int CreateMailSocket() /* open socket to mail server */ { int ms; char buffer[256]; ms = ConnectServer(MAILSERVER, SMTPPORT); if (ms < 0) ms = ConnectServer("", SMTPPORT); if (ms > 0) { while (net_gets(ms, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { if (strncmp(buffer, "220-", 4)) break; } if (strncmp(buffer, "220 ", 4)) { CloseMailSocket(ms); return -1; } net_printf(ms, "HELO bbs\r\n"); while (net_gets(ms, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) { if (strncmp(buffer, "250-", 4)) break; } if (strncmp(buffer, "250 ", 4)) { CloseMailSocket(ms); return -1; } } return ms; }
ModResult ModuleSpanningTree::HandleConnect(const CommandBase::Params& parameters, User* user) { for (std::vector<reference<Link> >::iterator i = Utils->LinkBlocks.begin(); i < Utils->LinkBlocks.end(); i++) { Link* x = *i; if (InspIRCd::Match(x->Name, parameters[0], ascii_case_insensitive_map)) { if (InspIRCd::Match(ServerInstance->Config->ServerName, x->Name, ascii_case_insensitive_map)) { user->WriteRemoteNotice(InspIRCd::Format("*** CONNECT: Server \002%s\002 is ME, not connecting.", x->Name.c_str())); return MOD_RES_DENY; } TreeServer* CheckDupe = Utils->FindServer(x->Name); if (!CheckDupe) { user->WriteRemoteNotice(InspIRCd::Format("*** CONNECT: Connecting to server: \002%s\002 (%s:%d)", x->Name.c_str(), (x->HiddenFromStats ? "<hidden>" : x->IPAddr.c_str()), x->Port)); ConnectServer(x); return MOD_RES_DENY; } else { user->WriteRemoteNotice(InspIRCd::Format("*** CONNECT: Server \002%s\002 already exists on the network and is connected via \002%s\002", x->Name.c_str(), CheckDupe->GetParent()->GetName().c_str())); return MOD_RES_DENY; } } } user->WriteRemoteNotice(InspIRCd::Format("*** CONNECT: No server matching \002%s\002 could be found in the config file.", parameters[0].c_str())); return MOD_RES_DENY; }
void Main_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT codeNotify) { switch(id) { case IDC_OK: { if(InitSock()) { SOCKET httpsock = socket(AF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , IPPROTO_TCP); if (INVALID_SOCKET == httpsock) { WSACleanup(); return 0; } if(!ConnectServer(&httpsock,"",110)) { MessageBox(user->hwnd,TEXT("·þÎñÆ÷Á¬½Óʧ°Ü£¡"),TEXT(""),MB_OK || MB_ICONWARNING); return 0; } ret = connectUserMail(httpsock,user->name,user->pass); if(ret) { } } } break; default: break; } }
int ModuleSpanningTree::HandleConnect(const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User* user) { for (std::vector<Link>::iterator x = Utils->LinkBlocks.begin(); x < Utils->LinkBlocks.end(); x++) { if (InspIRCd::Match(x->Name.c_str(),parameters[0])) { if (InspIRCd::Match(ServerInstance->Config->ServerName, assign(x->Name))) { RemoteMessage(user, "*** CONNECT: Server \002%s\002 is ME, not connecting.",x->Name.c_str()); return 1; } TreeServer* CheckDupe = Utils->FindServer(x->Name.c_str()); if (!CheckDupe) { RemoteMessage(user, "*** CONNECT: Connecting to server: \002%s\002 (%s:%d)",x->Name.c_str(),(x->HiddenFromStats ? "<hidden>" : x->IPAddr.c_str()),x->Port); ConnectServer(&(*x)); return 1; } else { RemoteMessage(user, "*** CONNECT: Server \002%s\002 already exists on the network and is connected via \002%s\002",x->Name.c_str(),CheckDupe->GetParent()->GetName().c_str()); return 1; } } } RemoteMessage(user, "*** CONNECT: No server matching \002%s\002 could be found in the config file.",parameters[0].c_str()); return 1; }
void TcpClient::HandleOfflineUsers() { vector<User> users = _online_user.GetOfflineUsers(_max_timeout); for(int i = 0; i < (int)users.size(); i++) { User &user = users[i]; const char *ip = user._ip.c_str(); unsigned short port = user._port; ITcpServer *svr = (ITcpServer*)user._ext_ptr; if( ! svr->ChkChannel(user._user_id)) { continue; } if(ConnectServer(user, 3)) { share::Guard guard(_mutex); map<string, vector<char> >::iterator it = _cache.find(user._user_id); if(it != _cache.end()) { SendData(user._fd, &it->second[0], it->second.size()); OUT_HEX(ip, port, "SEND", &it->second[0], it->second.size()); _cache.erase(it); } } _online_user.AddUser(user._user_id, user); } }
