Example #1
ObjectPtr LightSource::Copy()
    LightSource *New = new LightSource();

    /* Copy light source. */

    *New = *this;

        New->children[0] = Copy_Object(children[0]);
    New->Projected_Through_Object = Copy_Object(Projected_Through_Object);

    return (New);
Example #2
static OBJECT *Copy_Bound_Clip (OBJECT *Old)
  OBJECT *Current, *New, *Prev, *First;

  First = Prev = NULL;

  for (Current = Old; Current != NULL; Current = Current->Sibling)
    New = Copy_Object (Current);

    if (First == NULL)
      First = New;

    if (Prev != NULL)
      Prev->Sibling = New;

    Prev = New;

  return (First);
Example #3
void cMouseCursor :: Copy( cSprite *nCopyObject, double x, double y )
	cSprite *new_Sprite = Copy_Object( nCopyObject, x, y );

	if( !new_Sprite ) 
		printf( "MouseCursor CopyObject invald source Object\n" );

	if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_MASSIVE ) 
		AddMassiveObject( new_Sprite );
	else if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_PASSIVE ) 
		AddPassiveObject( new_Sprite );
	else if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_ACTIVE ) 
		AddActiveObject( new_Sprite );
	else if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_ENEMY ) 
		AddEnemyObject( new_Sprite );
		printf( "MouseCursor CopyObject unknown Array : %d\n", new_Sprite->array );
		delete new_Sprite;
		new_Sprite = NULL;
Example #4
vector<ObjectPtr> Copy_Objects (vector<ObjectPtr>& Src)
    vector<ObjectPtr> Dst;

    for(vector<ObjectPtr>::iterator it = Src.begin(); it != Src.end(); it++)
    return (Dst);
Example #5
Camera& Camera::operator=(const Camera& src)
	Assign_Vector(Location, src.Location);
	Assign_Vector(Direction, src.Direction);
	Assign_Vector(Up, src.Up);
	Assign_Vector(Right, src.Right);
	Assign_Vector(Sky, src.Sky);
	Assign_Vector(Look_At, src.Look_At);
	Assign_Vector(Focal_Point, src.Focal_Point);

	Focal_Distance = src.Focal_Distance;
	Aperture = src.Aperture;
	Blur_Samples = src.Blur_Samples;
	Blur_Samples_Min = src.Blur_Samples_Min;
	Confidence = src.Confidence;
	Variance = src.Variance;
	Type = src.Type;
	Angle = src.Angle;
	H_Angle = src.H_Angle;
	V_Angle = src.V_Angle;

	if (Tnormal != NULL)
	Tnormal = src.Tnormal ? Copy_Tnormal(src.Tnormal) : NULL;
	if (Trans != NULL)
	Trans = src.Trans ? Copy_Transform(src.Trans) : NULL;

	if (Bokeh != NULL)
	Bokeh = src.Bokeh ? Copy_Pigment(src.Bokeh) : NULL;

	for (std::vector<ObjectPtr>::iterator it = Meshes.begin(); it != Meshes.end(); it++)
	for (std::vector<ObjectPtr>::const_iterator it = src.Meshes.begin(); it != src.Meshes.end(); it++)
	Face_Distribution_Method = src.Face_Distribution_Method;
	Rays_Per_Pixel = src.Rays_Per_Pixel;
	Max_Ray_Distance = src.Max_Ray_Distance;
	Mesh_Index = src.Mesh_Index;
	for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
		U_Xref[i] = src.U_Xref[i];
		V_Xref[i] = src.V_Xref[i];
	Smooth = src.Smooth;

	return *this;
Example #6
TraceThreadData::TraceThreadData(shared_ptr<SceneData> sd): sceneData(sd), qualityFlags(9)
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        Fractal_IStack[i] = NULL;
    Fractal::Allocate_Iteration_Stack(Fractal_IStack, sceneData->Fractal_Iteration_Stack_Length);
    Max_Blob_Queue_Size = 1;
    Blob_Coefficient_Count = sceneData->Max_Blob_Components * 5;
    Blob_Interval_Count = sceneData->Max_Blob_Components * 2;
    Blob_Queue = reinterpret_cast<void **>(POV_MALLOC(sizeof(void **), "Blob Queue"));
    Blob_Coefficients = reinterpret_cast<DBL *>(POV_MALLOC(sizeof(DBL) * Blob_Coefficient_Count, "Blob Coefficients"));
    Blob_Intervals = new Blob_Interval_Struct [Blob_Interval_Count];
    isosurfaceData = reinterpret_cast<ISO_ThreadData *>(POV_MALLOC(sizeof(ISO_ThreadData), "Isosurface Data"));
    isosurfaceData->ctx = NULL;
    isosurfaceData->current = NULL;
    isosurfaceData->cache = false;
    isosurfaceData->Inv3 = 1;
    isosurfaceData->fmax = 0.0;
    isosurfaceData->tl = 0.0;
    isosurfaceData->Vlength = 0.0;

    functionContext = new FPUContext(sceneData->functionVM, this);


