCollisionCache.Find( lookup );
	if (i != s_ModelCollisionCache.InvalidIndex())
		return s_ModelCollisionCache[i].m_pCollide;

	// Load the studio model file
	CUtlBuffer buf;
	if (!LoadStudioModel(pModelName, "prop_static", buf))
		Warning("Error loading studio model \"%s\"!\n", pModelName );

		// This way we don't try to load it multiple times
		lookup.m_pCollide = 0;
		s_ModelCollisionCache.Insert( lookup );

		return 0;

	// Compute the convex hull of the model...
	studiohdr_t* pStudioHdr = (studiohdr_t*)buf.PeekGet();

	// necessary for vertex access
	SetCurrentModel( pStudioHdr );

	lookup.m_pCollide = ComputeConvexHull( pStudioHdr );
	s_ModelCollisionCache.Insert( lookup );

	if ( !lookup.m_pCollide )
		Warning("Bad geometry on \"%s\"!\n", pModelName );

	// Debugging
	if (g_DumpStaticProps)
		static int propNum = 0;
		char tmp[128];
		sprintf( tmp, "staticprop%03d.txt", propNum );
		DumpCollideToGlView( lookup.m_pCollide, tmp );


	// Insert into cache...
	return lookup.m_pCollide;