// 登录 bool CLiveChatClient::Login(const string& user, const string& password, const string& deviceId, CLIENT_TYPE clientType, USER_SEX_TYPE sexType, AUTH_TYPE authType) { bool result = false; FileLog("LiveChatClient", "CLiveChatClient::Login() begin"); if (!user.empty() && !password.empty() && !deviceId.empty() && ConnectServer()) { m_user = user; m_password = password; m_deviceId = deviceId; m_clientType = clientType; m_sexType = sexType; m_authType = authType; result = true; } FileLog("LiveChatClient", "CLiveChatClient::Login() end"); return result; }
int reportwrite(char*ip, u64_t blocknum, int port, int status) { s64_t sockfd = ConnectServer(ip, port); u64_t total_len = 0; char* result_report; char* title = "WRITE_OK"; char* name = "Blocknum"; char blnum[64]; sprintf(blnum, "%lld", blocknum); total_len += strlen(title) + 2; total_len += strlen(name) + strlen(blnum) + 4; total_len += 2; if ((result_report = malloc(total_len)) == NULL) { perror("fail to malloc\n"); return -1; } strcpy(result_report, title); result_report += strlen(title); *result_report++ = '\r'; *result_report++ = '\n'; strcpy(result_report, name); result_report += strlen(name); *result_report++ = ':'; *result_report++ = ' '; strcpy(result_report, blnum); result_report += strlen(blnum); *result_report++ = '\r'; *result_report++ = '\n'; *result_report++ = '\r'; *result_report++ = '\n'; sendinfo(sockfd, result_report, total_len); return 0; }
bool CMySocket::TestContinue() { if (!m_bIM || !ConnectServer()) { return false; } //发送ping包接续连接试试 COM_SEND_PING SendInfo(VERSION); SendInfo.o.online_flag = ((CChatManager*)m_receiveObj)->m_userInfo.UserInfo.onlineflag; ((CChatManager*)m_receiveObj)->SendPackTo(&SendInfo, 0, 0); fd_set fd;; FD_ZERO(&fd); FD_SET(m_hSocket, &fd); struct timeval val = { 10, 0 }; int ret = select(m_hSocket + 1, &fd, NULL, NULL, &val); if (ret <= 0) { return false; } unsigned short plen = (0); int n = recv(m_hSocket, (char*)&plen, 2, MSG_PEEK); if (n != 2 || 0 == plen) { g_WriteLog.WriteLog(C_LOG_TRACE, "TestContinue recv:%d,packlen:%hd", n, plen); return false; } return true; }
void MsgClient::HandleOfflineUsers() { vector<User> vec_users = _online_user.GetOfflineUsers(3*60); for(int i = 0; i < (int)vec_users.size(); i++) { User &user = vec_users[i]; if(user._socket_type == User::TcpClient) { if(user._fd != NULL ) { OUT_WARNING( user._ip.c_str() , user._port , user._user_name.c_str() , "fd %d close socket", user._fd->_fd ); CloseSocket(user._fd); } } else if(user._socket_type == User::TcpConnClient) { if( user._fd != NULL ) { OUT_INFO( user._ip.c_str() , user._port , user._user_name.c_str() ,"conn fd %d close socket", user._fd->_fd );; CloseSocket(user._fd); user._fd = NULL; } if ( ConnectServer(user, 10) ) { // 添加列表中。 _online_user.AddUser( user._user_id, user ) ; } else if ( user._connect_info.keep_alive == AlwaysReConn ) { // 添加用户 _online_user.AddUser( user._user_id, user ) ; } } } }
void ModuleSpanningTree::ConnectServer(Link* x, Autoconnect* y) { bool ipvalid = true; if (InspIRCd::Match(ServerInstance->Config->ServerName, assign(x->Name))) { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l', "CONNECT: Not connecting to myself."); return; } DNS::QueryType start_type = DNS::QUERY_AAAA; if (strchr(x->IPAddr.c_str(),':')) { in6_addr n; if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, x->IPAddr.c_str(), &n) < 1) ipvalid = false; } else { in_addr n; if (inet_aton(x->IPAddr.c_str(),&n) < 1) ipvalid = false; } /* Do we already have an IP? If so, no need to resolve