Example #1
    CppEllipse CppEllipse::fromMatrix(const tmv::Matrix<double>& m, Angle& rotation, bool& parityFlip) 
        dbg<<"ellipse from matrix "<<m<<'\n';
        assert(m.nrows()==2 && m.ncols()==2);
        double det = m(0,0)*m(1,1) - m(0,1)*m(1,0);
        parityFlip = false;
        double scale;
        if (det < 0) {
            parityFlip = true;
            scale = -det;
        } else if (det==0.) {
            // Degenerate transformation.  Return some junk
            return CppEllipse(CppShear(0.0, 0.0), -std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
        } else {
            scale = det;
        // Determine and remove the dilation
        double mu = 0.5*std::log(scale);

        // Now make m m^T matrix, which is symmetric
        // a & b are diagonal elements here
        double a = m(0,1)*m(0,1) + m(0,0)*m(0,0);
        double b = m(1,1)*m(1,1) + m(1,0)*m(1,0);
        double c = m(1,1)*m(0,1) + m(1,0)*m(0,0);

        double eta = acosh(std::max(1.,0.5*(a+b)/scale));
        Angle beta = 0.5*std::atan2(2.*c, a-b) * radians;
        CppShear s;

        // Now look for the rotation
        rotation = std::atan2(-c*m(0,0)+a*m(1,0), b*m(0,0)-c*m(1,0)) * radians;
        return CppEllipse(s,mu, Position<double>(0.,0.));
Example #2
        static void wrap() {
            static char const * doc = 
                "SBTransform is an affine transformation of another SBProfile.\n"
                "Origin of original shape will now appear at x0.\n"
                "Flux is NOT conserved in transformation - SB is preserved."

            bp::class_< SBTransform, bp::bases<SBProfile> >("SBTransform", doc, bp::no_init)
                .def(bp::init<const SBProfile &, double, double, double, double,
                     Position<double>, double >(
                        (bp::args("sbin", "mA", "mB", "mC", "mD"),
                .def(bp::init<const SBProfile &, const CppEllipse &, double>(
                        (bp::arg("sbin"), bp::arg("e")=CppEllipse(), bp::arg("fluxScaling")=1.)
                .def(bp::init<const SBTransform &>())
Example #3
 // CppEllipses share the ordering conventions:  e1 + e2 is transform
 // e1 followed by transform e2.  Transform objects, not coords.
 CppEllipse CppEllipse::operator-() const 
     Position<double> x3(-x0);
     x3 /= expmu;
     return CppEllipse(-s, -mu, s.inv(x3));