Example #1
/**   This function defines the connection routes to talk to Cortex.
 *    Machines can have more than one ethernet interface.  This function
 *    is used to either set the ethernet interface to use, or to let
 *    the SDK auto-select the local interface, and/or the Cortex host.
 *    This function should only be called once at startup.
 *  \param szMyNicCardAddress - "a.b.c.d" or HostName.  "" and NULL mean AutoSelect
 *  \param szCortexNicCardAddress - "a.b.c.d" or HostName.  "" and NULL mean AutoSelect
 *  \return maReturnCode - RC_Okay, RC_ApiError, RC_NetworkError, RC_GeneralError
int Cortex_Initialize(const char* szMyNicCardAddress,
                      const char* szCortexNicCardAddress)
  int retval;
  in_addr MyAddresses[10];
  int nAddresses;

  // Initialization only happens once.

  if (bInitialized) {
    LogMessage(VL_Warning, "Already Initialized");
    return RC_GeneralError;

  nAddresses = Cortex_GetAllOfMyAddresses((unsigned long *) MyAddresses, 10);
  if (nAddresses < 0) {
    LogMessage(VL_Error, "Unable to find my own machine");
    return RC_NetworkError;
  } else if (nAddresses == 0) {
    LogMessage(VL_Error, "This machine has no ethernet interfaces");
    return RC_NetworkError;

  if (szMyNicCardAddress == NULL || szMyNicCardAddress[0] == 0) {
    if (nAddresses > 1) {
                 "The local machine has more than one ethernet interface.  Using the first one found.");
    MyNicCardAddress = MyAddresses[0];

    LogMessage(VL_Info, "Initializing using my default ethernet address: %s",
  } else {
    retval = ConvertToIPAddress(szMyNicCardAddress, &MyNicCardAddress);
    if (retval != OK) {
      LogMessage(VL_Error, "Unable to find MyNicCardAddress \"%s\"",
      return RC_NetworkError;

    LogMessage(VL_Info, "Initializing using my address: %s",

  if (ConvertToIPAddress(szCortexNicCardAddress, &CortexNicCardAddress) != OK) {
    LogMessage(VL_Error, "Unable to convert \"%s\" to IP Address for Cortex",
    return RC_NetworkError;

  memset(&CortexAddr, 0, sizeof(CortexAddr));
  CortexAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // host byte order
  CortexAddr.sin_port = htons(wCortexPort); // short, network byte order
  CortexAddr.sin_addr = CortexNicCardAddress;
  LogMessage(VL_Info, "Initializing using Cortex host address: %s",

  memset(&HostInfo, 0, sizeof(sHostInfo));
  memcpy(HostInfo.HostMachineAddress, &CortexNicCardAddress, 4);

  memset(&Polled_FrameOfData, 0, sizeof(sFrameOfData));
  memset(&LatestFrameOfData, 0, sizeof(sFrameOfData));

  // Get the semaphore technique initialized (CL)
  if (sem_init(&EH_CommandConfirmed, 0, 0) != 0) {
    LogMessage(VL_Error, "Unable to initialize semaphore: %d", errno);


  usleep(10000); // Give the ListenThread time to be ready for an answer to the startup packet

  // Let the world know we are here.
  PacketOut.iCommand = PKT2_HELLO_WORLD;
  PacketOut.nBytes = sizeof(sMe);
  strcpy(PacketOut.Data.Me.szName, "ClientTest");
  memcpy(PacketOut.Data.Me.Version, MyVersionNumber, 4);


  //Broadcast(CommandSocket, wCortexPort, (char *)&PacketOut, PacketOut.nBytes + 4);

  // At this point, if szCortexNicCardAddress was not specified,
  // then CortexAddr should be the broadcast address.
  // The ListenForReplies thread will hear the response and get the actual address


  usleep(100000); // sleep until threads are running

  bInitialized = 1;

  return RC_Okay;
// main driver
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	// initialize ros / variables
	ros::init(argc, argv, "cortex_bridge");
	ros::NodeHandle nh;
	ros::ServiceServer service;
	glob = ros::Time::now();
	std::string myIP, cortexIP;

	// Get IPs from param file
	ros::NodeHandle param_nh("~");
	if ( !param_nh.getParam("local_ip", myIP) )
		ROS_ERROR ("Could not find IP of this machine in launch file.");
	if ( !param_nh.getParam("cortex_ip", cortexIP) )
		ROS_ERROR ("Could not find IP of cortex machine in launch file.");

	// publisher for markers
	Cortex_markers = nh.advertise<visualization_msgs::MarkerArray>("vis_markers", 1000);
	Cortex_markers = nh.advertise<cortex_bridge::Markers>("novis_markers", 1000);

	// broadcaster for transforms
	Cortex_broadcaster = new tf::TransformBroadcaster();

	// service to set origin for body
	service = nh.advertiseService("cortexSetOrigin", setOriginCallback);

	// set loop rate
	ros::Rate loop_rate(150);	

	// Initialize cortex connection
	if ( InitializeCortexConnection ( myIP.c_str(), cortexIP.c_str() ) != 0 )
		ROS_INFO ( "Error: Unable to initialize ethernet communication" );
		return -1;

	// get all the possible bodies to track
	NumBodiesOfInterest = GetKnownBodies ( bodyOfInterest );
	if ( NumBodiesOfInterest < 0 )
		// clean up cortex connection
		ROS_ERROR ("Are you sure you added body defs in Cortex?");
		return -1;

	// init body offsets
	bodyOriginOffset = new float*[NumBodiesOfInterest];
	for ( int i = 0; i < NumBodiesOfInterest; ++i )
		bodyOriginOffset[i] = new float[7];
		for ( int j = 0; j < 7; ++j )
			bodyOriginOffset[i][j] = 0.0;

	// get cortex frame rate information

	// set callbacks and handlers

	// call callbacks while ros::ok == true

	// clean up cortex connection
	ROS_INFO ("Cortex_Exit");

	// clean up memory
	for ( int i = 0; i < NumBodiesOfInterest; ++i )
		delete bodyOfInterest[i];
		delete bodyOriginOffset[i];
	delete bodyOfInterest;
	delete bodyOriginOffset;

	return 0;