it. */ if (ipvalid) { /* Gave a hook, but it wasnt one we know */ TreeSocket* newsocket = new TreeSocket(x, y, x->IPAddr); if (newsocket->GetFd() > -1) { /* Handled automatically on success */ } else { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l', "CONNECT: Error connecting \002%s\002: %s.", x->Name.c_str(), newsocket->getError().c_str()); ServerInstance->GlobalCulls.AddItem(newsocket); } } else if (!DNS) { ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l', "CONNECT: Error connecting \002%s\002: Hostname given and is not loaded, unable to resolve.", x->Name.c_str()); } else { ServernameResolver* snr = new ServernameResolver(*DNS, x->IPAddr, x, start_type, y); try { DNS->Process(snr); } catch (DNS::Exception& e) { delete snr; ServerInstance->SNO->WriteToSnoMask('l', "CONNECT: Error connecting \002%s\002: %s.",x->Name.c_str(), e.GetReason()); ConnectServer(y, false); } } }
void PasServer::HandleOfflineUsers() { vector<User> vec_users = _online_user.GetOfflineUsers(3 * 60); for (int i = 0; i < (int) vec_users.size(); i++) { User user = vec_users[i]; if (user._socket_type == User::TcpClient) { // 移除统计功能的用户 _datastat.Remove(user._access_code); if (user._fd != NULL) { OUT_WARNING( user._ip.c_str(), user._port, user._user_id.c_str(), "HandleOfflineUsers close socket fd %d", user._fd->_fd); CloseSocket(user._fd); } } else if (user._socket_type == User::TcpConnClient) { if (user._fd != NULL) { OUT_WARNING( user._ip.c_str(), user._port, user._user_id.c_str(), "TcpConnClient close socket fd %d", user._fd->_fd); //; CloseSocket(user._fd); user._fd = NULL; } if (ConnectServer(user, 3)) { //连接成功,重新加到在线列表当中。 if (!_online_user.AddUser(user._user_id, user)) _online_user.SetUser(user._user_id, user); } else if (user._connect_info.keep_alive == AlwaysReConn || user._connect_info.reconnect_times > 0) { _online_user.AddUser(user._user_id, user); } else { if (user._connect_info.reconnect_times <= 0) { // 如果用户是下级平台,应该向下级平台发送从链路断开消息 DownDisconnectInform msg; msg.header.msg_len = ntouv32(sizeof(DownDisconnectInform)); msg.header.access_code = ntouv32(user._access_code); msg.header.msg_seq = ntouv32(_proto_parse.get_next_seq()); msg.header.msg_type = ntouv16(DOWN_DISCONNECT_INFORM); msg.error_code = 0x0; // 原因:从链路断开 char buf[200]; sprintf(buf, "U_%u", user._access_code); // 取主链路fd User main_user = _online_user.GetUserByUserId(buf); if (!main_user._user_id.empty()) { if (SendCrcData(main_user._fd, (const char*) &msg, sizeof(msg))) { OUT_INFO( main_user._ip.c_str(), main_user._port, "pas", "DOWN_DISCONNECT_INFORM"); } else { OUT_ERROR( main_user._ip.c_str(), main_user._port, "pas", "DOWN_DISCONNECT_INFORM"); } } } } } } }
bool CMySocket::Connect(const char* szDomain, unsigned short port) { if (m_szdomian) free(m_szdomian); m_szdomian = _strdup(szDomain); m_port = port; return ConnectServer(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ParseArgs(argc, argv); atexit(Cleanup); InitHandles(); ConnectServer(); InteractiveLoop(); return 0; }
static int DdnsSockComm(ddns_cfg_t *ddns) { struct sockaddr_in ser_addr; int sockfd = 0; int ret = 0; char str[32] = {0}; char **pptr = NULL; char DdnsCmdBuf[DDNS_CMD_LEN] = {0}; char ReceiveBuf[DDNS_RCV_LEN] = {0}; struct hostent *phost = NULL; DdnsCmdInfo(DdnsCmdBuf,ddns); phost = gethostbyname((char *)ddns->server); if (NULL == phost) { fprintf(stderr,"gethostbyname() error\n"); return -1;// } else { pptr=phost->h_addr_list; fprintf(stderr,"gethostbyname() sucssess! address:%s\n", inet_ntop(phost->h_addrtype, *pptr, str, sizeof(str))); } ser_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; ser_addr.sin_port = htons(80); memcpy(&(ser_addr.sin_addr), *((struct in_addr **)phost->h_addr_list), sizeof(struct in_addr)); memset(ser_addr.sin_zero,0, sizeof(ser_addr.sin_zero)); sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if( -1 == sockfd ) { perror(" socket() error\n"); return -1; } if(ConnectServer(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&ser_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr), 10) != 0) { perror("connect()"); close(sockfd); return -1; } if(send(sockfd, DdnsCmdBuf, strlen(DdnsCmdBuf), 0) == -1) { perror("send() data to server"); close(sockfd); return -1; } memset(ReceiveBuf,0,sizeof(ReceiveBuf)); ret=GetMessageFromServer(sockfd,ReceiveBuf,sizeof(ReceiveBuf)); close(sockfd); if(ret == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"GetMessagErr!!!\n\n"); return ret; } //fprintf(stderr,"recieve:\n%s\n",ReceiveBuf); DdnsRspCode(ReceiveBuf); return 0; }
// 检测用户状态 void PasClient::CheckUserState( UserSession &user ) { // 如果当前TCP用户不在线 if ( user.IsOffline(true) ) { // 如果当前用户还没有超时就允许重新连接 if ( !user.Check( 30, PCC_USER_LOGIN , true ) ) return ; ConnectServer( user, true ) ; } else if ( user.IsOffline(false) && user.IsOnline(true) ){ // 如果当前TCP用户鉴权码为空也不能登陆数据链路 if ( ! user.IsKey(true) ) return ; if ( ! user.Check( 30, PCC_USER_LOGIN, false ) ) return ; ConnectServer( user, false ) ; } }
void *thread_function(void *arg) { g_cfd = ConnectServer(g_ip, g_port); if (g_cfd < 0) { printf("ConnectServer failed:%s \n", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } return NULL; }
TCGbool TCGClient::Init_sdk(TCGint argc, TCGchar **argv, const TCGchar* fname) { if (!ParseArgFile(PLAY_CONF_FILE, g_args)) { return TCG_FALSE; } ConnectServer(); return TCG_TRUE; }
BOOL InitInstance(HANDLE hInstance, int nCmdShow) { g_hInst = (HINSTANCE)hInstance; INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; icex.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX); icex.dwICC = ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES | ICC_BAR_CLASSES | ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES | ICC_TAB_CLASSES; InitCommonControlsEx(&icex); g_hMainWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, _T("VirtualClient"), _T("미르의 전설 2 - 가상 클라이언트"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW|WS_VISIBLE, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, (HINSTANCE)hInstance, NULL); RECT rcMainWnd; GetClientRect(g_hMainWnd, &rcMainWnd); g_hLogMsgWnd = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, WC_LISTVIEW, "", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_BORDER|LVS_REPORT|LVS_EDITLABELS, 0, 0, (rcMainWnd.right - rcMainWnd.left), (rcMainWnd.bottom -, g_hMainWnd, NULL, (HINSTANCE)hInstance, NULL); ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(g_hLogMsgWnd, 0, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); LV_COLUMN lvc; TCHAR szText[64]; lvc.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_SUBITEM; lvc.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; = 150; lvc.pszText = szText; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { lvc.iSubItem = i; lvc.pszText = szLvsLable[i]; ListView_InsertColumn(g_hLogMsgWnd, i, &lvc); } ShowWindow(g_hMainWnd, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(g_hMainWnd); if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &g_wsd) != 0) return (FALSE); ConnectServer(g_sock, &g_addr, _IDM_SOCKMSG, g_szServerIP, 0, 7000, FD_CONNECT|FD_READ|FD_CLOSE); return TRUE; }
void ModuleSpanningTree::AutoConnectServers(time_t curtime) { for (std::vector<reference<Autoconnect> >::iterator i = Utils->AutoconnectBlocks.begin(); i < Utils->AutoconnectBlocks.end(); ++i) { Autoconnect* x = *i; if (curtime >= x->NextConnectTime) { x->NextConnectTime = curtime + x->Period; ConnectServer(x, true); } } }
void NetControl::OnOpen() { if(m_pSocket) { MessageBox(GetActiveWindow(),"已经连接到服务器,请关闭连接再试一次!","警告信息",MB_OK); return; } if(!(m_pSocket=ConnectServer())) { m_pSocket=NULL; return; } }
