Example #1
    Get the attributes for a given device, or check device is in PDL if 
    attributes is NULL.

    TRUE if device in PDL, otherwise FALSE
bool deviceManagerGetAttributes(sink_attributes* attributes, const bdaddr* dev_addr)
    /* NULL is valid if we just want to check dev is in PDL */
    uint8 size = (attributes ? sizeof(sink_attributes) : 0);
    /* Attempt to retrieve attributes from PS */
    return ConnectionSmGetAttributeNow(PSKEY_ATTRIBUTE_BASE, dev_addr, size, (uint8*)attributes);
static void handleA2DPOpenInd(Sink sink, uint8 seid)
    bdaddr bdaddr_ind;

	if (SinkGetBdAddr(sink, &bdaddr_ind))
		uint8 lAttributes[ATTRIBUTE_SIZE];
		avrcpConnectReq(bdaddr_ind, FALSE);
		/* Retrieve attributes for this device */
    	if (ConnectionSmGetAttributeNow(PSKEY_ATTRIBUTE_BASE, &bdaddr_ind, ATTRIBUTE_SIZE, lAttributes))
			bool write_params = FALSE;
			if (lAttributes[attribute_seid] != seid)
				lAttributes[attribute_seid] = seid;
				write_params = TRUE;
			if (lAttributes[attribute_a2dp_volume] != theHeadset.gAvVolumeLevel)
				lAttributes[attribute_a2dp_volume] = theHeadset.gAvVolumeLevel;
				write_params = TRUE;
			if (write_params)
				/* Write params to PS */
				ConnectionSmPutAttribute(PSKEY_ATTRIBUTE_BASE, &bdaddr_ind, ATTRIBUTE_SIZE, lAttributes); 
				A2DP_MSG_DEBUG(("A2DP: Store A2DP attributes [%d][%d][%d][%d][%d][%d]\n",lAttributes[0],
			   		lAttributes[1],lAttributes[2],lAttributes[3],lAttributes[4],lAttributes[5])) ;
		theHeadset.seid = seid;
		theHeadset.last_used_seid = seid;
		A2DP_MSG_DEBUG(("    Selected SEID = %d\n", seid));
void hfpHandlerDisconnectInd(const HFP_SLC_DISCONNECT_IND_T *ind)
	bdaddr ag_addr;
	bool last_ag = FALSE;
	/* Check if this was the result of an abnormal link loss */
    if (ind->status == hfp_disconnect_link_loss ) 
        HFP_DEBUG(("HFP: Link Loss Detect\n")) ;
        MessageSend( &theHeadset.task , EventLinkLoss , 0 ) ;
		theHeadset.combined_link_loss = FALSE;
	if (last_ag)
		uint8 lAttributes[ATTRIBUTE_SIZE];
		/* Retrieve attributes for this device */
    	if (ConnectionSmGetAttributeNow(PSKEY_ATTRIBUTE_BASE, &ag_addr, ATTRIBUTE_SIZE, lAttributes))
			bool write_params = FALSE;
			if (!lAttributes[attribute_hfp_hsp_profile])
				lAttributes[attribute_hfp_hsp_profile] = ATTRIBUTE_GET_HF_PROFILE(theHeadset.profile_connected);
				write_params = TRUE;
			if (lAttributes[attribute_hfp_volume] != theHeadset.gHfpVolumeLevel)
				lAttributes[attribute_hfp_volume] = theHeadset.gHfpVolumeLevel;
				write_params = TRUE;
			if (write_params)
				/* Write params to PS */
				ConnectionSmPutAttribute(PSKEY_ATTRIBUTE_BASE, &ag_addr, ATTRIBUTE_SIZE, lAttributes); 
				HFP_DEBUG(("HFP: Store HFP attributes [%d][%d][%d][%d][%d][%d]\n",lAttributes[0],
				   lAttributes[1],lAttributes[2],lAttributes[3],lAttributes[4],lAttributes[5])) ;
        Handle the case where an incoming call is rejected using the headset profile.
		As we get no indicator info, the AV must be restarted on a SLC disconnect.
    if ((theHeadset.profile_connected == hfp_headset_profile))
    /* Update the app state if we are connected */
    if ( stateManagerIsHfpConnected() )
        stateManagerEnterHfpConnectableState( FALSE ) ;
    MessageSend(&theHeadset.task , EventSLCDisconnected , 0) ;
        /* Connection disconnected */
    theHeadset.profile_connected = hfp_no_profile;
	theHeadset.hfp_hsp = NULL;

	/* Reset in-band ring tone support flag */
	theHeadset.InBandRingEnabled = FALSE;
	/* Update Link Policy as HFP has disconnected. */
