/* LoadMgeTrnHmmFile: */ static void LoadMgeTrnHmmFile(int nIter) { char hext[15], hmmFile[255]; ResetHeap(&hmmStack); CreateHeap(&hmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); sprintf(hext, "mmf%d", nIter); MakeFN(mmfFn, outDir, hext, hmmFile); CreateHMMSet(&hset, &hmmStack, TRUE); AddMMF(&hset, hmmFile); if (trace & T_TOP) printf("Loading MGE-trained HMM in iteration %d ... ... \n", nIter); if (MakeHMMSet(&hset, hmmListFn) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed"); if (LoadHMMSet(&hset, hmmDir, hmmExt) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed"); SetParmHMMSet(&hset); /* variance inversion, MGE training only support INVDIAGC case */ ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); if (funcType == MGE_TRAIN) AttachAccToModel(); }
/* OutputIntmdHmmFile: Output intermedia HMM files */ static void OutputIntmdHmmFile(int nIter) { char hext[16]; if (trace & T_TOP) { fprintf(stdout, "\nSaving HMM to %s ... \n", outDir); fflush(stdout); } /* fix variance floor */ ApplyVFloor(&hset); /* variance re-inversion for output HMM */ ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); sprintf(hext, "mmf%d", nIter); SaveHMMSet(&hset, outDir, NULL, hext, TRUE); ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); }
xf = xfInfo.paXForm; if ((xfInfo.paXForm != NULL) && !(uFlags&UPXFORM)) { while (xf != NULL) { if ((xf->xformSet->xkind != CMLLR) && (xf->xformSet->xkind != SEMIT)) HError(999,"SAT only supported with SEMIT/CMLLR transforms"); xf = xf->parentXForm; } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *datafn=NULL; char *datafn2=NULL; char *s; char *scriptFile; char datafn1[MAXSTRLEN]; char newFn[MAXSTRLEN]; FILE *f; UttInfo *utt; /* utterance information storage */ FBInfo *fbInfo; /* forward-backward information storage */ HMMSet hset; /* Set of HMMs to be re-estimated */ Source src; float tmpFlt; int tmpInt; int numUtt,spUtt=0; void Initialise(FBInfo *fbInfo, MemHeap *x, HMMSet *hset, char *hmmListFn); void DoForwardBackward(FBInfo *fbInfo, UttInfo *utt, char *datafn, char *datafn2); void UpdateModels(HMMSet *hset, ParmBuf pbuf2); void StatReport(HMMSet *hset); if(InitShell(argc,argv,herest_version,herest_vc_id)<SUCCESS) HError(2300,"HERest: InitShell failed"); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitAudio(); InitWave(); InitVQ(); InitLabel(); InitModel(); if(InitParm()<SUCCESS) HError(2300,"HERest: InitParm failed"); InitTrain(); InitUtil(); InitFB(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo); InitMap(); if (!InfoPrinted() && NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); if (NumArgs() == 0) Exit(0); al_hmmDir[0] = '\0'; al_hmmExt[0] = '\0'; al_hmmMMF[0] = '\0'; al_hmmLst[0] = '\0'; up_hmmMMF[0] = '\0'; CreateHeap(&hmmStack,"HmmStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset,&hmmStack,TRUE); CreateHeap(&uttStack, "uttStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100, 1000); utt = (UttInfo *) New(&uttStack, sizeof(UttInfo)); CreateHeap(&fbInfoStack, "FBInfoStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 100 , 1000 ); fbInfo = (FBInfo *) New(&fbInfoStack, sizeof(FBInfo)); CreateHeap(&accStack, "accStore", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 50000, 500000); while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s)!=1) HError(2319,"HERest: Bad switch %s; must be single letter",s); switch(s[0]){ case 'b': if (NextArg()!=STRINGARG) HError(2319,"HERest: script file expected"); scriptFile = GetStrArg(); break;
