Example #1
        || BodyHasConstraint(body, "log_failed"))
        if (!BodyHasConstraint(body, "log_string"))
            SeqAppend(errors, PolicyErrorNew(POLICY_ELEMENT_TYPE_BODY, body, "An action body with log_kept, log_repaired or log_failed is required to have a log_string attribute"));
            success = false;

    return success;

static const ConstraintSyntax action_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("action_policy", "fix,warn,nop", "Whether to repair or report about non-kept promises", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("ifelapsed", CF_VALRANGE, "Number of minutes before next allowed assessment of promise. Default value: control body value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("expireafter", CF_VALRANGE, "Number of minutes before a repair action is interrupted and retried. Default value: control body value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_string", "", "A message to be written to the log when a promise verification leads to a repair", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("log_level", "inform,verbose,error,log", "The reporting level sent to syslog", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_kept", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("log_priority", "emergency,alert,critical,error,warning,notice,info,debug","The priority level of the log message, as interpreted by a syslog server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_repaired", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("log_failed", CF_LOGRANGE,"This should be filename of a file to which log_string will be saved, if undefined it goes to the system logger", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_kept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_repaired", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value attributed to reparing this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("value_notkept", CF_REALRANGE, "A real number value (possibly negative) attributed to not keeping this promise", SYNTAX_STATUS_REMOVED),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("audit", "true/false switch for detailed audit records of this promise. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("background", "true/false switch for parallelizing the promise repair. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("report_level", "inform,verbose,error,log", "The reporting level for standard output for this promise. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("measurement_class", "", "If set performance will be measured and recorded under this identifier", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Example #2
  To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Enterprise
  versions of CFEngine, the applicable Commercial Open Source License
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include <mod_storage.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax volume_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("check_foreign", "true/false verify storage that is mounted from a foreign system on this host. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("freespace", "[0-9]+[MBkKgGmb%]", "Absolute or percentage minimum disk space that should be available before warning", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_size", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum size in bytes that should be used on a sensible-looking storage device", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("sensible_count", CF_VALRANGE, "Minimum number of files that should be defined on a sensible-looking storage device", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("scan_arrivals", "true/false generate pseudo-periodic disk change arrival distribution. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax volume_body = BodySyntaxNew("volume", volume_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax mount_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("edit_fstab", "true/false add or remove entries to the file system table (\"fstab\"). Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("mount_type", "nfs,nfs2,nfs3,nfs4", "Protocol type of remote file system", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_source", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Path of remote file system to mount", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("mount_server", "", "Hostname or IP or remote file system server", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("mount_options", "", "List of option strings to add to the file system table (\"fstab\")", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Example #3
  To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Enterprise
  versions of CFEngine, the applicable Commercial Open Source License
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include <mod_measurement.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax match_value_constraints[] =
    /* Row models */
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("select_line_matching", CF_ANYSTRING, "Regular expression for matching line location", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("select_line_number", CF_VALRANGE, "Read from the n-th line of the output (fixed format)", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("extraction_regex", "", "Regular expression that should contain a single backreference for extracting a value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("track_growing_file", "If true, cfengine remembers the position to which is last read when opening the file, and resets to the start if the file has since been truncated", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("select_multiline_policy", "average,sum,first,last", "Regular expression for matching line location", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax match_value_body = BodySyntaxNew("match_value", match_value_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax CF_MEASURE_BODIES[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("stream_type", "pipe,file", "The datatype being collected.", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("data_type", "counter,int,real,string,slist", "The datatype being collected.", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("history_type", "weekly,scalar,static,log", "Whether the data can be seen as a time-series or just an isolated value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("units", "", "The engineering dimensions of this value or a note about its intent used in plots", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("match_value", &match_value_body, "Criteria for extracting the measurement from a datastream", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Example #4
  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA

  To the extent this program is licensed as part of the Enterprise
  versions of CFEngine, the applicable Commerical Open Source License
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include "mod_report.h"

#include "syntax.h"

static const ConstraintSyntax printfile_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("file_to_print", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Path name to the file that is to be sent to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("number_of_lines", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer maximum number of lines to print from selected file", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax printfile_body = BodySyntaxNew("printfile", printfile_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

