Example #1
void SMenuAnchor::OnArrangeChildren( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, FArrangedChildren& ArrangedChildren ) const
	ArrangeSingleChild( AllottedGeometry, ArrangedChildren, Children[0], FVector2D::UnitVector);
	if ( IsOpen() )
		// @todo umg na AllottedGeometry here is in Window-Space when computed via OnPaint.
		//           The incorrect geometry causes the popup to fail workspace-edge tests.
		const FGeometry PopupGeometry = ComputeMenuPlacement( AllottedGeometry, Children[1].GetWidget()->GetDesiredSize(), Placement.Get() );
		ArrangedChildren.AddWidget( FArrangedWidget( Children[1].GetWidget(), PopupGeometry ) );
Example #2
void SMenuAnchor::Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime )
	SPanel::Tick(AllottedGeometry, InCurrentTime, InDeltaTime);

	TSharedPtr<SWindow> PopupWindow = PopupWindowPtr.Pin();
	if ( PopupWindow.IsValid() && Method == CreateNewWindow )
		// Figure out where our attached pop-up window should be placed.				
		const FVector2D PopupContentDesiredSize = PopupWindow->GetContent()->GetDesiredSize();
		FGeometry PopupGeometry = ComputeMenuPlacement( AllottedGeometry, PopupContentDesiredSize, Placement.Get( ) );
		const FVector2D NewPosition = PopupGeometry.AbsolutePosition;
		const FVector2D NewSize = PopupGeometry.GetDrawSize( );

		const FSlateRect NewShape = FSlateRect( NewPosition.X, NewPosition.Y, NewPosition.X + NewSize.X, NewPosition.Y + NewSize.Y );

		// We made a window for showing the popup.
		// Update the window's position!
		if( PopupWindow->IsMorphing() )
			if( NewShape != PopupWindow->GetMorphTargetShape() )
				// Update the target shape
				PopupWindow->UpdateMorphTargetShape( NewShape );
				// Set size immediately if not morphing size
					PopupWindow->ReshapeWindow( PopupWindow->GetPositionInScreen(), NewSize );
			const FVector2D WindowPosition = PopupWindow->GetPositionInScreen();
			const FVector2D WindowSize = PopupWindow->GetSizeInScreen();
			if ( NewPosition != WindowPosition || NewSize != WindowSize )
				// @FIXME: for some reason, popups reshaped here do not trigger OnWindowMoved() callback,
				// so we manually set cached position to where we expect it to be. Note the order of operations - (before Reshape) - 
				// still giving the callback a chance to change it.
				// This needs to be investigated (tracked as TTP #347674).
				PopupWindow->SetCachedScreenPosition( NewPosition );
				PopupWindow->ReshapeWindow( NewShape );

	/** The tick is ending, so the window was not dismissed this tick. */
	bDismissedThisTick = false;
Example #3
void SMenuAnchor::Tick( const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, const double InCurrentTime, const float InDeltaTime )
	TSharedPtr<SWindow> PopupWindow = PopupWindowPtr.Pin();
	if ( PopupWindow.IsValid() && IsOpenViaCreatedWindow() )
		// Figure out where our attached pop-up window should be placed.
		const FVector2D PopupContentDesiredSize = PopupWindow->GetContent()->GetDesiredSize();
		FGeometry PopupGeometry = ComputeMenuPlacement( AllottedGeometry, PopupContentDesiredSize, Placement.Get() );
		const FVector2D NewPosition = PopupGeometry.LocalToAbsolute(FVector2D::ZeroVector);
		// For the CreateWindow case, don't transform the size; it will always use the ApplicationScale
		const FVector2D NewSize = PopupGeometry.GetLocalSize();

		const FSlateRect NewShape = FSlateRect( NewPosition.X, NewPosition.Y, NewPosition.X + NewSize.X, NewPosition.Y + NewSize.Y );

		// We made a window for showing the popup.
		// Update the window's position!
		if (false /*PopupWindow->IsMorphing()*/ )
			if( NewShape != PopupWindow->GetMorphTargetShape() )
				// Update the target shape
				PopupWindow->UpdateMorphTargetShape( NewShape );
				// Set size immediately if not morphing size
					PopupWindow->ReshapeWindow( PopupWindow->GetPositionInScreen(), NewSize );
			const FVector2D WindowPosition = PopupWindow->GetPositionInScreen();
			const FVector2D WindowSize = PopupWindow->GetSizeInScreen();
			if ( NewPosition != WindowPosition || NewSize != WindowSize )
				// @FIXME: for some reason, popups reshaped here do not trigger OnWindowMoved() callback,
				// so we manually set cached position to where we expect it to be. Note the order of operations - (before Reshape) - 
				// still giving the callback a chance to change it.
				// This needs to be investigated (tracked as TTP #347674).
				PopupWindow->SetCachedScreenPosition( NewPosition );
				PopupWindow->ReshapeWindow( NewShape );
	else if (PopupWindow.IsValid() && IsOpenAndReusingWindow())
		// Ideally, do this in OnArrangeChildren(); currently not possible because OnArrangeChildren()
		// can be called in DesktopSpace or WindowSpace, and we will not know which version of the Window
		// geometry to use. Tick() is always in DesktopSpace, so cache the solution here and just use
		// it in OnArrangeChildren().
		const FPopupPlacement LocalPlacement(AllottedGeometry, Children[1].GetWidget()->GetDesiredSize(), Placement.Get());
		const FSlateRect WindowRectLocalSpace = TransformRect(Inverse(AllottedGeometry.GetAccumulatedLayoutTransform()), PopupWindow->GetClientRectInScreen());
		const FVector2D FittedPlacement = ComputePopupFitInRect(
			FSlateRect(LocalPlacement.LocalPopupOffset, LocalPlacement.LocalPopupOffset + LocalPlacement.LocalPopupSize),
			LocalPlacement.Orientation, WindowRectLocalSpace);

		LocalPopupPosition = FittedPlacement;
		ScreenPopupPosition = AllottedGeometry.GetAccumulatedLayoutTransform().TransformPoint(LocalPopupPosition);

	/** The tick is ending, so the window was not dismissed this tick. */
	bDismissedThisTick = false;