void UMovementComponent::TwoWallAdjust(FVector& OutDelta, const FHitResult& Hit, const FVector& OldHitNormal) const
	FVector Delta = OutDelta;
	const FVector HitNormal = Hit.Normal;

	if ((OldHitNormal | HitNormal) <= 0.f) //90 or less corner, so use cross product for direction
		const FVector DesiredDir = Delta;
		FVector NewDir = (HitNormal ^ OldHitNormal);
		NewDir = NewDir.GetSafeNormal();
		Delta = (Delta | NewDir) * (1.f - Hit.Time) * NewDir;
		if ((DesiredDir | Delta) < 0.f)
			Delta = -1.f * Delta;
	else //adjust to new wall
		const FVector DesiredDir = Delta;
		Delta = ComputeSlideVector(Delta, 1.f - Hit.Time, HitNormal, Hit);
		if ((Delta | DesiredDir) <= 0.f)
			Delta = FVector::ZeroVector;
		else if ( FMath::Abs((HitNormal | OldHitNormal) - 1.f) < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER )
			// we hit the same wall again even after adjusting to move along it the first time
			// nudge away from it (this can happen due to precision issues)
			Delta += HitNormal * 0.01f;

	OutDelta = Delta;
bool UProjectileMovementComponent::HandleDeflection(FHitResult& Hit, const FVector& OldVelocity, const uint32 NumBounces, float& SubTickTimeRemaining)
	const FVector Normal = ConstrainNormalToPlane(Hit.Normal);

	// Multiple hits within very short time period?
	const bool bMultiHit = (PreviousHitTime < 1.f && Hit.Time <= KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER);

	// if velocity still into wall (after HandleBlockingHit() had a chance to adjust), slide along wall
	const float DotTolerance = 0.01f;
	bIsSliding = (bMultiHit && FVector::Coincident(PreviousHitNormal, Normal)) ||
					((Velocity.GetSafeNormal() | Normal) <= DotTolerance);

	if (bIsSliding)
		if (bMultiHit && (PreviousHitNormal | Normal) <= 0.f)
			//90 degree or less corner, so use cross product for direction
			FVector NewDir = (Normal ^ PreviousHitNormal);
			NewDir = NewDir.GetSafeNormal();
			Velocity = Velocity.ProjectOnToNormal(NewDir);
			if ((OldVelocity | Velocity) < 0.f)
				Velocity *= -1.f;
			Velocity = ConstrainDirectionToPlane(Velocity);
			//adjust to move along new wall
			Velocity = ComputeSlideVector(Velocity, 1.f, Normal, Hit);

		// Check min velocity.
		if (Velocity.SizeSquared() < FMath::Square(BounceVelocityStopSimulatingThreshold))
			return false;

		// Velocity is now parallel to the impact surface.
		if (SubTickTimeRemaining > KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER)
			if (!HandleSliding(Hit, SubTickTimeRemaining))
				return false;

	return true;
float UMovementComponent::SlideAlongSurface(const FVector& Delta, float Time, const FVector& Normal, FHitResult& Hit, bool bHandleImpact)
	if (!Hit.bBlockingHit)
		return 0.f;

	float PercentTimeApplied = 0.f;
	const FVector OldHitNormal = Normal;

	FVector SlideDelta = ComputeSlideVector(Delta, Time, Normal, Hit);

	if ((SlideDelta | Delta) > 0.f)
		const FQuat Rotation = UpdatedComponent->GetComponentQuat();
		SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(SlideDelta, Rotation, true, Hit);

		const float FirstHitPercent = Hit.Time;
		PercentTimeApplied = FirstHitPercent;
		if (Hit.IsValidBlockingHit())
			// Notify first impact
			if (bHandleImpact)
				HandleImpact(Hit, FirstHitPercent * Time, SlideDelta);

			// Compute new slide normal when hitting multiple surfaces.
			TwoWallAdjust(SlideDelta, Hit, OldHitNormal);

			// Only proceed if the new direction is of significant length and not in reverse of original attempted move.
			if (!SlideDelta.IsNearlyZero(1e-3f) && (SlideDelta | Delta) > 0.f)
				// Perform second move
				SafeMoveUpdatedComponent(SlideDelta, Rotation, true, Hit);
				const float SecondHitPercent = Hit.Time * (1.f - FirstHitPercent);
				PercentTimeApplied += SecondHitPercent;

				// Notify second impact
				if (bHandleImpact && Hit.bBlockingHit)
					HandleImpact(Hit, SecondHitPercent * Time, SlideDelta);

		return FMath::Clamp(PercentTimeApplied, 0.f, 1.f);

	return 0.f;