Example #1
GeomPerfectMatching::REAL GeomPerfectMatching::SolveComplete()
	if (node_num != node_num_max) { printf("ComputeCost() cannot be called before all points have been added!\n"); exit(1); }

	PointId p, q;
	int e = 0, E = node_num*(node_num-1)/2;
	PerfectMatching* pm = new PerfectMatching(node_num, E);
	for (p=0; p<node_num; p++)
		for (q=p+1; q<node_num; q++)
			pm->AddEdge(p, q, Dist(p, q));
	pm->options = options;
	for (p=0; p<node_num; p++)
		for (q=p+1; q<node_num; q++)
			if (pm->GetSolution(e++))
				matching[p] = q;
				matching[q] = p;
	delete pm;
	return ComputeCost(matching);
// The step size should be chosen carefully to guarantee convergence given a 
// reasonable number of computations.
int GradientDescent::RunGradientDescent(const Data &data) {
  assert(num_iters_ >= 1);
  const int kNumTrainEx = data.num_train_ex();
  assert(kNumTrainEx >= 1);
  const arma::mat kTrainingFeatures = data.training_features();
  const arma::vec kTrainingLabels = data.training_labels();

  double *j_theta_array = new double[num_iters_];

  // Recall that we are trying to minimize the following cost function:
  // ((training features) * (current weights) - (training labels))^2
  // Each iteration of this algorithm updates the weights as a scaled 
  // version of the gradient of this cost function.
  // This gradient is computed with respect to the weights.
  // Thus, each iteration of gradient descent performs the following:
  // (update) = (step size) * ((training features) * (current weights) - (training labels)) * (training features)
  // (new weights) = (current weights) - (update)
  for(int theta_index=0; theta_index<num_iters_; theta_index++)
    const arma::vec kDiffVec = kTrainingFeatures*theta_-kTrainingLabels;
    const arma::mat kDiffVecTimesTrainFeat = \
      join_rows(kDiffVec % kTrainingFeatures.col(0),\
      kDiffVec % kTrainingFeatures.col(1));
    const arma::vec kThetaNew = theta_-alpha_*(1/(float)kNumTrainEx)*\
    j_theta_array[theta_index] = ComputeCost(data);

  delete [] j_theta_array;

  return 0;
Example #3
void UpdateRHSandBptr(Node *u)
	double temp;
	int x = u->x;
	int y = u->y;

	u->bptr = 0;
	u->rhs = DOUBLE_INF;
	for (int i = 0; i < lattice.n; ++i) {

		int x1 = x + lattice.dx[i];
		int y1 = y + lattice.dy[i];
		if (!isInMap(x1, y1)) continue;
		Node *t = memory[x1][y1];
		if (t == 0 || t->bptr == u) continue;

		temp = ComputeCost(u, x1, y1);

		if (temp < u->rhs) {
			u->rhs = temp;
			u->bptr = t;
Example #4
	void Mapper2d::
		m_addmask_x0 = 0;
		m_addmask_y0 = 0;
		m_addmask_x1 = 0;
		m_addmask_y1 = 0;
		const ssize_t offset(static_cast<ssize_t>(ceil(grown_safe_distance / gridframe.Delta())));
    for (ssize_t ix(-offset); ix <= offset; ++ix) {
      const double x2(sqr(ix * gridframe.Delta()));
      for (ssize_t iy(-offset); iy <= offset; ++iy) {
				int const cost(ComputeCost(sqrt(sqr(iy * gridframe.Delta()) + x2)));
				if (cost > m_travmap->freespace) {
					m_addmask.insert(make_pair(index_t(ix, iy), cost));
					// update the addmask's bounding box
					if (ix < m_addmask_x0)
						m_addmask_x0 = ix;
					if (ix > m_addmask_x1)
						m_addmask_x1 = ix;
					if (iy < m_addmask_y0)
						m_addmask_y0 = iy;
					if (iy > m_addmask_y1)
						m_addmask_y1 = iy;
Example #5
	CUnit *Find(Iterator begin, Iterator end) const
		CUnit *enemy = NULL;
		int best_cost = INT_MAX;

		for (Iterator it = begin; it != end; ++it) {
			const int cost = ComputeCost(*it);

			if (cost < best_cost) {
				enemy = *it;
				best_cost = cost;
		return enemy;
Example #6
void CRUTask::ComputeGain()
    TInt32 gain=0, maxGain=0;

    // First, update the (local) cost estimate

    // Next, update the (global) gain estimate
    DSListPosition pos = pSuccList_->GetHeadPosition();