//下载消息 LRESULT CPlazaViewItem::OnDownloadFace(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD dwUserID = (DWORD)lParam; ASSERT(dwUserID != 0); BYTE bFaceVer = (BYTE)wParam; //查找存在 bool bFind = false; for ( INT_PTR nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_DownloadInfoArrary.GetCount(); nIndex++ ) { tagDownloadInfo &DownloadInfo = m_DownloadInfoArrary[nIndex]; if ( DownloadInfo.dwUserID == dwUserID )DownloadInfo.bReference++; } if ( !bFind ) { tagDownloadInfo DownloadInfo; ZeroMemory(&DownloadInfo, sizeof(DownloadInfo)); DownloadInfo.bFaceVer = bFaceVer; DownloadInfo.dwUserID = dwUserID; DownloadInfo.bReference = 1; //加入队列 INT_PTR nCount = m_DownloadInfoArrary.GetCount(); m_DownloadInfoArrary.SetAtGrow(nCount, DownloadInfo); } //启动下载 if (m_bStartDownloadFace==false) { m_bStartDownloadFace=true; //状态判断 if ( m_ClientSocket->GetSocketStatus() != SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECT ) { //链接网络 if ( ! ConnectServer() ) return FALSE; //设置标识 m_bDownloadConnect = true; } //投递请求 CMD_GP_DownloadFace DownloadFace; DownloadFace.dwUserID = dwUserID; m_ClientSocket->SendData(MDM_GP_USER, SUB_GP_USER_DOWNLOAD_FACE, &DownloadFace, sizeof(DownloadFace)); } return TRUE; }
bool NetHandler::Init() { m_ServerInitSendFlag = NF_NULL; // 加载 [Setup.ini], [LogSetup.ini], [SetupEx.ini]及 [ServerSetup.ini] 配置 if (!LoadSetup()) { return false; } InitNetEnv(); // 创建服务器端 if (!InitNetServer()) { return false; } // 连接到LogServer if (0 == m_serverSetup.useLogServer) { Log4c::Warn(ROOT_MODULE,FormatText("GAME_NET_SERVERINVALID", "LogServer")); } else { ConnectServer(NF_LOG_SERVER); } ConnectServer(NF_DB_SERVER); // 连接到DBServer ConnectServer(NF_LOGIN_SERVER); // 连接到LoginServer // 装载内存影射文件配置 LoadMapFileSetup(); CSMClient::GetSM()->InitOk(); return true; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ if (argc < 3){ printf("Usage: %s IP Port\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } struct sockaddr_in server; memset(&server, '\0', sizeof(server)); struct addrinfo hints, *res; memset(&hints, '\0', sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_socktype=SOCK_STREAM; getaddrinfo(argv[1], argv[2], &hints, &res); server=*(struct sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr; freeaddrinfo(res); ConnectServer(server); return 0; }
//---create socket thread DWORD WINAPI createSocketThread(LPVOID lp) { int err; WORD versionRequired; WSADATA wsaData; versionRequired = MAKEWORD(1,1); err = WSAStartup(versionRequired, &wsaData);//协议库的版本信息 if (err) { writeFile( log, "Client socket open fail!\n"); return 1;//结束 } else { writeFile( log, "Client socket open successful!\n"); } int flag = -1; while(1) { if ( CONNECTED_FLAG == false ) { clientSocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); SOCKADDR_IN clientsock_in; clientsock_in.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr( server_ip.c_str() ); clientsock_in.sin_family = AF_INET; clientsock_in.sin_port = htons( port ); flag = connect( clientSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&clientsock_in, sizeof(SOCKADDR) ); } else Sleep(1000); if( flag != -1 && CONNECTED_FLAG == false ) { ConnectServer(); } } closesocket(clientSocket);//关闭 WSACleanup(); return 0; }
int sdkTcpConnect(char *ip) { SOCKET client_socket; char outdata[1024] = {0}; int sdkret = 0; int outlen = 0; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; int ret =0; WSADATA wsaData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,1),&wsaData)) //调用Windows Sockets DLL { printf("Winsock无法初始化!\n"); WSACleanup(); return NULL; } client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(client_socket < 0 ) { PRINTF("sdkTcpConnect:client_socket error!\n"); return -1; } memset(&client_addr ,0, sizeof(client_addr)); client_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; client_addr.sin_port = htons(SDK_LISTEN_PORT); client_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); u_long mode = 1; ioctlsocket(client_socket,FIONBIO,&mode); ret = ConnectServer(client_socket,client_addr); // connet_num = connect(client_socket , (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr ,sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if( ret < 0 ) { PRINTF("sdkTcpConnect:connect is error!\n"); closesocket(client_socket); WSACleanup(); client_socket = -1; return -1; } // g_sdk_cli_sock = client_socket; return client_socket; }