/* Initialise: */ static void Initialise() { char macroname[MAXSTRLEN]; AdaptXForm *xform; /* load HMMs and init HMMSet related global variables */ if (trace & T_TOP) printf("Loading HMM for updating ... ... \n"); if (MakeHMMSet(&hset, hmmListFn) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed"); if (LoadHMMSet(&hset, hmmDir, hmmExt) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed"); SetParmHMMSet(&hset); /* variance inversion, MGE training only support INVDIAGC case */ if (hset.ckind == DIAGC) ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); /* load transform */ if (xformfn != NULL) { xform = LoadOneXForm(&hset, NameOf(xformfn, macroname), xformfn); SetXForm(&hset, &xfInfo, xform); } if (funcType == MGE_TRAIN) AttachAccToModel(); /* reload the HMM for reference in training */ if (mtInfo->bOrigHmmRef) { if (trace & T_TOP) printf("Loading HMM for reference ... ... \n"); if (MakeHMMSet(&orighset, hmmListFn) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed"); if (LoadHMMSet(&orighset, hmmDir, hmmExt) < SUCCESS) HError(2321, "Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed"); SetParmHMMSet(&orighset); /* variance inversion, MGE training only support INVDIAGC case */ if (hset.ckind == DIAGC) ConvDiagC(&orighset, TRUE); /* load transform */ if (xformfn != NULL) { xform = LoadOneXForm(&orighset, NameOf(xformfn, macroname), xformfn); SetXForm(&orighset, &xfInfo, xform); } } if (trace & T_TOP) { printf("System is "); switch (hset.hsKind) { case PLAINHS: printf("PLAIN\n"); break; case SHAREDHS: printf("SHARED\n"); break; case TIEDHS: printf("TIED\n"); break; case DISCRETEHS: printf("DISCRETE\n"); break; } printf("%d Logical/%d Physical Models Loaded, VecSize=%d\n", hset.numLogHMM, hset.numPhyHMM, hset.vecSize); if (hset.numFiles > 0) printf("%d MMF input files\n", hset.numFiles); if (mmfFn != NULL) printf("Output to MMF file: %s\n", mmfFn); fflush(stdout); } /* initialize a MgeTrnInfo for MGE training of HMM */ InitMgeTrnInfo(); }
/* main: */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s; char fname[MAXSTRLEN]; InitShell(argc, argv, hmgetool_version, hmgetool_vc_id); InitMem(); InitMath(); InitSigP(); InitWave(); InitLabel(); InitModel(); InitTrain(); InitParm(); InitUtil(); InitFB(); InitGen(); InitAdapt(&xfInfo, NULL); InitMTrain(); /* process argument */ if (NumArgs() == 0) ReportUsage(); CreateHeap(&hmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 4000000); CreateHeap(&orighmmStack, "Model Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 4000000); CreateHeap(&accStack, "Acc Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&genStack, "Gen Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); CreateHeap(&mgeStack, "MGE Train Stack", MSTAK, 1, 1.0, 80000, 400000); SetConfParms(); CreateHMMSet(&hset, &hmmStack, TRUE); CreateHMMSet(&orighset, &orighmmStack, TRUE); statInfo = (MTStatInfo *) New(&gstack, sizeof(MTStatInfo)); memset(statInfo, 0, sizeof(MTStatInfo)); genInfo = (GenInfo *) New(&genStack, sizeof(GenInfo)); memset(genInfo, 0, sizeof(GenInfo)); genInfo->hset = &hset; genInfo->genMem = &genStack; mtInfo = (MgeTrnInfo *) New(&mgeStack, sizeof(MgeTrnInfo)); memset(mtInfo, 0, sizeof(MgeTrnInfo)); mtInfo->genInfo = genInfo; mtInfo->statInfo = statInfo; mtInfo->hset = &hset; mtInfo->orighset = &orighset; mtInfo->mgeMem = &mgeStack; while (NextArg() == SWITCHARG) { s = GetSwtArg(); if (strlen(s) != 1) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Bad switch %s; must be single letter", s); switch (s[0]) { case 'a': nMaxBAIter = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); nMaxBALen = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); break; case 'b': mtInfo->bBoundAdj = TRUE; nBAEndIter = GetChkedInt(0, 1000, s); nBoundAdjWin = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); break; case 'c': outProcData = TRUE; break; case 'd': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM definition directory expected"); hmmDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'e': mtInfo->bStepLimit = TRUE; break; case 'f': frameRate = (HTime) GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'g': mtInfo->bMVar = TRUE; break; case 'i': startIter = GetChkedInt(0, 1000, s); endIter = GetChkedInt(startIter, 1000, s); break; case 'j': funcType = GetChkedInt(0, 2, s); mtInfo->funcType = funcType; break; case 'l': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Label file output directory expected"); outLabDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'o': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM file extension expected"); outExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'p': A_STEP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); B_STEP = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 10000000.0, s); break; case 'r': mtInfo->bOrigHmmRef = TRUE; if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM macro file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&orighset, s); break; case 's': /* updating scale file */ scalefn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'u': SetuFlags(); break; case 'v': MSDthresh = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1.0, s); break; case 'w': fGVDistWght = GetChkedFlt(0.0, 1000.0, s); break; case 'x': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM file extension expected"); hmmExt = GetStrArg(); break; case 'B': inBinary = TRUE; break; case 'G': mtInfo->nGainStreamIndex = GetChkedInt(1, SMAX, s); mtInfo->nGainDimIndex = GetChkedInt(1, 1000, s); if (NextArg() == FLOATARG || NextArg() == INTARG) mtInfo->fGainWghtComp = GetChkedFlt(-10000.0, 1000000.0, s); break; case 'H': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM macro file name expected"); mmfFn = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&hset, mmfFn); break; case 'I': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: MLF file name expected"); LoadMasterFile(GetStrArg()); break; case 'J': /* regression class and tree */ if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM regression class/tree file name expected"); s = GetStrArg(); AddMMF(&hset, s); AddMMF(&orighset, s); break; case 'K': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: HMM transform file name expected"); xformfn = GetStrArg(); break; case 'L': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Label file directory expected"); labDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'M': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Output macro file directory expected"); outDir = GetStrArg(); break; case 'T': trace = GetChkedInt(0, 0100000, s); break; case 'X': if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(2319, "HMGenS: Label file extension expected"); labExt = GetStrArg(); break; default: HError(6601, "HMgeTool: Unknown switch %s", s); } } if (NextArg() != STRINGARG) HError(6601, "HMgeTool: file name of model list expected"); hmmListFn = GetStrArg(); Initialise(); if (funcType == MGE_EVAL) { PerformMgeEval(); } else if (funcType == MGE_TRAIN) { PerformMgeTrain(); if (endIter > 0 && bMgeUpdate) { /* output HMM files */ ConvDiagC(&hset, TRUE); SaveHMMSet(&hset, outDir, outExt, NULL, inBinary); } } else if (funcType == MGE_ADAPT) { PerformMgeAdapt(); if (endIter > 0 && bMgeUpdate) { MakeFN(xformfn, outDir, NULL, fname); SaveOneXForm(&hset, hset.curXForm, fname, FALSE); } } ResetHeap(&hmmStack); ResetHeap(&orighmmStack); ResetHeap(&accStack); ResetHeap(&genStack); ResetHeap(&mgeStack); return 0; }
void Initialise(void) { /* load HMM mmf */ if (MakeHMMSet(&hmset, GetStrArg()) < SUCCESS) HError(9928, "Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed"); if (LoadHMMSet(&hmset, hmmDir, hmmExt) < SUCCESS) HError(9928, "Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed"); if (hmset.hsKind == DISCRETEHS) HError(9999, "Initialise: Only continuous model is surpported"); ConvDiagC(&hmset, TRUE); if (trace & T_TOP) { PrintrFlags(); printf("HMMSet is "); switch (hmset.hsKind) { case PLAINHS: printf("PLAIN\n"); break; case SHAREDHS: printf("SHARED\n"); break; case TIEDHS: printf("TIED\n"); break; default: HError(9999, "Initialise: Only continuous model is supported"); } printf("%d Logical/%d Physical Models Loaded, VecSize=%d\n", hmset.numLogHMM, hmset.numPhyHMM, hmset.vecSize); if (hmset.numFiles > 0) printf("%d MMF input files\n", hmset.numFiles); fflush(stdout); } /* load duration mmf */ if (!stateAlign) { if (MakeHMMSet(&dmset, GetStrArg()) < SUCCESS) HError(9928, "Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed"); if (LoadHMMSet(&dmset, dmDir, dmExt) < SUCCESS) HError(9928, "Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed"); if (hmset.hsKind == DISCRETEHS) HError(9999, "Initialise: Only continuous duration model mmf is surpported"); ConvDiagC(&dmset, TRUE); if (trace & T_TOP) { printf("DurationModelSet is "); switch (dmset.hsKind) { case PLAINHS: printf("PLAIN\n"); break; case SHAREDHS: printf("SHARED\n"); break; case TIEDHS: printf("TIED\n"); break; default: HError(9999, "Initialise: Only continuous model is supported"); } printf("%d Logical/%d Physical Models Loaded, VecSize=%d\n", dmset.numLogHMM, dmset.numPhyHMM, dmset.vecSize); if (dmset.numFiles > 0) printf("%d MMF input files\n", dmset.numFiles); fflush(stdout); } } /* setup GenInfo */ genInfo->genMem = &genStack; genInfo->hset = &hmset; genInfo->dset = &dmset; genInfo->maxStates = MaxStatesInSet(&hmset); genInfo->maxMixes = MaxMixInSet(&hmset); genInfo->speakRate = speakRate; genInfo->MSDthresh = MSDthresh; genInfo->modelAlign = modelAlign; genInfo->stateAlign = stateAlign; genInfo->frameRate = frameRate; CheckGenSetUp(); /* setup EM-based parameter generation */ AttachAccs(&hmset, &gstack, (UPDSet) 0); ZeroAccs(&hmset, (UPDSet) 0); if (!stateAlign) { AttachAccs(&dmset, &gstack, (UPDSet) 0); ZeroAccs(&dmset, (UPDSet) 0); } if (type != CHOLESKY) InitialiseForBack(fbInfo, &fbInfoStack, &hmset, (UPDSet) 0, ((useHMMFB || stateAlign) ? NULL : &dmset), (UPDSet) 0, pruneInit, pruneInc, pruneLim, minFrwdP, useAlign, FALSE); /* handle input xform */ xfInfo_hmm.inFullC = xfInfo_dur.inFullC = TRUE; /* semi-tied case */ if (hmset.semiTied != NULL) { SetXForm(&hmset, NULL, hmset.semiTied); ApplyHMMSetXForm(&hmset, hmset.semiTied, TRUE); } /* linear weight -> log weight */ ConvLogWt(&hmset); }
/* Initialise: set up global data structures */ void Initialise(void) { Boolean eSep; int s; /* Load hmms, convert to inverse DiagC */ if(MakeHMMSet(&hset,hmmListFn)<SUCCESS) HError(3228,"Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed"); if(LoadHMMSet(&hset,hmmDir,hmmExt)<SUCCESS) HError(3228,"Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed"); ConvDiagC(&hset,TRUE); /* Create observation and storage for input buffer */ SetStreamWidths(hset.pkind,hset.vecSize,hset.swidth,&eSep); obs=MakeObservation(&gstack,hset.swidth,hset.pkind, hset.hsKind==DISCRETEHS,eSep); /* sort out masks just in case using adaptation */ if (xfInfo.inSpkrPat == NULL) xfInfo.inSpkrPat = xfInfo.outSpkrPat; if (xfInfo.paSpkrPat == NULL) xfInfo.paSpkrPat = xfInfo.outSpkrPat; if (xfInfo.useOutXForm || (update>0)) { CreateHeap(®Heap, "regClassStore", MSTAK, 1, 0.5, 1000, 8000 ); /* This initialises things - temporary hack - THINK!! */ CreateAdaptXForm(&hset, "tmp"); /* initialise structures for the f-b frame-state alignment pass */ utt = (UttInfo *) New(®Heap, sizeof(UttInfo)); fbInfo = (FBInfo *) New(®Heap, sizeof(FBInfo)); /* initialise a recogniser for frame/state alignment purposes */ alignpsi=InitPSetInfo(&hset); alignvri=InitVRecInfo(alignpsi,1,TRUE,FALSE); SetPruningLevels(alignvri,0,genBeam,-LZERO,0.0,tmBeam); InitUttInfo(utt, FALSE); InitialiseForBack(fbInfo, ®Heap, &hset, (UPDSet) (UPXFORM), genBeam*2.0, genBeam*2.0, genBeam*4.0+1.0, 10.0); utt->twoDataFiles = FALSE; utt->S = hset.swidth[0]; AttachPreComps(&hset,hset.hmem); } CreateHeap(&bufHeap,"Input Buffer heap",MSTAK,1,0.0,50000,50000); CreateHeap(&repHeap,"Replay Buffer heap",MSTAK,1,0.0,50000,50000); maxM = MaxMixInSet(&hset); for (s=1; s<=hset.swidth[0]; s++) maxMixInS[s] = MaxMixInSetS(&hset, s); if (trace&T_TOP) { printf("Read %d physical / %d logical HMMs\n", hset.numPhyHMM,hset.numLogHMM); fflush(stdout); } /* Initialise recogniser */ if (nToks>1) nBeam=genBeam; psi=InitPSetInfo(&hset); vri=InitVRecInfo(psi,nToks,models,states); /* Read dictionary and create storage for lattice */ InitVocab(&vocab); if(ReadDict(dictFn,&vocab)<SUCCESS) HError(3213, "Main: ReadDict failed"); CreateHeap(&ansHeap,"Lattice heap",MSTAK,1,0.0,4000,4000); if (trace & T_MEM){ printf("Memory State After Initialisation\n"); PrintAllHeapStats(); } }