    // Compute the maximum gain between successor tasks
    while (NULL != pos)
        CRUTask *pSuccTask = pSuccList_->GetNext(pos);
        gain = pSuccTask->GetGain();

        maxGain = (gain > maxGain) ? gain : maxGain;

    // Update the gain
    gain_ = GetCost() + maxGain;
Example #7
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Auto-place selected components.
AutoPlaceSelected (void)
  NetListTypePtr Nets;
  PointerListType Selected = { 0, 0, NULL };
  PerturbationType pt;
  double C0, T0;
  bool changed = false;

  /* (initial netlist processing copied from AddAllRats) */
  /* the netlist library has the text form
   * ProcNetlist fills in the Netlist
   * structure the way the final routing
   * is supposed to look
  Nets = ProcNetlist (&PCB->NetlistLib);
  if (!Nets)
      Message (_("Can't add rat lines because no netlist is loaded.\n"));
      goto done;

  Selected = collectSelectedElements ();
  if (Selected.PtrN == 0)
      Message (_("No elements selected to autoplace.\n"));
      goto done;

  /* simulated annealing */
  {				/* compute T0 by doing a random series of moves. */
    const int TRIALS = 10;
    const double Tx = 3e5, P = 0.95;
    double Cs = 0.0;
    int i;
    C0 = ComputeCost (Nets, Tx, Tx);
    for (i = 0; i < TRIALS; i++)
	pt = createPerturbation (&Selected, 1e6);
	doPerturb (&pt, false);
	Cs += fabs (ComputeCost (Nets, Tx, Tx) - C0);
	doPerturb (&pt, true);
    T0 = -(Cs / TRIALS) / log (P);
    printf ("Initial T: %f\n", T0);
  /* now anneal in earnest */
    double T = T0;
    long steps = 0;
    int good_moves = 0, moves = 0;
    const int good_move_cutoff = CostParameter.m * Selected.PtrN;
    const int move_cutoff = 2 * good_move_cutoff;
    printf ("Starting cost is %.0f\n", ComputeCost (Nets, T0, 5));
    C0 = ComputeCost (Nets, T0, T);
    while (1)
	double Cprime;
	pt = createPerturbation (&Selected, T);
	doPerturb (&pt, false);
	Cprime = ComputeCost (Nets, T0, T);
	if (Cprime < C0)
	  {			/* good move! */
	    C0 = Cprime;
	else if ((random () / (double) RAND_MAX) <
		 exp (MIN (MAX (-20, (C0 - Cprime) / T), 20)))
	    /* not good but keep it anyway */
	    C0 = Cprime;
	  doPerturb (&pt, true);	/* undo last change */
	/* are we at the end of a stage? */
	if (good_moves >= good_move_cutoff || moves >= move_cutoff)
	    printf ("END OF STAGE: COST %.0f\t"
		    "GOOD_MOVES %d\tMOVES %d\t"
		    "T: %.1f\n", C0, good_moves, moves, T);
	    /* is this the end? */
	    if (T < 5 || good_moves < moves / CostParameter.good_ratio)
	    /* nope, adjust T and continue */
	    moves = good_moves = 0;
	    T *= CostParameter.gamma;
	    /* cost is T dependent, so recompute */
	    C0 = ComputeCost (Nets, T0, T);
    changed = (steps > 0);
  if (changed)
      DeleteRats (false);
      AddAllRats (false, NULL);
      ClearAndRedrawOutput ();
  FreePointerListMemory (&Selected);
  return (changed);
Example #8
GeomPerfectMatching::REAL GeomPerfectMatching::Solve()
	double start_time = get_time();
	double perfect_matching_time = 0;
	double negative_edges_time = 0;
	if (options.verbose) { printf("starting geometric matching with %d points\n", node_num); fflush(stdout); }
	PointId p, q;
	Edge* e;
	int _e;
	int iter;
	bool success = false;
	PerfectMatching* pm = NULL;
	GPMKDTree* kd_tree;

	double init_matching_time = get_time();

	if (gpm_options.init_Delaunay) InitDelaunay();
	if (gpm_options.init_KNN > 0) InitKNN(gpm_options.init_KNN);
	if (gpm_options.init_greedy) CompleteInitialMatching();

	init_matching_time = get_time() - init_matching_time;

	graph_update_time = 0;