const const ConstraintSyntax CF_REPORT_BODIES[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("friend_pattern", "", "Regular expression to keep selected hosts from the friends report list", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewReal("intermittency", "0,1", "Real number threshold [0,1] of intermittency about current peers, report above. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("lastseen", CF_VALRANGE, "Integer time threshold in hours since current peers were last seen, report absence", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("printfile", &printfile_body, "Quote part of a file to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("report_to_file", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "The path and filename to which output should be appended", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("bundle_return_value_index", CF_IDRANGE, "The promiser is to be interpreted as a literal value that the caller can accept as a result for this bundle, i.e. a return value with array index defined by this attribute.", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("showstate", "", "List of services about which status reports should be reported to standard output", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Example #5
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("before_after", "before,after", "Menu option, point cursor before of after matched line. Default value: after", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("first_last", "first,last", "Menu option, choose first or last occurrence of match in file. Default value: last", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("select_line_matching", CF_ANYSTRING, "Regular expression for matching file line location", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax location_body = BodySyntaxNew("location", location_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax edit_field_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("allow_blank_fields", "true/false allow blank fields in a line (do not purge). Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("extend_fields", "true/false add new fields at end of line if necessary to complete edit. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("field_operation", "prepend,append,alphanum,delete,set", "Menu option policy for editing subfields. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("field_separator", CF_ANYSTRING, "The regular expression used to separate fields in a line. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("field_value", CF_ANYSTRING, "Set field value to a fixed value", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("select_field", "0,99999999", "Integer index of the field required 0..n (default starts from 1)", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("start_fields_from_zero", "If set, the default field numbering starts from 0", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("value_separator", CF_CHARRANGE, "Character separator for subfields inside the selected field. Default value: none", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax edit_field_body = BodySyntaxNew("edit_field", edit_field_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax replace_with_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("occurrences", "all,first", "Menu option to replace all occurrences or just first (NB the latter is non-convergent). Default value: all", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("replace_value", CF_ANYSTRING, "Value used to replace regular expression matches in search", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax replace_with_body = BodySyntaxNew("replace_with", replace_with_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);
Example #6
  versions of CFEngine, the applicable Commercial Open Source License
  (COSL) may apply to this file if you as a licensee so wish it. See
  included file COSL.txt.

#include <mod_exec.h>

#include <syntax.h>

static const ConstraintSyntax contain_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("useshell", "noshell,useshell,powershell," CF_BOOL, "noshell/useshell/powershell embed the command in the given shell environment. Default value: noshell", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("umask", "", "The umask value for the child process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("exec_owner", "", "The user name or id under which to run the process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("exec_group", "", "The group name or id under which to run the process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("exec_timeout", "1,3600", "Timeout in seconds for command completion", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("chdir", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Directory for setting current/base directory for the process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("chroot", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Directory of root sandbox for process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("preview", "true/false preview command when running in dry-run mode (with -n). Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("no_output", "true/false discard all output from the command. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),

static const BodySyntax contain_body = BodySyntaxNew("contain", contain_constraints, NULL, SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL);

static const ConstraintSyntax commands_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("args", "", "Alternative string of arguments for the command (concatenated with promiser string)", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBody("contain", &contain_body, "Containment options for the execution process", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewBool("module", "true/false whether to expect the cfengine module protocol. Default value: false", SYNTAX_STATUS_NORMAL),
Example #7
static const ConstraintSyntax package_method_constraints[] =
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_add_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to install a package to the system", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_arch_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewOption("package_changes", "individual,bulk", "Menu option - whether to group packages into a single aggregate command", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_delete_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to remove a package from the system", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_delete_convention", "", "This is how the package manager expects the package to be referred to in the deletion part of a package update, e.g. $(name)", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewStringList("package_file_repositories", "", "A list of machine-local directories to search for packages"),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_installed_regex", "", "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_default_arch_command", CF_ABSPATHRANGE, "Command to detect the default packages' architecture", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_arch_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package architecture string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to obtain a list of available packages", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_name_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_update_command", "", "Command to update the list of available packages (if any)", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("package_list_update_ifelapsed", CF_INTRANGE, "The ifelapsed locking time in between updates of the package list", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_list_version_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package version string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_name_convention", "", "This is how the package manager expects the package to be referred to, e.g. $(name).$(arch)", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_name_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package name string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_noverify_regex", "", "Regular expression to match verification failure output", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewInt("package_noverify_returncode", CF_INTRANGE, "Integer return code indicating package verification failure", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_arch_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update architecture string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to update to the latest patch release of an installed package", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_installed_regex", "", "Regular expression which matches packages that are already installed", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_list_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to obtain a list of available patches or updates", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_name_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update name string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_patch_version_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract update version string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_update_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to update to the latest version a currently installed package", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_verify_command", CF_PATHRANGE, "Command to verify the correctness of an installed package", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_version_regex", "", "Regular expression with one backreference to extract package version string", NULL),
    ConstraintSyntaxNewString("package_multiline_start", "", "Regular expression which matches the start of a new package in multiline output", NULL),