/////////////////////////// functions /////////////////////////////////// int Sample::Init() { int err_code = PQMTE_SUCESS; // initialize the handle functions of gestures; InitFuncOnTG(); // set the functions on server callback SetFuncsOnReceiveProc(); // connect server cout << " connect to server..." << endl; if((err_code = ConnectServer()) != PQMTE_SUCESS){ cout << " connect server fail, socket error code:" << err_code << endl; return err_code; } // send request to server cout << " connect success, send request." << endl; TouchClientRequest tcq = {0}; tcq.app_id = GetTrialAppID(); tcq.type = RQST_RAWDATA_ALL | RQST_GESTURE_ALL; if((err_code = SendRequest(tcq)) != PQMTE_SUCESS){ cout << " send request fail, error code:" << err_code << endl; return err_code; } //////////////you can set the move_threshold when the tcq.type is RQST_RAWDATA_INSIDE; //send threshold //int move_threshold = 1;// 1 pixel //if((err_code = SendThreshold(move_threshold) != PQMTE_SUCESS){ // cout << " send threadhold fail, error code:" << err_code << endl; // return err_code; //} // //////////////////////// //get server resolution if((err_code = GetServerResolution(OnGetServerResolution, NULL)) != PQMTE_SUCESS){ cout << " get server resolution fail,error code:" << err_code << endl; return err_code; }; // // start receiving cout << " send request success, start recv." << endl; return err_code; }
int reportlist(char* ip, int port) { if (getlist() < 0) { perror("fail to get list \n"); return -1; } s64_t sockfd = ConnectServer(ip, port); sbphead = report_head(databuf, req_len); build_headp(&send_buf, &sbphead); sendinfo(sockfd, send_buf, sizeof(send_buf)); recinfo(sockfd); if (strcmp(rec_buf, "SBPFS_OK") == 0) { printf("succeed in report"); return 0; } else if (strcmp(rec_buf, "SBPFS_ERR") == 0) { printf("fail in report"); return -1; } else { perror("fail to receive feedback \n"); return -1; } }
/* Function: rtsp_client_init * Description: Initialize the RTSP client * Parameters: name - RTSP server name * port - RTSP server port * Returns: Success or failed */ rtsp_ret_e rtsp_client_init (const char *name, int port) { rtsp_ret_e ret = RTSP_FAILURE; if (name != NULL) { strncpy(client.serverHost, name, MAX_NAME_LENGTH); client.serverPort = port; ret = ConnectServer(name, port); client.cSeq = 0; client.response.code = 0; client.response.server = NULL; client.response.data_buffer = NULL; client.response.body = NULL; } else { VQEC_LOG_ERROR("rtsp_client_init:: RTSP server name " "or IP address must be specified\n"); } return ret; }
//删除图片 void CDlgCustomFace::OnBnClickedDelete() { //设置状态 m_enOperateStatus = enOperateStatus_Delete; //链接网络 if ( ConnectServer() == false ) { //设置状态 m_enOperateStatus = enOperateStatus_NULL; return; } //释放资源 if ( ! m_Image.IsNull() ) m_Image.Destroy(); //更新控件 UpdateControls(); //更新界面 InvalidateRect(NULL); }
TCGbool TCGClient::Init(TCGint argc, TCGchar **argv, const TCGchar* fname) { #ifdef Android if (!ParseArgFile(PLAY_CONF_FILE, g_args)) { return ; } #elif defined(WIN32) || defined(__APPLE__) if (!ParseArgv(argc, argv, g_args)) { return TCG_FALSE; } #endif GetScreenResolution(); GetScreenPosition(); ConnectServer(); m_stream.SetCompressFlag(g_args.compressedFile); return TCG_TRUE; }