    Facets_Last_Seed = 0x80000000;

    timeType = kUnknownTime;
    cpuTime = 0;
    realTime = 0;

    for(vector<LightSource *>::iterator it = sceneData->lightSources.begin(); it != sceneData->lightSources.end(); it++)
        lightSources.push_back(static_cast<LightSource *> (Copy_Object(*it)));

    // all of these are for photons
    LightSource *photonLight = NULL;
    ObjectPtr photonObject = NULL;
    litObjectIgnoresPhotons = false;
    hitObject = false;    // did we hit the target object? (for autostop)
    photonSpread = 0.0; // photon spread (in radians)
    photonDepth = 0.0;  // total distance from light to intersection
    passThruThis = false;           // is this a pass-through object?
    passThruPrev = false;           // was the previous object pass-through?
    Light_Is_Global = false;       // is the current light global? (not part of a light_group?)

    CrCache_MaxAge = 1;
    progress_index = 0;

    surfacePhotonMap = new PhotonMap();
    mediaPhotonMap = new PhotonMap();

    // advise the crackle cache's unordered_map that we don't mind hash collisions
    // while this is a very high load factor, the simple fact is that the cost of
    // allocating memory at render time (each insert into the table requires an alloc
    // as the container doesn't pre-emptively allocate, unlike e.g. std::vector) is
    // quite high, particularly when we have multiple threads contending for the heap
    // lock.

    numberOfWaves = sd->numberOfWaves;
    Initialize_Waves(waveFrequencies, waveSources, numberOfWaves);
Example #7
void cMouseCursor :: Leveleditor_Update( void )
	if( !Leveleditor_CollsionCheck( posx, posy ) )
		string type;
		type.reserve( 60 );

		if( iCollisionType == 1 )	// Massive
			if( !MousePressed_left || !MouseObject )
				MouseObject = MassiveObjects[iCollisionNumber];

			if( MouseObject->halfmassive )
				type = "Halfmassive";
				type = "Massive";
		else if( iCollisionType == 2 )	// Active
			if( !MousePressed_left || !MouseObject )
				MouseObject = ActiveObjects[iCollisionNumber];

			if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_ENEMYSTOPPER )
				type = "Enemystopper";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_GOLDPIECE )
				type = "Goldpiece";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_MOON )
				type = "Moon (3-UP)";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_CLOUD )
				type = "Moving Cloud";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_HALFMASSIVE )
				if( !MouseObject->climbable )
					type = "Halfmassive";
					type = "Climbable";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_GOLDBOX )
				type = "Gold box";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_BONUSBOX_MUSHROOM_FIRE )
				type = "Bonus box Mushroom - Fire";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_BONUSBOX_LIVE )
				type = "Bonus box Level-UP";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_SPINBOX )
				type = "Spin box";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_LEVELEXIT )
				cLevelExit *active = (cLevelExit*)MouseObject;

				if( active->levelchange == LVLCHANGE_WARP )
					type = "Levelexit (Warp)";
					type = "Levelexit (Beam)";
				type = "Active";
		else if( iCollisionType == 3 )	// Enemy
			if( !MousePressed_left || !MouseObject )
				MouseObject = EnemyObjects[iCollisionNumber];

			if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_TURTLE )
				type = "Red Rurtle";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_GOOMBA )
				cGoomba *enemy = (cGoomba*)MouseObject;