	int iter_max = gpm_options.iter_max;
	for (iter=0; iter_max<=0 || iter<iter_max; iter++)
		if (pm)
			double negative_edges_start_time = get_time();
			int edge_num0 = edge_num;
			for (p=0; p<node_num; p++)
				PerfectMatching::REAL s = pm->GetTwiceSum(p);
				if ( ((REAL)1 / 2) == 0 && ((PerfectMatching::REAL)1 / 2) != 0 ) sums[p] = (REAL)ceil((double)s);
				else                                                             sums[p] = (REAL)s;
			if (options.verbose) { printf("building kd_tree..."); fflush(stdout); }
				kd_tree = new GPMKDTree(DIM+1, node_num, coords, this);
			if (options.verbose) { printf(" done. Now adding negative edges:\n    "); fflush(stdout); }

			for (p=0; p<node_num; p++)
				if (options.verbose && (p%(node_num/72)==0)) { printf("+"); fflush(stdout); }
				for (e=nodes[p].first[0]; e; e=e->next[0]) nodes[e->head[0]].is_marked = 1;
				for (e=nodes[p].first[1]; e; e=e->next[1]) nodes[e->head[1]].is_marked = 1;
				kd_tree->AddNegativeEdges(p, pm);
				for (e=nodes[p].first[0]; e; e=e->next[0]) nodes[e->head[0]].is_marked = 0;
				for (e=nodes[p].first[1]; e; e=e->next[1]) nodes[e->head[1]].is_marked = 0;
			delete kd_tree;
			//if (edge_num - edge_num0 > node_num / 32)
			if ( 0 ) // always reuse previous computation
				delete pm;
				pm = NULL;
				if (edge_num0 == edge_num) success = true;
			if (options.verbose) { printf("\ndone (%d edges added)\n", edge_num-edge_num0); fflush(stdout); }
			negative_edges_time += get_time() - negative_edges_start_time;
		if (!pm)
			int E = 5*node_num;
			if (E < 5*edge_num/4) E = 5*edge_num/4;
			pm = new PerfectMatching(node_num, E);
			for (e=edges->ScanFirst(); e; e=edges->ScanNext())
				p = e->head[1]; q = e->head[0];
				pm->AddEdge(p, q, Dist(p, q));
		if (options.verbose) printf("iter %d: ", iter+1);
		pm->options = options;
		double perfect_matching_start = get_time();
		perfect_matching_time += get_time() - perfect_matching_start;
		if (success) break;

	for (_e=0, e=edges->ScanFirst(); e; _e++, e=edges->ScanNext())
		if (pm->GetSolution(_e))
			p = e->head[1]; q = e->head[0];
			matching[p] = q;
			matching[q] = p;
	delete pm;
	REAL cost = ComputeCost(matching);
	if (options.verbose)
		printf("geometric matching finished [%.3f secs]. cost=%.1f \n", get_time()-start_time, (double)cost); 
		printf("    selecting initial edges: [%.3f secs], perfect matching: [%.3f secs]\n", init_matching_time, perfect_matching_time);
		printf("    pricing: [%.3f secs] including graph updates: [%.3f secs]\n", negative_edges_time, graph_update_time); 
	return cost;
Example #9
void ComputeOrImprovePath()
	while (1) {

		if (timesExpanded > MAX_TIMES_EXPANDED) {
			planningFailed = true;

		Node *s1 = open->peekTop();
		if (s1 == 0) {
			planningFailed = true;

		if (less_than(s1->key.k1, startNode->key.k1) || (equals(s1->key.k1, startNode->key.k1) && less_than(s1->key.k2, startNode->key.k2))
			|| (greater_than(startNode->rhs, startNode->g)) || (startNode->rhs == DOUBLE_INF && startNode->g == DOUBLE_INF))

		Node *s = open->removeTop();

		if (greater_than(s->g, s->rhs)) {
			s->g = s->rhs;
			if (!s->inClosed) {
				s->inClosed = true;
			for (int i = 0; i < lattice.n; ++i) {
				int x = s->x + lattice.dx[i];  
				int y = s->y + lattice.dy[i];
				if (!isInMap(x, y)) 
				Node *v = GetOrCreateNode(x, y);
				if (s->bptr == v) continue;

				double newRhs = ComputeCost(v, s->x, s->y);
				if (greater_than(v->rhs, newRhs)) {
					v->bptr = s;
					v->rhs = newRhs;

		} else {
			s->g = DOUBLE_INF;

			for (int i = 0; i < lattice.n; ++i) {
				int x = s->x + lattice.dx[i];
				int y = s->y + lattice.dy[i];
				Node *v = GetOrCreateNode(x, y);
				if (v != goalNode && v->bptr == s) {