				if( enemy->color == 1 ) // Red
					type = "Blue Goomba";
					type = "Brown Goomba";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_JPIRANHA )
				type = "Jumping Piranha";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_BANZAI_BILL )
				type = "Banzai Bill";
			else if( MouseObject->type == TYPE_REX )
				type = "Rex";
				type = "Enemy";
		else if( iCollisionType == 4 )	// Player
			if( !MousePressed_left || !MouseObject )
				MouseObject = (cSprite*)pPlayer;
			type = "Maryo";
		else if( iCollisionType == 5 )	// Passive
			if( !MousePressed_left || !MouseObject )
				MouseObject = PassiveObjects[iCollisionNumber];
			type = "Passive";
		else if( iCollisionType == 6 ) // Leveleditor Item Object
			Menu_Item_Object *item = pLeveleditor->Get_Item_Object( iCollisionNumber + 1 );

			if( item && !MousePressed_left ) 
				type = item->name;
				type = "";

			if( !MouseObject ) 
				if( MousePressed_left ) 
					cSprite *new_Sprite = Copy_Object( item->Sprite_type, posx, posy );

					if( !new_Sprite ) 
						printf( "Sprite copying Error\n" );

					if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_MASSIVE ) 
						AddMassiveObject( new_Sprite );
					else if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_PASSIVE ) 
						AddPassiveObject( new_Sprite );
					else if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_ACTIVE ) 
						AddActiveObject( new_Sprite );
					else if( new_Sprite->array == ARRAY_ENEMY ) 
						AddEnemyObject( new_Sprite );

					new_Sprite->posx = posx;
					new_Sprite->posy = posy;

					mouse_H = new_Sprite->rect.h/2;
					mouse_W = new_Sprite->rect.w/2;

					MouseObject = new_Sprite;
			else if( !MousePressed_left ) 
				MouseObject = NULL;
		else if( iCollisionType == 7 ) // Leveleditor Main Menu Object
			Menu_Main_Object *item = pLeveleditor->Get_Main_Object( iCollisionNumber + 1 );

			if( item && !MousePressed_left ) 
				type = item->name;
				type = "";

			if( !MouseObject ) 
				if( MousePressed_left ) 
					if( item->Item_Menu_Id != MENU_FUNCTION ) 
						pLeveleditor->Load_Item_Menu( item->Item_Menu_Id );
						pLeveleditor->Set_Main_Active( iCollisionNumber );
						MousePressed_left = 0;
				MouseObject = NULL;
		else if( iCollisionType == 8 ) // Leveleditor Item Object Scroller
			type = "Object Scroller";

			if( !MouseObject && MousePressed_left ) 
				if( col_dir == DIR_LEFT )
					pLeveleditor->Item_scroller_left->active = 1;
				else if( col_dir == DIR_RIGHT )
					pLeveleditor->Item_scroller_right->active = 1;
			else if( !MousePressed_left ) 
				MouseObject = NULL;

		else if( iCollisionType == 10 ) // A Dialog Box
			if( iCollisionNumber >= 0 && ( pDialogManager->Get_Size() >= (unsigned int)iCollisionNumber ) )
				type = pDialogManager->Objects[iCollisionNumber]->identifier;

				if( MousePressed_left ) 
					MousePressed_left = 0;

		if( iCollisionType > 0 && iCollisionType < 6 && MouseObject )
			if( !MousePressed_left )
				if( iCollisionType == 4 || iCollisionType == 3 ) // If Player or Enemy !
					mouse_W = (int)( posx - MouseObject->startposx );
					mouse_H = (int)( posy - MouseObject->startposy );
					mouse_W = (int)( posx - MouseObject->posx );
					mouse_H = (int)( posy - MouseObject->posy );
			SDL_Rect rect_pos;
			SDL_Surface *Position_info = NULL;
			char info[50];

			rect_pos.x = mouseX + 20;
			rect_pos.y = mouseY + 35;
			sprintf( info ,"X : %d  Y : %d", (int)MouseObject->posx, (int)MouseObject->posy );
			Position_info = TTF_RenderText_Blended( font_16, info, colorBlack );
			SDL_BlitSurface( Position_info, NULL, screen, &rect_pos );

			SDL_FreeSurface( Position_info );
			Position_info = TTF_RenderText_Blended( font_16, info, colorWhite );

			rect_pos.x -= 2;
			rect_pos.y -= 2;

			SDL_BlitSurface( Position_info, NULL, screen, &rect_pos );
			SDL_FreeSurface( Position_info );
		if( debugdisplay->counter <= 0 )
			sprintf( debugdisplay->text, "%s", type.c_str() );
			debugdisplay->counter = 1;
		if( !MousePressed_left )
			MouseObject = NULL;

			if( !iCollisionType )
				mouse_W = 0;
				mouse_H = 0;